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Fading Light...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Epic_Chonker, Sep 9, 2023.

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  1. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Greetings, my oh so dear interlopers! Just like the majestic phoenix, I have once more risen from the ashes.
    A few months have gone by, but I trust that my fellow soldiers have not forgotten the basis of our revolution.

    Yes, that’s right… It was in these very forums that the seeds of disarray were sown… Of course, I am talking about Project MEDIA Rank.

    With Epic Chonker’s brilliant genius, the Wynncraft Staff liberals were sure to learn a lesson or two!! However, since then, I was forced into a tiny bit of a hiatus… Y’see, my fellow insurgents, it just so happens that not even the exuberant Epic Chonker was able to withstand the tarnished fruits of procrastination… Oh me, oh my! What a disaster, truly…
    Shooting stars fade out the fastest, y’know…? But do not dismay, save your exasperation for another day!

    Ever since my departure, I messaged a random mod on the forums for permission to make a forums post regarding the old Road to Dern. (The reason for this lays on this post)

    However, my dear friends, the despicable Wynncraft Staff once again strike back. It has been a total of 2 months since I messaged said moderator, and I have yet to receive an answer.
    I made sure to NOT message any other staff member about this, as to heighten that number, therefore bolstering my claims that the staff are INCOMPETENT and VILE!! (A genius of mischief I am, dare I say)

    I instead decided to start construction on another project, one sure to shake Wynncraft down to its core. Y’see, it was a fresh Epic Chonker™ Classic.
    Hell, had my plan come to full fruition, they might’ve even had to postpone Fruma a few months or so! That was the sheer magnitude of my schemes.
    However, as I previously mentioned, procrastination took a hold of the prestigious Epic Chonker…

    On a bit of a side note, it’s very common to see gentlemen online undertake heavy projects, only to later give up. It is frankly SICKENING! That is why, I, Epic Chonker, shall not be one of those pests. Yes… Epic Chonker is one to never falter under the weight of the masses!

    Despite my laziness, I have made great efforts into my project. Allow me to explain…
    Originally, I wished for this venture to have 10 pieces. Currently, I have attained 4!
    That means I am around 40% done…
    My friends, it may take YEARS, but the project will see the light of day, I tell you!

    Now, now… I know what you are all thinking…
    “O great Epic Chonker, our savior and messiah… How may we repay your kindness…?”
    Fret not, comrades! I merely ask for a little favor. I request to be sent death threats and the likes.

    Yes… A genius of my wisdom has heard all the praise there was to be heard… My ego has been caressed for far too long!! YES!! I understand now! To be motivated into realizing the full extent of my schemes, I must be criticized! Demoralized! LAMBASTED!!!

    Ah, even I sometimes impress myself with my wit…

    ... YES! I have been REINVIGORATED! I shall now extend the scope of my undertaking much farther!! To the point where I’ll be so overwhelmed with work, it’ll take me another 2 years to regain the volition to work on the project anew….


    Thank you, friends, you have made me realize that my passion is on par with my intellect. A dazzling feat, to be sure! Man, I love myself so god damn much…

    But alas!

    Let’s not dilly-dally now, I have work to do!
    I wish you all a pleasant continuation of your long lives!!

    Bye bye!!

    Lots of kisses!

    Ok I have to go now!!

    But hey just remember that I love you!!
    love myself**

    Ok I really have to go now!!


    hello guys btw have you heard about Zombotany???
    Zombotany is a scrapped song from hit indie game Plants vs. Zombies. not to be confused by the mini-game of the same name in that game.
    it was originally going to be in the final game in the place of Braniac Maniac.
    did you know that?? no you didnt. you know now. you should be proud.
    its a cool song.
  2. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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  3. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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  4. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Take your pills
    Sprite likes this.
  5. GoldenSF

    GoldenSF Hazel

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    no actually in all seriousness why is this here
  6. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    genuinely having a stroke here. This some new slag kids use now a days?
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