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A SkyBlock Story I made

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by AhmadTing, Mar 2, 2023.

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  1. AhmadTing

    AhmadTing The AhmadTing

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    The first Dungeon run, an AhmadTing story

    "I'm going to be brutally honest, we don't know what we'll find in the Crypts. The 5 of us are going to be the first to visit it. We may even die." Paul wasn't lying when he said he'll be brutally honest. "But you know why I chose you specifically I presume?” After seeing the puzzled looks on the faces of his allies he sighed.

    "You, Wizard." He said pointing at his senior, "The power of your spells exceeds that of even the greatest warrior, yet you have a staff instead of a sword. The handle rather than the blade…" The Wizard sat completely still, a pensive look on his face.

    "Vanessa, your healing powers are of utmost importance. Our lives depend on you, so I hope our trust in you will be repaid with service of the highest calibre." Vanessa sat up upon hearing this, then awkwardly sat back down, an embarrassed look on her face.

    Paul turned and looked towards the most resilient of the group, trained in a fighting style that favours taking blows and then returning them ten times stronger. His name was Tao, and he was trained by the greatest masters. He sat there, calm as could be. “We need you to protect us from attacks that we cannot take.”, Paul said.

    “Finally, we have the world's greatest archer. A Piglin, one of those who hide beneath the Blazing Fortress, so I doubt you've heard of their race. His dedication to the mastery of the bow is matched by his… unhealthy obsession for sulphur.” As if right on cue the Piglin pulled out a huge bag of sulphur and consumed it all. “He does not share our tongue but I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

    “We will depart at dawn tomorrow, you can still leave now if you fear what's inside the Catacombs that much, but I hope to see some of you tomorrow.” Paul shrugged.

    The next morning they all arrived, yet they seemed distant from the death that would likely befall them. Staring death straight in the eyes, without acknowledging the grandeur of it, impossible to explain, yet impossible to-
    They were in The End. It seemed ironic, since this was the beginning of their journey.

    “The entrance is a 5 mile walk north, or a day's walk from here. Or we can use these.” The Wizard handed Paul 5 identical scrolls. “These scrolls will take us from here to the hub in a matter of seconds. It should be easy from then on. We’ll travel through The Graveyard and we will battle the reanimated corpses that reside there. They are extremely weak so it should be simple enough. Then we will make our way to the Dungeon Keeper. He will let us through the gates and we will begin our attack on the dungeons. Now, any questions?” Everyone raised their hands in unison.

    “But getting in can't be that simple… Can it?” Asked Vanessa. This was the question on everyone’s mind.

    Paul turned and whispered… “Getting in is simple, the hard part is getting out.”

    Nobody spoke until they arrived at The Graveyard, populated by zombies and the like. They walked as though they were drunk, and they fell at the lightest touch. The Piglin slowly walked towards a crowd of them, pulled out a bow and killed every Zombie at once with its modified Sulphur bow. Everyone stared at him in awe as he let out a grunt.

    Tao then walked up to a zombie, picked it up and threw it on the ground effortlessly. The Wizard used the ability of the Leaping Sword to kill a crowd of zombies. Vanessa then pulled out an Aspect Of The Dragons and killed the rest. All of them dead before they could respawn. They walked through the Coal Mines and tried not to breathe in coal dust, before the party arrived at the gates to the Catacombs.

    “Greetings travellers!” The Gatekeeper boomed. “So you want to enter the Catacombs? You think you can handle the mobs inside and make it out alive… with treasure, weapons and armour beyond your wildest dreams? Well you're in luck! This is the home of puzzles, secrets and… other secrets. Your skills will be tested and all of you will be assigned different classes… The Archer, The Tank, The Berserk, The Healer and The Mage. Two people can choose the same class… but don't do that.”

    “It will require teamwork, perseverance and skill. But the rewards are worth it. You enter, kill the mobs, find secrets and then kill the boss. Seems easy enough right? Well you'll see how difficult it actually is soon.” The Piglin began applauding, somehow managing to mistake his advice for some sort of show and the Dungeon Keeper did a mock bow. He then flicked a lever. “Follow me…”

    “But before we begin, Malik here will dungeonize your armour, it makes it stronger in the Catacombs.” He gestured to a serious looking man next to an anvil and he nodded in response. After their items were dungeonised they felt more confident than before.

    They entered through a hole in the wall and they went deep within the mines. Then into what seemed to be a portal, one that looked identical to the broken portal near the mountains in The Hub. Paul’s vision suddenly became blurry, and he felt as though he was being thrown across the room. Then they arrived at their destination, a small room with a gate made of stone, and a staircase to the gate.

