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Selling Guild Crown - Season 13

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Doggy_W00F, Aug 19, 2023.


Guild Crown?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. Yes

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  1. Doggy_W00F

    Doggy_W00F Chief of Avicia CHAMPION

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    Hello everyone!
    Firstly I have a confession to make: I wasn't home for the last half of this season. As a result I can take little credit for the events, achievements, decisions of the Avicia [AVO]. What I can take, however, is my very own guild crown, and so can you!!!

    The good news doesn't stop there! Due to my terrible preparedness I have not had time to assemble a completely convoluted pricing process so paying is almost easier than ever.

    With that out of the way I would like to announce that the guild I am in, The Avicia [AVO], is currently #1 on the leaderboard with a 1.5x whopping 225k SR lead when season 13 is only a mere day away from ending, which means we are pretty much guaranteed to get #1 this season.

    Why should you care? Well there is a rare guild crown helmet cosmetic awarded to all members of whichever guild is #1 on the SR leaderboard at the end of every season! And this season it is easier than ever to get one for yourself. With 118 free slots to spare, we recognize that we must lower our prices in accordance with the increased supply.

    My time in Avicia has given me a lot of things: a sense of community; five guild crowns; the very useless ability to create a flow chart from my phone in 15 minutes. For each of those I will be eternally grateful, thank you all very much.
    Similarly each guild that has made season 13 such fun to play and such a spectacle to watch, thank you also. My members have received so much love and kindness from each and every guild this season and it's beautiful to see.
    Finally, of course, thank you to The Aquarium [TAq] - our unwavering ally and neighbour - with whom we have shared so much joy this season and many previously. You are truly an inspiration.

    So without further ado here is the Pricing Flo Chart, as always if you have any questions please ask them in the replies below.

    P.S. apologies to all who purchased a guild crown last season, apparently it ran out a week ago???? Thank you wynncraft, very cool. Everyone who purchased a guild crown with therefore be eligible for a 5% refund. Hopefully that won't happen
    Also proof-reading is cringe, sorry!
    Dream and thepicferret like this.
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    118 free slots huh
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    assuming that you were in AVO for this whole season, you get 16 LE for free as part of the loyalty discount!
    Da Homeboi likes this.
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