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The Future of the Wiki

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Da Homeboi, Oct 10, 2023.


Should the Wiki move off of Fandom?

  1. Absolutely, Fandom is dogshit

  2. Yes, Fandom is bad but it has a few perks

  3. I couldn't care if the wiki stays on Fandom or not

  4. I'd prefer if we stay on Fandom

  5. No, Fandom is a great option

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  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    UPDATE: A form has been made. Click here to fill it out and share it with as many people as you can.

    ok so unless you have been living under a rock, you've probably heard that the Minecraft Wiki has moved from a wiki-hosting service called Fandom, which most of you are familiar with for better or worse... mostly the latter.

    So why exactly is this relevant? Well, if Minecraft did it, then Wynncraft should probably follow suit.

    But why is Fandom bad?
    Look at this image:

    It doesn't take a PhD in everything to require the reason why this is terrible: ads. Ads everywhere.

    And some people even get popups like this (not my screenshot, its from a discord thread linked below):

    Does it personalize your experience by making it bubbly or just saying "oh sry you can't go here" if you select that you're a kid? Nope. You still get ads regardless, and while I can't say exactly how selecting a that you're a kid affects you experience, it is for advertising purposes.

    The site is pretty much unusable on mobile too, given that it uses so much data and your reading experience is constantly interrupted by an ad showing a product you could care less about.

    Oh but it doesn't stop there! While this might not be relevant to the Wynncraft wiki, this is still definitely something to bring up here: Fandom does not give a shit about the admins, editors, or users of a wiki. Ok, where's your proof? Here it is:
    Remember that one thing that happened over the summer called the Grimace Shake? Well, the McDonald's Wiki was vandalized by Fandom in a promotional campaign that was coordinated with the company featured in the wiki, and the page was locked to that for the promotional campaign. Let that sink in: Fandom prioritized an advertising campaign that would reach few and far people over its own editors who put their hearts and soul into the wiki. ok enough about that child serial killer back to what I was talking about

    Ok, yea Fandom sucks, but why are we still using it?
    2 reasons, one minor, the other one the main argument for staying on Fandom:
    • Moving the wiki hasn't been a huge priority, and the second, far more important reason:
    • Fandom has great Search Engine Optimization and will make sure it stays on top of the search results at any cost.
    If we decide to move (which you shouldn't think of as moving, but instead forking), Fandom will not let the wiki close down for any reason whatsoever. No measure will be effective in leaving the old wiki a barren desert. You cannot lock pages nor vandalize them nor smear the new wiki url all over the pages, because that is vandalism in Fandom's eyes. So why does Fandom still keep an abandoned wiki running? Well, because Fandom cares about the fandom of the topic very much and wants to always have this wiki around as an option... which when putting it through my corporatespeak translator comes out as we will keep the wiki running to pull it ad revenue and hog up more data usage than MIRAI.

    But onto the other main part of the point: Fandom has weasled its way to the top of the search engine results, as you can see with the new Minecraft Wiki at the bottom and the old one at the top.

    (also support the new minecraft wiki, do not click on any Fandom links for it)

    And if we move, then the new official wiki will have to compete with the old abandoned wiki, and what would likely happen to those searching for it to click on the fandom one, which tells the SEO that the fandom wiki will get more clicks and more ad revenue.

    So do we have any alternatives?
    As a matter of fact: yes. A lot, actually. You can see them listed below, and there are quite possibly several other options, like MediaWiki (which would make the transition between a new and old wiki more seamless, as Fandom is built on MediaWiki). Alternatively, Wynncraft could also make a pretty similar move that the Hypixel Skyblock devs did: host their own wiki on their site, which did do the sisyphean task of overcoming the Fandom wiki in SEO. However, this also comes at a massive cost of Wynncraft having to host the wiki themselves on the page, and Salted has said that vandalism would have to be managed a lot more promptly and often than on the Fandom wiki. This could be solved by limiting the wiki editor team like the Skyblock wiki has done, but this also comes at the cost of content on the wiki being added far more slowly. To put it simply, the best option for the wiki is not crystal-clear right now, and what might have worked for the Minecraft wiki might not work for us.

    and here's some more people who support the move (i'm trying to peer pressure you)
    And this isn't just limited to the vast majority of wiki users that don't edit, tons of our editors also support the move, including some admins:
    @Salted - Head Wiki Admin (he gave us his blessing to move but doesn't officially endorse it)
    @Markus_Rost - Wiki Admin
    @EarthInSpace - #2 in WikiPoints on the leaderboard (JESUS CHRIST CHILL MAN!)
    @FrozenEarth - Wiki Admin (He's pretty much the main one atm)
    me - #4 in WikiPoints on the leaderboard
    @TrapinchO - Former Wiki Observer

    Wynncraft GMs, Devs, & Mods:
    olivercom (sry idk what your forums name is)
    @Deusphage - also a wiki editor

    and a large majority of the average-joe players.

