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Crafted potions stacking toggling

Discussion in 'Questions' started by YinYann, May 21, 2023.

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  1. YinYann

    YinYann Warp hater CHAMPION

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    I started leveling some consumables professions, and when I farm at lower levels, I don't bother collecting ingredients, so I make potions/scrolls/food that give me health. But now, since potions are auto-stacking, they all go in one place, which makes them unsellable or unscrappable, and if I have more than 30 charges, the rest will go to my bank, and it is very frustrating to navigate through my bank to search consumables that I didn't ask to be there in the first place. It also makes me lose a lot of time.

    I was wondering if there was a way to toggle potion stacking so I don't have this issue :)
  2. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang (discord: mryoghurt2004) Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Unfortunately there isnt, ingredients are the only way to prevent this
    YinYann likes this.
  3. IlloSnow

    IlloSnow Average Fractal Lover <3 CHAMPION

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    there sadly isnt a way to toggle potion stacking. but i will say 2 things though!

    1. i know you said you dont really bother with ingredients, but they do give more xp when proffing. in the later levels trying to level without ingredients takes a WHILE to just get 1%. (also ingredients prevent consums from stacking)

    Theres plenty of profession guides out there that will help with ingredients (i would post the one i use but stupid forums wont let me post links till 10 replies )

    2. what you can also do is put your potions (the ones that you frequently use) in the bank so that the consumables stack in your inv to 30. when they do reach to 30, just walk a little bit away from the station and throw it on the ground where you probably wont walk again so you wont accidentally pick it up. that way, when you are done proffing you can just pickup your potions from the bank and worry about all the other consumables!
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