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Info Item Team Thread - Item/ingredient/major Id Changes, Updates & More

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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  2. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    an item teaser?
  3. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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  4. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    something something
    fabled item
    *reeee-ing intensifies*

    Raid reward time?
  5. touhoku

    touhoku heavy spell pioneer Item Team CHAMPION

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    a THIRD teaser?? no way...
    Screen Shot 2023-06-19 at 2.12.40 PM.png
  6. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    mmmm tasty fableds but will there be lore? Where is the lore? what about the lvl 100+ mythics? WHere is the lLORE?
    enderchen2580 likes this.
  7. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    Me When i Die -1 Health im Stupid lol
    starx280, YYGAYMER, Ingo and 3 others like this.
  8. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    this one is weapon, it has attack speed, deals water & earth damage, has -1k HP as rollable stat, has new major id:
    First Lettter: S, Last Letter: t (Sentinent?)
    This one is probably part of armor, has Thunder Defence, Health Regen, Mana Regen and Major ID too (with fire conversion?)
  9. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    @Linnyflower if the Ing changes preview #2 for 2.0.3 are released can you send it to me since I can’t get on discord right now
  10. touhoku

    touhoku heavy spell pioneer Item Team CHAMPION

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    Hey gang, here's the changelog for 2.0.3—sorry it's late this is the best I could do on a busy day

    We’ve added a handful of new major IDs along with this update, and for the sake of clarity (and because the descriptions in game are so short), here is a more detailed description for each.

    Forest’s Blessing: Your archer summons have increased movement speed, attack speed and vision. Bomb Arrow's damage is reduced by 30%.
    - Reduces the damage of Bomb Arrow by 30% neutral
    - Increases the movement speed, attack speed, and vision (i.e. targeting range) of all archer summons by 50%. This currently only applies to the wolf—it'll affect the new lads in a patch soon

    Escape Route: Frenzy and Time Dilation charge twice as fast, but to a halved maximum.
    - Doubles the charge gained on hit from Frenzy
    - Halves the maximum speed from Frenzy

    Soul Eater: Devour and Harvester grant double mana, but your maximum Marks are decreased by 1.
    - Reduces maximum Marks by 1, regardless of the current total maximum
    - Doubles the mana gained from Devour and Harvester
    - Only applies if Devour is selected on the Ability Tree

    Juggle: Stronger Multihit adds an additional 12 hits, at reduced damage.
    - Increases the number of hits from Stronger Multihit by 12
    - Decreases the damage of each hit by 10% neutral
    - Does not impact the duration of each hit, leading to a much longer spell duration
    - Only applies if Stronger Multihit is selected on the Ability Tree

    Perfect Recall: Memory Recollection casts an extra spell, but only activates at 150 banked mana.
    - Increases the spells added to Chaos Explosion by 1
    - Chaos Explosion requires 150 mana in your mana bank to activate upon transfer
    - Only applies if Memory Recollection is selected on the Ability Tree

    Escape Route: Frenzy and Time Dilation charge twice as fast, but to a halved maximum.
    - Doubles the charging frequency of Time Dilation
    - Halves the maximum speed of Time Dilation

    Gentle Glow: Orphion's Pulse and Fluid Healing restore more health, especially to allies, but at a slower speed.
    - Extends the duration of each Heal pulse to 2.4 seconds
    - Heals 20% of health on each pulse
    - Allies gain 20% extra health healed
    - Allies can heal up to 50% max health per pulse
    - The bonus from Fluid Healing is increased by 150%, from 0.3% per Water Damage to 0.75% per Water Damage.
    - Only applies if Orphion’s Pulse is selected on the Ability Tree

    Strings of Fate: Your puppets have a lifetime of 3 seconds, but do double damage with attacks and explosions.
    - Decreases total puppet lifetime to 60 ticks, or 3 seconds. If Exploding Puppets is selected on the Ability Tree, this sends them immediately into their kamikaze mode
    - Doubles the damage that puppets do per hit, as well as per explosion if Exploding Puppets is selected
    - Only applies if Puppet Master is selected on the Ability Tree

