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Good grind spots for mining/fishing/farming/woodcutting

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Jcoder987, Nov 10, 2023.

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  1. Jcoder987

    Jcoder987 Highly Experienced Human

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    Im trying to grind my gathering skills, and i was wondering if there were any good spots for grinding stuff (especcialy ores, i cant find much of them)
  2. PzzmyTH

    PzzmyTH Well-Known Adventurer

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    I've actually made a list of my favorite gathering spots a while back, a perfect time for me to share

    Copper => [-545, 67, -1520]
    Granite => [785, 86, -1242]
    Gold => [963, 51, -2196]
    Sandstone => [1480, 94, -1420]
    Iron => [-463, 33, -386]
    Silver => [-640, 86, -1030]
    Cobalt => [-625, 25, -385] (there are many mobs around the area)
    Kanderstone => [-790, 53, -5380]
    Diamond => [-865, 41, -6045] (in RoL)
    Molten => [1540 62 -5340] (require emeralds to enter the mine)
    Voidstone => [870, 34, -4770] (inside a cave near Kandon-Beda) or [13695, 115, -3950] (in the void)
    Dernic => [660, 84, -635]

    Gudgeon => [-390 33 -2100]
    Trout => [-775, 128, -1310] (there are more nodes along the river)
    Salmon => [110, 46, -1965]
    Carp => [1165, 77, -2135] (the fishes are separated on different levels of elevation)
    Icefish => [1135, 21, -3385] (fishes are under the ice) or [-100, 71, -750]
    Piranha => [-635, 58, -920]
    Koi => [-610, 21, -505] (the area is infested with annoying mobs)
    Gylia => [Lake Gylia] (the fishes are everywhere)
    Bass => [-1830, 34, -2225] (very insane bass spot)
    Molten Eel => [1425, 138, -5085] (lava lake)
    Starfish => [Pond directly north of Kandon-Beda]
    Dernic => [985, 126, -1090]

    Oak => [Nivla woods]
    Birch => [around Detlas]
    Willow => [around Nemract]
    Acacia => [Savanna]
    Spruce => [Any snowy area]
    Jungle => [Jungle]
    Dark => [Dark forest]
    Light => [Light forest]
    Pine => [Along the path outside Thesead gate] or [-1430 117 3000] (in Corkus)
    Avo => [-1827 119 -2930]
    Sky => [1431, -4580] (I like to gather them on this island specifically)
    Dernic => [Eyeball forest]

    Wheat => [-535, 65, -1775] (enough for leveling) or [somewhere near Thesead farming area] (for large quantity of wheat)
    Barley => [-516, 102, -1298] (for leveling) or [everywhere in Olux farms] (for large quantity of Barley)
    Oats => [515, 42, -2820]
    Malt => [370, 39, -2830]
    Hops => [-1820, 55, -4955]
    Rye => [-2065, 53, -5470]
    Millet => [-734, 44, -5030]
    Decay => [-730, 44, -5040]
    Rice => [500, 47, -5515]
    Sorghum => [-1820, 107, -3265]
    Hemp => [inside the same cave that has voidstones, near Kandon-Beda]
    Dernic => [1090, 135, -1135]
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