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Endgame players... What do you do to keep playing? I lost motivation long time ago.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DogeTennant, Mar 8, 2024.

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  1. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I just don't know anymore.

    I honestly don't want to stop playing Wynncraft, it's one of the best servers out there, and I also hate that I'm slipping out of the community by being inactive for so long, but ever since the lootrunning update, it's been hard to find motivation.

    After nearly 9000 hours of playtime, it's really hard to find something to do. Well... something enjoyable to do at least. I've done pretty much everything there is to do on the server, and I've done it countless times. But I will never do profs, and profs will never give me motivation to play Wynncraft.

    After the lootrunning update, I lost interest in the only endgame activity I enjoyed doing, and so ever since, I've been forcing myself to log on every so often, but I don't do anything even when I actually join.

    I'm basically waiting for Fruma, hoping that it'll reignite the spark that's missing right now, but Fruma is still quite far away, and what if the spark doesn't even happen? Then I don't know.
  2. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    I am keeping myself going by logging on and joining pfinder things for 30ish minutes a day.
    Other than that I sit in that same boat you're in.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I can agree that Wynncraft is in depression year (of content drought) right now, but I'm still doing class building to stay in Wynncraft. (Instead of using same braindead dps in raids)
    Still not so reliable since there's no item update for ages and most builds are made that it's hard to use creativity further..

  4. sun6002

    sun6002 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Almost ever since got my first lv105 class, I've been kind of a cycle that involves being active (2+ hrs/day) for like 2 months, then not logging on for twice that long. Every time I come back to the game, I'm really engaged in the content, whether it's doing a seasonal event, lootrunning, questing with a new class, or even profing. It's always a good time, but eventually it gets stale and I leave for a while. Then the cycle repeats itself.

    I don't think it's healthy to drag yourself on Wynncraft for the sake of being on the server. You'll end up burning out hard, and maybe you'll come back, but it might be months of even years. If you're noticing the game get stale for you, that's a sign to take a break and find other games before it gets too excruciating. The upsides of intentionally dropping Wynncraft while you still *could* play for a few more weeks without too much pain is that you avoid the most painful part of the game burnout cycle, and the burnout part of the cycle doesn't last nearly as long (Also you don't develop a love-hate relationship that I did with HSB)
  5. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I make new classes just to play the best quest RoL III
    Elysium_ and Tzelofachad like this.
  6. ikako

    ikako Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    for me i jump between games a bunch. i play wynncraft for a few months, get bored and go play tf2, get bored of tf2 and play overwatch, get bored of overwatch and do something else. i accepted a long time ago that i will never be able to fully dedicate myself to one singular game, that i will always get burnt out and bored after a while, but that my motivation to play will come back eventually. i never take those "im leaving this game for good" posts too seriously because, barring some major life event, those people will eventually feel a desire to play again. im sure if you take a break for a while, an update will release that you'll want to play and you'll enjoy the game again for a bit. i haven't played WC since late december but that's ok, i know i've not given up on the game, i still love the game but i'm waiting for a reason to play again. i've been playing since 2013 but i've got far lower playtime than people who started playing 4 years ago because i take breaks to avoid burning out and losing passion for the thing i love. sometimes those breaks are 5 years long, sometimes they're just a few weeks. adhd certainly exacerbates this for me, but i think most people go through the same cycle, just to a lesser extent.
    yep, this is 100% correct, i'm the exact same. getting a bit personal, i felt forced to play music my whole childhood which led to me burning out and stopping once i gained the independance to make my own choices, and i still haven't found the passion i once used to even to this day. (i quit when i was 15-16 and i'm 23 now). it's so much healthier to take breaks from something to avoid that then to force yourself to keep doing something you're only 50% engaged with.
    Ninja_VK, Dr Zed and luckeyLuuk like this.
  7. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I did that over 14 times tho, haha
  8. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    tbh you should just go play other games until fruma comes out

    maybe even try something new irl? :exploding_head:
    ender_abi likes this.
  9. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yea, I mean I'm playing other games, not like I'm in an idle animation while not playing Wynn, right now I'm having a blast with Fallout: New Vegas. It's just that I also don't want to stop playing Wynn, despite basically stopping like 6 months ago

