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Guide The Festival of the Spirits 2024 Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Oct 13, 2024.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    A few days late, I know...

    I wonder when the dev team will stop with these seasonal events?

    The Guide & The Envoy

    [1/3] The Guide: ...The Connection has been established. My part in this is finished.
    [2/3] The Envoy: Good, good. Now, all we need to do is wait for- ah, there you are!
    [3/3] The Envoy: We've been waiting for you, hero! But now that you're here, we can begin.
    [1/10] The Envoy: ...
    [2/10] The Envoy: Perhaps we haven't! But that's quite right. The Seer was very specific with his instructions.
    [3/10] The Guide: Too specific, perhaps...
    [4/10] The Envoy: In any case, you asked who we are? We're... shall we say, a group of individuals interested in the continued wellbeing of this realm!
    [5/10] The Envoy: And, well... there has been an incident, of sorts, in the Beyond. Many spirits have escaped into your world, while others...
    [6/10] The Guide: Others have not yet succeeded. But we cannot allow them to.
    [7/10] The Envoy: Exactly! And, so, we need your help. The Guide here can point you in the direction of our escapees, if you speak to them.
    [8/10] The Envoy: And, as for the others... We've spoken to the Event Airship Captain. He'll bring you there directly.
    [9/10] The Envoy: We'll speak there. See you soon!

    The Envoy will disappear from sight in a puff of smoke

    [10/10] The Guide: ...And he's gone. You heard what he said. Speak to me for the Guiding, and take the airship for the Banishment.
    [1/10] The Envoy: Well, now. That's no way to greet a friend, is it?
    [2/10] The Guide: ...It's not like they have a wrong impression of you, Envoy. You are like this.
    [3/10] The Envoy: What! You'd turn on me as well? And here I thought we were friends.
    [4/10] The Envoy: Well, whatever the case, you're here now! And, as it so happens, we need your help... again.
    [5/10] The Envoy: There has been... an incident, of sorts, in the Beyond. Many spirits have escaped into your world, while others...
    [6/10] The Guide: Others have not yet succeeded. But we cannot allow them to.
    [7/10] The Envoy: Exactly! And, so, we need your help. The Guide here can point you in the direction of our escapees, if you speak to them.
    [8/10] The Envoy: And, as for the others... We've spoken to the Event Airship Captain. He'll bring you there directly.
    [9/10] The Envoy: We'll speak there. See you soon!

    The Envoy will disappear from sight in a puff of smoke

    [10/10] The Guide: ...And he's gone. You heard what he said. Speak to me for the Guiding, and take the airship for the Banishment.
    [1/9] The Envoy: What do you mean, what? Did I not make myself perfectly clear?
    [2/9] The Guide: ...You did not.
    [3/9] The Envoy: Hmph. Everyone's a critic. Well, you're here now, so you'll be able to help us, yes?
    [4/9] The Envoy: There has been... an incident, of sorts, in the Beyond. Many spirits have escaped into your world, while others...
    [5/9] The Guide: Others have not yet succeeded. But we cannot allow them to.
    [6/9] The Envoy: Exactly! And, so, we need your help. The Guide here can point you in the direction of our escapees, if you speak to them.
    [7/9] The Envoy: And, as for the others... We've spoken to the Event Airship Captain. He'll bring you there directly.
    [8/9] The Envoy: We'll speak there. See you soon!

    The Envoy will disappear from sight in a puff of smoke

    [9/9] The Guide: ...And he's gone. You heard what he said. Speak to me for the Guiding, and take the airship for the Banishment.

    The Envoy will disappear at the second to last dialogue, leaving the Guide to their own devices.
    [1/2] The Guide: ...You return. I take it you are willing to take up the task of the Guiding?
    [2/2] The Guide: Good. Let us begin. We will commune with those Beyond, to discern the location of those escaped.

    At the end of the dialogue, you will be given a GUI on what spirits you have not yet discovered, how many have not yet been discovered as well as how many there will be throughout the festival

    Once you click on the red circle and exit the GUI, The Guide will speak to you again.

