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Community Event [WINNERS ANNOUNCED] The Unofishial Quest Writing Contest!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jan 21, 2023.

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  1. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Update 2.1: moved gelibord to fruma
  2. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    "Juri?" Hah, more like- "ju-reek" :roflaughing: :mdr:
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    this quest seems awful im glad it will never happen
  4. QKhanh2308

    QKhanh2308 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The imaginary city is in Fruma lol
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Reserved for Madeline

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
  6. Etherweaver

    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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    Link (Or just find it in general suggestions): https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/realm-of-light-iv-and-aldoreis-secret-part-2-rework.306533/
    Before you start taking away creativity points, let me explain what my goal was with this quest.
    This was supposed to be more of a character rework than a new quest entirely, intended to add more depth to Lari as well as completely rework Elder Prometheus, Birch, and the Elders of Aldorei. (Orphion is also a bit closer to being morally gray now but that isn't the main point.) It also served to patch up some of what I believed were plot holes in ROL and AS2 as well. Even though I did try to rework other elements such as its gameplay and plot in order to make it more original, it unfortunately still contains some elements from its unreworked counterpart.
    As for how it connects to the theme, here's a brief explanation.
    The quest isn't centered around the legal system, the true law of Gavel, after all, is the will of the Light. Despite the beliefs of certain characters, you're meant to question the morality of Orphion's actions when contrasted with his view of right and wrong. It doesn't entirely defend Lari's actions, even though I did try to make her more sympathizable-instead, you're supposed to interpret the scenarios how you decide.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
    WithTheFish likes this.
  7. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Other people are doing it so reserved
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i might make something here
    shtnck eyh ckhhe likes this.
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I hope I don’t forget to check these posts lol
  10. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    wow, that quest was brief
  11. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    StinkEyeCookie (updated 2/7)

    “[INFO]” means that the dialogue is the gray italics kind of dialogue, not the character speech kind.

    The Good, the Bad, and the Coyote (lv. 38)

    Stage 1: Check the Rymek saloon for any illegal behavior.

    The quest starts when the player walks through the doors of the saloon. It’s very busy inside- there’s a bunch of bandit NPCs sitting at the tables. Some are throwing punches at each other, some are jumping up and down (standard NPC behavior), etc.

    [1/4] Bandit: Ay, a soldier’s here!

    [INFO] So this is it, the Rymek Saloon. The officials said that it was a hub for crime, and that you should try and see what you can do to deal with the illegal activity around here.
    [INFO] They also mentioned an especially troublesome bandit. But enough on that for now.

    [2/4] Bandit: King’s lapdog, heh!
    [3/4] Bartender: Ya lookin’ for a drink or sumthin’? What’ll it be, eh? We’ve got Almuj brew, Ragni ale- ah, and we’re all outta Nemract Whiskey, unfortunately.
    [4/4] Bartender: C’mon over here! Take a seat down here by the counter- we’ve got plenty o’ room here in this saloon, don’t ya worry.

    [INFO] Aside from the bandits’ jeers, there doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious just yet. You may as well hang around here for a bit.

    Stage 2: Talk to the Bartender.

    After initiating dialogue with the Bartender NPC behind the counter, the player is frozen in place and spells are disabled.

    [1/14] Bartender: Here, have a glass o’ whiskey. Cheer up! Just because you’re a soldier doesn’t mean you’ve gotta be so stiff and serious all the time-
    [2/14] Bartender: Huh?
    [3/14] Bandit: Look, by the door!

    A bandit NPC clad in drippy attire swaggers slowly into the saloon. The name above his head displays “???”.

    [4/14] ???: Ya rats, move it. This saloon ain’t big enough to squeeze all of ya scoundrels in here- this ain’t one of those bizarre Corkian “clown-electrowagons,” har har!

    The other bandits in the room crowd to the sides of the saloon and watch on. The ill-mannered bandit walks up to the counter, then looks at the player.

    [5/14] ???: Ay, pick up yer feet! Didn’tcha hear what I just said? Got cotton in yer ears?

