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The Wynncraft Iceberg

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Fezzic, Apr 23, 2023.

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  1. Fezzic

    Fezzic I loved it when Greg said "it's greggin time" CHAMPION

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    If you're wondering why this is not a picture, I'm worried this will suck so I made it text instead.

    Layer 1

    • ???

    • Dern

    • Fruma

    • Grian

    • Giant rat>collossal rat>Titanium rat

    • Coming soon wynnic on map

    • [Vet] rank

    • Technoblade

    • King of ragni

    • Festivals

    • Cities are anagrams of CT members

    Layer 2

    1. Escape Artist being OP in beta

    2. Hotfix #6

    3. Dupes in Wynn

    4. Pre 2.0 Sorcery

    5. Corkus being an april fools update

    6. Rip shoutbox

    7. Daggers are secretly shears

    8. Mama Zomble

    9. Og ???

    10. [Vet] rank

    11. Inhibitor

    12. The Mortal Mountain

    13. Heliolux

    Layer 3

    1. Spells applying life steal

    2. Thanos Potato Stash

    3. EO style

    4. OG nether

    5. 9/7/2015 (jumla spilling coffee on servers)

    6. Assassin being vip only

    7. IB, UG and GG being minidungeons

    8. Detlas WC1 before ghosts

    9. Avos air spears

    10. Trippy forest and it’s memes

    11. Old dungeon names

    12. Pre 1.20 decay lore


    14. Hermitcraft 6 ep 37 grian

    15. Walk speed capped at 400

    Layer 4

    1. Hidden graves all over the map

    2. Aristotle quote easter egg

    3. Ragni shower room

    4. Death from ToA is fake

    5. Lord Of The Clock

    6. Lunar Spine cult

    7. Az best bow

    8. Hidden merchants

    9. Dern island

    10. Csst black box

    11. Salted has 3 cities named after him

    12. No sprint bar

    13. Bank wipes of 2013

    Layer 5

    1. SE visible from mesa

    2. Crypt in great bridge

    3. End Portal

    4. Discord private channel for mods

    5. Wynnscript

    6. Admin items (like grian’s trusty map)

    7. Ragnar

    8. Mage’s archetypes are based off of a pregavel classbuilding thread

    9. Bash blocking

    10. Powders giving enchants

    Layer 6

    1. Professor Djemble

    2. Wizard Fortress

    3. Bob’s reincarnation is fake

    4. Dogovi

    5. Eye forshadowed years ago

    6. Class select button

    Layer 7

    1. Siivagunner wynncraft rips

    2. Crashed plane in ocean cave

    3. XavierEXE’s unknown playlist

    4. Squiggles still in game
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    why are the layer 7 ones more known to me than the layer 6 ones
    Bio, turtletop and YYGAYMER like this.
  3. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    Why are Ragnar and SE from mesa in 5
  4. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    You don't play casually
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Ok I'm gonna try to explain these the best I can here.

    ???: By far the most mysterious quest in Wynncraft, which once was a community hunt now reduced to following the wiki's guide. The puzzles in it took around 100 hours to think of and finish building. Before 1.14.1 though, it was notably different. It didn't have any new mechanics in the present ???, but instead was basically just 'go to these different locations', and sharing any info on it was a bannable offense.

    Dern: Essentially the main antagonistic faction in Wynncraft, the polar opposite to the Light. Similar to how the Light has Western Gavel as its lands, Dern has the Silent Expanse for it. It is ruled by the Dern Beast, the embodiment of darkness itself, and has several minions to enforce its bidding, these mainly being Bak'al, The Parasite, Greg (through the Void), and its unnamed servant that enacted ruination on the Olmic capital.

    Fruma: The next major update for Wynncraft, this is the province where all humans originated from. It is ruled by the Fruman Royal Family, possessing immense amounts of magic, while in Fruma, the place is more comparable to North Korea, with poor servants that are required to not say anything negative about the Fruman Royal Family, enforced by the Kai Shi. Those who exit Fruma don't have any memories of their time there.