    [1/2] The Guide: You have heard from those Beyond. Let their words guide you.
    [2/2] The Guide: Find the Lost soul, and guide it here. I will return it to its proper place.

    [1/1] The Guide: ...Again, you return. And yet, the spirit remains. Do you require guidance? Or, perhaps, something else?
    [1/1] The Guide: Then let us commune with those Beyond, once again.

    It will, again, show you the GUI for the Guiding of the Spirits
    [1/2] The Guide: ...
    [2/2] The Guide: ...I was in their position, once. I do not wish for a repeat of what happens if they are not returned.
    [1/1] The Guide: ...Very well.
    The soul will automatically gravitate toward the center of Detlas once you are near it. A flurry of particles will play out and guide the soul to the Beyond

    Once the animation has played out, The Guide will prompt a conversation with you.

    [1/1] The Guide: ... You return. The Spirit has been Guided home. Well done. Come talk to me for your reward.
    [1/1] The Guide: ... You return. And, so it seems, the spirits have been guided home. Well done. Come talk to me for your reward.
    [1/9] The Guide: ...You have done well. But that is only one of many escaped souls. We have much work ahead of us.
    [2/9] The Guide: ...But first, there is something I must tell you. The Seer... said you would likely want rewards for your work.
    [3/9] The Guide: So... to start with. Here.
    [+1 Spectral Ticket]

    [4/9] The Guide: This is a ticket used for the Drawing of the Spirits, which the Seer is holding in the northwest corner of this city.
    [5/9] The Guide: For each Lost Soul you guide, I will grant you one ticket. Each Bounty Spirit will earn you two.
    [6/9] The Guide: ...Or so the Seer told me to say.
    [7/9] The Guide: Beyond that, however, I also have many artifacts I can offer you. Once you guide enough spirits, I can grant these to you.
    [8/9] The Guide: To solidify this agreement... You may have the first. Simply click the reward's button to claim it.

    There will be another GUI menu that pops up. This is the Rewards Menu. Here, you can see your progress on how many souls you have guided to the center of Detlas.

    Click on the red circle to collect your Emblem of the Spirits.

    [9/9] The Guide: ...Then it is agreed. You will help us guide these wayward spirits home. Speak to me when you would like to continue.
    [1/3] The Guide: You return. More spirits have been guided where they belong.
    [2/3] The Guide: ...You are owed x Spectral Tickets. They are yours.
    [+x Spectral Ticket]

    [3/3] The Guide: ...Is there anything you need of me?

    How many Spectral Tickets you are owed depends on how many souls you have brought back with you to Detlas.

    Guiding of the Spirits

    Like in the Festival of the Spirits last year, you are tasked to find spirits all around the map to bring back to the center of Detlas where they can finally move on.

    And just like last year, you are not given a tethering device to find them. Instead, you have to decipher each riddle to approximately know the whereabouts of these Spirits.

    You can begin by talking to The Guide at the center of Detlas.

