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Art FOTB 2023 (no it isnt february shut up) + more!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by GavinsMC, Feb 11, 2024.

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  1. GavinsMC

    GavinsMC Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Good day, and Happy Holidays (2 months ago)! I hope all is well this holiday season (also 2 months ago).

    Its been a good bit! Here's some art I've compiled through the past month. I shall proceed to dump them all here.

    Festival of the Blizzard 2023
    This was my first festival of the Blizzard, and I did quite enjoy seeing my two favorites hang out together in the snow.

    Corkians in Detlas Snow!
    I was very happy to see them two near the pond. You bet I was AFK there the whole festival standing next to them. I also very rarely color, so this was a fun experience to see these two in full render.

    Here's another FOTB Themed Illustration: Ava Choco
    (Birds are not actually allowed to consume cocoa so she definitely did not taste test this and it will definitely taste really bad)

    Alright enough FOTB! Here's some misc. sketches and illustrations.

    This is probably one of my favorite outfits I've drawn her in.

    Still my favorite Wynncraft NPC design by far!

    Best dynamic in wynn hands down!! (not biased)

    Animatics and Videos

    I must thank @Rice & Uno for introducing me to this awesome website.

    Here's my main project for a good while. An interlude to the one-shot comic featured in the previous post as an animatic. I really like the concept of Corkus' AHC, and it fuels my brain rot to see Ava and Maxie in pain. (I am also in great pain)

    For something more lighthearted, heres the duo just hanging out and chilling :)

    Wynncraft OCs

    I have decided to join in on the fun of OC's! So here's Gavin, an Avos-raised Corkian outcast. He's a manifestation of my whims throughout the Corkus Quests, mixed with my own inferences as to the Corkus landscape and worldbuilding.
    His name is different from mine. I am gavins, and this guy is named Gavin :thumbsup: (i have no creativity)

    He is also based off of the scuffed character in my profile --which is why he is doing the iconic Gavins Pose

    Gavin hails from ruined houses, a territory on the map of Corkus near the factory. He would be the only surviving resident from a mech raid. Eventually being spotted by a group of Avos, he would be raised by the Grandmaster Shaman learning Avos Nature Magic along the way. His upbringing isn't spotless however, as he would be subject to being shunned by the other Avos for being a Corkian on their turf. Eventually, the Grandmaster Shaman would pass on from age, and Gavin would be forced to try to move back to Corkus City --thus beginning the Envoy Questlines and learning electromagic from Maxie. After the Envoy, he figures that Corkus City is too different from what he knows, and so he feels alienated by his own people, thus he moves back to the Avos Territory. There, he senses electromagic in the air and is led to Ava, beginning the Feather's Fly questline and their partnership. Gav would reside within the workshop since he is accustomed to the Avos Territory and takes a liking to the first Avo that does not shun him. After all these events, his main role within Corkus serves to be an oddjob for Efena (to prevent Ava's punishments after Tff2), and to be the "Great Hero of Corkus" since he did take down the factory during Envoy II. Though to be truthful, he simply wants to be with his two first friends --a hardworking Corkian and a rebellious Avo.


    Here's some tidbits of him in the Corkus Quests.

    The Envoy I:
    The Feather's Fly I:
    The Feather's Fly II:
    1705991193316.jpg 1705990795160.jpg

    Based on Trashietube_'s Final Corkus quest concept wherein the player fights against Rensa. Gav would struggle in this fight due to how well prepared the Patriots are. As Gavin is ever nearing his defeat, he thinks about a question Efena gives him -- "What is your Corkus..?"


    This one is quite long, so I've put it into a google site so it reads like a webtoon.
    Here's a short adaptation of Elemental Excercise featuring @meefy's OC, Vince!
    I love his hair so much; the braid is so perfect. Meefy you are so AWESOME.

    Till next time! Lets get hyped for the upcoming 2.1 update!
    Arikage, Bixlo, Gogeta and 10 others like this.
  2. meefy

    meefy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Huh, I never Imagined Tasim's hair looking like that, it looks cool, I actually think it makes him more unique compared to Aledar since they both have beards. And him not having a moustache also looks better.
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