    Alter Ego: Awakened can be activated after saving 40% less mana, but its duration is reduced by 25%.
    - Reduces the mana requirement to trigger Mask of the Awakened to 120
    - Reduces the duration of Mask of the Awakened to 15 seconds
    - Only applies if Mask of the Awakened is selected on the ability tree

    Reckless Abandon: Increases the damage and charges of Tempest, but removes the defense bonus from War Scream.
    - Increases the charges (i.e., number of hits) of Tempest by 1
    - Adds 15% fire damage to each charge
    - War Scream no longer grants a defense bonus
    - Only applies if Tempest is selected on the Ability Tree

    Divine Honor: Bash deals decreased damage, increasing the bonus of radiance instead.
    - Decreases the damage of each Bash hit by 15% earth
    - Increases the ID multiplier bonus from Radiance by 5% (as in, 20% → 25%)
    - Only applies if Radiance is selected on the Ability Tree

    Overwhelm: Bash will hit +2 times.

    Temblor: Bash gains +1 Area of Effect and is 20% faster.

    Saviour’s Sacrifice: Damage and Defense bonuses reduced from 30% to 20% each

    That’s right, poison rebalance is finally here! Because poison is now a form of indirect damage, it is no longer boosted by things like strength, powder specials, or Ragnarokkr. To partially compensate for this, we’ve designed a new poison baseline and applied it throughout the item pool. Do note—poison will not be proportionally as strong as it was in 1.20. Poison is, inherently, a very low risk playstyle, and that is reflected in its damage output; it should be enough to grind mobs and contribute meaningfully to builds, but investing fully into poison won’t let you compete with high dps spell builds. Only lvl 65+ for now since that's where the most significant change occurs.

    poison: 10000 → 32000
    poison: 4231 → 12500
    poison: 2500 → 12000
    poison: 2000 → 10000