    The bandit says this as he does punching animations in the player’s direction (standard NPC behavior). Then, he looks around, and looks back at the player again.

    [6/14] ???: Ah, you must be new around these parts. I’m Luke. Rymek Luke. The greatest bandit there ever was, feared across the sands and rocky mesas.

    [INFO] A collective gasp is heard from around the saloon.

    [8/14] Rymek Luke: Ah, pardner. No worries, pal- I forgive ya. Hey, tell you what- ya wanna hear a joke? To lighten up the mood? Awright, here it goes:
    [9/14] Rymek Luke: A dog walks into a bar. And guess what? He can’t see a darn thing!
    [10/14] Rymek Luke: Heh, and y’know what he says? “I’ll open this one!” Bah! Isn’t that funny?

    [INFO] What kind of stupid joke was that? Where was the punchline?

    [11/14] Rymek Luke: Ay, didn’t you find that funny? Eh? What’s with the face?
    [12/14] Rymek Luke: Ah, awright. I’ll tell ya a funnier joke. Here it goes-

    Rymek Luke walks back a little and jumps into the air and does a little twirl. A bow appears in his hand (with the Deadeye skin).

    [13/14] Rymek Luke: Bang!

    Red particles flash across the player’s vision. The player gets blindness, and then scuffling sounds are heard.

    [14/14] Bartender: Ay, what’s yer problem? Now I have to throw this guy out back and mop up the mess!

    Stage 3: Wake up.

    The player is teleported into an alley next to the saloon. There is a poster on the wall right in front of the player, named “Poster” and with the whole NPC particles and whatevers along with it.

    [INFO] Now THAT was pretty funny. Although your head is throbbing, you have to admit that that was a pretty good joke, albeit not a very lawful one.
    [INFO] Hey look, a poster! Wouldn’t it be nice to read it?

    Stage 4: Read the poster.

    The player reads the poster, and is given a few dialogue options.


    [INFO] Huh, it’s that bandit who shot you at the saloon. He must be the one the officials told you about. Maybe you should do something about him.
    [OPTION 1] He’s a dangerous criminal on the loose. He needs to be stopped.
    [OPTION 2] Get revenge on the rotten scoundrel.
    [OPTION 3] I’ll pass. Not my problem.


    [INFO] Wow, very noble of you. Alright, go ahead. Go play the good guy.


    [INFO] That’s a bad reason to go after someone. You should reconsider.

    (The same dialogue choices from above are listed with the same outcomes as before, but this time Option 2 is gone.)


    [INFO] Too bad, you’re going to do it anyways. Also, you’re a soldier. Hero? Mercenary? Whatever you are, you’re supposed to be stopping illegal activity right now.

    Stage 5: Track down Rymek Luke and deliver the justice of law unto him.

    Suddenly, a bandit NPC will appear at the entrance to the alleyway.

    [INFO] You hear footsteps at the entrance to the alleyway.

    [1/3] Bandit: Ay, you! Hand over all yer money.
    [2/3] Bandit: I’m Billy the Bandit, and I’m aboutta make a name for myself in the mesa!
    [3/3] Bandit: Oh, ya wanna dance, huh? Awright, but I ain’t holdin’ back!

    The bandit NPC turns into an aggressive mob that does 1 damage and has 1 health. After killing the bandit, the following dialogue plays:

    [INFO] You just can’t take a break from being harassed by bandits, huh?
    [INFO] After looting the bandit’s corpse, you find a piece of paper with some writing scribbled all over it.

    You’re invited to RYMEK LUKE’s birthday party!
    Please bring presents for the birthday boy.
    (TO BILLY: I already told you last time- you’re not allowed to come to my birthday. Don’t even think about it.)

    [INFO] How convenient. The coordinates have been written in your quest book.

    Stage 6: Attend Rymek Luke’s birthday party.

    The birthday party is hosted in a multi-floor building in Rymek. It is at the edge of the town.

