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Archer/Hunter Help Which Mythic bow to use

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Blokies, Jul 3, 2023.

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  1. Blokies

    Blokies Blokies HERO

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    Hey, I have been out of wynncraft for a while, since before update 2.0 I recently came back. I am currently trying to build my characters to be strong again.

    I was wondering what the best lategame archer mythics are for example for Guild wars, and raids. Are these the same for both or entirely different?

    I have a stratiformis, is that currently a strong mythic or are other mythic bows way atronger?
  2. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    i do not know much about wars but people say archer isn't that good for guild wars now iirc
    if you want to then it's either Divzer or GMA i've heard?

    on raids any bow should work fine as long as you know how the raids work but Az Spring Ignis and Strati currently aren't the best at dealing dmg compared to others
    to answer the question, yes other bows are way stronger than Strati rn

    as a glasscannon you want to use Divz or rage GMA
    as a general allrounder Freedom is good
    Epoch does high dmg with brainless gameplay as long as you play melee
    but it's pretty glassy as well if you go full dmg
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    point_line likes this.
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