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Guide What's the most outdated quest? (and other info about quest history in wynncraft)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jul 8, 2024.


Which of these quests deserves a drastic rework the most?

  1. Tower of Ascencion

    11 vote(s)
  2. Lost Royalty

    1 vote(s)
  3. Lost Soles

    3 vote(s)
  4. Haven Antiquity

    12 vote(s)
  5. Troubled Tribesmen

    2 vote(s)
  6. Grand Youth

    1 vote(s)
  7. Tribal Aggression

    5 vote(s)
  8. Lost Tower

    28 vote(s)
  9. Cook Assistant

    1 vote(s)
  10. Jungle Fever

    5 vote(s)
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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    On the 2.1 changelog, Salted mentioned that the WynnExcavation questline is both outdated and a series they wish to revamp. And that got me thinking; what is the oldest unchanged quest in Wynncraft right now?

    I decided to compile a list of every quest currently in Wynn, and I will list when it was first added, and when it was revamped (got major changes that alter how players see the quest) or edited (got something small, like a new reward or quest stage). Technically, updates like Gavel which added elements, or Rekindled World that redid mob AI would change every single quest to an extent, so I'm not counting those. In the end, what I've made is a compiled history of every quest currently in the game! At the end, I'll answer my original question of which quest has remained unchanged the longest, as well as maybe a few others.

    2013 - Updates 1.9 (added quests), 1.10
    2014 - Updates 1.11, 1.12, 1.13
    2015 - Update 1.14 (gavel)
    2016 - Updates 1.14.1, 1.14.2, 1.15
    2017 - Updates 1.16, 1.17
    2019 - Updates 1.18, 1.19
    2021 - Updates 1.20
    2022 - Update 2.0
    2023 - Update 2.0.3
    2024 - Update 2.1

    King's Recruit [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.12] [Reworked in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.18] [Edited in 1.19] [Reworked in 2.0.3]
    Enzan's Brother [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Poisoning the Pest [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Cook Assistant [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.18]
    Infested Plants [Added in 1.10.2] [Reworked in 1.18] [Reworked in 2.0.3] {Previously "Spider Cave"?}
    Sewers of Ragni [Added in 1.17]
    Tunnel Trouble [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Mushroom Man [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.18] [Reworked in 2.0.3]
    Underwater [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.14.1] [Edited in 1.20]
    Taking the Tower [Added in 2.0.3]

    Elemental Exercise [Added in 1.14.1] [Reworked in 2.0.3] [Edited in 2.1]
    Maltic's Well [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.18] [Edited in 2.1]
    Stable Story [Added in 1.10] [Reworked in 1.14.1] [Edited in 2.1]
    Arachnid's Ascent [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 1.20.2] [Reworked in 2.0.3]
    Potion Making [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.14.1] [Edited in 2.1]
    Supply and Delivery [Added in 2.0.3]
    Lava Springs [Added in 1.20.2]
    Grave Digger [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 2.0.3] [Edited in 2.1]
    Pit of the Dead [Added in 1.12] [Edited in 2.0.3]

    The Dark Descent [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Cluck Cluck [Added in 1.10] [Edited in 2.1]
    Dwelling Walls [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.16] {Previously "Mansion Delivery"}
    Recover the Past [Added in 1.19] [Reworked in 2.0.3]
    Tempo Town Trouble [Added in 1.20.2] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Creeper Infiltration [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.16] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Deja Vu [Added in 1.18] [Edited in 2.0.3]
    Lost Tower [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.12]
    The Corrupted Village [Added in 1.17]
    Misadventure on the Sea [Added in 1.19]
    The Mercenary [Added in 1.12] [Edited in 2.0.3] [Reworked in 2.1]

    Green Gloop [Added in 1.12] [Edited in 2.1]
    A Sandy Scandal [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 2.1]
    Meaningful Holiday [Added in 1.15]
    Kingdom of Sand [Added in 1.17] [Edited in 2.1]
    Tribal Aggression [Added in 1.13] [Edited in 1.14.2]
    WynnExcavation Site A [Added in 1.13]
    Canyon Condor [Added in 1.12] [Edited in 2.1]
    Wrath of the Mummy [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.18] [Edited in 2.1]
    Clearing the Camps [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Ice Nations [Added in 1.10] [Edited in 1.14.1]
    Tower of Ascencion [Added in 1.13]