    When the player gets to the building, a bandit bouncer NPC will appear at the door. The player will not be able enter the building until they complete the correct dialogue with the bouncer. When the player interacts with the bouncer, the following dialogue will play:

    [1/1] Bouncer: Ay, what’s a soldier doin’ ‘round these parts? Ya here fer the party or sumthin’?
    [OPTION 1] Yes, I’m here to celebrate Rymek Luke’s birthday.
    [OPTION 2] Nope, goodbye.
    [OPTION 3] The secret password is “sunrise.”


    [1/1] Bouncer: Awrighty. Head on in.

    The player will then be let into the party.


    [1/1] Bouncer: Eh? If ya ain’t here fer the party, scram!

    This option is incorrect and the player will have to try again.


    [1/3] Bouncer: ...
    [2/3] Bouncer: That’d be a terrible password. There’s no numbers or capitals in it.
    [3/3] Bouncer: Anyways, we don’t got no password, idiot. Scram!

    This option is incorrect and the player will have to try again.

    Stage 7: Find Rymek Luke at the party.

    There will be many bandits in the party room. The building is composed of several rooms: two bottom-floor room, one of which is the party room, and the other a kitchen; and above the bottom floor, connected with a ladder and trapdoor in the back of the party room, is another room, with a window.

    When the player completes the dialogue with the bouncer and enters the room, some dialogue will play:

    [INFO] Looks like this is it. Now you’ve gotta find Rymek Luke.
    [INFO] He doesn’t seem to be in this room. Maybe he’s doing something in the room above the trapdoor?
    [INFO] The trapdoor is locked, though. You’ll need to find something to open it with.

    Inside the party oom, on a table, is a passive item entity called “Suspiciously Key-Shaped Cake.” Killing the item entity drops a Trapdoor Key, which can be used to open the trapdoor via right-click.

    Inside the kitchen, which is connected to the party room by a door, there is a Slab of Meat that the player can take. This can be used in the next stage of the quest.

    Stage 8: Look for Rymek Luke in the room.

    The quest will progress when the player enters the second-floor room. Inside the room there are no bandits, but there is a wolf NPC named “Suspiciously Key-Shaped Dog.” If the player gives the dog the Slab of Meat from the previous part of the quest, the dog will jump up and down, and then give the player a Mineshaft Chest Key.

    There is an open window in the room. When the player enters the room, the following dialogue plays:

    [INFO] Rymek Luke’s not here. Wait, what’s that out the window?

    Upon going up to the window, more dialogue plays:

    [INFO] That’s Rymek Luke down there!
    [INFO] He’s running from Rymek and heading towards that house in the canyon over there.
    [INFO] Go catch him!

    A Rymek Luke NPC will run through Rymek and escape from the town. It will head towards a house in the canyon, away from Rymek.

    Stage 9: Enter the house and catch Rymek Luke.

    The house is in the mesa, some distance away from Rymek. It is situated in the mesa canyon.

    There are corpses of soldiers everywhere inside the house. They are strewn across the floor, sagging against the walls, and on top of the tables. Three NPCs are inside the house: Man, Woman, and Small Child. As the player enters the house, dialogue plays:

    [1/2] Man: What? Another soldier here to collect taxes? Look, no matter how many soldiers you throw at me, I still ain’t gonna pay any taxes. Now scram!
    [2/2] Woman: Honey, what’s going on? Oh, another tax collector... that’s unfortunate. I just finished off the last one out back a few minutes ago.

    Stage 10: Defend yourself.

    The Man, Woman, and Small Child then become minibosses. The Man becomes He Whose Taxes Shall Not Be Paid, and the Woman becomes Tax Evasioness.

    Both shoot projectiles and move very slowly; He Whose Taxes Shall Not Be Paid shoots one strong projectile, while Tax Evasioness shoots many projectiles rapid-fire. They shoot in bursts, and there are barriers scattered across the room, so the player can hide behind them when the two do the spell particle effect thingy.

    Small Child remains Small Child. Small Child has very high walkspeed but does very little damage (Small Child uses melee attacks), so much so as to be almost insignificant. Small Child also takes a lot of knockback, so any attack will push it around a lot.

