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Hello World

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by arerith, Sep 25, 2024.

  1. arerith

    arerith Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello to all the powerful forces of wynncraft, I am but a lowly mage of level 10 and 4. Fighting my way in the vast world of wynncraft for last two days, hoping for many more adventures to come.

    Thanks for making this wonderful world which I just came to know about .
  2. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    Welcome to our ranks, young mage! I hope you are enjoying Wynn.
    Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Galaxias. I was previously stationed in the Silent Expanse but was relieved to come here.
    So, tell us about your travel to Ragni. Any corrupted activity? Anything out of the ordinary? @TrapinchO might be able to shed some more light on that.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2024
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Welcome to our province, young mage! How was your journey from Fruma? Still rocks all the way?

    We have already met, if you remember. Again, I apologize for my sudden departure, however there were certain matters that required my immediate attention, otherwise I would have introduced myself properly, and perhaps give some advice. Or said, well, anything.

    My name is TrapinchO and I am a now-retired archer. I fought the Corruption for years, celebrates victories, mourned losses... but alas, my hands have grown weaker, and though I am still strong, it is not as much as it used to be. So now I just sit at the castle gates, waiting for new recruits like you, or studying the Corruption in the library. So if you need help with something, be it advice or a bow to cover your back, feel free to come to me! Especially if you one day decide to attempt ???, I will gladly aid you with that one.

    And what about you? Tell us more about yourself, before you depart on your adventures!
  4. arerith

    arerith Newbie Adventurer

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    Greetings, fellow adventurer! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Galaxias. The Silent Expanse sounds both mysterious and intriguing—what tales do you carry from your time there?

    As for my journey to Ragni, it was quite eventful. The road winds through dense forests, and I encountered a peculiar old hermit who claimed to have glimpsed a shadowy figure lurking near the ancient ruins. Corrupted activity, perhaps? Or merely a trick of the moonlight? I cannot say for certain.

    And speaking of mysteries, @TrapinchO, do share your insights! Have you encountered anything out of the ordinary during your travels in Wynn? Perhaps a cryptic rune etched into a tree or an eerie whisper on the wind? Let us unravel these threads together! ✨
    Ah, TrapinchO, the seasoned archer! It’s a pleasure to reconnect with you here in the Wynncraft forums. Fruma, you say? Well, the journey was a mix of excitement and trepidation—rocks, mud, and the occasional curious squirrel. But I made it, and I’m ready for whatever this province has in store!

    Your sudden departure? No worries at all. Life happens, even in the magical realms. And I appreciate your willingness to offer advice or a trusty bow. As a fledgling mage, I’ll keep that in mind.

    As for me, I’m just starting out on my adventures. Name’s Arerith, and I’ve got a penchant for unraveling mysteries, collecting rare herbs, and accidentally setting things on fire during spell practice. Oh, and I’ve been eyeing that mysterious ??? quest you mentioned. Any hints before I dive in? Also any advice for the skills and ability tree of mage ?

    And tell me, TrapinchO, what’s the most memorable battle you’ve fought against the Corruption? I’m all ears (or eyes, in this case)!

    Ps:- Pls accept my friend request ingame.
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Heh, you got a better journey than most recruits. I usually hear about "hordes of undead" and "falling ceilling"...

    An explorer! Trust me, you will be more than satisfied in this world, there is something around every corner. As you saw in the castle, heh. If you travel into the mountains, you will see the last surviving memories of those long gone by, basements may dark secrets, mysterious platforms litter the sea... As I said, if you look, you will find. So walk off the paths and begin your journey. I am not versed in the art of magic, though I had heard those "Riftwalkers", whatever they are, can attain enough power without brutal sacrifices. Might be worth a shot, I guess. By the way, friend requests are not mutual.

    Hmm... my most memorable battle...? No, let's not talk about it, my friend Galaxias can tell you it is not a good idea. Let it die. I will tell you about another memorable one instead. It was... twenty years ago? Thirty? Something around that. Bob was still around during that time, though because of his travels he did not participate in this battle. We were caught outside of the city, I am not sure why anymore, probably to assess the damages at Time Valley. Oh, right, yes! It was a day after a long siege, and we were supposed to check how the Valley looked. It was weird enough for the Corrupteds to let it be to a degree, but the occassional attack did happen and could damage something. By the way, if you want to ask why we didn't move there if it was safe from the undead, the very question is your answer. Anyways, we were just returning, turning around the mountains to the main road, when we saw a sea of undead coming from the northeast. You can't imagine it, the few monsters waling around the plains here and there are nothing compared to what came our way. Thousands upon thousands of Corrupteds marching towards the city. And us. Eight soldiers stranded. Ragni was completely off limits, and the Valley might have kept us save, but it very well also might have kept us. So, the only way was upwards, into the mountains and wait it out... Us archers had it easy, we just catapulted up, and the warrior could somewhat keep up with us with some effort. Poor assassins and the mages had to climb it up. Don't look so surprised, back then they couldn't just fling or teleport themselves up, that's a relatively recent improvement! I have to tell you, you can't imagine how glad the people here were to learn those.

