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Who hates lari here?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Cormac Oissine, Jul 8, 2023.


Hate Lari?

  1. Yes

  2. No im a simp

  3. Don't care

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  1. Cormac Oissine

    Cormac Oissine Assassin HERO

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    idk, I really don't mind lari, I'm annoyed that she ended up being responsible for Dullahans' "corruption" of sorts, but other than that i think she redeems herself slightly fighting bak'al.
    sithvsjedi likes this.
  2. sithvsjedi

    sithvsjedi Well-Known Adventurer

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    Lots of people dislike her but I feel like lots of people (myself included) only actually dislike her as a joke.
    itay_ and Je Hooft like this.
  3. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I'm so tired of this kind of discourse. There's a whole spectrum of opinions you can have of Lari, but it's always either "yeah she's not that bad" or "she's a dumb fucking moron, the Decay and Dullahan are her fault, and if you actually like her, I'll label you a dumb fucking simp."

    Isn't it Orphion's fault for choosing someone who does not understand how to protect the Light, and for barely communicating with her at all? No, it's her fault for being chosen and following stupid morals. Ignore the fact that she has actually been fighting the Decay her own way for a millennium.
    Isn't it the Parasite's fault for Dullahan's corruption, seeing as that was actually the thing that bit him? No, see, Dullahan jumped in front of Lari, who was about to get bitten, so it's her fault because... she didn’t kill the Parasite due to her stupid moral code. Ignore the fact that Orphion and Dullahan should've seen this coming, and that accidentally standing in harm's way doesn't make you responsible for the actions others take to get you out of it.
    Isn't it the Player's fault for not trying to understand Lari's plight, and not consolidating Lari when she learns she's not "worth" Orphion's attention? No, hoes just mad lmao.

    If you have an issue with Lari, take it up with the CT. They're actually the ones responsible for how she's written. Hating the character itself, on a personal level, is so pointless and insidious, because that character has no retort, so you can feed that hate forever with no one pushing back. The same thing goes for disliking her "as a joke." So does that mean you do like her? Can't you just say that? To me, it just sounds like your opinion is caked in so many layers of irony that I genuinely can't tell how you feel. And the thing is, people only talk this way about Lari. GEE I WONDER WHY

    Do people really dislike her because she's "written badly?" Then why doesn't anyone harbour similar feelings towards Dullahan or Orphion, who put all their stock in an overly stubborn elf? What about Bak'al, a Corrupted who serves Dern, I guess, and used to burn one annual farmhouse to the ground until he was defeated by Bob but actually somehow, Bak'al returned? Speaking of Bob, how come the Hero of Wynn has no vehement fans or haters, despite his brilliant decision of donating a third of his soul to a blue fucking sheep?

    Lari has been in the game for two and a half years now. She was the first attempt at a truly major character, as the player actually interacts with her, for five whole quests long. Life (and Orphion) gave her the short end of the stick, and way too long a life to have it. But her belief in moral values, forgiving one's enemies, and perseverance, have never faltered.
    You should ignore those facts, of course. Because compared to all the other major players in Wynncraft's grand lore, Lari is the only one with a set of tits.
  4. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    You're overreacting, Lari's personality is the reason people don't like her, nothing else. She acts very high and mighty and sometimes makes very stupid decisions. Yes, it's natural that she was angry after Orphion basically rejected her (and tbh Orphion kinda screwed her over) but then don't forget she tries to kill the player because we didn't agree with her.
    Basically she is just kinda unlikeable, and some people thought it'd be funny to really very vehemently dislike her.

