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Une idée pour un mod de traduction / An idea for a translate mod

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by JejeLaTortue64, Aug 21, 2024.

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  1. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello/Bonjour !
    For the english check the bottom !

    Les obstacles techniques...ahhh ces rabats-joies n'est-ce pas ? mdr
    Pouvoir jouer à Wynncraft dans la langue que l'on veut, ce serait tellement bien ! Et pourtant...même avec de la bonne volonté et l'entraide de nombreux passionnés et fans, cela reste impossible ; du moins beaucoup trop fastidieux.
    Pourquoi ? Car il faudrait coder une infrastructure entière spécialement pour ça. Parce qu'il y a beau y avoir beaucoup de dialogue de PNJ dans le tchat durant les quêtes dans Wynncraft, il y a aussi et surtout toutes les descriptions des objets, des effets spéciaux, ect. tout ça pour dire que ce n'est pas simplement comme traduire un livre comme on aurait envie de le penser...malheureusement :c

    MAIS ! C'est justement en partant de ce point qu'une idée m'est venue en tête :
    Faisons les choses petit à petit. Pour l'instant, on va se concentrer sur les dialogues des PNJ dans le tchat. Et sur une traduction en français seulement.

    -> Voici l'idée : plutôt que de remplacer le texte en anglais par le texte en français, il s'agirait simplement de rajouter le texte en français juste en dessous du texte en anglais dans le tchat.
    Ca risque fortement d'être moche, mais comme je l'ai dit plus tôt, faisons les choses petit à petit. La question porte pour l'instant sur l'aspect technique.

    En d'autres termes, voici un exemple ("King's Recruit") :
    • Caravan Driver: Agh!
    • Cocher: Ah !
    • Tasim: Hey, <playername>! You alright in there? Looks like we hit something.
    • Tasim: Hé ! Ca va ? Rien de cassé ? On dirait qu'on à heurté quelque chose.
    • Caravan Driver: Hm... I swear I hit this same darn boulder every time I make this trip. Sorry folks.
    • Cocher: C'est bizarre... Il faut toujours que je me prenne le même satané rocher à chaque fois que je fais ce voyage. Et qu'il me casse la même roue. Au même endroit. Exactement au même endoit...
    • Tasim: Ah. Does this mean we have to walk all the way to Ragni from here?
    • Tasim: Ah mince... Mais du coup on doit faire tout le chemin à pied, d'ici, jusqu'à Ragni ?!
    • Caravan Driver: Unfortunately. Luckily, it's not that far from here. Just a straight path forward.
    • Cocher: Oui, j'en ai bien peur. Mais, heureusement, c'est pas si loin que ça d'ici. C'est toujours tout droit !
    • Aledar: Well, nothing to do but keep moving! Tasim, <playername>, I'll race you to the gate!
    • Aledar: Bon, on est pas venu cueillir des pâquerettes après tout. Le dernier arrivé c'est un cube mouillé !!!

    Parmi les gens qui codent, qu'en pensez-vous ? Est-ce possible, tout d'abord ? Enfin, est-ce compliqué ? Est-ce faisable ? Mais surtout, est-ce la bonne voie pour trouver un compromis ?

    Je ne sais moi-même pas coder ou faire de mods, seulement quelques connaissances aléatoires par-ci par-là, c'est pourquoi je vous demande votre avis :D
    Toute autre proposition est aussi la bienvenue ! Le but ultime reste de trouver un moyen de mettre ce jeu dans notre langue !!! :O

    Si certains sont intéressés pour transformer cette idée en projet...ben...let's goooo !!! (tenez-moi au courant quand-même hihi)


    The technical obstacles...ahhh these killjoys aren't they? lol
    Being able to play Wynncraft in the language you want would be so great! And yet...even with good will and the mutual help of many enthusiasts and fans, this remains impossible; at least much too tedious.
    For what ? Because you would have to code an entire infrastructure specifically for that. Because there may be a lot of NPC dialogue in the chat during quests in Wynncraft, there are also and above all descriptions of objects, special effects, etc. all this to say that it's not simply like translating a book as we would like to think...unfortunately :c

    BUT ! It was precisely from this point that an idea came to my mind:
    Let's do things little by little. For now, we will focus on the NPC dialogues in the chat. And on a French translation only.

    -> Here is the idea: rather than replacing the English text with the French text, it would simply be a matter of adding the French text just below the English text in the chat.
    It's likely to be ugly, but like I said earlier, let's do things little by little. The question for the moment concerns the technical aspect.

