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VIP Town

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Locky1110, Aug 25, 2024.

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  1. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The true OGs may remember a small town known simply as VIP Town, in between Ragni and Detlas. Quick history lesson time, it was added in 1.5, on June 29th 2013
    I’m not sure where the name originates from, but I think it has something to do with it being exclusive to VIPs.
    Back then Mojang didn’t care what you were selling to your players. As long as you were getting people playing their game, then thumbs up.

    I thought it was a pretty awesome little town. It’s notable for having a couple exclusive merchants, like the adventurer merchant and black horse merchant. I also think it has some very distinct builds, especially for the time. Seemed like good times, even if just a novelty.

    Now as big of a fanboy as I am, I unfortunately was never able to experience the town myself. August 1st, 2014 remains a day that will live in infamy. Mojang decided that pay to win is bad, and so Wynn was forced to comply. With the release of 1.12, VIP town was left a crater in the earth. The only evidence of its existence was a mob, the Ancient VIP Member:
    This mob would eventually be removed, and instead a secret discovery took its place. But it wasn’t the same. The town had been renamed Akias, and nearly everything was redone. And unfortunately, this town can only be experienced via a cutscene where Bakal destroys it. It’s not what VIP Town deserved. But it seemed like it was all VIP Town will ever get…

    Until today. That’s right baby, VIP Town is so back on the server, ten years after its destruction.
    Bask in (mostly) all of its original glory. It is the house of my guild, VIP Town [VIPs]. The island is open for everyone to visit. Go crazy.
    There’s even the old PVP arena that even less people know about, right across the town. It doesn’t even have a wiki page!
    Even quicker history lesson time, this was added in 1.3 as the Pigball arena. It was eerily similar to Lusuco pigpuck, but our best guys believe it's only coincidental. At some point it was converted into the PVP arena and at the same time closed off. Unfortunately the nether also existed at this point, and there wasn’t really a point of having 2 pvp areas. As a fun fact the pigball inside the arena was never taken out after the conversion. Anyway fast forward to 1.12 where the PVP arena met the same fate. The pigball idea was cool, but the building sat in irrelevancy for the majority of its existence.
    Since its old rival the nether is gone, there’s a reason to come here now! PVP is enabled in the bottom floor.

    Let me preface by saying I did not use a world download or schematic. Both buildings were recreated via video footage. VIP Town used the Akias secret discovery as a base, whereas the PVP arena was built from the ground up. As a result, there are a couple quirks with these rebuilds:
    • The VIP Town and PVP arena are the only things that were rebuilt. VIP town originally had a couple houses surrounding it which I felt were not necessary to rebuild. I hope none of you guys missed T1 Chest house.
    • The Arena was originally further back. This is intentional as otherwise It would not fit on the plot. There was also once a tree in between the 2 buildings but I do not believe it can fit
    • A couple VIP building interiors are inaccurate. This is an unfortunate result of what they did to the town for the discovery. The PVP arena should be basically one for one thanks to the way it was designed and a helpful video on it.
    • A few floor blocks may be inaccurate. There are just some angles that don’t exist out there and I can’t do much about it.
    • The surrounding suburbs are using a more recent iteration (1.16). I did not think rebuilding them by scratch was a valuable use of my time. If I did not do this then I would never have finished this project at all. Jokes are on me because my least favorite part of the build were the trees they added.
    Additionally, a couple blocks are mismatched or missing only because of housing limitations. Wood is the biggest offender, so you may see a lot of log textures

    I only ask that if you visit it and like what you see, leave an upvote. This project was a massive undertaking and it took me a while.

    If you’re interested in the building process, look below. Other than that, thanks for reading, and enjoy the house.

    Lets go back to a little over a year ago. 2.0.3 was just on the horizon. Wynn was so back. At the time I had just completed a rebuild of old detlas on my island. After that, I got the idea to rebuild VIP Town in guild housing, and formed the fittingly named guild VIP Town

    I created this thread in the hopes of getting this project done
    Unfortunately, finding any information on this town is more daunting than you think. It’s like trying to track down the zodiac killer. As it turns out, when a town gets removed 10 years ago, it’s not likely that people still have pictures from that time or even remember the town’s existence. There also isn’t that many VIP town enthusiasts out there (shocker). All I had to go off of was the rebuilt town, Akias, from the secret discovery and the few youtube videos that still existed from that time period.

    Watching old wynncraft videos was surprisingly nostalgic. It was a simpler time. Just small creators enjoying and playing through the game. There were only a couple big youtubers that were any use in this project, namely Failboat and Martin.