    After killing the minibosses, there is the following dialogue:

    [INFO] It seems that Rymek Luke wasn’t here. You just killed a family of three for no reason.
    [INFO] They kind of deserved it, though. That’s what you get for not paying your taxes.

    Stage 11: Continue looking for Rymek Luke.

    As the player exits the house, a Rymek Luke NPC will quickly run past the front of the house.

    [INFO] That was Rymek Luke again!
    [INFO] Wait, did he jump into the trees? Follow him!

    Rymek Luke will jump into a tree, and jump along the trees and buildings and whatevers, while leaving a trail of particles behind him to show his path. He will wait for the player if the player is left too far behind.

    Rymek Luke will eventually jump across the trees towards a mineshaft, then enter the mineshaft.

    [INFO] He’s going towards the mineshaft! You should be able to corner him there.

    Stage 12: Follow Rymek Luke through the mineshaft.

    As the player enters the mineshaft, the entrance caves in behind the player. Rymek Luke is nowhere to be found in the mineshaft.

    [INFO] Oh. Looks like you’re not going out that way.

    The first part of the mineshaft has a brief-ish parkour section, from one side of the chamber to the other.

    The parkour is over a pit. If the player falls into the pit, they are teleported back to the start and the parkour is reset.

    There are rails in the pit, and floating platforms the player can jump on move along these rails. There are walls and such that the player will have to navigate around. (This is somewhat similar to the Wynnter Fair parkour.)

    Once the player reaches the other side of the room, they can progress by going through a tunnel to another room.

    Stage 13: Continue through the mineshaft.

    The next part of the mineshaft is composed of several chambers. The first chamber the player enters has tunnels to four other smaller chambers.

    The second tunnel to the left leads to a small chamber, with some TNT scattered around it. The player can pick up some TNT. When the player picks up TNT, dialogue plays:

    [INFO] Maybe you can use this to open up a passageway in one of the other tunnels. You’ll still need to find something to light the explosives, though.

    The third tunnel to the left leads to a dead end with a diary NPC on the ground. There is nothing here that can be used to advance the quest, but the player can pick it up and some dialogue will play if the player clicks with a Old Diary item (which can be used after the quest) in hand:

    [1/6] JENSEN'S DIARY
    (If found, please return to [coords].)
    [2/6] Day 28
    I should get a better job.
    [3/6] Day 61
    There’s literally no gold here in this mineshaft. At least I still get paid regardless of whether or not we find anything.
    [4/6] I dig, I shovel, I mine, I excavate, and I find nothing. I don’t know what it’s like to be excited from hitting a vein of ore. There’s no sense of progress, no nothing.
    [5/6] I wonder when Boss’ll realize that this mine’s a money sink. We’ve drilled through the rock to the other damn side and still have found nothing!
    [6/6] Day 80
    6oss just choked on a piece of hardtack and died, so I guess that’s it for this place. So long, boys.

    [INFO] Wow, those diary entries were really quite moving. So compelling. A real tear-jerker.

    There is also a chest here. If the player interacts with it, the following dialogue plays:

    [INFO] It’s an old chest. There’s no way to open it, though. It’s probably just left over from the mining operation here.

    If the player interacts with it and has a Mineshaft Chest Key, however, alternate dialogue will play, and the player will be given some items:

    [INFO] It’s an old chest. Opening it with the key you got from the dog, you find some old stuff in it. Whoever put the stuff in here must’ve been pretty weird.

    +32 Emeralds
    +3 Rabbit Carcass (ingredient)
    +8 Coyote Fang (ingredient)

    The rightmost tunnel leads to a dead end with a Torch on the ground. The player can pick up the Torch. When the player picks up the Torch, dialogue plays:

    [INFO] The torch has almost burnt out. Maybe you can use it to set off explosives somewhere?

    The leftmost tunnel leads to a tunnel blocked off by a wall of bricks. When the player gets near the rubble, dialogue plays:

    [INFO] The dust is still settling here- looks like someone was here just now, but they blocked the way with bricks.
    [INFO] Maybe you can find something to use to blow apart the brick wall?