    Grian: One of the 3 co-owners of Wynncraft, alongside Salted and Jumla. Grian is in charge of the lore and is also head builder. I'm not really too sure if he spends a lot of his time working on Wynncraft often, given how he also has a large YT channel to juggle alongside it. But he is referenced in the game at some points, mainly being the city of Ragni (an anagram of Grian). He also sometimes advertises Wynncraft on his channel too.

    Rats: An inside joke among the community. Before 1.17 (iirc), Poisoning the Pest was instead called Thieving Rodents, and the main point of the quest was to get a farmer's wedding ring back so his wife doesn't get any more mad at him. The main boss of that quest was the Giant Rat, and when it was removed in 1.17, there were a lot of protests to bring the Giant Rat back. It was eventually brought back, being in a cave in the Ragni Moat. The joke was further expanded upon in 1.19 with the Colossal Rat being the main boss of Misadventure on the Sea, and then in 2.0 it somewhat culminated with YahyaBot V4.o4 being replaced with the Titanium R.A.T. R-4X. Rats also have some joke appearances in some quests as well, such as Forbidden Prison. It is unknown if they have any symbolic importance in the greater narrative.

    Coming Soon Text: This was a tradition to put it on areas that would be released in coming updates, starting with the transition from 1.18 to 1.19, with coming soon being placed on the area where the Silent Expanse would later be. Currently, in the leadup from 2.0 to 2.1, it is on where Fruma would be.

    [Vet] Rank: This isn't really a true rank, but rather its something that's more of a unique thing on some people's chat tags. [Vet] was given to people who bought VIP from the store prior to the 2014 EULA changes. It will never be given out again unless Salted gets a free yacht.

    Technoblade (Rest in peace legend): Arguably the most famous Minecraft player ever, the main basis of the conspiracy theory that Technoblade played Wynncraft is in his first Hypixel Skyblock video, where after he enters the portal, he says "and you log into Wynncraft" being in the center of Detlas. If you do search his profile up on the API though, he has a lv 81 class in something (I forgot what it was), meaning that he might've played it off-camera during his YT career, or even possibly before he went viral.

    King of Ragni: The ending NPC of the very first quest in Wynncraft, King's Recruit. He is a villager and is the current monarch of Ragni. He presumably got the position from rich ancestors, who would be former Kings or Queens of Ragni, eventually landing up on him. He is also fittingly the final NPC you talk to in the WynnExcavation questline. It is unknown if he was a part of the conspiracy, but he does know of it.

    Festivals: These are seasonal events, of which there are fittingly 4 of them, each taking place at a specific time, Bonfire in the summer, Spirits around halloween, Blizzard around christmas, and Heroes in the spring. The first festival was the Festival of the Bonfire in 2021, which was very simple, it was just some new cosmetics in special crates, and later Detlas's center would have a massive bonfire in it alongside the Bonfire Tender (now the Bonfire Keeper). As each festival happened, more content was added to them, eventually when the 2022 bonfire festival happened, it was completely unidentical to the 2021 one, having far more things in it, along with its own unique minigame, the Battle for the Bonfire. The Festival of the Heroes in 2023 would also get a new minigame for it too, the Claim to Heroism. Canonically, these are pretty much ways Aster is trying to cope with how he didn't stop his brothers from dying in an incident long ago.

