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Can't enter the Decrepit Sewers even with every prereq

Discussion in 'Questions' started by EsoraOgramira243, Feb 5, 2023.

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  1. EsoraOgramira243

    EsoraOgramira243 Newbie Adventurer

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    Update: Please ignore this! I somehow forgot that the entrance for the quest was actually above the dungeon itself. I did an oopsie! ^_^;

    I'm a level 13 Warrior, and I recently picked up the Sewers of Ragni quest. I also have the key to the Decrepit Sewers dungeon.

    But for some unknown reason, the game keeps barring me from entering, saying that I still need to activate the quest. Even though I have the quest activated and I have the key AND I am above the minimum level! Could someone explain to me what is going on? I've already tried right-clicking on the potion merchant with the key, and it does absolutely nothing but open up the potion shop window. I've also tried interacting with the NPC who gave me the quest in the first place, and she just keeps saying that she'll meet me at the entrance, EVEN THOUGH she still has yet to teleport to the entrance!

    Forgive me for the tone of this question. I've dealt with so many incredibly frustrating quests, and now I can't even start this quest, so I am very irritated right now.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  2. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    you need to give the key to the key collector
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  3. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    finish the quest first. follow the beacon and what your quest book says. i feel you're trying to enter the dungeon directly and not the area the quest wants you to go to first
  4. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Loads of players have this problem because the quest entrance isn't obvious
    Why wouldn't you assume a big opposite gateway would be the entrance to start your adventure into the sewers?

    They really need to change it somehow, make Jenprest walk up to the quest entrance or something and call for the player to follow her.
    EsoraOgramira243 likes this.
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