    If the player has TNT in their inventory, the player can place it down in front of the brick wall.

    If the player places down the TNT but has no Torch, the following dialogue plays:

    [INFO] You have the explosives, but you still need something to light the explosives with. The other tunnels might have something.

    If the player has placed down the TNT and has a Torch, they can use it to light the TNT and blow up the brick wall.

    After blowing up the brick wall and walking past the rubble of the bricks, the quest will progress.

    Stage 14: Face Rymek Luke.

    As the player walks through the tunnel, dialogue plays:

    [INFO] Is that... sunlight?

    [1/3] ???: Yer stubborn, soldier rat. Got more resolve than other soldiers who tried to chase me down, I’ll give ya that. Ya even had enough nerve to crash my birthday party!
    [2/3] Rymek Luke: Well, if ya wanna get me, come get me.
    [3/3] Rymek Luke: But be warned: this coyote bites back.

    The tunnel leads to an open-air arena, with cliff on all four sides. It is relatively spacious. There are a few high pillars scattered around the arena.

    When the player leaves the tunnel and enters the arena, Rymek Luke can be seen standing in the middle of the arena, and more dialogue plays (the player is frozen while it plays):

    [1/5] Rymek Luke: Y’know, they don’t call me the coyote fer nothin’.
    [2/5] Rymek Luke: I’m vicious. I’m feral. And I ain’t ‘bouta be put down by any goody-two-shoes lawbringer self-righteous soldier brat any time soon, no thanks.
    [3/5] Rymek Luke: I’m no lapdog, no sirree. I’m bark- but oh, too am I bite.

    Rymek Luke does some punching animations (standard NPC behavior).

    [4/5] Rymek Luke: A dog walks into a bar and can’t see a thing. And he says, I’ll open this one, awright. I’ll open this duel with a helluva show.
    [5/5] Rymek Luke: Get ready for a sun-down showdown, pardner.

    The player is then unfrozen and a bossfight begins. Rymek Luke does burst ranged attacks, rapid-firing for a few moments before stopping.

    At 75%, 50%, and 25% health, Rymek Luke will jump onto a pillar in the arena. He will fire upwards several, and arrows will fall down from the sky. Particles mark where the arrows will land, and the player will have to dodge them, or else take 30% true damage after all the arrows have landed. He will then stay up there for a few moments, then jump back down

    Rymek Luke’s main attacks happen in a semi-predictable cycle. He burst-fires, pausing for a while between each burst, and leaps away to another place in the arena every six or so bursts.

    Five minions will also be spawned when Rymek Luke reaches 50% and 25% health. They are a tiny bit tankier than normal mobs, and do melee damage. They are relatively fast.

    When Rymek Luke reaches 0% health, he will jump up onto one of the pillars, and speak:

    [1/7] Rymek Luke: Ay, don’t exert yourself there-

    Rymek Luke pauses and emits red particles and does the damage-taking animation (holy cow!!!).

    [2/7] Rymek Luke: Ah, I’m just catching my breath. Don’t be too proud o’ yourself, ya soldier rat.
    [3/7] Rymek Luke: Ya ain’t ever gonna arrest me, not in yer wildest dreams. And yer laws don’t mean nothin’ here in Rymek.
    [4/7] Rymek Luke: Rymek’s a town o’ bandits. They may not like each other, but they sure as hell ain’t gonna be letting no soldier scum arrest one o’ them.
    [5/7] Rymek Luke: Parade through the streets with a bandit in cuffs and expect to return home with an arrow or two in yer chest, eh?

    Rymek Luke pauses again and emits even more suspiciously blood-colored particles.

    [6/7] Rymek Luke: Not that you’d ever be able to lay a finger on me anyways.
    [7/7] Rymek Luke: Well, that’s enough yappin. I’ve lectured ya enough already- so long, soldier.