    Lost Souls

    Alekin (-175, 71, -1605)
    "Amidst the crawling woods, in safety at the roots of a great, homely tree."
    Infested Pit Entrance (-177, 59, -1780)
    "Trapped in webbing in the shadow of a threatening mountain."
    Nemract Cathedral (324, 48, -2208)
    "A grand place of Bovine worship, overlooking the calm seas."
    Llevigar Stables (-2032, 44, -4827)
    "By the map of the grand green fields where fantasy becomes truth."
    Cabin near Little Wood (-634, 100, -1089)
    "A homely cabin in a little wood, surrounded by nature and calm."
    House of Talor (-640, 45, -5318)
    "In a withered land, a holy place stands among its destroyed friends, still holding strong."
    Silverbull Headquarters (-120, 36, -4796)
    "A grand tower, once home to royalty, now home to businessmen."
    Nesaak (97, 73, -810)
    "Beside a cold fountain that never flows."
    Mage Island (850, 86, -2914)
    "A chained island in a place of magical practice."
    Pirate Town (-680, 68, -3194)
    "A lost soul lies in the skull's right eye, but the local corsairs may make you die."
    Ogre Den (-2154, 55, -5123)
    "Somebody once told me the swamp ogre is lonely, and he wants to find love before he's dead."
    Siegfried Statue, South of Cinfras (-381, 57, -4809)
    "The colossal stone hero stands guard outside the royal city, yet he faces away from the real danger."
    Nest of the Grootslangs entrance (-1977, 59, -5585)
    "An ancient structure, now home to slithering local fauna."
    Lusuco (-204, 28, -320)
    "A cozy winter village in the shadow of a menacing tower."
    Tempo Town (-297, 43, -1150)
    "A poor town struggling to plant its roots, threatened by the temporal anomalies that warp its area."
    Temple of Legends (-693, 63, -967)
    "A grand Temple, where fools perish trying to become Legends."
    Qira Hive (352, 31, -5397)
    "A menacing yet surprisingly hospitable giant nest stands strong in a clearing between mountains, welcoming challengers from all over."
    Hill Hovel Cave (241, 68, -1559)
    "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. But he moved off to Gavel and forgot that he had a gerbil to feed. Oops."
    Lion Cave Outskirts (785, 91, -2167)
    "A potter's home, just outside the lair of a powerful feline beast."
    Sky Kitchen (962, 125, -4487)
    "In a world-renowned kitchen, built on an island that is not oceanic."
    Twain Mansion Entrance (79, 71, -359)
    "The old house, where a man who could guide the dead once lived."

    Bounty Spirits

    Zhight Island (-696, 44, -2738)
    "Ugh, tourists. Do they ever learn?"
    Small Island, East of Pirate Town (Entrance at -440, 34, -3268) (-420, 10, -3270)
    "To be identified is an honor, a privilege. But what of the reverse?"
    Docks near Entrance to Gavel (-1886, 35, -4237)
    "Retirement ain't all it's cut out to be, kid. The sharks, they'll still find a way to get you. There's no outrunning 'em"
    North of Cherry Blossom Grove (Entratce at 613, 143, -5598) (613, 142, -5591)
    "In memory of the blossomed marksman, laid to rest up the stream and through the crags."

    To be honest, I first thought it was the Rymek Boss Altar. Didn't even know about this discovery.
    East of Forest of Eyes (1083, 92, -481)
    "Consumed. Given that which is and is not of the land, is and is not living, is and is not of this world. It cares not."

    Side note, I didn't know this creature was a thing... and I regret knowing. It ticks all my phobias.
    Centerworld Fortress (-1345, 56, -4780)
    "Two great heroes stand guard over their cities, looking ever onward. But onward leads nowhere, a mirror of the truth."
    Tower of Ascension Secret Area (-350, 57, -389)
    "Nothing more."
    Bell Tower on Nemract Cathedral (324, 113, -2170)
    "The bell tolls for those above and below. The living and the dead."
    North underneath The Great Bridge (-371, 25, -759)
    "A burning memory."
    Island in between Dead Island and Jofash Docks (1087, 38, -4090)
    "A humble home, built into the soil. Don't forget to listen to the tunes."
    Astronomy Tower above Gert Camp (9, 118, -5565)
    "Witness the lights, the lines. As above, so below... or so they say."
    Sandstorm Vandals' Hideout at Accursed Dunes (Entrance at (1436, 82, -2018)) (1423, 73, -1986)
    "A dark road, a pale star. A sense of despair, given form and soul."
    Former Clock Dungeon Building (-1256, 75, -4525)
    "Clockwork marches ever onwards, hidden just beneath the surface."
    Cave near Rice Farm (Entrance at (696, 46, -5305)) (676, 30, -5323)
    "An unfortunate soul, far from his home in canyons lost, consumed by flames in his final moments."
    Thesead Abandoned Mines (Entrance at (730, 56, -5135)) (744, 56, -5148)
    "Collapse. Rubble crashing down. Left to die."
    West Map Edge, Follow the Rose Trail (Starting point at (-2218, 57, -3863)) (-2266, 154, -3927)
    "Out of sight. The roses grow over the old warrior's past. Out of mind."
    Death's Domain, Southeast of spawning point (Krolton Cave at (340, 27, -4940)) (565, 16, -7608)
    "The third of five ventures into the gloom, in search of new frights."
    Cave behind Church (Entrance at (1118, 111, -388)) (1130, 105, -352)
    "The hunter returns to its den, and prepares for the next."