    Here’s a playlist of some of the videos I found. Not all are included, I only added the ones I discovered at the start and some cherry picked ones I found later. At some point I stopped with the playlist and just added the video links to a google doc. If you’re in the mood to see what wynncraft once was (and see some VIP town) then check it out.

    Now Akias wasn’t a terrible start. It was essentially the same structure, only modernized. However, coming from someone trying to restore the original, I feel they went a little too wacky with the redo.
    For reference this is what it was supposed to look like
    (I have already run out of stock VIP town images)
    Same idea, but basically an entirely different town. It wouldn’t really be a revival if it didn’t look at least mostly like VIP Town. I would basically need to redo the entire floor block by block, and undo all of the building changes they made. Thankfully, the majority of the building interiors were preserved. Not thankfully, I was losing interest in the project, so I eventually shelved it.

    This is what the floor looked like at the end of this period. The orange is all of the unconfirmed blocks.
    I was becoming pretty good at finding videos on the town. If you were rich enough to have VIP back then and doing a lets play on the server, then of course you were visiting VIP town.
    But sadly no one was really exploring VIP town. All of the merchants were in the filled in areas, and there really wasn’t any other reason to stray from the path. The right alley was my white whale. Unless I had the part filled in I really didn't want to build it on the main server.

    Checking in on the pvp arena, it was a surprisingly smooth build. What PVP Arena had that VIP Town did not was it was essentially a giant wooden box of patterns. It was consistent throughout, and the footage of the town was more than enough to recreate it. Well, almost…
    Yeah nobody was really going to the top of the towers, so I wasn’t able to figure out the pattern there. Everything else was done though, and I believe this build more or less is what’s on the main server.

    March 8th, 2024
    We did it boys. I found a video by Failboat where he walked through the entirety of the right alley. And good timing, I was starting to get freaky with my video choices. I was skimming through russian youtube at some point.
    I was satisfied enough with what I had where I could just fill in the rest. So while it’s not 100% accurate, only the most astute of VIP Town enjoyers will notice it (and where were you a year ago?)

    And I somehow finished the roofs of the PVP Arena!
    BDoubleO100 used shaders in his videos, and there was enough definition on the roofs to complete them. I originally forgot how I figured these out but my notes gave me the answer.

    Both structures were now complete enough for the server. But I was running into another issue. Detlas suburbs. I couldn’t just plop the town and PVP in the server and call it a day. That would remove the novelty and allure. And unfortunately, the guild plot is a very large area. I had a couple ideas, some faithful, some…
    (don’t get me wrong it looked awesome)
    Yeah… I started by using my videos as reference, but I knew that it would be eons before I was anywhere close to done. And at some point, I lost the spark once again. Wynn was a little dry on updates and I had school to focus on. Back in the shelves it went.

    Until about a week ago. 2.1 is still fairly fresh and I have renewed interest both in the game and in the project. Plus, it’s summer. Now that guild have a purpose beyond warring, I figured it was time to finish our plot. An idea that never crossed my head was use an old, but not VIP Town era, world download of the emerald trail, and paste in the builds I had created into roughly the same spots. The trail itself hasn’t changed much, however some of the builds were entirely redone. The trees in particular, as well as the giant crater where VIP town once was. Oh well, I was satisfied enough with the results to go through with it. As an added bonus, the Lord of the Clock house made it into the final schematic. I placed all profession tables in there, if you want to check it out it’s in the back of the island.

    Over the past few days I was putting in the work. I tried to end each day with a goal. Construction began on 8/19. 8/21 was the day I completed PVP Arena. 8/22 was when I completed the VIP Town portion. 8/23 was when I completed the trail. And 8/24 marked the day the project was complete and the town opened up. Say what you will about my work ethic, I can get shit done.

    The biggest thorn in my side was the material cost. I did not want to do profs, but some resources were just unavailable. Wheat and copper farmers need to step up their game. On the other hand, spruce farmers are a surprisingly diligent community. There’s always at least 1k paper on TM. When I had blocks, I was doing fine, but I was losing my mind towards the end. That being said, my bank was draining by the minute. I must've blown through a couple stacks by the end of the project. Now that the build is done, however, it can haunt me no longer.

    VIP Town is fitted with essentially all available merchants, but unfortunately I could not get a black horse merchant into my town. It’s mainly for my guildmates to use, but you can use them too.