    Rymek Luke jumps onto a ledge of the surrounding cliffs from the pillar. He then runs off, and escapes.

    [INFO] And... he’s escaped.
    [INFO] Looks like he’s dropped some stuff, though.

    +640 Emeralds
    +18 Gold Bar (ingredient)
    +12 Coyote Fang (ingredient)

    [INFO] Maybe you can track him down again and capture him once and for all some time in the future.
    [INFO] For now, you can rest easy knowing he won’t be terrorizing the mesa any time soon.


    +25000 Experience Points
    +(above rewards)

    If the player got an Old Diary from the mineshaft, they can redeem it for some rewards after the quest. If the player goes to the coordinates written in the diary, there will be an old abandoned shack in the mesa. There is a skeleton inside the shack.

    If the player enters the shack with an Old Diary in their inventory, dialogue will play and they will get some items the first time they enter the shack.

    [INFO] That skeleton must be Jensen.
    [INFO] Hey, check it out. There's still some money in his pockets.
    [INFO] Not like he needs money anymore. Finders keepers.

    +32 Emeralds
    +8 Gold Bar (ingredient)
    +10 Dry Bone (ingredient)

    [INFO] Oops, look like he fell apart while you were rummaging in his pockets.
    [INFO] Too bad for him.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  12. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    Maybe its a good time to write the berb quest
    WithTheFish likes this.
  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    beta writing is cool (also an unnecessary bump):
    shtnck eyh ckhhe likes this.
  14. Cala

    Cala The Small VIP+

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    My quest

    Name: The First Turnabout

    Length: Medium

    Level Req: 78 combat

    Rewards: Cinfras Badge of Honor (necklace), 2Le, 1,044,000 xp, access to the Members Only Cinfras Bar

    Quest Req: acquiring credential

    Item req: Gavalian Passport

    Stage one: Speak to the post man at [CORDS]

    “postman: Ah hello there, what can I do for you?”
    Option 1: is there any mail for me? (If player is to low level or has not completed required quest he will say no)
    Option 2: just saying hello (ends dialog)

    “Postman: May I have your name and some form of id please?
    Postman: {playername}? Ah yes I have a letter here for you, it’s from the cifras council’s office.”

    “Quest Started: The First Turnabout.”

    Dialog ends.

    The player receives a piece of paper named Letter. its description reads, you have bean randomly selected to act as jury this trial. Please report to the cinfras court at {CORDS} today. Sincerely: The Cinfras high council.

    Stage 2: Travel to the cinfras court at {CORDS}”

    when the player arrives at the coordinates, a villager approaches the player. “???: Ah! Are you the jury that’s been selected?”
    option 1: Yes
    Option 2: No (ends dialog)
    “Yes? Well I’ll need to see some identification first. I see that everything’s in order here, my name is P. Wright and I’ll be one of your fellow members of the jury, please follow me.”

    He will lead the player to a large room with 2 bookshelves on either side of a large desk, the following dialog will start:
    “P. Wright: Before the trial, I thought you might need to brush up on cinfras’s laws and traditions, some of the trials information is on the desk there, in case you need it. please, take all the time you need, come speak to me when your ready.” P. Wright will then leave the room

    The player will be able to interact with the books in piles and on the shelves, if the player interacts with the papers on the des the the following text will appear: “This looks like the accused’s information, it says here what they are being tried for…
    violating the Cinfras Elf treaty?
    As you continue to look through the papers you find what appears to be an image of the accused along with his name, Virven, the image shows a young human male with short brown hair and green eyes.”

    if the player interacts with the bookshelfs, the following text will appear: “There are books here on the laws of different areas of Gaval along with books on wynnic laws”. Interacting with the other bookshelf will make this text appear: “There books here on assorted traditions, along with a book on proper court behavior.”
    Option 1: Take the book.
    Option 2: Leave it.