    Cities are anagrams of CT Members: Most are. A list of them are as follows:
    Ragni - Grian
    Detlas - Salted (mentioned by the Rusty Bartender during the Festival of the Blizzard)
    Nemract - Cartmenezzzzzzzzzzz
    Almuj - Jumla
    Rymek - Mekyr
    Nesaak - Kaasjen
    Lusuco - Oculus27
    Troms - Storm_Smurf
    Nivla Village - HiMyNameIsAJ's real name: Alvin (also indirectly bc its named after the Nivla Woods but eh)
    Bremminglar - Larsbremmers
    Ternaves - Svennert
    Elkurn - Crunkle
    Akias - Jumla's real name: Isaak (Akias is the new name of the destroyed VIP Town)
    Selchar - Grian's real name: Charles
    Sarnfic - see Cinfras
    Bucie - Cubie
    Olux - Luxio (not the pokemon its actually the name of a builder)
    Gelibord - HardBoiledEgg
    Efilim - im4life1
    Lexdale - Alexdacube
    Aldorei - ?
    Cinfras - Salted's real name: Francis
    Thanos - Nohats
    Thesead - Headset_O
    Eltom - Lotem (The NPC Tolem is also named after him)
    Bantisu Temple - Tantibus
    Rodoroc - Corroded
    Maex - Imaxelius (Maxie is also named after him)
    Kandon-Beda - Abandonedbank
    Ahmsord - ElectricHamsLord (Hams)
    However, some cities/towns don't follow the conventional naming method, such as Llevigar, an anagram of Villager, and some others such as Lutho aren't even an anagram at all but instead mean Nothing in Zulu. Tempo Town's name is also just the prefix of Tempo which is related to time, hence why it's in Time Valley.
    Escape Artist was OP in Beta: never played the Hero Beta for 2.0, so someone else comment on this.

    Hotfix 6: The most infamous patch in Wynncraft history, the sixth hotfix of 1.20 made strength and dexterity multiplicative instead of additive without balancing any items to account for this change. This allowed for insane damage outputs for the day was in place. The seventh hotfix came a day later reverting the most infamous change in Wynncraft history. Nowadays, when an update has Hotfix 6, there is a mention of an absurd change like being able to manually put all your skill points in 1 skill (there are 200 total) or by increasing Vanish's cooldown from 5 seconds to 12 seconds, although these were never actually put in place.

    Dupes in Wynn: There are indeed dupes in Wynn. One I remember was duping an item called the Pumpkin Helmet, which dropped from Pumpkin Zombies in the ancient, forgotten era of 2013 (iirc). It pretty much caused their value to crash. I think they're still somewhat valuable nowadays tho. Other times, the trade market can shut down as a result of this (again iirc).

    Pre-2.0 Sorcery: Sorcery was somewhat infamous for casting any spell twice in a row. While this isn't really a big issue for some spells, it was somewhat significant for mobility spells, as you could not predict when a movement spell would activate twice with Sorcery. All movement spells are now unable to be affected by Sorcery.

    Corkus Being an April Fools Update: The original suggestion of Corkus was actually from a community member, MrCoffeeTime, which included a lot of stuff that is in modern-day Corkus. In April 2016, Tantibus would make a post detailing several things that would be in the so-called Corkus Update, which did include some things that would be in modern-day Corkus, such as LI and Fallen Factory (although it was called the Corkus Dungeon at the time). However, there were also some outrageous stuff such as adding elytras, removing Guilds, making Wynncraft now set in a post-apocalyptic modern setting rather than being a medieval fantasy, and adding a zombie class.

    Shoutbox: This was basically a place which was discord but integrated into the forums. It was later removed, as detailed by Aarontti in this link here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...outbox-shoutbox-shoutbox.307817/#post-3601478

    Daggers are secretly Shears: Before Wynncraft had it's iconic texture pack, items instead had to have their textures represented by vanilla items. Some classes were pretty obvious, such as a bow for Archer and a stick for Mage. Warrior's was a bit harder to find an item that would work, and eventually Shovels were decided upon, as the end that does the digging (idk what thats called) looked like the tip of a spear. Assassin was a bit difficult, but Shears somewhat looked like a pair of daggers, so that's what Assassin had to live with.

