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what quests do you love

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by BethJerry, Jun 10, 2024.

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  1. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    yea The Bigger Picture is fun
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  2. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Hollow Serenity and Canary Calls are my personal favorites and are such amazing quests that really show how far Wynncraft has gotten. If you told 2015 me that quests could have multi choice dialogue, cutscenes, custom music, script heavy minigames, compelling stories, and generally such excellent overall execution, I would not believe you. Like the era I started playing in had quests like A Confused Farmer, where you run back and forth between Katoa Ranch and Detlas Suburbs several times. Or Tower of Amnesia, where you either read up what to do on the wiki and brought all the teleport scrolls you needed, or you spent tons of time running back and forth between towns to hand in teleport scrolls. Or Ice Nations (which is still in the game but yknow I digress), where you run between two islands and a ghost ship to get some stuff then run back to the starter NPC. Or Sister City, where you ran between Detlas and Selchar to pick up some sand and then ran back. Or old Stable Story, where you ran to get 12 pieces of wheat then ran back to the guy. Or old Temple of Legends, where you had to run and gather a full stack of Blaze Powder, Leather and Rotten Flesh. I could go on and on lol, point being that old Wynncraft was lots of running back and forth from NPCs or gathering random stuff to turn in. The new quests that have been created are so much more diverse, tell so much more story, and are just plain ol' fun. Also shoutout to Memory Paranoia, the OG fucked up old ruined mansion quest, never forget your roots. Memory Paranoia ran so that the new quests could fly.
    hmtn, MlecznyHuxel99, cmosier and 5 others like this.
  3. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    Obviously the best quests are Canary Calls, Journey Beyond, Hollow Serenity etc but I have fond memories of a removed quest called Suspended Flowers. It was just a boring fetch quest but I remember that the boots it rewarded you with (the Aerolia Boots) were really cool looking because at the time, Wynncraft had this whole system where armor had custom models added to your skin directly. It's too bad they had Lacrona canonically killed off in the lore, she's a very nostalgic NPC for me and I would sometimes visit her in Detlas.
    hmtn, Elysium_, Orbitrons and 4 others like this.
  4. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    SAME. It was one of the first quests I actually completed back in pre-gavel times, and it holds a special place in my heart for that
    hmtn and BethJerry like this.
  5. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    This is kind of hard, mostly cause I have a lot to mention. In level order:
    • Dwelling Walls is pretty neat, although it's poorly executed. I wish it were done better, but it's cool as-is.
    • Recover the Past went from cool to sick in the update.
    • Misadventure on the Sea warrants a mention although it's not something I'm some sort of huge fan of. It's a good quest, though, and has prototypical attributes of later high-end Wynn quests (mainly, the ability to do little side things and get rewards if you explore - such as opening the bookcase or climbing the mast).
    • The Order of the Grook is a fun quest that I like a lot. Helps that it has good rewards.
    • All Roads to Peace is awesome. It's great. It's fantastic, downright.
    • From the Mountains isn't outstanding in my mind, but well-executed and does a great job of building up the Molten Heights.
    • Memory Paranoia is old but great and doesn't need fixing. It's a fun quest and I always do it because it's simply Good.
    • Forbidden Prison is very good. I like it. It has those little side-tasks like Misadventure on the Sea, and is very well-executed. Only flaw is that you can accidentally miss some of the vent scenes if you pick the right vent first.
    • Hollow Serenity is one of the best quests in the game, most likely on the account that a bunch of CT time was likely put to the task of making an exemplary quest for the area. I shall mention it even though it ranks around a MotS for me.
    • Flight in Distress has awesome music. Gameplay is good but the music is great enough that I am big fan of the quest.
    • The Qira Hive is eh by itself, but the Hive is pretty cool. I say this mostly because I read Selvut's Hive fanfic-turned-canon which was very good.
    • General's Orders is fun. I only wish I could beat up Real Lecade and let the impostor run the place.
    • From the Bottom is a quest I like a lot, mostly on account of the items you get to hand around. I liked it pre-update but after update it is 3x better. Not everyone's thing but it's great for its target audience.
    • The Canary Calls is very nice and I actually managed to finish the minecart parkour. The secrets are good, it does a beautiful job of being scary (enough that I impulsively log out during it). And bomb. There is also bombs. That's a good part.
    • Maybe Cowfusion? The quest is Gavel baseline in terms of quality (i.e. good), but the lore is delicious. And the secret.
    • The Breaking Point. Superawesome. Makes me sad that I'm not allowed to appear for the Maxie wedding (not because of gameplay but because of story).
    I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
    (You can see that the good quests are heavily skewed towards later levels and especially Gavel. This is because Wynn, the Ocean, and Corkus have not been Reborn yet.)
  6. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    I love the how interconnected they are now. It makes it feel like an actual story rather than random side adventures.
    Nice list
  7. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I love Point of No Return so much! Best quest in the game, easily. I'm an absolute sucker for gameplay/story integration, and the way that the quest re-contextualizes things like "you can't go there!" greytext and soul points is just. sublime. to me.

    The writing is so sparse, so moody. The number of quests that match it in terms of putting the "rp" in "rpg" is like... countable on one hand. It's a puzzle quest! A puzzle quest! It brings so much bleak life to SE, to Lutho, it's just. ough it's so good.

    Coming up after it are the usual suspects. 1k Meters Under was my favourite quest for a very long time, but it's been surpassed by quests like Breaking Point, Hollow Serenity, and All Roads to Peace. I wasn't as enamored with Canary Calls as one might expect, but it's still a very good quest! I'm guessing that I was just a bit overhyped for it, with how long it took me to get around to playing the quest.

    Breaking Point is probably my fav quest after PonR, though. No other quest has managed to match that feeling of "welcome back to the Hero of Wynn's story, where they do Hero of Wynn stuff." It feels like the characters (PC included) are actual characters in a story on a level that the game doesn't reach all too often, and makes the world feel dynamic in a way that few other quests do.

    Honorable mention to WynnEx D. No matter how long in the tooth the quest is getting, it's built on solid fundamentals, and solid fundamentals don't age. It has that epic feeling that only a couple other quests manage to hit, to me. It's so good.

    Honorable^2 mention to Lost Tower, which isn't great but also isn't bad and feels to me like the only quest in the game that hasn't appreciably changed in the last decade. For that memory lane status alone, it's always a delight to do.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
  8. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Guest

    i loved Macabre Masquerade before it was removed.
    The majoras mask references was cool
  9. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    Hollow Serenity, or ??? with Pfinder (/j)
  10. Trile

    Trile Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hunters Calling
  11. azurepattycake

    azurepattycake Skilled Adventurer

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    The whole of RoL and all of the Silent Expanse stuff, as well as The Breaking Point and some of the other newer Gavel quests like All Roads to Peace and Hollow Serenity.

    Really hoping for some quest updates/overhauls in 2.1, especially in the Desert area.
  12. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Well boy do I have good news for you.
    Elytry likes this.
  13. albertthepro

    albertthepro Travelled Adventurer

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    I love the questlines bc im a sucker for stories. Aka the whole aledar and tasim earlygame quests, the corkus questline, dwarves and doguns, realm of light, and silent expanse. Also qira hive, bc im a qira simp

    Also highly recommend voices of wynn. Amazing mox
    Tzelofachad likes this.
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