    Heart of Llevigar [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Star Thief [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.18]
    Fate of the Fallen [Added in 1.17]
    Underice [Added in 1.10] [Reworked in 1.14.1]
    Blazing Retribution [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Bob's Lost Soul [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.14.1] [Edited Recently]
    WynnExcavation Site B [Added in 1.13] [Edited Recently]
    Frost Bite [Added in 1.13] [Reworked in 1.18]
    Rise of the Quartron [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Iron Heart Pt. 1 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    The House of Twain [Added in 1.11.1] [Edited in 1.14.1]
    A Grave Mistake [Added in 1.14.2]

    Maiden Tower [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Corrupted Betrayal [Added in 1.17]
    Jungle Fever [Added in 1.09] [Edited in 1.14.1]
    Crop Failure [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Masterpiece [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Death Whistle [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    The Shadow of the Beast [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    Zhight Island [Added in 1.11] [Edited in 1.14.1]
    Realm of Light Pt. 1 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20] {Previously "Worm Holes"}
    The Passage [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.14.1]
    WynnExcavation Site C [Added in 1.13.1]
    Iron Heart Pt. 2 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    The Order of the Grook [Added in 1.19]
    Beneath the Depths [Added in 1.11.1] [Edited in 1.14.1]

    Reclaiming the House [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Redbeard's Booty [Added in 1.17]
    Lost in the Jungle [Added in 1.13] [Edited in 1.14.1]
    Realm of Light Pt. 2 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20] {Previously "Taproot"}
    Out of my Mind [Added in 1.12] [Reworked in 1.16]
    Realm of Light Pt. 3 [Added in 1.20*] {*See Removed Quests Section}
    All Roads to Peace [Added in 2.0]
    Lost Royalty [Added in 1.12.2]
    Lost Soles [Added in 1.13]
    Memory Paranoia [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    From the Mountains [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Temple of the Legends [Added in 1.09] [Reworked in 1.14.1] [Edited Recently]
    Lazarus Pit [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Grand Youth [Added in 1.13]
    Shattered Minds [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 1.20]
    WynnExcavation Site D [Added in 1.13.1]
    Haven Antiquity [Added in 1.12]

    Realm of Light Pt. 4
    [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20] {Previously "Finding the Light"}
    Forbidden Prison [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Hollow Serenity [Added in 2.0]
    Lexdale Witch Trials [Added in 1.20]
    Murder Mystery [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    Acquiring Credentials [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Reincarnation [Added in 1.10.1] [Edited in 2.0]
    Flight in Distress [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    The Ultimate Weapon [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Bigger Picture [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    Aldorei's Secret Pt. 1 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    Hunger of the Gerts Pt. 1 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Purple and Blue [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Hunger of the Gerts Pt. 2 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Fallen Delivery [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Aldorei's Secret Pt. 2 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Realm of Light Pt. 5 [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.20]
    From the Bottom [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    General's Orders [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    ??? [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 1.14.1]
    The Qira Hive [Added in 1.14]

    The Thanos Depository [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    A Marauder's Dues [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    The Envoy Pt. 1 [Added in 1.16]
    Canyon Guides [Added in 1.14.1] [Edited in 2.0]
    The Lost [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    Canary Calls [Added in 1.14.1] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Desperate Metal [Added in 1.16]
    Cowfusion [Added in 1.14] [Reworked in 2.0]
    Beyond the Grave [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]
    Mixed Feelings [Added in 1.16]
    Enter the Dojo [Added in 1.14.1] [Edited in 2.0]
    The Hidden City [Added in 1.14.1] [Edited in 1.20]
    The Envoy Pt. 2 [Added in 1.16]
    Fantastic Voyage [Added in 1.14] [Edited in 2.0]