    Mama Zomble: By far the rarest mob in the entirety of Wynncraft. It has a massive amount of HP and rarely spawns in specific areas, these being the Nivla Woods, Detlas Suburbs, Almuj Desert (iirc), Nesaak Tundra, and the Tromsian Jungle. Mama Zomble drops an item called Mama Zomble's Memory, a level 1 helmet with no stats attached to it and has the texture of a Zombie head. Interestingly, no lore is given for this helmet. Mama Zomble's name is often misread as Mama Zombie, as Dakota, the CT who implemented Mama Zomble, says that naming it something like Mama Zombie would be awkward. Canonically, it is a member of the nearly extinct species of Giants, of which there are 2 others in Wynncraft, being Bigfoot and the Toxified Giant in the Toxic Wastes. Oh yea and it also throws zombies at you.

    OG ???: read ??? above i ain't repeating it

    Inhibitor: Arguably one of the rarest items in Wynncraft, it is a 0.01% drop from Qira. This is presumably what she wears when fighting you, as it doesn't have a single positive stat, and has a note on it thats seemingly addressed to Qira. It would've been released with the 1.20.4 update, but was accidentally leaked on the Trade Market, so it was removed until it was slyly added back in with the 2.0 update.

    The Mortal Mountain: Before Mini-Dungeons were removed, the Canyon of the Lost had 4 mini dungeons scattered in the region, these being for the elements Earth, Water, Fire, and Air (rip thunder), and were planned to be merged into one dungeon, the Mortal Mountain. According to a line on the Wynncraft Help Guide before it was removed, this would've seemingly been where the Canyon shifting came from. This was scrapped for a reason i forgor, but this could've presumably been a beta Canyon Colossus raid.

    Heliolux: The original inhabitants of the Realm of Light before 1.20, the Heliolux were creatures made of pure light. They sent a particular Heliolux, Tiek, disguised as a witch to the Physical Plane to keep an eye on the decay. Given how they were made of pure light, they could easily fall to Corruption.
    Spells applying Life Steal: im bad at item building so no comment

    Thanos Potato Stash: haven't seen it, no comment

    EO Style: Notably, the Eldritch Outlook entrance has a more vibrant color scheme and more ordered design compared to other Wynncraft builds. Many things are now said to have fallen victim to the EO build style, these being the Nest of the Grootslangs Entrance, Ice Barrows Entrance. Nexus of Light Entrance, and maybe a few more I'm forgetting.

    OG Nether: This was essentially the closest thing that resembled Hunted Mode back then. The Nether was a global PvP arena, with the lore on the removed Help page saying it makes people act irrationally due to the Corruption. Leaderboard positions were also present in the Nether too. It is unknown if the Nether will be readded in the form of the Realm of War in the present time.

    September 7th 2015 - The Jumla's Coffee Incident: The servers were going through a bad time, and the main inside joke in the Wynncraft community is that it was caused by Jumla spilling his coffee on the servers. This is also where the :jumlacoffee: emoji on the server came from.

    Assassin was locked behind VIP: This is was in ye olden days before 2014 EULA, as there were only 3 classes publicly available, Warrior, Archer, and Mage. Assassin would later be available to the general public, similar to how the Almuj Desert and Nesaak Tundra were also formerly locked being a paywall.

    IB, UG, and GG were Mini-Dungeons: They were. These were simply called the Ice, Ocean, or Jungle Mini Dungeon at the time. Mini-Dungeons are essentially dungeons that don't have anything elaborate to them, such as being locked behind a black wall, although they did need keys to get into. The progression is also a bit different compared to nowadays, as the ocean mini dungeon was before the jungle mini dungeon in progression. The bosses were also very different from their modern day counterparts (except with the Jungle), as the bosses were, respectively, the Abominable Snowman (just a snow golem), the Kraken (just a squid), and a slime called Slyyam, which presumably was the basis for Slykaar's gimmick. They were all turned into proper Dungeons after the 1.14.1 update dropped.

    Detlas WC1 being Ghosts: dk about this, no comment

    Avos Air Spears: no comment

    Trippy Forest: The most infamous location in Wynncraft, the Trippy Forest is a recreation of the Light Forest with trippy elements in it. There are several bizarre things that can be seen, such as a giant koi fish above the skies, a massive Colossal Rat building, the entrance to the boss fight with Yahya - The Final Form, and prior to 1.20, there was a Grian statue that didn't wear any pants nor underwear.

