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"MaximumPear" is dead ;-; [+creative poll]

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Pear Of Dice, Apr 13, 2023.


Do you think this Saga showcasing my Wynn experiences in the form of Literacy is a good idea?

  1. Sure! I'd read it :D

  2. Sure! I don't think I'd be reading it tho

  3. I have some ideas for it!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Seems a little ambitious to me...

    0 vote(s)
  5. This doesn't sound very interesting tbh

    0 vote(s)
  6. I didn't read the "Project" portion of this post / don't care

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Pear Of Dice

    Pear Of Dice Pearible CHAMPION

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    hihihi everyone, welcome to my reintroduction I guess?
    Below there are 3 main points;
    - "MaximumPear" being "dead"
    - New account and persona being explained
    - A project I hope to introduce soon

    I know there's a lot of people in the community who are aware of that random person who used to send self-care messages in the shouts like "drink some water!" and stuff, or the original owner of this pretty neat guild called TerraLune [UTL], or that person who used to do ??? for random people like a year ago, the player who used to be a mod for like a month but then wasn't, or whatever else, but I know there's a lot out there who would probably look at this post and be like "Who is MaximumPear? Sounds like a loser" and they'd be like 50% right, but also MaximumPear died in November of 2022.

    Hello, welcome to Reality! MaximumPear is the account I used for most of my formative days playing Wynncraft, after my sister and I stopped using the same account. This was supposed to be an account I would never need to part with, and in a lot of ways it felt like my own identity was tied to this account's connection to Wynncraft. (Yeah, cringe or whatever, laugh it up.) But if you've read this far you already know that this account was not going to be around forever like I'd hoped.

    In the later days of November in 2022, I was robbed of many things living in my little virtual bubble. I was hacked. The computer that was infected had a program designed to give the hacker access to all of my accounts and whenever I updated on that computer they'd know. I was able to recover many of my passwords to many crucial accounts, but one that I wasn't able to save was my microsoft account. The one that was connected to MaximumPear. I tried eeeeeeeeverything to get it back, and for a while I was in a huge glorious state of denial, but eventually I realized that the account and everything on it was gone- permanently.

    I probably don't need to recount the devastation, it was a typical wynn account y'know; a few really neat mythics I was borrowing from my friends, about 3 years of memories and effort put in, probably near $300 spent on it in total (I had Champion and whenever there was an event I'd get crates n' stuff), so it's easy to believe that losing this account was pretty hard for me to accept.

    But there is good news!
    The Pear who used to occupy that account has now resumed their adventures in another!

    The account I used as an alt when I had MaximumPear is now my main account, so to speak! Back when I had my original main, this account was known as "TerraMaxi", and later on I changed it to "GreenSunset123" in honor of a friend of mine who helped me start up my guild a while back, but when this was now my main I felt like I needed to change it into something that felt more... me.

    The inspiration for the name came from two places; Hazbin Hotel and a niche rapper.
    Alastor, the "Radio Demon" from the pilot on VivziePop's channel (do not recommend for people who dislike the excessive use of curse words and explicit notions).
    DemonDice, also known as Karen or DDK [DemonDiceKaren], an American singer/rapper who integrates both English and Japanese in most of her songs (also do not recommend for people who dislike the excessive use of curse words and notions towards S8nism).
    I took out the "demon" in both characters/personas and fused it together, Radio Demon + DemonDice became RadioDice!
    The skin was just sorta created with "dice" as a theme and I used the colors of the sunset for the body, and someone looked at it and said it was a slime so I went with it cuz slimes are cute.

    Every great introduction (or in my case reintroduction) has some sorta announcement or something, right? I'm just gonna believe that's right cuz no one's telling me otherwise :>
    In any case, in light of all the recent events and me recalling my past with Wynncraft, I've decided to begin a story that realistically showcases my accounts as characters and displays my experiences inside this amazing game along with a few personal experiences and anecdotes thrown in along the way. For my closest friends, predicting the next chapter of the story when I get to the more recent events will likely be pretty easy since they were there for it, but there's still a lot that only I really know about my early days in Wynn that I really wanna share with everyone, in a creative way that treats Wynncraft as an actual world rather than a game.

    I haven't yet decided how I want to split it up, but essentially the point of view will shift according to the accounts I play in. A lot of experience will exist mainly metaphorically, so as a glance of what to expect I'll just say that when I said "MaximumPear is dead", well that's how it'll actually be. Now you already know to expect the death of a main character, but the trick is that I'll be giving it a new cause of death unrelated to the real world, moreso in the style of Wynn.

    I still have no clue what to call this story though, and I'll be posting it on the forums with some artwork for each chapter, so if there are any suggestions for the name of this Saga that will cover the ingame span of 6 real world years (so like probably half as much for the characters themselves), I'm open to see what people can come up with! I'll also have a poll at the top asking if this sounds like an interesting idea that people would actually like or if it's not that great and I probably shouldn't go through the trouble. Looking forward to some input!

    The "Project" portion will explain what the poll is asking ^

    Anyway, it's great to be back to Wynncraft! If there are people out there who get dmed ingame by "RadioDice" now you know it's just Pear XD

    Thanks for being a lovely community, fellow Wynngoers <3
    Sir_Doomed, ocel0tgirl and Sumit like this.
  2. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Bro I thought someone actually died.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  3. Pear Of Dice

    Pear Of Dice Pearible CHAMPION

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    oh, sorry about that..
    tig likes this.
  4. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Don't worry about it lol I was being dumb
    Pear Of Dice likes this.
  5. Pear Of Dice

    Pear Of Dice Pearible CHAMPION

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    Okay phew, I thought you were being serious cuz of the period at the end and I was a lil worried I had upset someone because of my bad wording choices :')
    But I mean it doesn't take much for this community to be serious about stuff so I didn't think too much of it, thanks for the comment and I hope you have a great day!
    tig likes this.
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