    (ping me if you want a spot here)

    Closing Remarks and some other places to discuss this
    tl;dr: Fandom bad, we should move

    if you want to discuss this further, go to the thread on the Wynncraft Discord called "Move Wiki from Fandom to MediaWiki" or go to the Wiki Discord. I'll DM the links to these if you convo me.

    Minecraft Wiki's Discussion on moving from Fandom: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Moving_from_Fandom/Second_discussion
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  2. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Tbf there's only like a select few people who actually contribute to the wiki and approving a small-ish number of people for wiki editing would not be too big a hassle for the staff team (maybe)
    Da Homeboi likes this.
  3. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Fair and valid point, me, EarthInSpace, and Madeline (purpleemerald infrequently does it) are the main editors on the wiki atm. The main issue could be the wiki editor application process for anyone new who wants to edit the wiki, though this might only be for the option where Wynncraft itself hosts it (idk if the other options can do the same thing).
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
  4. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I was waiting until someone made a thread about this after the Minecraft wiki migrated. Absolutely, let's move!
    PercyTW, Olinus10 and Gogeta like this.
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    No the hell I'm not

    Not even a little
  6. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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  7. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    You literally picked a single day as an example and pictured it as if I do the same amount of editing weekly
  8. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    THANK YOU. I don’t care where the wiki moves, just MOVE!

    I actively avoid Fandom as much as I can due to the horrendous ads they put, especially on mobile. Thankfully ad blocker blocks all of them but oh my god please move out of this dogshit website.
  9. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Honestly? Ditch Fandom and never look back. Ad infested dump of a website that gives no two shits about its userbase and pretends everything is fine and dandy.

    This is what RSWiki had to say about Fandom. They're also the organization (Weird Gloop) hosting the Minecraft Wiki now, in case you're curious.
    PercyTW, Sprite and TwageTomato like this.
  10. urDoom

    urDoom Loyal Tstacker VIP+

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  11. Viridian

    Viridian The Moviegoer CHAMPION

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    As someone who has relied on the wiki, especially during my first few days on the server, I'm disappointed that Fandom has gone quite downhill. When I direct players to the wiki for help with a quest, I often get complaints about how many ads that blow up on the screen. Do agree with Salted that if a wiki were to be hosted under the Wynncraft domain, it'd need to be kept under close (and far fewer) eyes - and I don't think we have the infrastructure to host that at the moment.

    I'm in full support of moving the wiki, and I think MediaWiki is likely the best move - that being said, it might also be worth considering other zero-cost options like DokuWiki or TikiWiki (that being said, articles might be harder to transfer over to those platforms)

    Oh I'm pretty sure this is a Fandom-exclusive thing (but I might be mistaken) but I hate it when I have multiple wiki tabs open and one of the tabs decides to play a video ad, scares the hell out of me and I have to find the tab that has the ad playing to make it stop.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
  12. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    It's very much a Fandom exclusive problem, along with fextralive (although Twitch unintentionally curbed that problem to the ground). Even with adblockers and anti-autoplay extensions on both Chrome and Firefox, the site is basically internet equivalent of the Malebolge.

    The worst part? Prior to their acquisition, Fandom used to be cool. Now, it's more or less a wretched remnant of its former self, if even that.
    Wiki admins might be able to ask Weird Gloop or MediaWiki for migration purposes (doubt that we currently have the infrastructure to host our own). Weird Gloop hosts the Minecraft Wiki as well now, and the "wynncraft.wiki" domain would be snazzy.

    Ultimately, Salted has the final say, but a migration would be far better than sticking with Fandom.
  13. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    my final say is that id love if the wiki moves to a less annoying platform, but i'd like this to be a community-led effort, not an official wynncraft one. we can give a shoutout once it's done to help out
    AIexxx, Ava Cart, PercyTW and 13 others like this.
  14. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Like FrozenEarth said on the Discord thread, while a shoutout would help, it would also be better if it was also advertised in-game with one of those notices that appear (to those who don't know what I'm talking abt, its the thing that appears that says "Use /kill if you have 6+ Soul Points to get out of a tough spot!") and/or being mentioned in a line in King's Recruit that says to go to the (new) wiki if you are lost in-game, and you could also update some links to the wiki on the official website to direct you to the new wiki instead.

