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Guide The Festival of the Heroes 2023 Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Mar 24, 2023.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Another festival out of the blue. At least this time I've managed to procrastinate my weeklys to get an extra T2 crate...


    [1/7] Aster: Yes, yes, set that up over- no, not like that! Good grief, just... Just leave it, I'll handle it...- Oh, hello! You must be here for the festival!
    [2/7] Aster: Ahem. My apologies for that. Welcome to the Festival of the Heroes! A now annual event put on to celebrate the great heroes of our land!
    [3/7] Aster: We have numerous performances schedule for the next few weeks, as well as a special event featuring an important guest later on! Be sure not to miss it.
    [4/7] Aster: Ah, but if you're looking for something to do in the meantime, might I suggest visiting the carnival area? We have plenty of similar games set up over there.
    [5/7] Aster: Or, perhaps, you'd be willing to participate in the Scavenger Hunt? Every day, a new cache will be hidden somewhere in the world, ready to be found!
    [6/7] Aster: Oh, and of course, most exciting of all... If you take the Event Airship, you'll be able to compete with others in a brand new game we're hosting!
    [7/7] Aster: ...Right, well, I'll leave it there! I wouldn't want to keep you from enjoying the festivities. If you need anything, I'll be here in the town square!
    [1/1] Aster: Hello, hello! It's good to see you again. Anything I can help you with?
    [1/7] Aster: Well, sure! I'm always happy to talk about the festivities. Let's see...
    [2/7] Aster: First of all, there are the various Performances! Those will be happening regularly throughout the course of this event.
    [3/7] Aster: Additionally, we'll be hosting a special event featuring an important guest later on! Be sure not to miss it.
    [4/7] Aster: Then, there's the Carnival Area, which is full of various smaller games you can play to earn Festival Coins! Those can be spent on various prizes.
    [5/7] Aster: There's the Scavenger Hunt, of course... Every day, a new cache will be hidden somewhere in the world, ready for you to track it down!
    [6/7] Aster: And, finally, there's the minigame! You can take the Event Airship to travel to it, and play to earn exclusive rewards!
    [7/7] Aster: ...I believe that's all. I hope I could be of use!
    [1/4] Aster: Of course! Well, as it so happens, I'm the founder and organizer of the Festival of the Heroes!
    [2/4] Aster: ...I'll admit, I've always had fond memories of the yearly festivals hosted by Detlas. There was always something to celebrate here, and... well, I suppose I needed that in my life, after a point.
    [3/4] Aster: And so, when I had the idea to celebrate the great heroes of this world, I thought there would be no better way to repay those memories than by hosting a festival of my own!
    [4/4] Aster: I came to Detlas' council with my proposal, and they agreed to allow me to organize this event. And so, here we are now!
    [1/7] Aster: Oh, well, all of them, I suppose! But, ah, we have put a focus on a distinct few. To keep things simpler for myself to keep track of.
    [1/7] Aster: We're celebrating the exploits of Bob, Wynn's beloved protector; Tisaun, famed for his defense of Troms; and Siegfried, known all across Gavel for his generosity!
    [1/7] Aster: ...We, ehm, received a few other submissions for heroes to celebrate. Something about an Admiral Aegis? And, of course, someone who requested for us to speak on General Skien of all people...
    [1/7] Aster: But! We settled on these three for simplicity's sake.

    So... essentially, we will get the same dialogue as last year? I made a guide for that too, so feel free to check that out, assuming this event recycles last year's event.
    [1/1] Aster: Well, hello! It's always nice to have a passing conversation.

    Festival Workers

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Hm... Oh! Hello. How can I help you today?
    [1/4] Festival Worker: Well, as it so happens, they're rather simple.
    [2/4] Festival Worker: If you're here in the center of Detlas when the timer reaches zero, you'll get the boost.
    [3/4] Festival Worker: Performances will grant different boosts each time, rotating through eight options.
    [4/4] Festival Worker: Boosts include XP Bonus, Mobility Boosts, Loot Bonus, Gathering XP Bonus, Damage Bonus, Gathering Speed, Loot Quality, and Elemental Damage Bonus.