    The main thing I dislike about the quests is that I didn't agree with Lari, but I also didn't agree with Orphion. I don't really like either of them because of that (and the fact that I had to choose between two options that I didn't want)
    100klemonreimu and Gogeta like this.
  5. djkitt3

    djkitt3 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ain't reading that
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  6. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey look, an opportunity to insult Lari! I cannot pass this one up, no sir!
    I'll just be regurgitating the critiques about Lari you've probably heard before, so maybe just take a look at this funny relatable meme and leave

    Spoiler warning for the Feathers Fly questline and some others

    Something goes wrong during the writing process for female characters. It's like they're afraid they'll be too likable so they decide to make us despise them.
    This might be due to a failed attempt at adding more depth to their character, which backfires. It really does.
    Simplicity works best sometimes. The character that's supposed to be likable doesn't always need to have some dark secret that makes them a monster.
    I at least understand the attempts at nuance seen with Lari's character. But I just don't understand Ava.
    During the first part of her questline everything was good.
    The second part made her an asshole and watered down Maxie's character (a cardinal sin)
    Why did she snap. The others were being racist to her, so she just becomes mega racist*?
    *technically not racist since she hates everyone but whatevs
    Look, that wasn't a breakdown. She legit just lost the plot
    The biggest issue is that she becomes adamant against the player.
    We, who stood beside her all this time while helping her make the growth accelerator. This little bird shows her gratitude by hitting us with the
    Ava: Y'know, I noticed you always were one to follow orders.
    This single line makes me want to curb stomp Ava
    This is a 4th wall break. We, the player, do not care in the slightest about our actions. As long as the quest book says, we follow. (Well, most of us, at least)
    I won't elaborate much, but I just think it's infuriating that she says this without there also being an in-game option to lacerate her cranium

    k now for lari
    I hate her, I really do. not joking
    yeah I don't think she's well written, but I won't delve into that. Because that's not even the issue
    I literally just hate her.
    Claim that her attitude is justified all you want. It doesn't change the fact that she's still just a little bitch
    Dullahan is more likable than her. MUCH more. His character works as the underdog that's been dealt a fate he did not deserve.
    Honestly, a lot of what happened to Dullahan was Lari's fault.

    Lari ignores Dullahan about killing the parasite
    Parasite bites Dullahan
    We get this delightful piece of dialogue. Lari's in denial. And so, she's being a senseless moron.
    • Lari: D-Dulla!
    • Dullahan: L-Lari...we...e-everything happened like I s-said...you...you didn't...l-listen...
    • Lari: No! No it didn't happen like you said! I-I can fix this! Y-You'll be alright! You'll be alright, you hear me?! I'll make sure of it!
    Dullahan dies
    Lari revives Dullahan in the lazarus pit, despite likely knowing the consequences
    Dullahan becomes sigma male and kills villagers
    Lari stumbles into this alpha activity
    Locks dullahan
    Imagine this. During a fierce battle, your once best friend is brutally wounded while taking a hit for you. He sacrificed himself so you could save the world from a higher power. His mind begins to fester, he begins killing people. You stumble into this, and decide to lock him up. You never talk to him ever again. You leave him to rot.
    Sure, he still has some influence on the outside world. He can steal souls. As a matter of fact, he does this quite frequently. Except that now he's locked up in a cage.
    Lari, being the absolutely enlightned individual that she is, proceeds to not GROW UP after watching this happen to her close friend. Not killing the parasite caused this. Yet, she's still a pacifist. She screwed Dullahan over so much. Like I said before, locking him up did nothing either. He STILL kills people, just not directly. Take a look at the Lexdale Penitentiary.
    How can someone screw up this bad?? Lari's absolutely unreal.

    Do you know how jarring it is to have completed the Wynnexacavation questline at lvl 70, succesfully diffusing what could have been Wynn's end, and then at lvl 71 getting the 4th RoL quest?? Where Lari tries to fucking murder you??? And does NOT apologize for it??????? You have to wait until the last quest for this:
    • Lari: ...
    • Lari: <playername>... Achara... I do not believe I can ever atone for what I have done to you. An apology simply isn't enough.
    • Lari: As infuriating as what you did was, you were following orders... I had every right to be angry, but to try and take your life was ten steps too far.
    • Lari: Even though it is not enough, I will say I am sorry for the pain I caused you. The Guardian was right, in the end.
    Hey look, she's showing sympathy :)
    I mean, she 100% did not have to force "I had every right to be angry" into the apology, but alright. I'll cut her some slack this time
    btw after her breakdown during RoL 4 her character development is done offscreen cuz fuck you
    during RoL 5 she's ready to kill bak'al and all. there's a bit of dialogue that explains this, after you kill the sheep in the start of the quest.
    But still, it feels more like a band-aid solution than something natural