    Feathers Fly Pt. 1 [Added in 1.20]
    Feathers Fly Pt. 2 [Added in 1.20]
    Doguns and Dwarves 1-4 [All Added in 1.18]
    One Thousand Meters Under [Added in 1.14.2] [Edited in 2.0]
    Recipe for Distaster [Added in 1.14.1] [Edited in 2.0]
    The Breaking Point [Added in 2.0]
    Royal Trials [Added in 1.16] [Edited in 2.0]
    The Hero of Gavel [Added in 1.20]
    A Journey Beyond [Added in 1.19]
    The Olmic Rune [Added in 1.19]
    A Journey Further [Added in 1.19]
    Point of no Return [Added in 1.19]
    A Hunter's Calling [Added in 1.19]

    Thieving Rodents [Added in 1.13.1] [Replaced by Poisoning the Pest in 1.17]
    Prison Story [Added in 1.10] [Removed in 1.17]
    Suspended Flowers [Added in 1.12] [Replaced by Deja Vu in 1.18]
    A Confused Farmer [Added in 1.10?] [Removed in 1.17]
    The Relic Shrines [Added in 1.13] [Removed in 1.17]
    Lord of the Clock [Added in 1.12] [Removed in 1.17] :(
    Macabre Masquerade [Added in 1.12.1] [Removed in 2.0.3]
    Studying the Corrupt [Added in 1.17] [Removed in 2.0.3]
    The Angry Village [Added in 1.09] [Replaced by The Corrupted Village in 1.17]
    Sister City [Added in 1.10] [Replaced by Misadventure on the Sea in 1.19]
    Craftsmas Chaos [Added in 1.13] [Removed in 2.0.3]
    Drought Sand [Added in 1.09] [Replaced by A Sandy Scandal in 1.17]
    Christmas Quest no one remembers [Exclusive to December 2013]
    A Fighting Species [Added in 1.14] [Replaced by All Roads to Peace in 1.20]
    The Headless Hunt [Added in 1.14] [Replaced by A Headless History in 1.20]
    Eye of the Storm [Added in 1.14] [Replaced by Lexdale Witch Trials in 1.20]
    Hollow Sirene [Added in 1.14] [Removed in 1.20] [Replaced by Hollow Serenity in 2.0]
    Belly of the Beast [Added in 1.14] [Removed in 2.0]
    The Fortuneteller [Added in 1.14.1] [Removed in 2.0]

    So, to answer my original question:

    There are still a bunch of quests that from when quests were originally added to the game which have received minimal revamps. In particular, Lost Tower got its last notable change in 2014 (its level was moved from 26 to 24 pretty recently, but that's so miniscule I didn't count it).

    Once we get to 1.13, where there was a clear increase in the quality of quests, we start finding content that basically hasn't been changed apart from updating models and mob stats. Examples of this include Troubled Tribesmen, Grand Youth, and yes, WynnExcavation Site A.

    But, none of those are the most unchanged quest in the game. Because that title goes to none other than... Haven Antiquity.

    Judging by the wiki, I genuinely think this quest hasn't changed at all in the past 10 years, unless you count the fact that they gave mobs elemental stats. NPCs still use villager models, and one of them is even named "Cinfras". The quest consists of going to a place, kill mobs, bring back their drops, go to a place, repeat once. It is the ultimate time capsule of 2014 Wynncraft, so savor that while you can.

    I hope you enjoyed this thread!
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
    AlleonVera, hmtn, OhScarlet and 14 others like this.
  2. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    To be honest I had to look up Haven Antiquity to remember what it was, so it (and Lost Tower) are definitely among the most forgettable and outdated quests, though Lost Soles won my vote for being the least justified instance of a quest that requires wearing something, which there used to be more of.
    Also for what it's worth, The Breaking Point incorporates the main part of Belly of the Beast, though that doesn't necessarily qualify as replacing it.
    dr_carlos and WithTheFish like this.
  3. Catfan105

    Catfan105 Blue guy

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    Tribal aggression purely for the amount of time I spent trying to get from one camp to the other my first time playing through it
    Gogeta and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  4. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    I think Tower of Ascension was recently edited to only require 5 tokens per floor, right?
  5. KaiserSpin

    KaiserSpin Well-Known Adventurer

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    Pit of the Dead & Lost tower are so basic & short, both deserve a upgrade.