    Another thing to note would be removing the Official wiki tick at the top of the Fandom wiki, because as Markus_Rost said (iirc), Fandom has to comply.

    Unfortunately a simple shoutout can't fix the issue entirely, as readers might not see it and the Fandom wiki will still be at the top of the search results. It is a community-led effort, yes, but it also requires the devs and staff to also be hands-on about it too.

    Appreciate the response, though, especially with you supporting the move.
  15. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    we can leave a special login message about it for a little while, but on the long-term we wouldn't keep a permanent link to it. we specifically avoid permanent links to outside sources (except for some social links) and i don't think we've advertised any wiki for a while now. we can remove the "official wiki" tick if that's possible once a new wiki is up.
    AIexxx, PercyTW, DrGREEN and 3 others like this.
  16. Fezzic

    Fezzic I loved it when Greg said "it's greggin time" CHAMPION

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    I’m glad so many communities are making the move. Also, wiki.gg is a great option- they host the Monumenta and Terraria wiki. They have ads, but they are for games on the hosting platform and they aren’t intrusive.
  17. block36_

    block36_ Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    Please do this. Also to anyone who's interested I highly recommend the extension "Indie Wiki Buddy". It shows you alternatives to fandom wikis and can even remove fandom from search results if you want, avoiding the SEO problem.
  18. PotatoGamerEZ

    PotatoGamerEZ Epic Gamer

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    Even if the new wiki link isn't permanent, Content creators can still tell their viewers to go to the new wiki. Since Olinus10 and Looni get decent amounts of views on their videos, they could easily inform a wide range of players.
  19. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    bumping this for some updates on discussion in the wiki discord & another thing:
    • The wiki probably won't be independently hosted, due to the fact that it requires infrastructure to be set up and constantly maintained.
    • Current options that are being looked at right now (and the pros and cons of using them):
      • Most info is from other people on the Wynncraft Wiki (mainly TrapinchO and SLScool) and from this discussion on the Minecraft wiki: Click here for their host comparisons
      • wiki.gg
        • The only ads seen are ads that are from games Freedom Games publishes or works with. The only spots for the ads are at the very top and bottom, alongside a sidebar on the right that will always be there, though its not too intrusive.
        • Seems to be very stable as a platform, so the fact it could collapse seems to be a possibility that's not too likely.
        • It is free to fork to, but the big caveat with that is that they are apparently quite selective with new wikis coming in.
        • Not as hands-on compared to Fandom, which means that there's a more liberal palette for some themes. Worst part about it would be a blue bar at the top, but it's not too intrusive and pretty far away from where you would probably be clicking.
        • No custom domain, but that's not too important.
      • Miraheze
        • No ads, but...
        • ...because the entire thing is voluntarily user-funded, this makes the farm very unstable. Apparently they almost shut down in mid-2023 due to a lack of user funding.
        • It is free to fork there
        • You have pretty much any customization options as you wish
        • Custom domain
      • ABXY
        • Only 1 ad at the top and bottom of the page
        • dunno about stability
        • idk if theres a cost. i dont think there is, tho cuz of the ads
        • Same customization as Miraheze
        • Custom domain
    Again, if you want to shoot some ideas for the wiki hosting, join the Wynncraft Wiki Discord (i can DM you an invite if you want).

    (also @juicyradish why do you prefer fandom. just asking out of curiosity)
    TrapinchO, luckeyLuuk and DrGREEN like this.
  20. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Update: Fandom has officially changed their forking policy. When a wiki forks, no notice can be displayed saying they moved unlike what it previously was (2 week notice to move).

    If you hate fandom, then this is bc they are trying to censor spreading the word a wiki moved.

    If you love fandom, then this is bc of vandalism of old wikis which say "go to the new wiki". This is also the reason Fandom cited, but it should obviously be taken with a grain of salt bc admitting that their platform is bad makes them look bad and will only cause other wikis to flock to new platforms. Therefore, there won't be a notice on the wiki itself that it forked so when it does, we need your help to spread the word as best as you can.
    cmosier and luckeyLuuk like this.
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