    So that's the cycle. I learned from last year that they state the cycle of boosts in order.
    [1/2] Festival Worker: If you attend a performance, You'll be granted a token for a specific boost. This token can be used at will to grant you the boost for 40 minutes.
    [2/2] Festival Worker: However, a boost token can only be used within 24 hours of the performance from which it was earned. Make sure you remember to use it!

    Alright. So instead of it being locked to one class, you get a token that can be used in any class? Cool.

    Edit : So, turns out, no, it is still locked to the class it it received by, but at least we can now set the terms on when we want it active.
    [1/2] Festival Worker: Oh, yes, the special event. There's not too much I can tell you about it without ruining the surprise.
    [2/2] Festival Worker: It will work the same way as a regular performance, so be sure to be here before the event starts!

    This is entirely new in this year's festival. I'll update this either here or on a separate guide regarding timed events.
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Alright. See you.
    This is the starting point of the Scavenger Hunt.

    1) Talk to the Scavenger Hunt Festival Worker
    [1/5] Festival Worker: Hello! Here for the Scavenger Hunt, then? Here, one moment, I can get you set up to begin...
    [2/5] Festival Worker: So, here's how this is going to work. Every day, we'll have a new location available to find.
    [3/5] Festival Worker: If you speak to me, you'll be able to view a list of all available locations. When you pick one, you'll be given an image which displays the chosen location.
    [4/5] Festival Worker: Bring the image to the location, and you'll be rewarded with unique items.
    [5/5] Festival Worker: Here, let's start with an easy one. Select the first location, track it down, and then return to me once you've done so!

    At the end of the dialogue, you will be prompted with a GUI screen. Here, a red circle will be highlighted to indicate the first location of the hunt

    Once you have clicked on the highlighted icon, you will be given an image of the area where you need to go.

    Exiting the GUI after this will prompt the Festival Worker to give you one last bit of dialogue.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Well, there you have it! Just travel to the location displayed by the image, claim the cache, and return to me.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Oh, welcome back! Ready to start the Scavenger Hunt?

    At the end of the dialogue, you will be prompted with a GUI screen. Here, a red circle will be highlighted to indicate the first location of the hunt

    Once you have clicked on the highlighted icon, you will be given an image of the area where you need to go.

    Exiting the GUI after this will prompt the Festival Worker to give you one last bit of dialogue.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Well, there you have it! Just travel to the location displayed by the image, claim the cache, and return to me.
    2) Find the location of the Scavenger Hunt Cache

    3) Get back to the Scavenger Hunt Festival Worker and talk to him again.
    [1/3] Festival Worker: So you've found the location? Well done! That's how the Scavenger Hunt will work.
    [2/3] Festival Worker: Now, before I let you go get to it... One more thing. Claiming the first cache means you're eligible for the first reward!
    [3/3] Festival Worker: Here, I'll open the rewards list for you. Just click the reward's button, and you'll get the item!

    You will be sent to another GUI for the rewards section. Here, you can select the highlighted icon to claim your prize.

    Exiting the GUI will prompt the festival worker to send you one last bit of dialogue.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: And that's all there is to it! Here, I'll let you get to searching for now. Just talk to me again, and I can open up the list for you.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Oh, there you are. Here, I'll open the rewards list for you. Just click the reward's button, and you'll get the item!

    You will be sent to another GUI for the rewards section. Here, you can select the highlighted icon to claim your prize.

    Exiting the GUI will prompt the festival worker to send you one last bit of dialogue.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: And that's all there is to it! Here, I'll let you get to searching for now. Just talk to me again, and I can open up the list for you.

