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Tool Controlify Wynn - Enhanced Controller Support

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by aws404, Jan 23, 2024.

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  1. aws404

    aws404 Wynn CMD VIP+

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    Want to play Wynncraft with a controller?
    For some time the experience has been lacking, hopefully that changes now.

    Controlify Wynn is a Fabric mod which is installed alongside Wynntils and Controlify and provides Wynncraft specific utilities. Although boss battles and combat in general are a little finiky, I have personally found traveling and gathering to be more enjoyable using a controller!

    Full Feature List
    - Controlify/Wynntils compatability:
    - Allow binding Wynntils keybinds with Controlify (Such as spell casting, horse mousing, ect)
    - Enable better Wynntils GUI navigation with controllers
    - New keybinds to help with controller usage:
    - Identify/Sell/Scrap items (inside Identifer/Blacksmith GUI) - GUI Abstract Action 1
    - Page/Scroll navigation using bumpers (inside Trade Market/Bank/Ability Tree/Default Quest Book)
    - Contoller gathering button guide
    - Better Wynncraft GUI navigation (dont snap the cursor to invisible GUI elements)
    - Better dialogue controller interaction
  2. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    aws back at it again with a banger.
    controller isnt really my cup of tea but this seems pretty good.
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