    But nah, I ain't touching grass
  10. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    The two main things that make me play on this server atm are trying to max out my content book (and maybe get mining & farming 105 for their special nodes?) and finding new stuff for the wiki. Festivals are the main way I get pulled back into Wynncraft but that's more for extra stuff instead of the core gameplay.
  11. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    My content book is pretty much completed on all 14 classes except for profs, and as I mentioned, that's the only thing I just won't do. I liked the festivals at the start, like when they first came out, I liked the first three or four, but now I can't get into them.
  12. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    Hunt on Valuable Shiny Mythics like Monster Wars Won, MT Mobs Killed and etc.
  13. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Nowadays, I log on each day to claim my daily Chest and crate - but that's it really. I log on and play during festivals, which takes up about a quarter of the year, and when major updates drop, but I've done everything there is to do in my eyes. Profs, lootrunning, guild stuff, raids, housing, content book completion, forgery, every class up to 106...

    I'm really hoping for some upgrades to the forgery and profs in the next update, plus we'll almost certainly get new endgame activities in Fruma in a couple of years. The best thing that could come in 2.1 for me, is a new class. Salted said that there were plans for a new class when shaman was released, but it got sidelined. So hopefully we'll get that in 2.1 and get some new cool ability tree stuff with it.

    My suggestion for if you're bored, wait for a new update, and slowly play through a class you haven't played in ages, it's really fun, plus using iron-man mode makes it interesting too
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    ExertKarma, CoolVictor2002 and Sar like this.
  14. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Frankly, don't. Don't play a game you have no interest in playing, and certainly don't try to force yourself to be interested. Depending on what you're doing in life, your free time is probably valuable and scarce. Do something you enjoy with it.

    I'm not saying don't play Wynncraft, but don't play Wynncraft if you don't want to. Go away and wait for an update. Maybe two. There's a big world out there, with tons of stuff to do. I can give recommendations for other games that are also really fun to play, if you feel like playing video games. Other people can surely do the same.

    Besides that, there's tons of other things to do in life. I'm not giving the old "don't waste your life playing video games" rant, but there's so much else you can do. I can give recommendations for some great books you may not have read. I can give some pretty good recipes if you enjoy cooking. You can hike, paint, play music, sculpt, make models, play a sport, volunteer at a local library or a local soup kitchen, skydive, backpack across Europe, just hang out with friends, whatever. You don't need to play Wynncraft if you don't want to. Life is short, world is big.

    You say you don't want to stop playing, but really it sounds like you don't want to leave the community or the game forever. That's understandable, it's why I'm here now. You can totally be a part of the community without actively playing. You also don't have to leave forever. A lot of people seem to think they either have to stop and never play again or keep playing long past the point of exhaustion. There isn't some choice of "play or never play" you have to make once, no take-backsies. If you don't want to play, don't play. If you find yourself wanting to play again, you still can. No rule says you can't if you haven't logged in in a year.

    Just understand the difference between "I want to play" and "I want to be a part of the community" or "I feel like I should be playing".

    TLDR: Life is short. Don't waste it forcing yourself to play a game you don't want to play.
  15. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    its a minecraft server not crack
    lucky for you you can just stop playing and do something else
  16. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Honestly, a really good reply.

    Technically, I'm waiting for an update (Fruma), but still, feels weird not to be playing Wynn for such a long time lol. There are a lot of games I have in my backlog, so no issues there. Even have a backlog of books, still, the urge to play Wynn is strong. On the other hand, I'm so bored of Wynn rn, I just can't play it.

    About the real world stuff... Some of those things require touching grass (ew), and some others require talent or money (I don't have any)

    Well... I know I can leave the game and return, I've done that a few times in the past, but now it's been arguably the longest streak of me playing Wynn continuously (like about 4,5 years, and I'm not counting the last 8 months when I haven't been playing), and I've never played that much without stopping since I started in 2014. Like almost 4,5 years of nearly daily logging in and not just logging in for the sake of it, but logging in and playing several hours a day. So it's not the community (because frankly, I've never made like big friends in the community outside of my guild, I have nothing in common and nothing to talk about with most people here, at least that's what it felt like most of the time, I was kinda disconnected), which is also a reason why I think I can't be part of the community outside of the game, I don't spend much time on the forums or discord, I can't imagine myself interacting with the community without the game. It's just that after so long, not playing Wynn feels wrong, despite the fact that I know it doesn't have to be forever, and I just miss playing Wynn. And the thing is... It doesn't have to be forever, but what if it is? I don't know. I said I'm waiting for Fruma, hoping it'll reignite the spark.. What if it doesn't? Fruma is arguably one of the most anticipated updates, maybe since Gavel, and if that doesn't do it, it might as well be forever.