    “Right, so let me explain the Catacombs to you. Each one of you gets one of these orbs.” He held what seemed to be a small polished stone. “It may not look like much, but this gives you abilities inside the dungeons. You each get a class passive, which are effects that are granted automatically. You'll also get a dungeon stone ability, which is an ability activated by these orbs, and… a ghost ability. I don't know much about ghost and orb abilities but I'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to passive abilities. You won't die unless your whole team is dead. Instead you become a ghost, which lets you fly and help out your team. But if you all become ghosts... Boom!” Everyone jumped a little, except the Piglin, and Mort grinned.

    “The Healer,” He said, passing an orb to Vanessa, “Your healing abilities heal your target faster. You can also heal all living teammates within 8 metres for 0.5% of their total health a second. A fairy follows you too! Isn't that lovely? It uses its energy to revive dead teammates. When nobody is dead, it will help you in times of need. It disappears for a while after reviving a teammate though. Enemies that you kill also have a chance to drop an orb! The orb heals the player who picks it up and grants them a random buff. Finally, you can link to a teammate which gives a percentage of your health as healing a second. Choose your target wisely.” The orb glowed momentarily upon being held by Vanessa and she stared at it intently.

    “The Mage.” He said wistfully, passing a different orb to the Wizard. “Much simpler in terms of abilities, but much greater in terms of damage. The master of spells and intelligence, which cannot be rivalled by any other class. Mages shoot a beam from any melee attack they do, which doesn't do much damage as a beginner, but is extremely useful when you get more experience. Your abilities get a 25% cooldown too, which will help a lot with your Pigman Sword.” The Wizard turned around and began studying the orb.

    “The Berserk.” An orb was given to Paul. “Your job is to inflict as much damage as possible. After killing a mob you immediately become stronger, and you steal its life force, healing you.” “Ah,” Mort exclaimed, “I can’t forget the speed and damage boost too! Each time you hit an enemy, your damage to that enemy increases greatly.” Paul felt a rush of excitement. His job was to do damage, something he is great at. He gripped his orb a bit tighter.

    “The Archer… Oh, you don't speak English, do you?” The Piglin turned around upon realising that it was his turn. “Uhhh, you shoot double arrows sometimes which is extremely useful for fast clearing.. You get bones that hover around you which reduces damage done to you, which has a cooldown I'm sorry to say... And there's a chance your arrows bounce to an additional target, which has its own cooldown too.” The Piglin stared back at him confused, impatiently reaching for an orb. “Well, you can learn as you go along.” The Piglin hugged the orb close to himself.

    “And finally, The Tank.” He passed an orb to Tao, who threw it in the air and caught it. “You get a lot more defence, and a lot of absorption. This will make it extremely hard to defeat you in Dungeons.”

    “So, we start in 2 minutes. I hope you're ready for the entrance, because it gets a lot harder from here!” Mort said. “Oh yeah, I found these maps too, you should definitely take them. Getting lost wouldn't be great!”

    Everyone scrambled for their armour and weapons. They all had some form of Dragon Armor, with the Healer wearing Holy Dragon Armour, the Tank wearing Protector Dragon Armour, the Archer wearing Young Dragon Armour, The Berserk wearing Superior Dragon Armour, and the Mage wearing Wise Dragon Armour.

    Then, the gates came down… and the dungeon began.

    The Entrance

    Everyone suddenly felt themselves become so much stronger and adrenaline rushed through their veins. Tao spotted a group of about 40 mobs and called out for support. Paul pulled out his Aspect Of The Dragons and rushed at a group of 5 Skeletons, swatting their arrows away and killing them in one blow. The Piglin aimed shot after shot at a group of Skeletons and Zombies. The Wizard picked up a sword one of the mobs dropped, studied it for a moment, then a swarm of wither skulls destroyed the rest of the mobs in the room. While this was happening Tao absorbed most of the hits, and Vanessa healed everyone. They were a great team despite never fighting together, unlike Partyf-

    Paul spotted a black key on the ground and he picked it up, it had to be significant. He heard Vanessa shout something, which sounded important. He walked over and heard, “There's a door over here!”

    The party walked towards the door and tried to break it with pickaxes that they had. But it didn't budge until Paul placed the Key on the ground next to it, then it crumbled as if it was made of gravel. “Well done, boy!” He heard something call out. “It usually takes them a while to realise that they need a key. Took someone 40 years to find it once. He died of old age before he was able to reach the Watcher!” Paul looked around wildly to find the voice. Until he saw Tao staring at the door.

