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About Ability Points in the Fruma Update

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by KaiserSpin, Oct 28, 2023.


Will we get more abilities points in the Fruma Update?

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  1. KaiserSpin

    KaiserSpin Well-Known Adventurer

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    I've been wondering about something and would like others ideias on the subject.

    As we know, the Fruma update will (whenever that releases) increase the level cap substantively.

    The exact amount isnt confirmed yet, but we know it wont be higher than 120.

    Considering how big the update will be by adding a whole new province, I expect the final leval cap to be 120, which would make the biggest increase in level cap since the Gavel Update if I'm not mistaken.

    Now, since we dont get stat points since lvl 101 (something that I really disagree) we should get something on those level ups, otherwise they would be mostly pointless.

    Luckly the the Ability tree was introduced, with it we probably will get something of those new levels.

    I really hope I'm right and we do get some extra points. About the amount we will get I have no ideia, maybe some 2-3?

    I'm sure some people will say that would make players builds even more OP, but that is a easy issue to be fixed, just buff the enemies.

    So, what do you guys think?

    I also hope we get lvl100+ potions, otherwise the lvls beyong 101 feel kinda incomplete, specially without the stats points.
  2. ineedhelp

    ineedhelp You need help?

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    it was confirmed we get ability points in fruma.

    we dont get skill points past 200 because its too op, like we can already almost max two entire skills with some builds, if we even just had 10 to 20 more points to spend, power creep would be high. imagine a high dps oblivion acrobat build that had 20 more sp to spend on int. suddenly my acrobat who can barely fly without a perfectly timed sequence would be able to fly with much room for mistakes and escape in bad situations too easily
  3. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    I think that it won't really matter that much how many more points we get, assuming it isn't something ridiculous like 15. It'll be interesting to see how exactly they can make content appropriate for even more horizontal progression, since currently it seems like a lot of the highest level content gets trivialized pretty easily, and at this point higher boss health/damage doesn't really cut it imo.
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