    poison: 4000 → 10000
    Spleen Splitter
    poison: 3600 → 13750
    poison: 3500 → 8700
    poison: 3500 → 7750
    poison: 3130 → 15750
    The Evolved
    poison: 3500 → 19000
    Coal Duster
    poison: 3500 → 5400
    Rot of Dernel
    poison: 2645 → 9000
    Forest Aconite
    poison: 3300 → 14500
    Plague Staff
    poison: 1800 → 3250
    Mercury Bomb
    poison: 1530 → 2400
    poison: 550 → 2300
    poison: 808 → 2500
    Saundersi Signet
    poison: 758 → 1800
    Planet Healer
    poison: 865 → 2850
    Dying Lobelia
    poison: 1150 → 2560
    Dart Frog’s Skin
    poison: 3000 → 5250
    Rotten Wood
    poison: 1462 → 2825
    poison: 1800 → 3900
    poison: 800 → 5650
    Black Arrow
    poison: 2000 → 7280
    Poison Touch
    poison: 2000 → 7175
    Poison Ivy
    poison: 2000 → 7550
    poison: 400 → 850
    poison: 385 → 777
    poison: 2400 → 5175
    Uranium Aegis
    poison: 900 → 4000
    poison: 1930 → 3750
    poison: 575 → 2020
    poison: 300 → 500
    poison: 1000 → 2425
    Chaos-Woven Greaves
    poison: 2250 → 7250
    Writhing Growth
    poison: 998 → 5698
    poison: 750 → 1850
    poison: 2000 → 9000
    poison: 2000 → 9000
    Blues Whistle
    poison: 1500 → 7650
    poison: 800 → 6450
    poison: 600 → 4000
    Arakadicus’ Maw
    poison: 1350 → 8000
    Ensa’s Failure
    poison: 450 → 1200
    Mycelium Plating
    poison: 720 → 4000
    poison: 650 → 6500
    Sleeping Beast
    poison: 1730 → 6600
    poison: 1420 → 6350
    Black Abyss
    poison: 1414 → 6363
    Conference Call
    poison: 1111 → 5400
    poison: 500 → 3500
    Corruption Seal
    poison: 675 → 3500
    poison: 1500 → 6250
    Cardiac Arrest
    poison: 1000 → 4000
    Terra’s Mold
    poison: 1500 → 4000
    Pass Band
    poison: 475 → 815
    Leggings of Desolation
    poison: 800 → 3400
    Krolton’s Cruelty
    poison: 500 → 825
    Dust Skaters
    poison: 800 → 3200
    Marsh Waders
    poison: 788 → 3045
    poison: 577 → 3425
    poison: 666 → 3333
    poison: 245 → 2500
    poison: 1825 → 4775
    poison: 350 → 650
    poison: 1200 → 4550
    Cursed Spike
    poison: 2000 → 4000
    poison: 665 → 2230
    Gert Swingpoke Cuttyrock
    poison: 800 → 4000
    poison: 500 → 2250
    Sight of the Druid
    poison: 805 → 3150
    poison: 450 → 1890
    Swamp Clay
    poison: 350 → 1800
    poison: 680 → 2060
    Aldorei’s Tear
    poison: 480 → 1800
    Verdigris Sabatons
    poison: 550 → 1700
    poison: 1150 → 2750
    Hollow Branch
    poison: 560 → 2400
    poison: 525 → 1450
    poison: 395 → 395 (no change)
    poison: 250 → 350
    Abyssal Amulet
    poison: 450 → 400
    poison: 425 → 1425
    poison: 280 → 1240
    Abyssal Walkers
    poison: 480 → 1180
    Digested Corpse
    poison: 480 → 1180
    Heart Piercer
    poison: 350 → 1950
    poison: 260 → 1150
    Laoc Archer
    poison: 665 → 1845
    poison: 500 → 1800
    Mind Rot
    poison: 420 → 1260
    poison: 487 → 1759
    poison: 488 → 1760
    poison: 485 → 1750
    poison: 455 → 1055
    poison: 220 → 265
    Arakadicus’ Leg
    poison: 465 → 1585
    poison: 415 → 1035
    Impact Winter
    poison: 270 → 1350
    Rusted Root
    poison: 900 → 1850
    poison: 600 → 2120
    poison: 575 → 1425
    The Eviscerator
    poison: 350 → 1625
    Infected Band
    poison: 220 → 210
    Wasteland Azalea
    poison: 500 → 3375
    poison: 600 → 3425
    Nether’s Scar
    poison: 525 → 3325
    poison: 375 → 575
    poison: 120 → 480
    poison: 360 → 1680
    Green Helmet
    poison: 200 → 1450
    poison: 350 → 1650
    poison: -3000 → -7500
    King of Hearts
    poison: -25000 → -50000
    poison: -7000 → -10000
    poison: -1000 → -4000
    Phoenix Wing
    poison: -2000 → -8000
    Coral Ring
    poison: -365 → -1000
    Return to Ether
    poison: -4143 → -6987
    Filter Mask
    poison: -375 → -2950
    poison: -200 → -1585
    poison: -200 → -250
    Amulet of Rejuvenation
    poison: -20000 → -100000

    health: 4000 → 3000
    healthBonus: -1000 → 0
    spellDamageRaw: 175 → 192
    spellCostRaw1: 0 → -3
    spellCostRaw3: 0 → 1
    attackSpeedBonus: 0 → -1

    spellDamageBonusRaw: 125 → 100
    mainAttackDamageBonusRaw: 165 → 130
    healthRegenRaw: 100 → 75