    The end of this tutorial section will net you one Festival of the Heroes Emblem. Nice.
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Hello there! Here for the Scavenger Hunt?
    A GUI of the Locations menu will be displayed.
    A GUI of the Rewards menu will be displayed.
    [1/6] Festival Worker: Sure thing! So, for each available cache, you'll get an image which displays the location.
    [2/6] Festival Worker: Travel to that location with the image on hand, and you'll be able to claim the cache!
    [3/6] Festival Worker: Additionally, there are three types of locations: Daily, Weekly, and Bonus.
    [4/6] Festival Worker: Daily locations become available each day, and weekly locations become available in sets of three each weekend.
    [5/6] Festival Worker: Bonus locations are unlocked after claiming enough regular caches. They're far more challenging than Daily and weekly locations!
    [6/6] Festival Worker: After claiming caches, regular or bonus, you'll be eligible for unique rewards.
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Oh, alright!

    Festival NPCs

    Festival Events

    The Claim to Heroism

    Scavenger Hunt

    This year's Scavenger Hunt is a little different than last year's. For instance, this one gives out rewards PER ACCOUNT, not per class like last year. This one also involves new mechanics such as Weekly Locations and Bonus Locations.


    In case I am a little late to the party, you can also check out @Kraetys and his Scavenger Hunt Location Coordinates forum post.

    [Location I : Therck Stairs (-523, 68, -1590)]
    [Location II : Maltic Coast (-409, 46, -2055)]
    [Location III : Underworld Crypt (235, 48, -1961)]
    [Location IV : (868, 72, -1473)]
    [Location V : Half Moon Island (1095, 63, -2651)]
    [Location VI : Nesaak Tundra (-136, 75, -793)]
    [Location VII : Mining Base Lower (744, 32, -1188)]
    [Location VIII : Rymek East Lower (1385, 111, -1345)]
    [Location IX : Lion Cave (826, 91, -2129)]
    [Location X : Mummy's Tomb (1047, 85, -2288)]
    [Location XI : Bridge to Temple of Legends (-651, 65, -978)]
    [Location XII : Dernel Jungle (-707, 24, -579)]
    [Location XIII : Gelibord Ice Chunk (-930, 49, -5344)]
    [Location XIV : ??? Yellow Meteor (-1360, 28, -5635)]
    [Location XV : Savannah West Lower (720, 5, -1749)]

    This one was in the Termite Cave. Of all the places to put a Scavenger Cache, it had to be where it triggered my phobia...
    [Location XVI : Gelibord Castle Cave (-1187, 63, -5677)]

    This one is at the backyard of Dullahan's Castle. You may need to complete Realm of Light III to gain access to this... or not.
    [Location XVII : (-1211, 59, -5010)]

    This cache is located above an archway west of Efilim.
    [Location XVIII : Light Forest Entrance (-1188, 43, -4631)]
    [Location XIX : Air Temple Lower (513, 167, -4852)]

    This one is located at the Bantisu Air Temple, opposite of where you start the "Beyond the Grave" quest.
    [Location XX : Military Base (118, 84, -5437)]

    This one is located at the bridge above the entrance to the Jitak Barracks, where you start the "General's Orders" quest
    [Location XXI : Aldorei Valley Upper (5-508, 105, -4604)]

    This one is located at the outskirts of Outer Aldorei Valley.

    Weekly Locations are available at the end of the week. Every Sunday, three new locations will be available to you.
    [Weekly Location I : Cathedral Harbour Cave (498, 39, -2111)]

    [Weekly Location II : Detlas Suburbs Random Structure (467, 79, -1888)]

    [Weekly Location III : Troms Castle (-830, 102, -851)]
    [Weekly Location IV : Behind Twain Mansion (236, 83, -491)]

    [Weekly Location V : Volcanic Isles Cave (-895, 16, -3787)]

    [Weekly Location VI : Letvus Airbase (-208, 91, -4946)]
    [Weekly Location VII : Behind Twain Mansion (-45, 48, -5575)]

    [Weekly Location VIII : Upper Molten Heights Abandoned Castle (1162, 170, -5080)]

    [Weekly Location IX : Molten Reach Secret Cave (1522, 128, -4939)]