    “The skulls are talking.” Tao explained calmly, and sure enough they were. The skulls grinned back at Paul while he stared in disbelief.

    Out of nowhere, The Piglin threw himself at the skulls grunting what seemed to be insults while beating them with the hilt of a Zombie Soldier Cutlass he found.

    “Fine, fine, we will tell you about the crypts! Just tell the pig to stop it!” The Wizard used his new Dreadlord Sword to make an explosion in front of The Piglin, and he stopped immediately, nodding at the Skulls as if trying to assert dominance over them. “The explosion got dust in my eyes!” The Skull screamed.

    The other skull rolled its eyes empty eye sockets. “You don't have eyes mate.”

    “Then how do I see the pig clear as day then?” The first skull inquired.

    “One of the great mysteries of life…” replied the second skull sagely.

    “Ahem.” The skulls looked at the Wizard who had just cleared his throat. “So what do you know about these Dungeons that will be useful to us?”

    The first skull's eyes lit up.. wait no they didn't. “So, you need to collect these things called ‘secrets’. They’re items or blessings that you can find exposed or behind weak walls. You can also find them in chests. Before you ask, a Blessing is an orb with magical properties that strengthens you once collected.” Paul looked at his hands, he already felt so powerful that he couldn’t imagine being stronger. “A weak wall is a wall that you can use Superboom TNT to blow up and open. Say, do you have any TNT?”

    Everyone turned to stare at the Piglin who made a little whimpering noise. Vanessa made an exploding gesture with her hands, and the Piglin gave her 10 of them. What he was planning to do with them afterwards is truly a mystery.

    The first skull eyed the TNT… nevermind. “We need to reach the blood door.. And yes this is what you need. Anyways, good luck on the rest of the dun- Let go of me!” The Wizard picked up one of the skulls and Tao picked up the other.

    The Wizard studied the map. “So what I can see from the map is that we can split this dungeon into two parts. We can assign three-fifths of it to a group of three and the remaining two-fifths to a group of two. Tao and I will go together and the rest of you can take those three-fifths. We need to clear every room, find the secrets in them, and then we should end up meeting each other at the blood door. Good luck.” The Wizard and Tao flew off with their Aspects of The End (or Aspect Of The Ends? It doesn't matter because they are gone now.)

    “Follow me!” Paul shouted, putting the Skull in his pocket.

    “I can’t breathe.” said the Skull while choking. “Oh wait, I don't have lungs, or a body.. Can I borrow yours?”

    Paul ignored them and rushed into the next room, which had a statue of a knight made with Quartz in it and where they were met with a swarm of mobs. They destroyed the mobs within a matter of seconds and looked around everywhere for secrets. Paul noticed that some vines were just hanging randomly, and was instructed by the skull to walk through it. He was rewarded with a chest which had a small egg in it. He decided to pocket the egg for later.

    When he walked out of the room he noticed that they had found all seven secrets, with The Piglin clutching a pair of shears on top of the Knight. They then went to the next wither door and repeated the process. But after finding the secrets they couldn't find a key. Suddenly an arrow hit his shoulder, and he felt a huge impact throw him backwards. It was from a mob hiding in the corner, a crypt Dreadlord. He rushed at it and swung his sword, killing it in an instant.

    Vanessa healed his wound, but Paul was more interested in a red key. He picked it up and walked towards the blood door. But was stopped in his tracks by an explosion behind him. He saw the Piglin holding the bow the mob dropped. He shot again at a wall further away (he had learnt the hard way that shooting just in front of him wasn't exactly safe). Sure enough, a wither skull shot out. It exploded, and the Piglin squealed with glee at his new explosive weapon.

    Paul opened the blood door, and music began to play… boss music. He felt a chill run along his spine.

    “Congratulations, you made it through the Entrance.” The trio saw an eye, a single eye, float above them. “I have been watching you closely… Unfortunately, for now, this is the end of the road. I sense many dead spirits eager to return to the living… I will bring some of them back. Watch this!”

    The Piglin shot an arrow at the eye. “Ouch… just kidding!” it sneered. “Stop attacking me, I am not your enemy. Don't make me zap you!” It said, clearly annoyed. It shot a beam at the Piglin, who stopped shooting immediately, clutching its wounded leg as Vanessa healed him.

    “This one looks like a fighter!” An Undead ran at Paul, and with three quick slashes, it was dead.