    airDamage: 190-220 → 160-190

    neutralDamage: 40-140 → 30-120
    thunderDamage: 45-305 → 45-295

    dexterityPoints: 0 → 20

    majorID: TEMBLOR

    (as previewed in the discord thread, minus some last-minute changes)
    Royal Cake Slice:
    walk speed: 8 to 10 → 4 to 5
    Sturdy Flesh:
    health bonus: 30 to 40 → 15 to 25
    Strong Flesh:
    raw melee: 3 to 4 → 1 to 2
    Paralyzing Spores:
    spell damage%: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    melee damage%: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    Blood of the Nivlan Beauty:
    mana steal: 4 to 4 → 2 to 4
    Burnt Skull:
    fire damage%: 7 to 10 → 3 to 6
    Luminescent Ink:
    soul point regen: 20 to 40 → 10 to 15
    Relic of the Future:
    thunder damage%: 7 to 11 → 5 to 7
    dexterity req: 6 → 8
    Undead Heart:
    defense points: 1 to 3 → 1 to 2
    health bonus: 10 to 30 → 10 to 15
    Canyon Parsley:
    earth damage%: 6 to 8 → 3 to 4
    Split Essence:
    mana steal: 4 to 4 → 2 to 3
    Haleva Plant:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 4 to 6
    mana steal: 0 to 4 → 2 to 3
    Aged Medallion:
    spell damage%: 3 to 4 → 2 to 3
    Shattered Memory Shard:
    air damage%: 5 to 13 → 5 to 9
    Savannah Stone:
    defense points: 2 to 2 → 1 to 2
    Reinforced Leather:
    health bonus: 54 to 65 → 45 to 56
    Mangled Soul:
    thunder damage%: 6 to 10 → 5 to 8
    dexterity req: 12 → 10
    Enraged Soul
    fire damage%: 7 to 9 → 6 to 7
    Lion Heart
    fire damage%: 8 to 12 → 0
    fire damage raw: 0 → 12 to 15
    Seabird Egg:
    agility points: 3 to 5 → 3 to 4
    Captain's Glass:
    melee damage%: 7 to 10 → 0
    melee damage raw: 0 → 15 to 16
    Cat Food:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 3 to 3
    Portal Emanation:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 5 to 6
    intelligence req: 15 → 20
    Cracked Skin:
    defense points: 2 to 3 → 1 to 2
    Haros' Broken Badge:
    spell damage%: 5 to 6 → 1 to 3
    dexterity req: 12 → 9
    Router's Shield:
    defense points: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    Spark of the Oasis:
    spell damage raw: 40 to 40 → 32 to 32
    melee damage raw: 32 to 32 → 28 to 28
    Lunar Dust:
    spell damage%: 4 to 6 → 3 to 4
    Illicit Hemlock:
    life steal: 12 to 18 → 12 to 16
    Illicit Yarrow:
    spell damage raw: 15 to 20 → 10 to 12
    intelligence points: 2 to 3 → 1 to 2
    Condor Feather:
    air damage%: 6 to 10 → 5 to 7
    Crystal Dust:
    spell damage%: 4 to 8 → 4 to 6
    Stolen Pearls:
    durability: +60 → +50
    Algae Mat:
    thorns: 12 to 18 → 6 to 10
    reflection: 9 to 15 → 5 to 8
    Contraband Absinthe:
    strength points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 2
    dexterity points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 2
    intelligence points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 2
    defense points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 2
    agility points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 2
    Lunar Chunk:
    spell damage%: 5 to 10 → 5 to 7
    exploding: 15 to 20 → 11 to 16
    Shimmering Jewel:
    spell damage%: 6 to 12 → 6 to 10
    Ice Fishing Net:
    health bonus: 50 to 75 → 25 to 40
    spell damage raw: 10 to 15 → 10 to 10
    melee damage raw: 10 to 15 → 10 to 10
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 4 to 4
    duration: 0 → +60
    Fish Tail:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 5 to 7
    Goblin Trinket:
    combat experience%: 3 to 4 → 3 to 3
    Foul Fairy Dust:
    mana regen: -12 to -12 → -8 to -7
    spell damage%: 24 to 28 → 12 to 16