    In other words, here's an example ("King's Recruit"):
    • Caravan Driver: Agh!
    • Coachman: Ah!
    • Tasim: Hey, <playername>! You alright in there? Looks like we hit something.
    • Tasim: Hey! How are you ? Nothing broken? Looks like we hit something.
    • Caravan Driver: Hm... I swear I hit this same darn boulder every time I make this trip. Sorry folks.
    • Coachman: It's weird... I always have to grab the same damn rock every time I make this trip. And he breaks the same wheel for me. In the same place. Exactly in the same place...
    • Tasim: Ah. Does this mean we have to walk all the way to Ragni from here?
    • Tasim: Ah damn... But then we have to walk all the way from here to Ragni?!
    • Caravan Driver: Unfortunately. Fortunately, it's not that far from here. Just a straight path forward.
    • Coachman: Yes, I'm afraid so. But, fortunately, it's not that far from here. It's always straight!
    • Aledar: Well, nothing to do but keep moving! Tasim, <playername>, I'll race you to the gate!
    • Aledar: Well, we didn't come to pick daisies after all. The last one to arrive is a wet cube!!!
    Among the people who code, what do you think? Is this possible, first of all? Finally, is it complicated? Is this feasible? But above all, is this the right way to find a compromise?

    I don't know how to code or mod myself, just some random knowledge here and there, that's why I'm asking for your opinion :D
    Any other suggestions are also welcome! The ultimate goal remains to find a way to put this game in our language!!! :O

    If anyone is interested in turning this idea into a project...well...let's gooooo!!! (keep me informed anyway hihi)
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    i am confused
  3. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    can i help you ? is the translate weird or the example not clear ?
  4. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    both honeslty lol
  5. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    Do you think you can make a mod that do this :

    Example from the tuto quest (it is what apear in the chat) :

    • Caravan Driver: Agh!
    • Cocher: Ah !
    • Tasim: Hey, <playername>! You alright in there? Looks like we hit something.
    • Tasim: Hé ! Ca va ? Rien de cassé ? On dirait qu'on à heurté quelque chose.
    • Caravan Driver: Hm... I swear I hit this same darn boulder every time I make this trip. Sorry folks.
    • Cocher: C'est bizarre... Il faut toujours que je me prenne le même satané rocher à chaque fois que je fais ce voyage. Et qu'il me casse la même roue. Au même endroit. Exactement au même endoit...
    • Tasim: Ah. Does this mean we have to walk all the way to Ragni from here?
    • Tasim: Ah mince... Mais du coup on doit faire tout le chemin à pied, d'ici, jusqu'à Ragni ?!
    • Caravan Driver: Unfortunately. Luckily, it's not that far from here. Just a straight path forward.
    • Cocher: Oui, j'en ai bien peur. Mais, heureusement, c'est pas si loin que ça d'ici. C'est toujours tout droit !
    • Aledar: Well, nothing to do but keep moving! Tasim, <playername>, I'll race you to the gate!
    • Aledar: Bon, on est pas venu cueillir des pâquerettes après tout. Le dernier arrivé c'est un cube mouillé !!!

    What happen : the NPC talk, then your mod write in chat the translate (in french in this example). You have to know that i've sent you all the translated text in french before.
  6. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    i see i guess, but this works for any language?
  7. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    ehm...i don't understand what you mean but...yeah of course it could work for any language. So you know how to code a mod ?
  8. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    no lol
    can someone explain why this wouldnt/would work?
  9. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    because this mod literaly does not exist and could never
  10. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    why did you suggest it then
  11. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    I suggest to create it
    now please stop to troll me ^^
  12. sjuka_legogubbar

    sjuka_legogubbar Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The Wynntils mod has this feature, so it is already implemented. I tried it on one quest with french and it worked. maybe all quests are not translated though
  13. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    you said "it could never exist"
  14. JejeLaTortue64

    JejeLaTortue64 Newbie Adventurer

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    Oh ! that's awesome ! it is sad i did not know that.
    I would like to try it now but when i open the wynntils menu it swap instantly on my inventory, maybe a bug with the wynncraft very recently major update.
    Did you try it today or a long time ago ? Which version do you use ? i use forge in 1.20.2 because 1.21 is not supported for forge for this this mod :/

    So, can you send a screenshot as an example of a NPC dialogue, or maybe can you tell me if this is an automatic translate (like google translate) or a truely hand made translate ?

    Thank you very much !
  15. sjuka_legogubbar

    sjuka_legogubbar Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I tested it today on 1.21. Looking at the Wynntils changelog when updating to minecraft 1.21, they state that they introduced translations to a few languages. These are translated using GPT-4o. So not google translate, but an alternative which is perhaps more accurate in keeping the personality through the translation). I believe the wynncraft wiki has human translated quests though, but that is of course not in game.

    I can’t hop on right now to show you a screenshot, but the quest messages are exactly like you suggested - with both english and french (or one of the other 12 supported languages).
    JejeLaTortue64 likes this.
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