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Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ThePurpleEmerald, Nov 8, 2023.

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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay, before I begin I just want to clarify that this isn't a suggestion post. Yes, it is content that may eventually be made into a suggestion post in the "General Suggestions" Category but the purpose of this thread and this thread alone is solely to get some feedback regarding what I'm about to show.

    (P.S. If you're some forums mod and I really misinterpreted the purpose of General Suggestions and this still counts as content that belongs in that category, pls let me know in Discord if you move this thread there so I can remove some of the starting text lol thanks)

    That being said, you don't need to read any of the text below if you don't mind missing a little bit of context, in which case you can just ignore the massive wall of spoiler below and get the whole thing done in like 30 seconds. For everyone else, however, let's move on.

    v v v v v
    Due to the nature of this mini-suggestion of mine, it is something I can't really just estimate the viability of on my own like I have done with the other stuff like Charon and Summoner, and being substantially less vague and more UI-design dependent than the previously mentioned I believe that it is necessary that this requires a wider sample size of just 1 person in order to determine its User-Friendliness. That being said, here it is.

    Quick context, I've always been trying to find natural, non-intrusive solutions to reduce the amount of people that find a strong dependence on using Wynncraft mods, particularly the one in focus today being Wynntils. I should state that while I don't necessarily despise the idea of players using mods, but I do tend to discourage new players on downloading mods off the bat as I believe that the (intended) vanilla experience is something important enough to not be put to the side completely, at least for their first few times playing the game.

    I have noticed that players usually download Wynntils for two particular features of the mod that I have managed to pull out as glaring, the first (and obvious one) being the minimap, and the second one being item identification percentages.

    While I have brainstormed for a concerning amount of time on possible ways to include a minimap into vanilla plugined-Minecraft, something close to being smooth as a modded minimap simply isn't that possible given current limitations. With that being a lost cause, I hence looked towards the significantly less outlandish option, which is being able to view ID percentages, or rather some version of this mechanic in vanilla. Something which, for the record, I personally feel like it is a very possible mechanic to add into the base game.

    Now, I am not ignorant, I understand and am aware of the issues and obstacles that immediately become apparent when it comes time to implementing such a mechanic into vanilla. The more glaring obvious problems people might first think would be stuff like the fact that ID Percentages may be too overwhelming for newer players, and should there be a toggle that tries to fix this problem it might end up just resulting in any bandaid solutions either being too obscure of a feature or too obstructive of a game mechanic for most players to handle.

    While it did take a bit of time to conceptualize some possible solutions for this puzzle, I do believe that there may be some less noticeable problems and hurdles that can be encountered when using this mechanic that I have not dealt with in my prototype. Hence I am here in search for the opinions of the wider population of the Wynncraft community to let me know what you think of this current arrangement I have for the idea.

    It's pretty much an incomplete visual drawn-up concept that's meant to just get the idea across rather than a refined suggestion post, don't think too much about it. Just imagine it as a real feature in the game and how good or bad you think it may be.

    No Y/N poll, I'm just here to gather useful in-depth feedback of the idea's contents rather than gauge the overall support for a suggestion existing.
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    Okay hi there if you ignored all the text in the spoiler above that's all fine, all I need is feedback from people on the usability of this whole thing, which is why I prepared a prototype below.

    If you're willing to, feel free to let me know what you think about the general concept along with your first impressions on how intuitive the whole UI with the inspector is without any real outside assistance (oh, and before I forget as I'm typing this thing, the stage at which you are granted access to this mechanic).

    Any comments I get regarding the design of this is appreciated, and will go into me figuring out improvements.

    Okay I've delayed this enough let's go:

    Hi there the stuff begins here
    Shown below at the bottom-right is the Corkian Inspector.


    Initially meant to be a Corkian-themed vaguely steampunk/mechanical magnifying glass, I eventually decided to take visual inspiration from Terraria's "Mechanical Lens" item.

    While the Inspector uses the same artstyle, theme and naming convention as the Corkian Augments, it is not technically an item.