    Old Dungeon Names: Prior to 1.14.1, the dungeons didn't have any neat names like "Decrepit Sewers" or "Underworld Crypt", but were just simply called {Mob} Dungeon. These are as follows:
    Decrepit Sewers - Skeleton Dungeon
    Infested Pit - Spider Dungeon
    Lost Sanctuary - Animal Dungeon
    Underworld Crypt - Zombie Dungeon
    Sand-Swept Tomb - Silverfish Dungeon
    Another thing to note about these is that there were also different bosses for the animal and silverfish dungeons. The Animal Dungeon's boss was the Lava Cow, while the Silverfish Dungeon's was the Sand Witch (funny pun). Interestingly about the latter, it is stuck in the ground in the modern-day Hashr fight, so if you have a class like a light bender, you can beat up the sand witch stuck in the ground.

    Pre-1.20 Decay Lore: This was notably different compared to the current lore. The problems across Wynncraft weren't caused by the war between light and dark but rather by the greed of the people. Parasites weren't super persistent in Gavel, and they were called the Succoru. The Corruption also appeared in the Realm of Light, and that's pretty much it.

    VORE VORE VORE: This is a common thing to say when the Eye is doing it's Consume attack, where the sclera opens up to become a massive mouth, trapping any players caught in it to be in front of the iris, which receive damage alongside the eye when damaged by other players.

    Hermitcraft S6 E37: i dont watch hermitcraft

    Walk Speed Cap at 400%: A speed cap occurs in several ways, this is one of them. I can't test it, given that I'm broke, but it might be.
    Hidden Graves: There are numerous hidden graves and memorials all across Wynncraft, 2 such examples that come off the top of my head are the grave that had a bonus cache by it and the hidden Hidden City note things (though the latter isn't really a grave, it is more of a memorial-ish thing. if you wanna read the whole thing it's on the Hidden City page on the wiki). It is unknown why these graves were constructed and hidden in such out of the way hollows. Also somewhat related and technically a grave, though not really hidden, is in Ragni dedicated to a former builder who will remain anonymous out of respect for them who lost their life to 'the enemy that lurks within us all.' On a more serious note, please seek help if you are currently being a victim of that.

    Aristotle Quote Easter Egg: "idrk what it is, but im putting a sun tzu quote. im very original" - Sun Tzu

    Ragni Shower Room: no comment

    Death in the Tower of Ascension is an Impostor: This is actually confirmed and is the focus around the secret discovery, A Deathly Warning. The real Death isn't really a beastial maniac but rather more of a funny uncle stereotype. The real Death is also very pissed that the fake Death is called Death. This Death probably is connected to the crystal on top of the Tower of Ascension.

    Lord of the Clock: This was a quest that removed in 1.17, and it focused around a Detlas Suburb resident going insane from having a maddening clock on them. You later go to a wizard who then tells you to go to Mt. Wynn to burn the clock in lava. Obviously, this a Lord of the Rings parody, with the starting NPC named Bulbo, the wizard is called Gundalf, and in Mt. Wynn, alongside Frudo, there is a baby zombie called Gullum. The modern day replacement for this is arguably Arachnid's Ascent, as you go through Mt. Wynn. However, it's removal has been met with backlash from the community. However, Bulbo was readded in 1.20 as a new NPC in the revamped Clock Mystery.

    Lunar Spine Cult: class building thing

    Az is the Best Bow: Az is from what I've heard pretty shit, so it's probably some inside joke. On another note relating to Az though, it does arguably have some of the most important lore attached to an item, as it describes the Forgery's creation by combining the Nii, Az (oh hey that's the name of the item), and Ek runes.

    Hidden Merchants: There are probably some merchants the CT forgot to remove that do sell some legacy items. I don't really know all of them, but some were the Boat Merchant found in the island that was in the place where the Isles of Fiction would later be in.

