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Guide Professions secret buff

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by FabulousKhaled, Mar 6, 2023.

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  1. FabulousKhaled

    FabulousKhaled Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    after the housing island rework, players are now able to start building and express themselves without having to grind so many hours for 8 blocks, as a result many materials prices have increased substantially. this could be a very fast way to earn money, I will display some of the current prices of materials and then give you 2 example spots and how much they will earn you.

    Current prices of Ingot ores (low to high)
    voidstone: 36e per ore
    granite: 40e per ore
    iron: 42e per ore
    gold: 46e per ore
    Sandstone: 56e per ore
    copper: 61e per ore
    diamond: 93e per ore
    Kanderstone: 95e per ore
    cobalt: 105e per ore
    molten ingot : 180e per ore

    Current prices of fish oil (low to high)
    starfish: 21e per oil
    gudgeon: 32e per oil
    koi: 37e per oil
    salmon: 49e per oil
    piranha: 53e per oil
    trout: 57e per oil
    icefish: 58e per oil
    carp: 124e per oil

    I have 2 example spots for gathering gold and copper, but you could farm any material you want if the demand is high

    first image has 2 Spots containing 16 copper nodes, it takes around a minute for a full cycle so thats 976 emeralds per minute (current prices).

    second image has 27 gold nodes, it also takes around a minute for a full cycle so that's 1242 emeralds per minute (current prices).

    of course it would take longer if you were lower level but it only takes 2/3 days of leveling until you can mine copper and gold in 1 hit also its different from class to another because of their mobility spells.

    I suggest this post if you'd like to see other spots to gather ores from https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/list-of-places-to-gather-materials.239484/

    It goes without saying that prices will fluctuate. if more people grind materials to sell it in the market the prices will drop, but then people will be more encouraged to spend time building because getting blocks is 1 click away (literally).

    If you have questions/opinions I would love to answer/hear it

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    starx280, Earthbrine, weeb and 2 others like this.
  2. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I guess I should get back into Tcc runs in that case
  3. Nythiar

    Nythiar Tutti Sound & WAVE glazer

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    TCC theme starts playing
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