    Instead, the Corkian Inspector will be a pseudo-item of sorts, first obtained as such when the player is first introduced to the physical tool and then transforming into a button accessible via the Compass Menu. More on that later.


    The purpose of the Corkian Inspector is to scroll between different modes and toggle each individual setting on and off depending on how the player wishes to view the ID Qualities of items. Once a mode is set on the Corkian Inspector, all identified items that the player views in their inventory, bank, marketplace along with other relevant locations will be altered to provide the given view of choice.


    Shown above is an example item with “Bar Meter and Percentage” toggled when you hover over one. Other options within the Inspector UI exclude either of them in the item textbox.

    The player first does not have access to the Inspector, nor do they have any access to viewing the ID quality of identified items when they first begin the game. Some observant players may notice that item IDs are randomized upon rolling them, but otherwise, the solution to easing the player into Wynncraft's ID mechanic will be in the form of a quest.

    This quest replaces the Level 24 Quest Dwelling walls, the quest now serving as a thorough and simple yet comprehensive tutorial for both the Corkian Inspector and the concept of Wynncraft item IDs in general. I feel like this is also a perfect spot to place the introduction in, not only because the original quest has a namedrop for Corkus, but also because level 24 is not too low or high of a level to ease players into IDs.

    Leucsaa and their mansion still exists as the focus (Given my extreme reluctance to get rid of otherwise perfectly usable assets), but rather than the rotating puzzle, the quest has been altered (The puzzle which, I forgot to mention, is completely removed. We don't want a puzzle where 90% of people use the wiki for to discourage new players from completing this quest. We don't need further friction.).

    Leucsaa now requests for the player's help to move out some objects from the mansion with the assistance of a Corkian-made quality inspector, a tool which is given to the player in the form of an item as shown below to sort between high-quality objects and low-quality objects. The mansion would probably still have the shifting walls gimmick to add a little bit of excitement and danger but whatever challenge it will pose to the player is irrelevant to this post. Moving on.


    Quick Note: The item above is purely visual. All the items the player is required to sort through inside of the mansion are not real weapons or gear and instead have the percentages and bars artificially added into its textbox as fake IDs.

    Upon finishing the quest, the Corkian Inspector will now appear as a button in the player's Compass Menu. To prevent any large friction or design flaws regarding the accessibility of this feature linked to the completion of the quest, finishing the quest once will permanently unlock the Corkian Inspector via the Compass Menu for all current classes and new classes created afterwards, removing the need for the player to go through the same quest for every single class and also removing the feature being restricted to level 24 and above.

    Irrelevant Changes
    You may have noticed a little bit of a UI change regarding the bottom of the example Weathered. I honestly think that the powder slots visual is a huge improvement, but I couldn't figure out a good display for rerolls that doesn't take up an extra line of space while at the same time being more informative to a player looking at the statistic with no prior knowledge of its significance.


    Feel free to voice out your opinions on these as well but ultimately this post is mainly for the Inspector mechanic. Good day to you all!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2023
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  3. PenStick

    PenStick Well-Known Adventurer

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    Add a poll
    luckeyLuuk and That_Chudley like this.
  4. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    cool post !
    Waiter1986 and That_Chudley like this.
  5. ineedhelp

    ineedhelp You need help?

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  6. Waiter1986

    Waiter1986 Supreme leader of delivering food CHAMPION

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    i think this is a fantastic idea
  7. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I'm loving the purple emerald character arc as of late

    Fleega likes this.
  8. Silent Boss

    Silent Boss Critically Shameless

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    This is very well thought out. Nothing much to add.
  9. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    The antivillain arc is over we are back to having a main protagonist in this arc

  10. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Oh shoot just noticed something
    Okay so given that Mana Steal is a Positive ID, it only has 100 different possible choices that the game can pick for that one ID, between a 0.30 and 1.30 multiplier from the item's initial set base. In this case, it should not be possible to have a .5 in its percentage of 87.5%. I'm too lazy to change a whole image so ignore that minor error lol