    ok.. what else do i talk about...
    oh yeah, despite the fact that it feels like the writers are constantly working their asses off to make me want to sucker punch Lari, she also feels like a Mary Sue. idk how this is even possible.
    She sometimes appears during other quests to provide insight into stuff.
    During Memory Paranoia, she appears in the end to warn the Caritat family to stop building the house. But she's such a misunderstood cutie pie, so she's ingored
    this is just a side note, though
    the main problem is the reworked Aldorei's Secret Part II.
    My god. This quest was NOT written by a content team member. I refuse to believe it.
    One of you filthy Lari stans must have somehow gotten access to the writing team.
    You know, the entire "Decay in Gavel" thing is like a faulty ladder.
    If someone falls, independently if that person used the ladder while knowing it was faulty or not, some blame will always go into the person who placed it there.
    Because they shouldn't have in the first place, they knew someone could fall.
    Before that quest got reworked, it was very clear Lari was the one that put the faulty ladder there. She refused to kill the Parasite.
    After the rework, however, we are supposed to believe that the elfs are the ones who put the faulty ladder, Lari actually warned them against it.
    Congratulations. You have successfully split the blame for dooming the entire world! Lari is only responsible for a part of the World's End now ;)
    Don't you go anywhere, though. There are still more ladder anologies coming right up.
    The Corruption Portal. You know the one. The miners uncovered it, they were the ones that doomed Wynn. They were the ones that PLACED the FAULTY LADDER
    Not anymore though.
    Now it's the elves. Nice.

    yeah honestly thats it
    I just hate Lari, a lot.
    I hope she becomes corruped or smth like that so we can have an epic boss fight where we beat her up and leave her on the side of the road to die
    yuugendesune and xct like this.
  7. MrX2007

    MrX2007 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I just don’t like how much dialogue and cutscenes you get in the rol questline additionally to her strange personality
    100klemonreimu and Gogeta like this.
  8. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Rip Axelus :(

    But I personally don't think Lari was written that badly. Most of the stuff that she does is pretty consistent with her character, and aside from failing to deal with the parasite (Which admittedly is the most important issue) and creating zombie Dullahan, she's right most of the time (Pretty much everywhere outside of the questline she's the main character in :/).
  9. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    I see your meme and raise you another one (yes I still have it on my desk):




    We still have debates on this topic? Honestly I don't like her personality, but story wise, she's pretty ok within the Minecraft genre. I would be in the IDC category.
  10. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    lari? where? awooga :anguished::anguished::anguished::anguished::anguished::confounded::confounded::yum::yum::yum::yum::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary:
  11. Cormac Oissine

    Cormac Oissine Assassin HERO

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    A fellow dullhan liker? i agree entirely with you here, but my hate is variable, depeding on wether or not i wnat to punch smthing or going round gavel and seeing various places lari screwed up. the main point is i had every right to be angry. just. that. is. the. goes into game to strangle her moment. shes an entilted bunch of mistakes she refuses to take responsibility for and is a pain everywhere else. Bak'al taking her to teh shadow realm is the best, i hope we never see her again.
  12. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    I draw a lot of Lari and Dulla

  13. triitoh

    triitoh Skilled Adventurer

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    you are full of hatred.. 你应该成为一个更好的人
  14. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Okay but can we agree that gale is much better
  15. rockso7

    rockso7 arcanist enjoyer

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    I'm a Nilrem enjoyer.
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