    And I know I said in the original post that one of the reasons why I want to play is because I feel like I'm slipping out of the community, and now I'm saying that I don't care that much for the community, but it's a strange thing to explain. It's just right now, there are so many names and players I know from the server, that even if I only talked to those people a few times, and we weren't even really friends, I worry that in a year, those people will be either gone, replaced by new people, or those people aren't even going to remember me when (if) I come back.
    Sar and Melkor like this.
  17. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Whatever your feelings about my suggestions, there's many things you can do. Do one that makes you happy. Just do me a favor. Never, ever, ever decide not to try something because you lack talent (provided it's not inherently unsafe to do so). No one's good at most things they've never tried

    As for what if you never come back, if you never come back, then you've moved on. That's life. I've moved on and left communities, and sometimes I've come back and other times I barely remember them existing. It doesn't invalidate your experiences or the fun you had, nor does it mean the time was wasted, even if you wouldn't spend it that way again. I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid. I have fond memories of that, and, all thing considered, even if I could change how I spent that time, I wouldn't. And despite that, I'd sooner die than watch a hour's worth of those cartoons again. You enjoyed Wynncraft in the past, but that doesn't mean you have to enjoy it forever, and were that to change, that's okay.

    I know what you mean about the faces in the community changing. Many of the people in the community when I started playing are gone now, and it always feels a little weird seeing all of the new faces. It's really shocking how many people are still here though. A surprising portion of the forums community at least has been here a long as I have. This post actually inspired me to go and look at a lot of the people I remember being big names back in the day, and around half were last online within the last week. Trust me when I say that if you left for a year, you'd come back to a lot of the same faces. We've got a long memory as internet forums go, and people tend to stay around in one way or another. I've been lurking in one way or another since before 9/7. People aren't easily forgotten. And besides, you can always drop in and answer some questions or make a suggestion or give some advice.

    As for having nothing to talk about with the community, what's going on in your life? How're you doing? What're you up to?
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  18. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Your suggestions were good, I was mostly just joking (except for the no talent and money part), but no I'm way too impatient to learn any skill. I need to be good at it immediately or I give up (unfortunately), or if I don't give up immediately, it's my procrastination that deals the final blow. Tried programming, 3d modeling, web design, writing, mountain biking... probs some others, not like it matters, I gave up on all of them lmao

    I don't want to move on from Wynn yet tho. It's like I want to both play and not play Wynn at the same time. Like maybe after Dern comes out, then I can move on. I can't move on before the Wynn storyline finishes, come on now haha. It's hard for me to let go of communities. There are some old school games... That had communities with people in the thousands, but now there are only tens of people or even less at times, and I'm a part of those communities because I can't leave. I remember pretty much every community I was a part of (if I was of any significance to anyone in that community), and I left only those where I 100% lost all interest in the game (or activity), or if I was basically forced to leave (like multiplayer ending support/server ending etc..). True, I don't have to enjoy Wynn forever, and I probably won't... I'd like to enjoy it just a little longer though.

    You're right that the faces probably won't change that much in 1 year, I guess I was mostly just basing it off of the players that I interacted with more than just the regular "What's up" at WC1 Detlas and stuff like that, and most people like that stopped playing. Now pretty much the only people like that left are in my guild, and even they all stopped playing. And the guild I'm in is a part that I haven't really talked about much, but I felt kind of responsible for keeping the guild alive, and I knew if I stopped playing, it would die. And unsurprisingly, when I stopped playing, the guild died pretty much immediately. Well, it was already dying before I fully stopped playing because I wasn't putting in that much work anymore.

    As for your questions... Life's pretty trash, but hey, I'm having a blast playing Fallout: New Vegas, so that's something lmao
    luckeyLuuk and Melkor like this.
  19. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    gamemodes + ct
  20. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well, I've been working on my housing which has kept me busy in Wynncraft. If you have enough money, hey, you could do it too, it will keep you busy cause youll have a project to do, a fun project. You could also play some different game modes, or you could do a forgery speed run and see how fast you can go. Personally though, if you're bored, just take a break til 2.1 comes out, who knows maybe 2.1 will bring some pizzazz to the endgame that it really needs. TLDR, do something to keep you busy, or take a break from Wynncraft till the next update comes out.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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