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The WORST 2.0 QUEST (it's not asp2 or gerts)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by shtnck eyh ckhhe, Mar 18, 2023.

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  1. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Lately, I've decided to finish all the new 2.0 quests once and for all on all my classes. Yeah, they're not new, but I just couldn't force myself to do all those quests six times right off the bat. And why? Well, one of reasons why was-

    A Marauder's Dues.

    I know Hunger of the Gerts Part II is considered one of the worst if not very worst quest of the 2.0 update (maybe also Aldorei's Secret Part II, if you're a lore-enjoyer-chad). But honestly, it's not too incredibly bad. Especially after the dialogue's been reworked, it's an okay quest. It really doesn't feel significant even if it should, but at least it's not too much of a chore to get through. But nevermind, because I'm not here to argue that Hunger of the Gerts Part II is actually a masterpiece and you're too blind to see it- that's neither what I mean nor what I intend to discuss.

    I've come to loathe A Marauder's Dues. I thought this might be a more popular opinion, that A Marauder's Dues is terrible (or maybe I'm just unaware of such sentiments), but no one seems to mind it. So here I'll give you some reasons to hate it.

    A Marauder's Dues doesn't even have the somewhat-redeeming qualities of Hunger of the Gerts Part II. I'm actually really surprised it got #12 on @Da Homeboi 's list from way back when ( https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-2-0-quest-survey-results-my-feedback-on-2-0-quests.302815/ ), above The Ultimate Weapon, The Lost, and The Canyon Guides, which were some really fun quests, in my opinion.

    Now, what does DaHomeboi say about A Marauder's Dues' good parts?

    First: it replaces a worse quest. The old A Marauder's Dues was forgettable and uninteresting. But the new A Marauder's Dues? While I could just speed through the old version, I have to do tedious (subjective but you've gotta admit it's a bit longer than it needs to be) parkour and deal with Volmor's annoying dialogue. The old version was forgettable; the new version is something you remember as the epitome of boring quests. A brief moment of sharp pain is much better than a dull pain that lingers, no?

    Second: the parkour is interesting. Is it really, though? Neither the ghost block nor the snake mechanic are novel or especially interesting. The click-the-gray-block-to-make-platforms-appear is just... clicking gray blocks to make platforms appear. We've seen novel parkour mechanics, like in The Breaking Point or The Canary Calls, but this is just not it. The parkour is just... parkour. Generic parkour (that I may argue to be too lengthy) Inside of colored boxes. Rooms of solid color, textureless, patternless, everything-less. They have no atmosphere. The parkour platforms are just blobs of white. Like, even if it was supposed to be an illusion within your mind, couldn't it have been a bit more swirly-swooshy mysterious-y, less stuff-in-a-box?

    Third: the trash dimension puzzle is interesting. Yeah, it's trash, I'll give you that. Sorry. It's just reading numbers and then inserting crystals. There's no visual that shows how each crystal affects each other, and it doesn't even tell you how high your concoction's power is when you try submitting it. It's like a dumbed-down hppeng-wynncrafter. Although it's not something done before (at least I don't think so) in Wynncraft, it's not a very interesting, "wow-this-is-so-cool" kind of unique mechanic.

    2.0 A Marauder's Dues tried too hard to be a better A Marauder's Dues, instead of being a better quest. It 2.0-ified certain segments and added new segments elsewhere. The first little cave parkour segment felt more in-place than the illusion parkour. The RUN! from the something something scary purple stuff is just running uphill... away from something you don't even see if you don't turn around... for a solid 3 seconds. All these do is lengthen the quest, and contribute nothing to the pretty-much-nonexistent story. Yet the quest is not very radically different; it's just the same quest but longer, still meaningless, not even better aesthetically, really. It could have been a cool new take on an old quest, like The Canary Calls, but it wasn't.

    A Marauder's Dues is, in my opinion, the worst 2.0 quest (clarification: the worst quest added or reworked in the 2.0 update). It is irredeemable. It is the 2023 equivalent of a fetch quest- formulaic, tedious, boring. Come on- Creeper Infiltration, if you think about it, is a better quest than A Marauder's Dues, even though it's a level 15 quest in an area no one ever thinks about. Hunger of the Gerts Part II at least tells a story and is over before you can start to feel your life force draining away from playing a bad quest. A Marauder's Dues is, truly, terrible.

    It seems that A Marauder's Dues is *due* for another rework.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
    cmosier, Xellulor and hmtn like this.
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    shut the fuck up stinkey 2.0 marauders dues is awesome
  3. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    you're so right for saying this tbh. i dread this quest.
  4. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    me when asp2 :vomit:
  5. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Ok but what if I like the new Marauder's Dues
    Deusphage likes this.
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    what the fuck!!! I love new Marauder's Dues!!!
  7. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    Personally I'm a fan of new Marauder's Dues. It's not the best quest, not by a long shot, but it does have much improved gameplay over the old version. Obviously, enjoyment is subjective, but I found all the parts of the quest to be at least a bit fun.
  8. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    I disagree with this statement.
    New marauder's dues is far better than old marauder's dues, the parkour is a little long ok but it's not very hard.
    All you needed to do in the old quest was fall down a hole and climb back up.
    The new puzzle is also good.
    Deusphage likes this.
  9. Xae

    Xae Skilled Adventurer

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    I actually liked the parkour but the puzzle is annoying as hell
  10. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    What are you talking about? The parkour was super fun, and the puzzle was really interesting. The only part that I didn't really like was the run section, just because you couldn't see what was behind you.
    Deusphage and uuuuuuuuuuuuh like this.
  11. Agef8

    Agef8 Travelled Adventurer

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    I agree. This is the quest I hate the most. This is mostly due to the fact that I have a very bad ping which makes everything ten times more frustrating. I did the quest with shaman and seeing someone flying through the parkour with mage was just depressing. Also I don't know why newer quest tend to be longer. Making a quest longer doesn't make the quest better. Also please make a skip option after you tried the parkour for more than one hour.
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