    Bonus Locations are a special case. They unlock for every quota of Scavenger Cache claimed.
    Santa's Hideout (1158, 33, -3161)
    Abandoned Pass Grave (986, 164, -1316)
    Rymek East Mid Cave (1481, 11, -1482)
    ??? White Meteor (-193, 5, -5004)

    You'll need to have a class that has done the ??? quest to even begin this one.
    Llevigar (-1837, 121, -4443)

    This one was hell to find. I knew it was in Llevigar, but as to WHERE it was...
    TBD (-1946, 6, -4846)

    Apparently, the place to access the cache at has some issues, so this one is soft locked from us for now...

    Edit : Okay, so the cave where the Cache was located was obstructed with a trapdoor, but now it's open.
    Quartz Mines South West (-1660, 46, -4366)

    ...why was this house the only one in Karoc Quarry with the Desert color scheme?! I ran around the desert and mesa for at least an hour.
    Rymek East Lower (1218, 40, -1289)

    This one is inside the Bovine Church of Rymek. You'll need either jump boost or movement spells to access this one.
    Paths of Sludge (1029, 13, -848)

    At first, I thought it was in the Corrupter of Worlds boss fight room. I'll have to look elsewhere for a similar block palette.

    Edit : So someone told me that this was at the outskirts of Lutho. This location was one of the most tedious to find. Go to (1028, 862) and look partially up to see the entrance.
    South Farmers Valley (-259, 95, -1905)

    This one is at the foothills of Mt. Wynn and near the "Water of the Past" secret discovery

    [This guide will be updated daily and occasionally, so check back here often for new content

    Edit : Apologies for not updating this as frequently as I should. I've been feeling demotivated lately.]
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
  2. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    bunp for more dialogue soon
    MummyTheTiger likes this.
  3. Jakacraft

    Jakacraft Vibing CHAMPION

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    bump goood thread
  4. Akram_sr

    Akram_sr there is no war inside the fruman walls

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    what are bomus caches?
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    strange creature plushie
    PlasmaWarrior likes this.
  6. djkitt3

    djkitt3 Well-Known Adventurer

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    (10 characters aaaaaaaaaaa)
  7. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    I think it has to do with the map behind the festival worker. That map is of a place at the edge of the ocean behind Corkus, around -2200, 2900. However, I could not find a treasure there, but it's a quite large area to search in
  8. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    The bonus locations unlock when you get a certain number of locations for the Scavenger Hunt. Also, I think the map is only for decoration purposes only.
  9. Menacin

    Menacin Skilled Adventurer

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    Where's the day 2 scavenger hunt?
  10. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Above UC dungeon

    234 48 -1969
  11. Jakacraft

    Jakacraft Vibing CHAMPION

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    how do you get to the weekly 1?
  12. Brooklyn_33

    Brooklyn_33 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Can anyone help with the weekly clues? Those could be anywhere on the map!
  13. mrkranky

    mrkranky Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The first weekly is in a watchtower north of deltas, in the direction of pirate bay, the second one is within the big ship crashed into the side of pirate bay, and the last one is on the second level of the troms castle
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  14. Brooklyn_33

    Brooklyn_33 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I found the one in the watchtower. Thank you for the 2nd!!
    I had the first and third clues. I found the tower and now Troms castle. I never would have thought of the castle for that clue!
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  15. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    It's inside the ship, head for the lower deck (toward the ocean), and away from the ocean is a door into it. turn left and the cache is on the captains desk
  16. Brooklyn_33

    Brooklyn_33 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I actually found that one first. I was looking for the table and chairs on the ship but finally found them in Troms with Mrkranky's help :)
  17. FelixTape

    FelixTape BRuh Item Team CHAMPION

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    day 4's on half-moon island
  18. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    you should split weekly locations into their own spoilers, imo, instead of keeping them in day 2
  19. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Alright, consider it done
  20. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    In case you haven’t found it, the scavenger hunt day 7 is at the following coords:

    742 31 -1186
    Nukewarmachine likes this.
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