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Lootrun help!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Ealtas, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Ealtas

    Ealtas Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hi, i dont know how to lootrun, i watched flop's recent vid on lootrunning but cant seem to setup runs well, any tips or guides?
  2. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Get lucky.

    Seriously though, I'm not an expert but I can give a few tips. This isn't the optimal run, and isn't gonna give you the absolute best possible run, but it's what I find makes for a fairly easy run, with decent pulls.

    1) Go for buffs early. If you have an amazing build or are super good at the game, you might not need this, but if you're having trouble, boons absolutely make a world of difference. Get them whenever you start having problems throughout the run, not just at the beginning, but try to get a few right off the bat. I personally find health and defense to be the most valuable at first, but damage becomes important/vital once you get far into the run. If you do not get damage boons, you will not do well unless you have a crazy build.

    2) Don't get curses right away. Once you have a ton of boons, they won't matter much, but curses increase the challenge way more quickly and it's best to have some way of dealing with them. Either by having an absurd number of boons, or by having something to remove them, like cleansing greed (especially with the reward that gives flying chests on all missions). Equilibrium is pretty nice if you can get it too.

    3) This one is situational, but the mission reward that consumes a curse for another objective (I forgot the name and I'm too lazy to look it up) is really good, as it lets you stack curses, then remove them while not having to get reds. I would say it's by far the best mission reward in the game. You can alternate purples, aquas, and greens to get a decent number of pulls. Throw in a blue or two every so often if you need a bit more damage or ehp. Always get this if it shows up, as it takes care of two of your biggest issues.

    4) If the run's going south, end it. If you got too many curses too early, or challenges are taking way too long to complete and it doesn't seem fixable with a few boons, just end it early and try again. Boost as much as you can and get as many purples or a dark grey if you can to maximize pulls for that run. Also try to grab a sacrifice if possible, so you can keep a few pulls for the next run.

    5) I'm putting this 5th, but it's arguably the most important. Don't do objectives you don't think you can do. If one objective is too difficult, don't do it. Avoid objectives where you think that you can't survive, unless you need to do that one.

    6) Pick a run you like. I personally am a fan of the Sky Islands run as mage and Silent Expanse as warrior. I personally detest the Corkus run. Pick ones you like and know; that really helps.

    Following these tips, I can generally finish a run with 2-300 pulls if it's good, and at least 50 if not.

    Actually, secret 7th and 8th tips:
    7) Experiment and find what works for you. Just because this works for me doesn't mean it's what you should do.

    8) Have fun. Don't feel compelled to do it in any specific way because it's the most effective, or to do it at all.
    Elysium_ and Ninja_VK like this.
  3. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    Melkor gave some really good tips above, just going to add on some strategies I use that worked.

    1) make use of sacrifices. They are super powerful and I almost always go for some sacrifice mission as, even if you don’t get a mythic, the pulls just carry over. The best strat I’ve found is to get a good really long run or just high pull run and, if you don’t get a mythic, sacrifice that and then keep doing smaller 30/40 challenge runs with somewhere around 60 pulls and a few rerolls, as that is fairly quick to get. Then if you don’t get a mythic you can sacrifice again and keep repeating until you get it, as then you will easily have 100+ pull runs with some rerolls every time. If you don’t get lucky and aren’t getting long runs, you can still do a bunch of short runs with sacrifices as they stack really well too.

    2) getting rainbow beacon as early as possible is super important. My early game is always the same where I start by taking every orange offered, and get blue beacons if there aren’t any. If you have 5 beacon choices and use the beacon rerolls, there’s almost always a rainbow beacon unless you’re super unlucky from what I’ve seen. Then the priority is getting an aqua stacked white so you don’t worry about the challenges for a while (+30 is op). If I don’t get it and I’m close to 10 challenges, I’ll just get a red or two and keep trying until I get it. For pretty much all my runs I try to get this and then just rush missions and get boons to try and keep up if dmg or survivability are flaking behind. After getting all my missions, I just try to get as many aqua stacked purples as I can while still balancing boons so I don’t die. I also usually end my runs after the 40 challenges unless I get some of the missions I mention below.

    3. For missions, the most important ones are easily equilibrium and cleansing ritual. Cleansing ritual is op because it means to never have to worry about challenges again as long as you keep an eye on your curses (it’s the remove one curse for +1 challenge mission). This is a must have for any long run and I rarely go past 40 without it. It’s possible, but I feel the time spent for the amount of pulls you get while balancing red/greed/blue/purple until 100 is not more than just sacrificing the run and doing a lot of quicker runs. Equilibrium is also op because it means you never struggle with boons anymore. You can focus purely on aqua stacking purples over and over and still get stronger (it’s the every curse gives +1 boon). I only go for longer runs if I get cleansing ritual, and only go for full 100 challenge runs if I get both of these. Having both means you can just go aqua-purple every challenge up til 100 and not struggle at all.

    Another good mission is ultimate sacrifice, as the debuff of losing one boon every 2 minutes isn’t bad if you aren’t getting red beacons and keep an eye on your boons. The 2 rerolls and one sacrifice is very strong and getting this + high roller for the 2 rerolls or redemption for a second sacrifice means you get a ton of pulls at the end.

    Also just wanna end this by saying I’m not saying this is necessarily the “best method” or anything, but it’s something that’s worked really well for me and got me a lot of mythics. If you do some of the stuff here combined with what the person above me said, you can get a lot of high pull runs fairly easily.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
    Melkor and Elysium_ like this.