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Is there a way to own a club without lv 75?

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Zokly, Nov 24, 2023.

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  1. Zokly

    Zokly :dokuchatting: VIP+

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    I am the current leader of the third Iteration of a club in another game that is dead as heck. I have found Wynncraft. am I able to have someone make me a guild and transfer to me? I am lv 46 but I don't have the funds to even give someone to start the guild. Is it possible to be given a guild when lower than lv 75. I am 18 ish LE short of funds so I only have 2 LE poor man. Basically as of rn I need to know if this is possible to even transfer a club to me while below lv 75.
  2. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    You could probably get someone to make a guild and transfer ownership to you, but it might be better to make one once you've reached the required level, because if you don't commit to Wynncraft after making the guild, then it's probably going to die anyway.
    Heylo and Voxels like this.
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