    Dern Island: The only place I can really think of that this applies to is Dead Island. This was definitely ye olden pre 2014 EULA days, and there are several mobs there that are called Dern Minions or Beasts (not to be confused with the DERN beast). Also fun fact, prior to 1.12 (iirc), Dead Island was called Enderman Island, and Dern back that was more closer to the End than its current eldritch horror terrain. This is also somewhat further supported as Dern is a partial anagram of Ender.

    CSST Black Box: i didn't play in 1.16, so i cant comment on this (this is probably when it happened if i had to guess)

    Salted has 3 cities named after him: Detlas, Cinfras, and Sarnfic. Honestly somewhat fitting for the head owner of Wynncraft to have the most cities named after him.

    2013 Bank Wipes: no comment
    SE is visible from the Mesa: I cannot see SE from the Mesa in game, but it does make sense, given that Void Valley is directly south of the Mesa.

    Great Bridge Crypt: Afaik, this was unfinished content from ye olden pre 1.19 lore revamp days. This actually had a name, the Graveyard of 100 Years. There was a Cryptlord guy that had some sort of quest thing, and Dwendle Twain was namedropped (or its just some other Dwendle but I digress).

    End Portal: There was actually an end portal in Wynncraft, although this was probably removed as the content purge of the ye olden pre 2014 EULA days lore. It wasn't functional iirc tho, so it was just a neat decoration.

    Discord Private Channel for Mods: im not a mod, but ive heard of the fabled Mod Night, so that might be smthn ig.

    Wynnscript: I am not a coding nerd, but this is essentially based on Javascript. It was accidentally leaked to Endistic, and later received permission from Hams to detail its inner workings. If you wanna learn more about it, check here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/wynnscripts-workings-updated.307193/

    Admin Items: These were items from ye olden pre 2014 EULA days. These were given from the admins, and the only two I know are Salted's Trusty Poop and Grian's Ocean Map. I think Jumla also had one, but I forgot if they actually did.

    Ragnar: This is essentially modern-day Bob. He is a hero that appears somewhat sparsely throughout Wynncraft, and is only name dropped by a few NPCs. However, by looking at an early Gavel Update trailer, Ragnar presumably had the role of a protagonist in a quest and fought against Bak'al. He might get some stuff in Fruma though.

    Mage Archetypes are based on Pre-Gavel Class Building Thread: i wasn't around pre-gavel, so someone else comment on this

    Bash Blocking: never did a full warrior playthrough yet. this could be removed, idrk or care tbh

    Powders giving Enchants: This might have been how they worked long ago in ye olden days of pre 2014 EULA.
    Professor Djemble: This is a very iconic storyline from before 1.17, which had a melon professor named Djemble and his arch-rival, Professor Depumbly of the Piers Morgan Lab in Troms. While Depumbly is probably long gone, Djemble is still around the map, found in the Teki cave alongside the western edge of the map.

    Wizard Fortress: This was a minigame that was added a long time ago. I forgot the exact stuff of it, but i think it was 2 teams fighting against each other. This was removed out of fear Wynncraft would become essentially another Hypixel. However, its legacy lives on, as most festivals nowadays have a massive minigame centered around it, such as the Battle for the Bonfire and Claim to Heroism.

    Bob's Reincarnation is fake: It likely is. Bob sent in a letter to Nilrem (his unseen friend) that his true fate of going to Dern cannot be revealed to the public, and that a body must be created to sustain the lie. Bob's ultimate fate is unknown.

    Dogovi: This was the name of Maex a while ago. Dogovi is an anagram of a former builder of Wynncraft, GoodVibes. Contrary to his name, he wasn't a good person, being incredibly controlling and strict with his building, and overall just being mean. He would eventually get banned after he made a thread which posted grian's face onto a nude woman, which lead to Dogovi getting renamed.