    Archaic Medallion:
    health regen%: 12 to 15 → 6 to 8
    spell damage%: -7 to -5 → -5 to -3
    Black Sulphur:
    exploding: 12 to 24 → 10 to 14
    Pure Quartz:
    spell damage%: 5 to 7 → 5 to 6
    Viking Stone:
    intelligence points: 2 to 4 → 2 to 3
    water damage%: 5 to 8 → 4 to 6
    Large Lapis:
    spell damage% 4 to 6 → 4 to 5
    durability: -103 → -90
    Soul Stone:
    walk speed: 5 to 6 → 3 to 5
    Enchanted Chain Link:
    mana regen: -6 to -6 → -4 to -4
    melee damage%: 6 to 14 → 7 to 10
    spell damage%: 8 to 12 → 8 to 9
    Flesh-forged Circuit:
    dexterity points: 3 to 5 → 3 to 4
    thunder damage%: 5 to 7 → 4 to 6
    Galvanic Stone:
    earth damage%: 10 to 14 → 8 to 10
    fire damage%: 8 to 16 → 8 to 12
    strength req: 8 → 12
    defense req: 8 → 12
    water damage%: 12 to 16 → 9 to 12
    The Grootslang's Heart:
    health bonus: 320 to 400 → 320 to 350
    Aqua Vitae:
    water damage%: 20 to 24 → 15 to 17
    Aquatic Beauty:
    strength points: 3 to 5 → 2 to 3
    dexterity points: 1 to 7 → 2 to 5
    intelligence points: 2 to 6 → 2 to 4
    defense points: 3 to 5 → 4
    Soft Silk:
    defense req: 11 → 8
    agility req: 11 → 8
    Solcrystal Horn:
    fire damage%: 5 to 6 → 3
    defense req: 12 → 9
    agility req: 9 → 12
    Hellish Cinders:
    spell damage%: 8 to 14 → 4 to 5
    defense points: 4 to 6 → 5 to 6
    defense req: 25 → 16
    defense points: 3 to 4 → 4 to 5
    Native Jadeite:
    spell damage%: 4 to 5 → 3 to 3
    Naval Shard:
    water damage%: 5 to 6 → 4 to 5
    intelligence req: 20 → 15
    Naval Stone:
    spell damage%: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    Tungsten Chunk:
    defense req: 30 → 20
    Chitin Plate:
    health bonus: 260 to 330 → 175 to 210
    dexterity requirement: 25 → 20
    Essence of Dusk:
    spell damage%: 6 to 8 → 4 to 5
    spell damage raw: 25 to 35 → 17 to 24
    Windswept Roots:
    spell damage%: 6 to 8 → 4 to 6
    melee damage%: 6 to 8 → 4 to 6
    agility points: 5 to 7 → 4 to 6
    Cursed Ashes:
    mana steal: 4 to 4 → 4 to 5
    Thermal Replication:
    defense req: 9 → 16
    Mahogany Heartwood:
    melee damage%: 10 to 14 → 8 to 12
    strength points: 5 to 8 → 4 to 6
    Snake Skin:
    walk speed: 8 to 12 → 6 to 8
    Ignited Faebloom:
    mana steal: 5 to 6 → 6 to 7
    Shattered Dawnlight:
    spell damage%: 12 to 15 → 10 to 12
    water damage%: -12 to -15 → -10 to -12
    Devourer's Maw
    mana steal: -6 to -4 → -3 to -2
    life steal: 150 to 165 → 90 to 105
    Iridescent Elytra:
    walk speed: 6 to 9 → 6 to 8
    mana steal: 8 to 8 → 6 to 6
    Large Titanium Chunk:
    health bonus: 850 to 900 → 600 to 640
    More-Pearlescent Jewel:
    intelligence req: 12 → 15
    Pearlescent Jewel:
    intelligence req: 16 → 10
    Pristine Claw:
    dexterity req: 15 → 6
    Rancid Flesh:
    melee damage%: 3 to 6 → 5 to 7
    Titanium Chunk:
    health bonus: 350 to 400 → 350 to 375
    health bonus: -450 to -400 → -400 to -350
    walk speed: 12 to 14 → 11 to 12
    agility: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    Shadow of Ruin:
    health regen: -45 to -40 → -35 to -30
    Arcane Anomaly:
    spell damage%: -22 to -16 → -11 to -8
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 3 to 3
    intelligence req: 20 → 10
    Atmospheric Aspect:
    thunder damage%: 10 → 7
    air damage%: 10 → 7
    Compressed Aspect:
    fire damage%: 10 → 7
    air damage%: 10 → 7
    Igneous Aspect:
    earth damage%: 10 → 7
    fire damage%: 10 → 7
    health bonus: 600 → 500
    Wintery Aspect:
    spell damage%: 15 → 8
    water damage%: 10 → 7
    air damage%: 10 → 7
    Wood Scrap:
    durability: -87 → -42