    As I was saying, just as I got a nice view of the situation a group of undead lurked below us, attracted by the noise. By a "group" I mean at least seventy. All manners and sizes, almost no two were the same. Some were small, others large, they wore armor or plain tunics, depending on who they were before, or the transformation didn't keep capable of bearing clothing. It was bad enough, we were caught outside only a handful of times, and every time it was an absolute nightmare. The siege could take days, even weeks at a time if the wave was particularly large, and this might've been the case. There is something about the wild, the... exposedness. Even during a breach, and there were many during the years, the walls around Ragni gave a sense of safety. None of it was here. Just us, trying to get away from doom. Not death, mind you, you were lucky if you died. And as if it wasn't bad enough, as I turned to cover my climbing friends, a fireball missed me by a block. There was a damned undead wizard, and a few blocks away another one. They are not that hard to kill, and they did indeed fall with several of my arrows in their heads, but they can be nasty if you are too busy fending off the regulars or just do not notice them. Of course, that only attracted more corpses, which promptly started trying to climb after us. The other archer in the group joined me, and we, still with our dear Rainmakers, began mowing them, giving our friends time to get to safety.

    Once they all got to us, you should have seen it. The mages began sending hellfire upon the Corrupteds coming to the city, and with our arrows and bombs we even managed to make a dent in the ocean of red. Not large, mind you, but enough for the Ragnians to eventually notice us and acknowledge it with a flare. Our warriors and assasins were somewhat useless due to the distance, but they covered our back, dealing with any Corrupted climbing to us quickly and efficiently. We got stuck there shortly before midday, and as the sun began to set there was still a sea or corpses, the only difference was that we were now tired. Have you ever casted meteor for five hours straight? Yeah, it takes its toll. Even worse for us archers. So someone made fire from the single tree up there and we rested in shifts, those awake looked for any unwelcome visitors. I envied the Ragnians, the soldiers there at least got food. We had nothing, the trip was supposed to take only a few hours, and there was no way to get some. The farms above the Valley were desolate for years, not to mention getting there in the dark would be dangerous, and the Ravine was simply unreachable. But well, we managed. Two missed meals couldn't kill us.

    When the sun rose again, we took our weapons and continued fighting, like proper soldiers. The horde was getting smaller, though negligibly. There was even less "beasts". Did you hear about them? Ever seen one? Heavily mutated abominations, large, several blocks high, fast, durable and overall pain the ass. If there were more than a few present, it was basically impossible for anyone to be out in the battlefield, we archers had to kill them first. Curiously enough, hurling several massive boulders on their heads, or whatever resembled them, didn't do much. Such is the strangeness of the plague. So, less of them was definitely a good sign. The city might even do counteroffensive. And they did. It took them most of the day, but late afternoon we saw the Ragni gates open, warriors poured out and pushed the undead back. And a few hours later, it was even safe enough to fight our way through the remaining groups. We met the rescue team halfway to the city.

    As you could imagine, everyone was amazed we survived out there and asked how we did it. Dumb luck was the answer, but it was apparently not enough. Then the mages got collectively mad, and told everyone to let us sleep for Bovine's sake.

    I hope this was enough for you, at least for now. It may not be the "glorious battle" you asked for, but we were all scared shitless. As I said, one does not simply survive a siege of Corrupteds outside the city walls. You just do not. Unless you are us, apparently. There was not much "glory" anyways, you were a soldier and did what you had to, or people died. And some "epic deeds", bah, for every "hero" a hundred people fell. Some praise stories like this, or numerous last stands and suicide missions, but that was nothing to praise. They were tragedies, good men and women forced to throw away their lives. If you want to appreciate the past, remember the unnamed fallen ones, not the heroes.

    I also hope you forgive me my rambling, old man's habit :D
  6. arerith

    arerith Newbie Adventurer

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    Wow what a thrilling story, from the days of old. Its nice to know someone with memories of ancient battles.
    TrapinchO likes this.