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Guild The Goofiest Guilds of April 2023

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Doggy_W00F, May 1, 2023.



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  1. Doggy_W00F

    Doggy_W00F Chief of Avicia CHAMPION

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    HEY! I'm bored. So y'all are getting a round-up of all the coolest new guilds each month until I am no longer bored. I'm gonna detail all of the funniest, cringiest, and most awesome guilds created each month ranked almost purely off name and abbreviation. I will also try to get at least one exclusive interview with a guild founder from each month to tell us about their guild! This is a very serious endeavour, which I will be taking very seriously!!! So lets get started...

    Dodegar Bandysnoot is canonically the greatest hobbit blacksmith out there, but it's 2023 now, and time for product diversificiation: Bandysnoot Sausages [BaSa]. Who knows if this is Dodegar switching industries, or a family connection who has decided that now is the time for a butchery? Regardless, I'm here for it!

    With the fall of MelonCult [MELN], who sadly disbanded this week, it was time for another fresh produce to rise. Welcome Potato Empire [SPUD], founded by @JvstMango . He's agreed to tell us more about his venture below. Some fruity opposition from Pineapple Club [PNCU] ensures no monopoly in the fresh fruit & veg asisle of guilds.

    I'm going to give Toxologic the benefit of the doubt and assume they did not know what they were doing when naming their new guild Bad Dragon [KTF]...Come on, its a minecraft server, please. I don't think the same benefit can be extended to RepLAF, whose new guild Horny Horny [FBOY] certainly toes the line of acceptability. BALL LOVERS [BOLS] and Boy Kissers [Sexo] both ceased activities this month, perhaps a relief for the community. On the other hand hot asian women [nli] have clearly found their niche in the community, with a very targetted recruiting demographic. An underrated strategy, or a perverted founding principle?

    Interestingly both The Insurgents [TIS] and Insurgent [ISG] were disbanded this month, a bad month for the revolutionaries. After the termination of Give me your cash [CASH], Les pirates du poulailler [VIF] have formed to terrorise chickens across wynn and keep us all wary of constant vigilante action.

    Close to my own heart, Dog Squad [DSqd] has been founded by TheChocolateDog, the "d" of course required because [DSQ] has been held by DuckSquad for the last seven years. Perhaps my personal favorite, however, is Minerman_101's Cows with a God Complex [CwGC]. A subtle dig at our very own Salted perhaps, or a comment in general about the arrogance of cattle.

    Interview with JvstMango (@JvstMango), Owner of Potato Empire [SPUD]


    It's gotta be potatoes, they go perfectly with almost any meal, and there's a million different ways to prepare/cook them.

    Well, I was born and raised with potatoes, many of my close friends are also well acquainted with the potatoes we all know and love, so it's a bit of both really, most of us enjoy eating them, some of us share a much deeper relation with potatoes.

    As the new leader of this growing Empire, I seek to dominate, and rule the server along with my fellow potato lovers, to bring forth a more potato friendly environment, and increase the awareness of potatoes all around us.

    Well, I've always had a higher understanding and value for potatoes, so it was only a matter of time before the Empire was formed, but I guess you could say it was more impulsive, done in the heat of the moment, but at the same time had always been an option in the back of my mind, with thorough planning.

    As the new leader of this growing Empire, I seek to dominate, and rule the server along with my fellow potato lovers, to bring forth a more potato friendly environment, and increase the awareness of potatoes all around us.

    As an Empire, we strive to make all fear potatoes, we will stop at nothing to make sure there is not a single soul who does not know the power of the potato. So if tyranny is something that will help us accomplish our goals, so be it.
    Calluum and Krokofant like this.
  2. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    big up hot asian women

    ENORMOUZ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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