    Accursed Effigy:
    mana steal: 4 → 3 to 4
    walk speed: -14 to -10 → -10 to -7
    fire damage%: 8 to 14 → 8 to 11
    Erratic Aspect:
    thunder damage%: 10 → 7
    fire damage%: 10 → 7
    Overload Aspect:
    mana steal: 4 → 2
    thunder damage%: 10 → 7
    water damage%: 10 → 7
    Repulsive Aspect:
    earth damage%: 10 → 7
    thunder damage%: 10 → 7
    Shattered Aspect:
    earth damage%: 10 → 7
    air damage%: 10 → 7
    Disturbed Aspect:
    mana regen: 6 → 4
    earth damage%: 10 → 7
    water damage%: 10 → 7
    Durable Skin:
    earth defense%: 4 to 6 → 6 to 7
    strength req: 10 → 5
    Evaporated Aspect:
    water damage%: 10 → 7
    fire damage%: 10 → 7
    Organic Explosive:
    health bonus: 90 to 115 → 90 to 100
    World Illuminator:
    intelligence points: 5 to 6 → 5 to 7
    Adaptive Tissue:
    health regen%: 8 to 12 → 12 to 16
    strength points: 5 to 7 → 5 to 8
    durability: -133 → 120
    Depth's Gem:
    intelligence points: 7 to 11 → 8 to 9
    Slimy Skin:
    mana regen: 6 → 5
    mana steal: -4 → -3
    Ritual Catalyst:
    earth damage%: -18 to -22 → -8 to -10
    Spreading Fireweed:
    def points: 7 to 10 → 7 to 8
    Mega Fern:
    hp: 500 to 600 → 375 to 4250
    hpr raw: 40 to 50 → 45 to 50
    hp: 600 to 800 → 550 to 700
    hpr raw: 54 to 72 → 52 to 66
    def req: +35 → +30
    Illusory Idol:
    air damage %: 5 to 7 → 5 to 6
    Razor Sharp Tooth:
    dex points: 2 to 3 → 2 to 2
    dex req: +25 → +0
    Lost Spirit:
    raw spell: 0 to 100 → 0 to 60
    spell damage %: 0 to 15 → 0 to 6
    Mountain's Heart:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 5 to 6
    str req: +27 → +17
    Autonomous Core:
    fire damage %: 6 to 8 → 5 to 6
    Rocky Mind:
    str points: 12 to 15 → 11 to 12
    Fighting Stick:
    raw melee: -100 → -70
    Enhanced Behavior Microchip:
    spell damage %: 6 to 12 → 8 to 9
    int req: +35 → +30
    Enhanced Dynamics Microchip:
    raw melee: 50 to 55 → 65 to 70
    dex req: +35 → +30
    Enhanced Pathfinding Microchip:
    str req: +35 → +30
    Enhanced Post-Processing Microchip:
    def req: +35 → +30
    Enhanced Potential Microchip:
    spell damage %: 4 to 16 → 4 to 13
    melee damage %: 4 to 16 → 4 to 13
    Enhanced Physics Microchip:
    reflection: 20 to 30 → 18 to 22
    agi req: +35 → +30
    Fibreglass Frame:
    def req: +16 → +14
    Incremental Mapping Module:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 4 to 6
    hp: -750 to -650 → -575 to –475
    walk speed: 16 to 20 → 11 to 14
    agi req: +60 → +40
    Overheated Processor:
    dex req: +14 → +12
    def req: +14 → +12
    Glacial Anomaly:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 6 to 7
    raw spell: 100 to 110 → 95 to 105
    int req: +25 → +21
    Mythical Hoof:
    all skill points: 3 to 4 → 3 to 3
    Stolen Seeds:
    thorns: 8 to 13 → 4 to 7
    stealing: 3 to 7 → 3 to 5
    Tempered Core:
    fire damage %: 22 to 28 → 17 to 22
    hp: -1000 to -800 → -850 to -700
    Unmeltable Ice:
    water defense: 2 to 2 → 0
    fire defense: 1 to 2 → 0
    water damage %: 0 → 2 to 3
    fire damage %: 0 → 1 to 2
    agi req: +8 → 0
    int req: +8 → 0
    Linear Accelerator:
    raw spell: 85 to 100 → 60 to 85
    dex req: +30 → +25
    Luu Luu Vertebrae:
    hp: 480 to 520 → 380 to 420
    Mixed Jewel Deposit:
    spell damage %: 3 to 5 → 3 to 4
    melee damage %: 3 to 5 → 3 to 4
    Mixed Mineral Deposit:
    hp: 850 to 900 → 600 to 660
    Silver Bullet:
    dex req: +18 → +14
    dura: -100 → -95
    Sky Snail Shell:
    hpr%: 6 to 14 → 7 to 9
    thorns: 8 to 15 → 7 to 11
    reflection: 13 to 20 → 8 to 12
    Blighted Skull:
    walk speed: -4 to -2 → 3 to 4