    [This guide will be updated daily, so check back every now and then. I do apologize if the thread may take a one day delay, as I'm occupied with other stuff as well now.]
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2024
  2. Alpacaturtleboy

    Alpacaturtleboy Im a guy who is adiccted to wynncraft :) CHAMPION

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    Thanks bro ur a life saver!
    But I think u forgot to add the bounty spirit locations
  3. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    I'll add them as soon as I figure out where they are
    Alpacaturtleboy likes this.
  4. Wilock

    Wilock Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Bounty spirit 3 is located at -1887 -4235 if that helps.
  5. BlueBlazing

    BlueBlazing Well-Known Adventurer

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    Bounty Spirit 2 is found at -422, 9, -3270
    There’s the “unidentifier” with a ton of potato below the sea
    meludaa, 0x0A_, Yvolved and 2 others like this.
  6. AndriX3S

    AndriX3S \\☢☣ Jägermeister ☣☢// VIP

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    Thx so much man! Awsome job as allways.
  7. Petrenocka

    Petrenocka Travelled Adventurer

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    Bounty Spirit VI is at -1339, -4788. X and Z coordinates of the Corkian hero and Sighfrid statues respectively.
    Cubo, B1andB2L and Yvolved like this.
  8. Yvolved

    Yvolved Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Bounty IV: 613, 142, -5591
    Bounty V: 1083, 92, -481
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024
    SarahChaos and B1andB2L like this.
  9. Zubou

    Zubou Newbie Adventurer VIP

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    i feel stupid somehow, im at the location of bounty spirit 1 and i cant find it, is there an item i need to see them?
  10. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    You need to reveal the hint first before you can see the Bounty Spirit (same with Lost Souls)
    luckeyLuuk, RiderTest101 and Zubou like this.
  11. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Lost Soul #5 is at -634 100 -1089 (West of Tempo Town)
    B1andB2L and AndriX3S like this.
  12. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Lost Soul #6 is at -640, 43, -5318 (In the House of Talor; South of Lexdale)
    B1andB2L, Yogfan14 and AndriX3S like this.
  13. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Lost Soul #7 is at -120, 36, -4796 (In the Silverbull Company Headquarters)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  14. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Lost Soul #8 is at 97, 73, -810 (Central fountain in Nesaak town)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  15. HTurBotH

    HTurBotH Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Lost Soul #10 is at -680, 68, -3194 (In the right eye of the dark skull in Pirate Cove)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  16. taler5

    taler5 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Bounty #9 is at -370 25 -758 (Below the large bridge leading from Nesaak to the jungle)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  17. qazaqwert

    qazaqwert Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Bounty #8 is at 324, 113, -2170 (Bell Tower of Nemract Cathedral/Saints Row)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  18. tqrpiar

    tqrpiar arne | tqrpiar VIP+

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    Bounty Spirit #11 / XI is at 9 121 -5565 (Astronomer House near Gert Camp) (at least I'm pretty sure, ran into it by accident & it crossed Bounty Spirit 11 lol)
    B1andB2L likes this.
  19. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    Bounty #12 / XII is at 1423 73 -1986, or more specifically in the Vandal's Hideout with entrance located at 1440 95 -2015
    B1andB2L likes this.
  20. B1andB2L

    B1andB2L Travelled Adventurer

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    Spirit #XI -2153 55 -5122 olux swamp/ogre den
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