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Looking for mid to long term party

Discussion in 'The Planning Parlour' started by neotis_, Jun 29, 2024.

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  1. neotis_

    neotis_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Looking for a group to play wynncraft with thats able to have a flexible schedule, I work most of the week from Wednesday-Saturday 6pm to 2am, Im 22 and prefer Discord Voice for Communication. Looking for a mid term to long term party to start the game, Need a Shaman (Ritualist) or mage (Light bender) for Healer/support, (Assassin) or (Archer), for Damage,
    Medium/Long range Damager (Riftwalker/Arcanist) or Archer(Sharpshooter/Boltslinger)
    Im playing Fallen/Paladin
    For Agroer/Tank
    Msg me if interested
    (Lv 10 is requested)
  2. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    I'd be happy to join (Doing quests with friends is always better than powerleveling), but uhh I'm going on vacation from the 5th until the end of the month.
    I don't have the most consistent playing schedule, but I can guarente me playing on Sat and Sun from 2pm est to like 3/3:30 pm
    Otherwise, I kinda drift on and off.
    (Was looking for an excuse to level my Archer [lvl 10] so perfect .-. )
    My discord: Sky
    I'd probably tell you on a day-day basis during the weekday when I can play on discord but yeah.
    Honestly, I probably will be more inconsistent with when I can play than you.
    (Also when school starts I can only play on Sat and Sun cuz school is more important)
    Edit: I also can’t guarantee VCs during the weekdays but I def can on the weekend
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
  3. neotis_

    neotis_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Cant seem to add you as a friend so my discord is neotis_ whenever you see this
    FlyingNon likes this.
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