    If the player chooses option 1 then text the following text will appear: “The book has detailed instructions on how to behave in court. Rule 1: Always address the judge as “Your Honor”. Rule 2: The court is a serious place, do not under any circumstance make any pun or joke whatsoever, doing so will result in you being forcibly removed from court and replaced by another judge/jury/attorney/whatever you are, and doing so will not improve your chances of being found innocent.
    Rule 3: Respect your fellow court members, do not be cruel for no reason, do NOT argue with the jury, judge, or attorney, no matter what.”, “Now that you’ve read that book you should go talk to P. Wright.”

    When the player speaks with with P. Wright the following dialog will appear: “P. Wright: Are you ready to begin the trial?”

    Option 1: Yes
    Option 2: No (Ends dialog)

    Stage 3: Attend The Trial As The Jury.

    The player enters the court room. Sitting on the pews are several villagers along with a few humans. As the player sits down at the jury’s seat, the judge begins to speak.

    “Judge: Bring forth the accused.” The doors at the end of the room will open and out will walk 2 humans, Virven and his lawyer, the trial will then begin

    “Judge: You are being tried on the charge of breaking the Cinfras Elf Treaty by attacking an elf. How do you plead?”
    “Virven: Not guilty!”
    “Judge: Then I will call forth the witness.”

    The doors will open again and out will walk an elf wearing a cloak covering their face, along with an escort surrounding them.

    “Judge: You claim to have witnessed the crime?”
    “???: Yes, I witnessed the crime. It was morning, I was watering my garden as I typically do in the morning, when I looked over the edge of the cliff by my house I saw a suspicious looking figure approaching one of my neighbors. Now my neighbor was an Interesting fellow, well learned in potion brewing and herbs and the sort. Well, this suspicious man approached my neighbor and began yelling that he needed one of his potions! My neighbor tried to calm the man but before he could do anything, this man attacked him and took i potion out of my neighbor’s cloak! As soon as I saw this I sent for the authorities, they caught him quickly and took my neighbor to get proper medical attention. When I asked my neighbor what potion was stolen, he told me it was a very difficult potion to make, it was inflammability potion, what ever you poured it on would instantly catch fire and explo-”

    he is cut of by an explosion outside and the sound of screams and panic, suddenly the wall of the room explodes inwards and criminals (criminals for lack of a better word) swarm in initiating a combat section.

    Stage 4: The player must survive waves of mobs, at the final wave a boss will spawn, its main spells will be flamethrower charge and a custom one that’s just throwing tnt. At he end of the combat, Cinfras authorities arrive and arrest the the criminals before escorting everyone (including the player) out of the room. The police chief then approaches the player in Cinfras square.
    “Cinfras Police Chief: I can not thank you enough for what you did, I shudder to think what could have happened should you not have bean there. Here please take this reward as a sign of my gratitude.

    +Cinfras Badge of Honor (necklace)
    +1,044,000 xp
    +access to the Members Only Cinfras Bar
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
    WithTheFish likes this.
  15. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Why is it called "The First Turnabout?" Are there more turnabouts to come?
  16. Cala

    Cala The Small VIP+

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    It’s a reference to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
  17. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I think it’d be funny if there was actually a quest that was just regular jury duty and took at least an hour to complete for minimal rewards
  18. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    Isn't it like, illegal for humans to live (and therefore be citizens) of Gavel? Or am I fuzzy on Eltom lore
  19. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Hey, just wanted to remind you all that this contest ends at 1:00PM CST next saturday. If you've already submitted an entry, you can edit it and even completely redo it until the deadline arrives.

    @Emogla3 @CatFan105 @DungeonBee @King_Latios @Da Homeboi @shacers @Shiny_Bridge @KingQwerty @Deusphage @Samsam101 since you all expressed interest in this contest and some of you even reserved a spot, I wanna remind you about this in case you forgot (sorry for tags)

    I also haven't read many of the quests so far, but those I've seen I've really enjoyed. Judging this will be tough.
  20. Cala

    Cala The Small VIP+

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    It’s illegal to have a human settlement in gavel, but not for humans to be citizens of gavel. Due to the fact that, you get a gavalian passport, and if it was illegal for a human to get that you’d be arrested when you’d try to start flight in distress.
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