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Are names/characters and lore from Wynncraft copyrighted?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by AgentEmerald0028, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. AgentEmerald0028

    AgentEmerald0028 From Italy with love VIP

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    some months ago I started writing what was intended to be a short story which took place in the Wynncraft world. It was just for fun, nothing serious, and I was thinking about posting it on the forums as fan-fiction. Though, developing the plot, the story became a somewhat fully fledged novel and many aspects I initially had in mind to take from Wynncraft and be accurate to the lore changed a lot. Most of the stuff I wrote can definitely be considered original, but still it uses elements from Wynn like a "cake base". I'll give some examples to explain myself better: I got a character whose name is Maxie Lundelgrove, by his physical description he looks like the one in-game, he's an engineer but all of his backstory and characterization was made up by me. I got a world with provinces called Wynn, Gavel, Corkus and Fruma with cities with the same names as the in-game ones, their respective fantasy vibes and inspired looks, but again, I made up the backstory, especially for Corkus (because that's where most of the events take place). Other times I take huge inspiration from the lore of Wynncraft, but still change things up enough for what I write to be original. Biggest examples in my case are the Corruption lore and the Fallen Factory lore, which would be very similar to the in-game lore because in the world of my book they basically have the same effects as the ones on the world of the game, but, once again, the backstories are created by me. There are a lot of other examples similar to these ones I just made, but I think you get the idea.

    Maybe it is also worth mentioning that other than Wynncraft my novel takes inspiration from many other books and even musical pieces, with many explicit references to them. Though, these are the kind of references that maybe you can normally expect in a fiction work; Wynncraft is the biggest of them all as it performs the function of background for my novel.

    So, in the future (I'm still far from finishing the writing), I might wanna publish such novel, and I wondered if I'd ran into copyright issues with Wynncraft. If needed, I can give more information about what exactly is taken from the server into my book. Also, I could decide not to actually publish it as a conventional book but rather just post it online for free on a blog, as an ebook (I'm not really interested in making a monetary profit out of this novel). I don't know if anything would change like that.

    I wholeheartedly thank whoever is kind enough to give an answer to my doubts.
    Sorry for the bad english and the little text wall.
    (Also, more information about the novel may sooner or later come in the "your work" section of the forums)

    Bye and thanks again!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that in any way, copyright issues or not, I will credit Wynncraft in a preface of afterword, among all the other sources from which I took inspiration.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  2. AgentEmerald0028

    AgentEmerald0028 From Italy with love VIP

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