    Great post btw.
    PlasmaWarrior likes this.
  6. Femboy Orphion

    Femboy Orphion Bi Furry Femboy (Average Wynncraft Player) HERO

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    Anyone want to see my pit of the dead quest rework uwu?
    KaiserSpin likes this.
  7. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Lost Tower doesn’t need an update, it’s easily the best quest in the game.
    hmtn likes this.
  8. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    This is from GM chat
    hmtn, AlleonVera, Gogeta and 12 others like this.
  9. Femboy Orphion

    Femboy Orphion Bi Furry Femboy (Average Wynncraft Player) HERO

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    it also suggests that this book is a 1000 years old... made more sense when ancient nemract was 100 years old, but absolutely none now. Maybe make it into a cave?
  10. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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  11. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    I voted Haven Antiquity, however I definitely think that if you were to combine those jungle quests in an update to redo them vs. combining ocean quests, I would want the jungle one.
  12. MrCracker00

    MrCracker00 Travelled Adventurer

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    Grand Youth you literally talk to like 3 npcs and kill a couple of ocelots.
  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Missed some minor changes here or there, these being:
    • King's Recruit: Edited in 1.20.2 to entirely remove professions from the quest
    • Poisoning the Pest: Got a minor edit in 1.20 to add 2 Corrupted Pest minibosses which were later removed in 2.0.3
    • Cook Assistant: Got tweaked a bit to introduce the Bored Farmer NPC that guided new players
    • Sewers of Ragni: Edited in 2.1 (Jenprest no longer talks about Witherhead's presence as you mention that to her instead)
    • Tunnel Trouble: Edited in 2.0 to add more mob variety
    • Arachnids' Ascent: Edited in 2.1 (Motive for getting the lava is changed to burning down a web with Alekin citizens stuck in it, including Yahya)
    • Pit of the Dead and Deja Vu didn't get any changes in the Lootrun Update, depsite what the changelog said
    • Dark Descent got edited in 2.1 (While the gameplay is more or less the same you no longer get the ruby)
    • Green Gloop: Only change I noticed in 2.1 was the removal of the Slime Scooper from your inventory
    • Ice Nations: Boss was changed
    • Bob's Lost Soul: Got edited in 1.20.1 to make the tomb less tedious to access and to add other non-grindy ways to get stuff
    • Temple of the Legends got a few edits in 2.0, mainly in the light dust cave
    • Prison Story got a rework in 1.14 iirc (prior to this there was an NPC you went to in order to get the key)
    • Belly of the Beast had elements incorporated into the Thanos Depository and Breaking Point
    • Fortuneteller's sky area was kept as a secret disc, and other content regarding the Fortuneteller was tweaked (KB Library still kinda being around as Astal's outpost, Sky Castle is still there as the Donjon, Llevigar's Library is now a secret)
    Anyways here are my quests that I feel are outdated/not up to current Wynn standards:
    • Underwater: Quest Helmets
    • Potion Making: Fetch quest segment (boss is cool though)
    • Pit of the Dead: Just jump into a pit
    • Dwelling Walls: Puzzle quest that can be solved by going on the wiki
    • Lost Tower: Even though it has shown its age, I've warmed up to this quest as it isn't as tedious as other outdated quests
    • Green Gloop: Fetch quest, cave is neat though
    • Tribal Aggression: Go between 2 camps that are more or less the same and fight enemies that are more or less the same, the only difference is in the name and appearance
    • WynnExcavation: Some parts like Site A are actually neat nowadays but B and C have really shown their age.
    • Ice Nations: Tribal Aggression but in the ocean and there is no boss duplicate
    • Underice: Fetch quest and quest helmets
    • The House of Twain: See Dwelling Walls
    • Zhight Island: Temple of the Legends but it takes place entirely within the ocean and is just a fetch quest
    • The Passage: Boss Altar quest
    • Beneath the Depths: Skull maze looks crusty and Sarnfic even more so. The only redeeming factors of this quest is that you only get 1 emerald which I found kinda funny and the Abysso Galoshes are neat boots.
    • Lost in the Jungle: Kill a miniboss quest.
    • Lost Royalty: The temple bit's really outdated, but I actually don't mind the rest of this.
    • Lost Soles: Hey, third lost in a row. See House of Twain but it's worse as you have to trade in a good armor piece you don't get back (they added the Cursed Jackboots though so it's not all bad)
    • Temple of the Legends: Ultimate fetch quest, this is best described as the ship of theseus of Wynncraft, with it being piecewisely upgraded over time rather than having it all upgraded at once
    • Grand Youth: Another fetch quest with some crusty builds (except the outer fountain of youth that's really cool and pretty)
    • Haven Antiquity: Taproot but in the ocean. Dead Island is more or less an island affected by the Decay in the ocean, even though it doesn't share the same cause as in Gavel. The only good part about this quest is the Alive Island bit, but even then Taproot just does it better.
    • Reincarnation: Fetch quest and then boss time.
    • Hunger of the Gerts: Solely this bc of the quest helmet bit.
    • Desperate Metal: Kill 3 minibosses and then a boss. It's the most lackluster Corkus quest imo.
    • Mixed Feelings: Not exactly outdated in any major aspect except for the patriots. They just go entirely unmentioned as a plot point following this quest and the fact they know about the Dern Beast keeps me up at night.
    There are also some other quests with outdated builds but the core structure of the quest doesn't feel as bad in the current times. Grave Digger itself, even though it got a minor edit in 2.1 with the general structure of the quest being the same (the bit with the 12 rotten flesh is removed), the changes to the crypt makes it feel so much better than the iteration nowadays.
    Gogeta, Dr Zed, Elytry and 2 others like this.
  14. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    was that when merloni was moved to nemract instead of in front of the pit?
  15. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    No that was 1.20.2 when they moved quest NPCs to cities and towns
  16. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Lost Tower would actually work well as a secret discovery, now that I think about it.
  17. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Imo I think Lost Tower should be reworked into a quest about Charon and Ancient Nemract lore, since that is something that's just never elaborated on outside of UC and the Underworld Crypt.
    This too, although idk if the Wynn Plains needs more secrets as it currently has the most out of any region in the game iirc.
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    But at least the puzzle is clearly visible and fairly creative.