    “A Wandering Soul? Poor guy.” Paul swiftly killed that one as well.

    The watcher then started summoning the mobs faster, with the Piglin using its Soulstealer bow to kill mobs too. Vanessa healing her teammates with her orb, muttering incantations hurriedly. They killed every mob with ease, but the Watcher still kept his eye- himself on them. There was one blood mob hiding in the corner, though.

    “Behind you!” Vanessa warned Paul. He turned but wasn't able to get a hit in. Though it died regardless.

    “You have proven yourself. You may pass.” The Eye said before disappearing in a cloud of dust.

    “You're welcome,” said Tao. “So you finished it before we could arrive? Not very polite of you.” Paul noticed that Tao was wearing different armour. “Yes, I found this armour, heavy but highly protective. It's called Heavy Armour, which is appropriate enough I reckon. Anyways, we got every secret, so I reckon we can enter the portal.”

    Everyone turned to see that a portal had appeared where a hole in the wall was before. It was identical to the portal that transported them to the dungeon which they were in, which they had just completed. Everyone had a smile on their face, knowing that they had managed to complete the Entrance floor, and could now progress to the first floor. The Piglin sat in the corner, consuming sulphur. The twenty minutes without it was more than he could take.

    But how much could their team take?

    It was only going to get harder from here.

    Through the Entrance

    Paul entered the portal. They were met by Mort, who did a little bow.

    "Well done travellers! Hardly anyone makes it through the Entrance floor. They usually don't understand how blessings, secrets and clearing works. How did you figure it out anyway?" Mort seemed deep in thought and then shook it off. "It doesn't matter, you're here now. You know it'll get harder and it's not too late to leave, you know. But it seems as though you don't want to do that."

    "Do you know how many floors there are?" Paul asked, the more the merrier he thought.

    "I've heard there are nine, but that's probably a rumour. I do know that a fifth floor exists though. I don't know what goes on in there. Okay, we begin in one minute, I hope you're ready!"

    Everyone had already prepared everything, and the dungeons began.

    The team cleared the area and found secrets with ease, unlike partyf-. They then reached the blood door, where they placed the key, this time as a group of five rather than a group of three. They expected to see a different boss, but were instead greeted by the same eye. Who greeted them in the same manner.

    “Congratulations, you made it through the Entrance…"

    "It might spawn harder mobs this time." Vanessa suggested. "Just be ready for what's about to come."

    A Leech ran at them. Paul noticed that it was much stronger than its lower floor counterpart, but it was swiftly killed nonetheless.

    Then the whole blood room was cleared, with every mob around them dead. The group prepared for the second floor, but they were met with what seemed to be a circus tent instead?

    "Gratz for making it this far, but I'm basically unbeatable," It sneered. Paul wondered why they would put such a powerful enemy in the lowest floor. "I don't even need to fight, this is the life! I can summon lots of Undead. Check this out!"

    A couple Undead warriors rushed at them as Bonzo ran in the opposite direction. The Wizard then used his Pigman Sword to kill the Undead, managing to damage Bonzo too, who fell and died.

    Just as they were about to celebrate, they heard a voice behind them. "Hoho, looks like you killed me! You fools! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! Check mate. I can revive myself and become much stronger!"

    Bonzo rose up, started spinning and then shot a wall of explosive balloons at them.

    "Get behind the pillars!" Tao's normally calm voice was filled with urgency, and everyone stood behind a pillar, while The Mage and Archer shot attacks from afar.

    "Ouch, you're not funny." Bonzo exclaimed while lowering his staff for a moment. Paul spotted an opening and struck Bonzo with his Aspect Of The Dragons, killing Bonzo for the second time.

    Bonzo lay down on the ground and opened his mouth… again. "Alright, maybe I'm just weak after all… but my masters are much stronger… just you wait…" Then disappeared in a cloud of smoke and was replaced by chests.

    "This must be the treasure the keeper told us about." The Wizard walked towards the Obsidian Chest and opened it. It contained a Bonzo Staff and a Bonzo Mask. What the frick that’s such good RNG.

    Everyone else got Rejuvenate I books, which helped with healing. It was applied to their armour because why not.

    Then they went through the portal again, and prepared themselves for the third room.

    Floor 2

    Mort stood next to the entrance, looking mildly impressed. Few had managed to make it past Bonzo. But then again, the 'unbeatable' foe was extremely weak when compared to the boss of the second floor…

    "Here is the map for this floor, take one please. The mobs here are considerably stronger, so I hope you're ready for it."