    dura: +12 → +22
    Contorted Stone:
    earth melee raw: 0 → 40 to 50
    Soulfire Matterweave:
    fire damage %: 17 to 20 → 15 to 16
    Dragon Aura:
    raw melee: 55 to 60 → 60 to 75
    raw spell: 55 to 60 → 60 to 75
    Dragonling Egg:
    dura:-400 → -350
    Ocea Steel:
    all elemental damages: 16 to 20 → 15 to 18
    Cursed Wings:
    hp: -1000 to -800 → -650 to -500
    earth damage %: 18 to 23 → 13 to 16
    thunder damage %: 19 to 25 → 15 to 18
    dex req: +28 → +21
    str req: +28 → +21
    Demonic Blood:
    lifesteal: 30 to 40 → 70 to 80
    Fairy Powder:
    mana regen: 6 to 6 → 3 to 4
    raw spell: 70 to 80 → 45 to 60
    Farcor's Trust:
    hp: 2250 to 2500 → 1650 to 1900
    hpr%: -10 to -8 → -6 to -4
    dura: +45 → +39
    Deep Ice Core:
    spell damage %: 8 to 12 → 8 to 10
    water damage %: 12 to 18 → 10 to 14
    int req: +45 to +37
    Flow of Fate:
    water damage %: 20 to 24 → 16 to 20
    spell damage %: 3 to 5 → 3 to 4
    Urdar's Stone:
    earth damage %: 20 to 24 → 15 to 17
    Wind Ornament:
    walk speed: 6 to 7 → 5 to 6
    agi req: +24 → +18
    Acidic Remains:
    fire damage %: 9 to 12 → 8 to 10
    Skybound Remnant:
    spell damage %: 13 to 16 → 7 to 8
    agi points: 12 to 14 → 11 to 12
    agi req: 24 → 22
    Viral Tentacle:
    earth damage %: 6 to 11 → 6 to 9
    Green Foot:
    hp: 750 to 800 → 500 to 575
    walk speed: -10 to -7 → -8 to -6
    Larbonic Sheddings:
    durability: -70 → +42
    Dense Void Hole Chunk:
    earth damage %: 5 to 6 → 5 to 5
    Retinal Barbs:
    def points: 12 to 15 → 10 to 13
    Shrieker's Head:
    int points: -7 to -5 → -9 to -7
    Roots of Eternity:
    xp bonus: 5 to 7 → 5 to 6
    loot bonus: 5 to 7 → 5 to 6
    charges: -1 → 0
    Infected Mass:
    Effectiveness below: -45 → -25
    Effectiveness above: -45 → -25
    Letvus delight:
    5-7 all damages → 4-5 all damages
    Green Opal
    raw hpr: 50 to 55 → 40 to 45
  11. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    look above
    point_line likes this.
  12. Loonitick

    Loonitick afk Media CHAMPION

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    guess i'll cry
    point_line, MooseWhisker and birdmade like this.
  13. Abberdine

    Abberdine vulture gaming CHAMPION

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    Can someone tell me if Totemic Shatter applies to poison ticks lol

    edit: it does not, poison still bad
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
  14. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    bit sad for warp dmg loss but guess its compensated for a big lr update
    also poison buff c;
  15. VireVeonix

    VireVeonix Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    why not simply nerf ssac on 11hour and keep it on hero
    this just killed hero again
    and the 20 dex wont help with ehp, and make it harder to increase damage with sp armor, since the sp cap is reached faster
  16. The Demon Queen

    The Demon Queen Queen of Darkness, Queen of Evil CHAMPION

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    hasnt cata suffered enough
  17. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not but 2m sustained dps is not healthy for the game
    FelixTape and Castti like this.
  18. The Demon Queen

    The Demon Queen Queen of Darkness, Queen of Evil CHAMPION

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    i would like to see a build that gets even a quarter of that
  19. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    Thank you!
    runsoccer and Castti like this.
  20. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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