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Hello, fresh-meat here, ready to be Slayed - [ENG/ITA]

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by BBisWicked, Jun 8, 2023.

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  1. BBisWicked

    BBisWicked SpaghettiEater

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    Hello, fellow adventurers of Wynncraft!

    My name is IlGrandeGianni (BBisWicked) only 1 char. Archer lvl 30 at the moment, and I am an Italian Minecraft player. I have traveled through many lands and explored numerous virtual worlds, but when I discovered Wynncraft, I was completely captivated.

    Wynncraft, with its vast and detailed map and thrilling adventures, captured my heart from the very beginning. I was amazed by the variety of charming cities, breathtaking landscapes, and the wide range of tasks and quests that awaited me. I am truly excited to join you all and discover everything Wynncraft has to offer.

    In this extraordinary land, I have been able to cultivate my skills, ranging from building majestic structures to mastering the art of survival in a hostile world. I have always enjoyed working as a team with other players, cooperating to overcome challenging obstacles and reaching new heights. I hope to do the same with you, combining our resources and abilities to achieve even greater goals.

    I also enjoy immersing myself in the rich lore of Wynncraft and uncovering the secrets hidden around every corner. I have read the epic sagas and legends that reside within the pages of ancient books, and I look forward to sharing my discoveries and hearing your stories.

    I am thrilled to be part of this vibrant community, and I hope that together, we can experience unforgettable adventures. If you need a reliable team companion or someone to explore new lands with, feel free to reach out to me. It will be an honor to share this incredible journey with you.

    Get ready to face new challenges, discover hidden treasures, and forge lasting bonds. We are all here to have fun and create a unique story in the world of Wynncraft.

    See you in the game, adventurers!


    Salve a tutti, cari avventurieri di Wynncraft!

    Mi chiamo IlGrandeGianni (BBisWicked) solo un personaggio, arciere livello 30 per ora, e sono un giocatore italiano appassionato di Minecraft. Ho attraversato molte terre e ho esplorato numerosi mondi virtuali, ma quando ho scoperto Wynncraft, sono rimasto completamente affascinato.

    Wynncraft, con la sua vasta mappa ricca di dettagli e avventure emozionanti, ha catturato il mio cuore da subito. Sono rimasto sbalordito dalla varietà di città affascinanti, dai paesaggi mozzafiato e dalla vasta gamma di compiti e missioni che mi attendevano. Sono davvero entusiasta di unirmi a voi e scoprire tutto ciò che Wynncraft ha da offrire.

    In questa terra straordinaria, sono stato in grado di coltivare le mie abilità, che vanno dalla costruzione di maestosi edifici all'arte della sopravvivenza in un mondo ostile. Ho sempre amato lavorare in squadra con altri giocatori, cooperando per superare sfide difficili e raggiungere nuove vette. Spero di poter fare lo stesso con voi, mettendo insieme le nostre risorse e le nostre capacità per raggiungere obiettivi ancora più grandi.

    Mi piace anche immergermi nella ricca storia di Wynncraft e scoprire i segreti che si nascondono dietro ogni angolo. Ho letto le epiche saghe e le leggende che si celano nelle pagine degli antichi libri e non vedo l'ora di condividere con voi le mie scoperte e sentire le vostre storie.

    Sono felice di far parte di questa comunità vibrante e spero che insieme possiamo vivere avventure indimenticabili. Se avete bisogno di un compagno di squadra affidabile o di qualcuno con cui esplorare nuove terre, non esitate a cercarmi. Sarà un onore condividere questo incredibile viaggio con voi.

    Preparatevi ad affrontare nuove sfide, a scoprire tesori nascosti e a creare legami duraturi. Siamo tutti qui per divertirci e creare una storia unica nel mondo di Wynncraft.

    Ci vediamo nel gioco, avventurieri!
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
    Dream likes this.
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    hello there

    wave emoji
    emoji dell'onda
    BBisWicked likes this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Welcome soldier to the province of Wynn! You seem to be more of a poet than a warrior, but I firmly believe you aim is deadly as your words. Perhaps we will meet again and compare our skills on the training grounds.

    You also claim to be a scholar, seeker of lore... it seems that we have much in common, my friend. When you know the world better, come and find me, I would be pleased to have hours long discussions and history and present. We have a group of similar-minded individuals, I would be glad to introduce you one day.

    Oh, do you hear that? That's the calling horn, it seems like time is ending. Go to the city wall, that is the place for archers. I will have to go back, it seems like a few recruits have been left behind again...
  4. generic

    generic Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Well hello there, I hope enjoy your stay in Wynn :D
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    welcome welcome hooman to woincroift. Now I know this game has a lot of lore, theres a lot of great stuff and some... strange stuff. And whatever you do, dont do professions. They will ruin your fun
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