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Any Class Help What would you say is the minimum standard for stats when it comes to builds?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Latitude60, Feb 25, 2023.

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  1. Latitude60

    Latitude60 Travelled Adventurer

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    So, I was wondering, when making a build what would you consider the standard for certain stats to be. For example, roughly how much health before something is considered too glassy or how much mana sustain before its considered too modest, etc.

    Of course, some builds may not need certain stats, while other builds may need certain stats more than others, and so on, so I’ll be making a set of questions down below to make it a bit more clear.

    1. Roughly how much mana steal/mana regen for a mana steal/spell oriented build is considered to be ideal?
    2. Roughly how much health when it comes to builds in general is considered to be ideal?
    3. Roughly how much life sustain (health regen, life steal) is ideal for a build thats supposed to have good life sustain?
    4. Roughly how much damage would be ideal for a spell build?
    5. Roughly how much damage would be ideal for a melee build?
    6. Roughly how much poison is ideal for a poison build?
    7. Any other stat if you wan’t to add something, but the ones above are what I’m most curious about.

    I’ll be using this as a reference, or rather, something to keep in mind while I’m making builds just for fun.
    Also this is my first post to I apologize in advance if I messed something up.
    Also also common sense is cringe and something I lack.
  2. Leafish

    Leafish Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    all of these vary a lot (except for 6 cause poison is unviable)
  3. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    All of your answers really depend on the archetype you’re running. For instance, lightbender doesn’t need as much mana regen as something like battle monk or acrobat.
  4. Latitude60

    Latitude60 Travelled Adventurer

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    Then lets go with trickster since thats what I play most.
  5. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Here are my standards for noncrafted mythics
    1. For a bursty build, you should be able to cast around 1 spell a second. Otherwise go for 2. You get mr/5 + ms/3 + 5 mana every second, and take that and divide by the average mana/spell from your cycle to determine how many spells per second.
    2. I aim for anywhere from 15k to 30k
    3. you dont really need any since potions exist but it is nice to have
    4. 12k+ spins
    5. 50k dps
    6. no
    7. dont poison please
  6. Monkey_Suit

    Monkey_Suit Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well here are the basics I guess:

    1. Anything above -5 mana loss per second is good enough for spellspam (obviously net positive is ideal). Most people usually assume 6 cps when calculating mana sustain. Use this site to calculate sustainability.

    Would also like to note going full acrobat only needs 40 mana regen and 60 intelligence to sustain because of Weightless (so I've heard).

    Usually aim for 10k+ raw health, which is relatively easy for endgame.

    20k ehp > glassy, 20k-40k ehp decent survivability, 40k-60k ehp can take a few hits and anything with 60k+ ehp is tanky.

    3. For good life sustain, around 700hpr / ls, although most people prefer to use pots.

    4. Really depends on your play style, but probably around 10k-15k spins for non-mythic trickster or around 20k lacerates if you want to play acrobat.

    5. Melee builds are usually 20k-40k dps (melee isn't that great compared to spell at the moment - not on assassin anyway)

    6. Poison is kinda dead, don't bother.

    7. Movement is also pretty important in builds, having high walkspeed (~100%) can increase your chances of not dying and allow you to build glassier with more damage.

    I hope this helped :)
  7. Latitude60

    Latitude60 Travelled Adventurer

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    Thanks, I appreciate the help.
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