    Eye foreshadowed years ago: The eye has actually been foreshadowed since Wynncraft was released. The Eye was seen in the background of the Wynncraft logo, and eventually after a forums user (i forgot who) caught on to the fact that the Eye is a symbol sprinkled somewhat liberally across the WynnExcavation questline, Salted would later comment that eventually the community will learn more about it, culminating in the release of 1.19, the Silent Expanse Update.

    Class Select Button: it is indeed
    SiIvagunner's Wynncraft rips: For those who don't know, SiIvagunner is a YouTuber who posts video game OST to YouTube, to often serve the purpose of releasing music on a platform that is more accessible than a specific console. SiIvagunner has also uploaded some of Wynncraft's music to their channel, although its not a complete copy from the OST directly, as they instead put their own twist on it. One I remember is Kandon-Beda's which has Peter Griffin and other Family Guy characters singing a tune along with the song.

    Crashed Plane in Ocean Cave: wait the 21st century is canon?!

    XavierEXE's Unknown Playlist: This is a list of 7 songs that use Wynncraft instruments, which indicates they were meant to be used in the OST at one point, presumably for Dern. However, Dern presumably got delayed far more back, which would basically make these no more than relics of the past. (the last sentence is speculation, i wasnt ever a ct member)

    Squiggles is still in the game: Squiggles was an April Fools' joke released long ago, and it was basically a squid pet. Squiggles would also be reincarnated various times throughout Wynncraft, such as the NPC Squiddles, found in the Underground Squid Village (still here today). However, Squiggles is still alive and well in the Red Meteor Lab, in one of the water tanks, being a level 5 passive mob with 100 HP.
    if some stuff has non-serious descriptions or no comment that means i dont know enough to say anything about it, so someone else has to do it for me. however, i got the majority of stuff, so its mostly good
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
  6. GuavaJovanJambu

    GuavaJovanJambu Travelled Adventurer

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    Less gooooo
    Now im waiting for wynncraft iceberg video on yt
  7. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    i cannot tell if this is satirical or not
    but it's siivagunner not siLvagunner
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    The second 'i' in SiIvagunner is capitalized and I am pretty sure it's to trick people into thinking it's Silva
    For anyone curious about what Layer 7 is referencing:

    Further, one of the songs isnt for the same thing the rest of the songs are for.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
  9. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    You should add swarms to the iceberg, as well as Samabizzle.
    TrapinchO and Bio like this.
  10. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Truly an L moment for me, my bad chat.
    turtletop likes this.
  11. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    he played it back during the 2019 resurgence. i carried him from level 49 up to 82. he quit after 20 minutes of trying to do ??? and that was the last time i ever spoke to him
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  12. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Enderclaw, Fezzic and luckeyLuuk like this.
  13. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    for those who dont know: (which might be everyone but me)
    In 1.20, bash would throw up dirt block entities. Those entities, much like Horses back then, could be used to block projectiles if timed correctly. I never got the oppertunity to record myself doing it, but if you spammed Bash with the right timings, you could be immune to projectiles entirely.
  14. Bio

    Bio Father of Class Builds Section VIP+

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    I feel like Pig Valley (What Time Valley was before they changed it) deserves a spot on there
  15. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Why aren't Bloomi and Morgor in here
  16. Fezzic

    Fezzic I loved it when Greg said "it's greggin time" CHAMPION

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    thx for the support everyone
  17. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    A while ago, I had compiled a very, very comprehensive iceberg based on all I can remember during the 10 years I was on this server. For some reason mods specifically decided my iceberg list was taboo while others were not, so it was unfortunately taken down despite the odd reasoning they gave me that involved a lot of extrapolating and reaching. I'll post it here again, seeing a new iceberg thread has resurfaced.

    Just a fair warning that my list is fairly big.

  18. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    trying to enter the CSST boss room with a large party used to have a pretty good chance of sending some party members to a black box near the boss room. I think it might have been caused by having active pets?

    I know Grian has shown off a few of the wynncraft update trailers in his hermitcraft videos, so it might be one of those
    luckeyLuuk, ExertKarma and Da Homeboi like this.
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