    The gate opened and Paul noticed that he felt much stronger. He recalled that Mort said something about getting stronger the more experience you get. Paul grinned, killing monsters was going to be so much easier, he thought.

    But he was wrong.. they were so much stronger than in the previous floors. He barely dodged an arrow that was about to hit his head, and a sword that a zombie swung in his direction. His Aspect Of The Dragons was enough to kill the mobs regardless, and he was kept alive by the Healer.

    "Alright, same as before. Let's enter the blood room." Tao instructed his allies.

    The Watcher gave his speech yet again. Everything was fine until the mobs spawned.

    They seemed two times stronger than before. The Wizard used his Bonzo Staff to destroy the Mobs one by one, and the room was cleared yet again. The portal seemed to shine brighter this time, and Paul entered it without a hint of fear.

    They arrived at a small arena, with 4 tombs in each corner. And a man flying ominously in the centre of it.

    "This is where the journey ends for you, Adventurers. The last few who tried fighting me are now in those crypts. If you can beat my Undeads, I'll personally grant you the privilege to replace them.
    “This should be interesting,” the man teased.

    Undeads suddenly broke out of their tombs, a Mage, an Archer, a Warrior and a Priest.

    The Archer shot arrows at the party, all of them managing to avoid the attacks, except the Piglin who took an arrow head on. Vanessa rushed to heal him but the Mage managed to shoot a beam at the Piglin before she could arrive and died.

    A ghost appeared where the Piglin once was.

    Vanessa turned to see the Fairy that accompanied her, so quiet that she'd forgotten it was there. It made a tinkling noise before disappearing in the same manner that the Piglin disappeared, and he was revived in seconds.

    The man with the red scarf continued to watch on as the Archer shot arrow after arrow at the Undead Archer who seemed to take no damage.

    That's when Paul noticed something. The Priest was healing the rest of the Undead mobs, but it wasn't protected by the group. Paul found an opening and attacked, killing the Priest in one blow.

    Without any source of healing the rest of the Undead mobs fell shortly afterwards, their corpses twitching on the ground.

    "Those toys are not strong enough I see." Scarf spoke slowly and carefully. "Don't get too excited though. Did you forget? I was taught by the best! Let's dance."

    Scarf launched himself at Tao who managed to dodge the attack. His minions rose up for the second time simultaneously. But this time they were ready, and Vanessa killed the Priest.

    Scarf then went for Paul, who attacked him back. Paul aimed a blow at Scarf, damaging him severely. He then rose into the air, with sheer power in the palms of his hands.

    "STAND IN THE CORNERS!!" Paul shouted with urgency, only just barely managing to use his Grappling Hook to get in the corner and take cover.

    Soul sand flew everywhere, it made even more powerful with anger and mana. But nobody was harmed, and the attack finished soon enough.

    And Paul managed to attack him before he could prepare himself for the battle, and Scarf fell and met his demise.

    Treasure appeared out of the floor, Paul walked over to it tentatively, and found an Adaptive Blade and the Red Scarf which Scarf wore. "So the third floor is next…"

    The Wizard found some Ultimate Wise 2 books in a chest, which lowers the mana required for a weapon ability to be used. He applied it to his Bonzo Staff, and everyone applied Rejuvenate books to their Armour.

    They then went through the portal to the third floor.
  2. FlushHamSandwich

    FlushHamSandwich Travelled Adventurer

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    Now this is good content
    Earthbrine, AhmadTing and eric__ like this.
  3. AhmadTing

    AhmadTing The AhmadTing

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    Ty I'm trying not to question the others who followed me
    eric__ likes this.
  4. Guildsman

    Guildsman christmas ducc

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    how does this relate to wynncraft
    AhmadTing likes this.
  5. AhmadTing

    AhmadTing The AhmadTing

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    Thank you
  6. Sy1veon

    Sy1veon Skilled Adventurer

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    Ahmad, stop using wynn forums to advertise. Or else.
  7. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    Ok but this is not skyblock
    If I wanted skyblock I would go into the skyblock subforums
    I do not go into the skyblock subforums
    Therefore I do not want skyblock
    So don’t give me skyblock
    Deusphage likes this.
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    didn't read it but it sucks :rage::rage::imp:
  9. bigmoneytim

    bigmoneytim There is no war in the Fruman walls VIP+

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    where dislike button?????????
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  10. Jakacraft

    Jakacraft Vibing CHAMPION

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    wrong server :rofl:
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