    Compare that to The House of Twain that COMPLETELY wastes the perfect opportunity to talk about Twain (Marius, Mael, the lesser ones even) for an indecipherable series of steps.
  19. Femboy Orphion

    Femboy Orphion Bi Furry Femboy (Average Wynncraft Player) HERO

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    i mean i am cooking up a headcanon nemract story line
    but pit of the dead is part 1/3
    and i basically made charon an amalgamation of the souls of the nether miners that managed to descend to the underworld and slaughter everything to create a massive legion of the damned
  20. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    ...So, what was Wynn like before elements and quests existed? How did it work in 1.8 and prior?
    I know it's come a long way, but quests and elements seem really basic...
    I could have sworn that was, like, old. Like, Gavel old or something. It was that recent??
    I think Lost Tower can be redone, I proposed a rework in my "Nemract Catacombs" thread, but yeah, it doesn't really add anything. Could easily be a Secret Discovery. Neither does Haven Antiquity. Honestly, Dead Island could be removed and replaced with something more interesting, I think.
    Tribal Aggression is annoying to do and the camps are too far, it would need to be revamped or removed in a Rymek build update.
    I did a whole thing on Dwelling Walls just recently, actually. Put some work into it. It could be a pretty good Tragedy Mansion, I think.

    Honestly, I say Nemract should be separated from Wynn Plains and given a bunch of discoveries of its own. The whole place needs to be fully revamped. Dark Descent could be a SD in part, Lost Tower could be a SD, Pit of the Dead with some reworks could be a SD...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2024
    TrapinchO likes this.
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