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Guilds bad :(

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by thatswhatido, Feb 25, 2023.

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  1. thatswhatido

    thatswhatido Supreme Wynncraft Player thatswhatido CHAMPION

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    Anyway, I am bored and felt like writing a thread about guilds. Personally, I only log in to afk in Detlas. So take what you want from this.

    These are my opinions, your opinions may vary :saltedangry: . Also before you reply to this thread, there is a 25-question quiz that accompanies your reading. Make sure you study because you will be tested on your understanding.

    Territory System:
    Guilds are inherently flawed. The territory system is not a good way for guilds to compete with each other. Territory defenses mostly depend on the region of the map. Wherever a guild settles, will determine its ability to defend itself. This is a dumb idea, here is why:
    • The CT needs to balance each element's tower modifiers
    • Some regions are just not fun to attack (Fish territories + Wood Territories)
    • Guilds are locked into specific benefits for holding different regions
    Videogame players are going to find the most efficient way to play. Wynn guilds are no exception. Territory claims are so boring. The game basically forces you into a certain claim to be at all sustainable.

    [Current Mega Alliance] ILQ Claim


    [Goose] Rays Claim (Circa January 2020)
    wow a rays reference, typical Jake
    Resources force guilds into specific shapes and are boring. It is also bad for smaller guilds. Smaller claims are practically a waste of time. You can either spend all your resources defending your small claim or get maybe 15 minutes of emerald/totem seeking before literally, 2-3 people take your hq. Hopefully, you have enough friends to hold a larger swath of land. And I sure hope, all of those friends have the appropriate gear for warring high + territories.

    Territories with both defense and health territories are very unfun to attack. I believe this to be one of the reasons nobody wars the ocean. defense + health territories are an extreme DPS check (Assuming they are medium + difficulty). DPS checks are ok but honestly, I can think of so many better things to be doing than spam-clicking an ocean tower. There is plenty of better places to attack than those regions. Plus I won't have to swim from island to island again. It's just not fun to me.

    There is almost no reason to hold certain regions (besides SR). From my experience, the dessert produced more stress than it produced totems/emeralds. Frankly, certain regions are just better for rewards and they are designed like that on purpose. That is very very stupid to me. The reclaim-to-reward rate of certain regions is just unbalanced. Why should different parts of the map be harder to hold and give less? Skill issue I guess. (Also I hate doing Eco on territories, literally so annoying managing that shit)

    The Territory System is flawed and will always be flawed. The Territory system should just be scraped, it's unfun here is why:
    • It's 3 am and you're still warring? Unlucky, just get wiped.
    • Literally impossible to balance fairly.
    • Generic Mega Alliance #465
    • Timers
    • Doing Eco
    I am not going into too much detail about this because this section is getting too long. However, I will briefly go over each.
    1. I find warring boring after maybe 3-4 hours of back-and-forth territory trading. I would also like to sleep knowing my territories aren't taken.
    2. No matter what the CT does with territories, someone will be unhappy. The current system requires players to have endgame gear, a will to keep warring, and a team (optional: aura dodging abilities, a will to live). Any brain-dead noob can take territories with all that stuff. Congrats you've hit the warring skill ceiling.
    3. Oh lord, this one gets its own topic.
    4. A lot of warring is just waiting for timers. I understand why there are timers but god dam am I bored.
    5. Have fun trying to balance an economy while warring/getting raided.
    The current guild system would work better if Wynn had an actual influx of new players who interact with guilds. There just aren't enough high-level players that want to join a guild. I understand that guild content is focused primarily on endgame players. However, most people quit wynn or just never interact with the community. Guilds are just optional I guess. The tome slot was a step in the right direction but most noob players won't care about a tome.

    Guilds need to be heavily overhauled toward content for everyone. The weekly challengers were a good feature, but more is needed. The territory system needs to be completely removed IMO. Level 60s need to be able to meaningfully participate in war.

    There is very little a guild can do to stand out. When recruiting, there is little to separate the guild from the guild. Why would a player join a guild without territories? Guilds without territories offer very little to their members. Players only join off-map guilds because
    • Their friends are in the guild
    • They don't understand the territory system
    • Gimmicks (Lore, themes, memes, high guild level)
    On-map guilds can offer all of these as well, which leads me back to my problem. Onmap guilds are just a straight upgrade to off-map guilds. If you're willing to stomach the horrible territory system, you can reap the recruiting rewards (I guess).

    Mega Alliances:
    GUESS WHAT, MEGA ALLIANCE BAD! Omg no way, how could Jake say something so controversial? The territory system forces players to either collaborate or die. You don't like the other guilds? Too bad. These mega-alliances are soul-crushing, they usually consist of the same groups of people. Mega alliances are so effective, that the only thing that takes them down is internal politics. Mega alliances only end when there is drama. Usually, drama only happens when they get so bored of being winners, they decided to spice up the guild scene.

    My god, the fact that mega-alliances haven't been addressed is so boring. Let guilds have maybe 2 or 3 allies and that's it. Limit the scope of who can attack who. Force players into only worrying about their own regions. Honestly, the alliance system itself is bad. There is like 0 point for being in an in-game alliance. You can send resources to each other and their name appears in blue. Crazy impactful gameplay.

    My solution to mega alliances is a casus belli type system. The territory system would work better if warring wasn't unrestricted. Allowing fewer wars would limit the ability of mega alliances. Ingame alliances could be called into defense/offense war declarations instead of being useless. A sort of war goal could be created to determine an actual winner instead of a perpetual fight. BUT BUT, Jake I love warring for 8 hours a day. That is pretty sad, maybe do something better with your life. Get a job, sit outside, ride a bike, and finish your schoolwork. There are much better things to do than spam click guild towers. Contribute to society maybe?

    Q: Wtf is that Jake? I thought he was dead.
    A: Yeah I guess it's me, I am still dead though.

    Q: Why did you come back onto the forums just to ramble?
    A: lol, idk I'm procrastinating my midterm studying.

    Q: Who is this guy, what does he know about guilds?
    A: I've been in the guild scene on/off since like 2015. 3000 hours in played of Wynn. Former Wynncraft Moderator. I've held territory for a few weeks in 1.20 guild era. I'm not as seasoned as other players, but these were my gripes with the system I experienced.

    Q: Wow why did you write so much?
    A: Idk, I have a lot to say. I could have written more but I got bored of doing this.

    Q: Why is there an FAQ?
    A: Why not.

    Q: Sounds like you just hate guilds.
    A: Yes, I think the guild concept could be so much better than what it is now. I think war is dumb. However, I really like Wynncraft and want to see the game better.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
  2. Gumikacsa

    Gumikacsa A leghűvösebb kacsa a világon HERO

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    my honest reaction (i havent read your post):
    Deusphage likes this.
  3. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    dunno who you are but mostly agree
    only mostly because ive only warred once lol
  4. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    ok look
    guild warring is bad
    I wouldn't go so far as to denounce guilds as a whole
    but yeah one issue is that new players can't really contribute to guilds (source: our guild has no level cap [JOIN NOW] and we keep getting low level players who just sit around)
    I wouldn't say "people don't join guilds"; at the very least, UZB (the guild I'm in [JOIN NOW]) is getting a constantish stream of new members
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