    Also if it isn't clear, I should clarify that both the percentage and is decided from the multiplier chosen during the identification (0.3-1.3 for Positive IDs, 0.7-1.3 for Negative IDs with a precision of 0.01)
  11. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well there are actually 101 possible values
    Also the reason why it shows as 87.5% if you’re using wynntils is because wynntils calculates the percents based on min and max rather than comparing to base value
    Also air damage should be 100%
  12. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Also the air damage was initially a green value, I changed to an aqua value to show an example of a high ID.
    I know the actual damage number is maximum but I wanted both that number and the percentage number to be derived from the initial multiplier

    In which case the percentage bar is supposed to be really precise. If there is a way to also indicate that this is the highest possible value though that would also be nice. I would add an option to show the min and max values somewhere but I'm not sure how that would be implemented in this. Might make the entire Inspector textbox more complicated to use, I'm not sure.
    point_line likes this.
  13. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    I see, so it’s true roll
    Also the weathered base dps is that of an a6a6a6 one even though it’s supposed to have none
  14. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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  15. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Whoops lol

    Okay screw it I'll just update the image
  16. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Incredibly well-thought-out concept! I have some extra ideas: Wynntils seems to have a feature that allows you to copy a weapon's stats and quality and paste it into chat (on Vanilla it looks like a bunch of empty boxes due to missing characters). It'd be cool if that, or something like that, were possible without mods too.

    It might be useful to also be able to toggle the Inspector from within the Trade Market GUI. Otherwise someone has to exit, open the compass, close the compass, open the TM and go back to the previous search results, which all takes quite long.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  17. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Given Minecraft's built-in ability to display textboxes when hovering over certain elements of chat I don't see why this shouldn't be a thing in-game. Wynncraft already utilizes this feature in some parts of their chat.

    Also great idea. I initially designed the Corkian Inspector in such a way that ease of access is, while important, somewhat less of a factor to be considered compared to other aspects, mostly because the average player would likely settle for one single toggle state and almost never touch the Inspector again. Having the Inspector button show up in places like the marketplace is however a good thought, and one I can't really see why shouldn't exist. Excellent idea!

    Anyways, while I continue brainstorming on possibilities on somehow including "Mix-Max Range" and "Base x Multiplier" toggles on an already complex UI (Both of those parameters fall under the "Not necessary for practical use" range) I would actually like some thoughts on how I might be able to make the mechanic smoother and more convenient to use, especially since a lot of the decisions I've made are particularly accommodating for new players while at the same time intended to mostly be used for the somewhat more experienced individual who understands the game at a greater depth than a fresh newcomer, so that the feature will not be too overbearing for the lower-levels while at the same time being dead useful for players across the game.

    None of you have to if you don't want to give any detailed feedback of course, but I sure didn't post this here for nothing. I intended it to be more of a brainstorming/survey-esque thread than anything, to be honest.
    I was hoping to get a wider pool of thoughts beyond mine from people who actually play the game often (and those who also use Wynntils, I guess).
    Not sure how feasible it is to get the feedback from newly-joined players though since they don't use the forums so I can't really have a "true" survey of sorts, but I know a bunch of you care about the ease of use and convenience quite a lot as well

    In the meantime I'll be here solving this funny dilemma. Thanks for the surprisingly high positive support and good day to you all! I'll be back later once I've some new stuff to show to see if anything else pops up!
  18. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Actually wait a minute

    If I were to have the Corkian Inspector derive the percentage directly from the multiplier (The value I presume is chosen during the identification), won't the percentage for Positive IDs still always be a whole number?

    If 0.3 (The lowest possible multiplier) is marked as 0%, then the percentage reading will still be maintained, since the first number of the 101 possibilities is taken by 0%, which is not part of the 1%-100% reading

    So if the multiplier chosen are numbers like 0.31, 0.32 and 0.33 then the percentage calculated from said multiplier will simply be 1%, 2% and 3%, won't it not?
  19. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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  20. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Just drew up an experimental toggle that fixes the customizability spacing issue


    Note, the player will not be taught how to use the Compass Menu Corkian Inspector. The cosmetic item obtained in its relevant quest has no functional use, and the "fake" unidentified items viewed during the quest will already have the quality manually written down in their textboxes.

    What do you all think?
    Sar likes this.
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