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Looking for Housing Builders

Discussion in 'Your Services' started by Enderclaw, Nov 26, 2024.

  1. Enderclaw

    Enderclaw Discord Moderator Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    I am posting here (haven't used forums basically ever so apologizes if isn't exactly formatted correct) to look for any potential builders for my housing island. If you were to be interested please contact me either here on the forums or (preferably) on discord. Send images of any previous builds you have done or what experience you have please. My discord is Enderclaw

    The overall aspects I am looking for is the general "Wynncraft" style (mainly corkian, tromsian), great verticality management (building mountains and height scaling), adapting medieval fantasy with hints of modernity and biome blending of desert/mesa/mountain-ish terrain. Of course there is specifics to each and more finer details but this is the general idea of what I want. If someone were to be interested I would elaborate through DMS with a rough plan as well as take them to my current housing for further context (there is some story to this which helps understand all of it). I finally also would be flexible and willing to help with mundane tasks or whatever is needed as I have building experience so you will not be alone in the undertaking.

    I am not familiar of what ranges there are for payments for making a housing, but I have a lot of excess LE and willing to spend a lot for a quality product (tens of stx is a good starting amount to go from?)

    I have max useful professions and very willing to grind whatever materials you need to get the blocks you see fit.

    Thank you for reading.

    EDIT: I have found some people! Won't take many more people unless you feel very qualified to try, just dm if so I don't really mind.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2024
  2. _Qira

    _Qira Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  3. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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