    And this brings us to now. The project is done, and I thank you for reading allat. I'll leave you off with a little credits section.

    I designed, built, and funded this house. I know I have a whole guild that could've helped, but surprisingly nobody shared the same enthusiasm towards this build. And the upside is I know this house block by block.

    Now, as I mentioned I utilized youtube in order to place all of the blocks. Here's a list of every youtuber that had videos I used on VIP Town. If they had a notable part in this process I'll include it.
    VIPs (hehe):
    ChaoticMaly/FrankyCool - He probably has some of the most content of his time. Was very useful at the beginning for most of the main plaza. Has some very high res videos which is rare for the time and for a channel so small. He is a french guy, however. I was enjoying the videos but I understood not a word.

    Silly Dashie - All of the footage I needed of the PVP arena, save the roof, was from this guy. He had a thorough exploration of the building, and if not for him then idk how I could've done it.

    Failboat - Covered the otherwise undiscovered right section of the town, as well as the pigball arena. Definately has the second most content. His humor at the time involved a lot of loud noises, so he was sort of a predecessor to modern brainrot youtubers. I actually forgot he was one of the biggest minecraft youtubers at the time, and it's nice to see his roots.

    BdoubleO100/Generkib - Both of them have series on the server. Thanks to their shaders I was basically able to rebuild the roofs of the arena. Also was the first footage of the area behind the adventurer booth. I enjoyed their videos, mainly because it was just two friends playing old minecraft, bouncing off each other for content. You don't really see much of this anymore, and it's a shame.

    The other guys:
    InTheLittleWood - Late discovery, one of his vidoes contains the interiors to 3 buildings and some new angles on questionable parts.
    Kypower - I believe he was one of the first, if not the first, vidoes I found inside the town so props to him.
    benny wutisen
    xX flying1ace Xx
    Wolfenout Gaming and Armantryx
    Ball Up/PatDaHomie
    Derek Ash
    IgbarVonSquid - One of the first youtubers I thought of that might have content. Unfortunately I don't think he had anything inside the town.
  2. NoGoodGod

    NoGoodGod Well-Known Adventurer

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    Very epic recreation of something that no longer exists
    Locky1110 likes this.
  3. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    Ah yes, pigball, my beloved. The arena was always blocked off and I never knew why, but that didn't stop me from playing. Or rather, trying. The right entrance had very messy placement of fences, which meant that you could clip in with mage, back when teleporting through corners and thin blocks was still possible. Never had anyone to play it with, and I didn't have knockback either, so it was painful as shit. Still, felt pretty cool being able to sneak into a place that you weren't supposed to be in.

    I loosely remember seeing a youtube video in 2013, showcasing all sorta stuff you could do in wynn just by disconnecting your router. One of them was bypassing the height limit to get out of the map, over the mountains. But more importantly for me, it also let you get past the vip town border, albeit you couldn't reconnect or you'd be booted out again. After running in you only had a few seconds left to look around before timing out, but again, it felt very novel at the time, seeing something that you weren't supposed to. Because paying is for losers :sunglasses:
    Locky1110 likes this.
  4. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    No way, Eula breaking, mods please revoke 10 guild levels
    luckeyLuuk and Locky1110 like this.
  5. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Shhhh don't tell mojang!
  6. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    You should kick any non-donator that tries joining the house
    Locky1110 and luckeyLuuk like this.
  7. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    As someone who has played since July 2013, I appreciate this very much. I started playing 2 weeks after my 9th birthday and I recently turned 20, so old relics like this mean a lot to me. I didn't have VIP back then (because 9 year olds don't have credit cards), but I was very active and remember it fondly even though I could not access it. It very much stood out, being a massive box as you went between Ragni and Detlas or to Elkurn. Yesterday I did the discovery which showcases the old VIP town and I very much enjoyed the architectural style and would like if something similar was reintroduced. I've played somewhat actively (but with many multi-month breaks) since the server was created but my fondest memories are from pre-Gavel Wynn. I still remember the IGNs of a bunch of my friends from that era (miney11, Lupine117, iKeks99 etc). I'll be sure to visit your housing, and thanks for making something like this because veteran players are slowly dropping off the map, so we need to preserve that era.
  8. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    thank you for this
    Melkor, FoxxoChan and Locky1110 like this.
  9. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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  10. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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  11. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    alr guys i dont get it :(
  12. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    i don’t either i was just playing along xD
  13. Geungsi

    Geungsi ornate shadow armour is still the best set VIP

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    Did not know such an arena existed, interesting!
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