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Media Ingredient Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Linnyflower, Jan 31, 2023.


Do you use any crafted items or consumables while playing the game?

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  1. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    Hey all, we are currently in the process of rebalancing many ingredients in the game at the moment and figured there was no better time for community feedback/ideas/etc than now!

    In terms of what we are looking for in particular: specific ingredients that are too good/particularly bad, gaps in professions/ids/levels where new ingredients are needed, or general feedback on larger trends (such as effectiveness being too good/not good enough, skillpoints too easily available/not plentiful enough, rainbow availability, etc whatever you can think of)

    Please write questions/feedback/ingredients you want to make us aware of, and give a reason- can be as long as you like.
    We're not looking for actual ingredient ideas themselves, so please don't send those, just a more general look (eg dont suggest a level 87, two star lifesteal ingredient for tailoring, just say like 'the mid 80s could use a lifesteal option for tailoring, as all the options right now are either bad or nonexistent').

    For feedback on specific ingredients that already exist, no need for exact numbers either unless you're making a particular point about it- just a this is too good/really bad for x y z reason is good enough.

    You can also find a Discord thread about the same topic here:
    Feel free to either write your comments in this thread or the form, either works:
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    add thingamajig
    Mac N Cheese Man and Loonitick like this.
  3. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    RJJguyTheCarrot, Madkurre and hppeng like this.
  4. HerbCookie

    HerbCookie Dont tag me CHAMPION

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    well looks like ingredients are going to be killed this update
  5. Banguette

    Banguette Skilled Adventurer

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    making ingerdent go bing bong?
    Iboju likes this.
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    pregnant man emoji reaction
  7. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I will be reading every single one of these responses btw so don't worry about yours getting missed
    Loonitick and hppeng like this.
  8. HerbCookie

    HerbCookie Dont tag me CHAMPION

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    you know it

    i know it

    wynncraft's balance team isn't the best and their out of touch
  9. Scromblo


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    late game poison has no representation, the best poison crafteds do not get anywhere near where they should be
    CoolVictor2002 and Werveh like this.
  10. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Please give us negative ID scribing ingredients
    I promise I am friendly and can be trusted with them
    luckeyLuuk, Erebuis, Jbip and 6 others like this.
  11. Tfarcnnyw

    Tfarcnnyw Skirl CHAMPION

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    I think crafted item skill points should count for skill point requirements.

    The maximum skill point value would be used for requirements.
    The skill points would still degrade with durability, but the loss of skill points would just be a debuff to the stat. Similar to how a weapon skill point debuff doesn't prevent using armor.

    This would mainly effect builds with mostly crafted items, because when none of the skill points count it can be quite difficult to get the requirements.

    If this needs balancing, the amount of skill points, or the requirements of ingredients could be nerfed.
    luckeyLuuk and MoneyChan like this.
  12. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    A couple things that first come to mind
    ----I'll state the ingredient effectiveness bit first, since it was mentioned as being a larger trend. I do think that it is way overtuned on specific ingredients. I think it's really unhealthy that most crafted items rely on the same ingredient effectiveness items or the same 1-3 slots of every craft, rather than there being more diverse crafting recipes. Namely ingredients like Decaying Heart and Unicorn Horn, as one is providing 215% effectiveness, with a bit of -effectiveness which is always used for durability ingredients or other ingredients that don't get affected by -effectiveness anyway, for one ingredient slot and the other providing 320% effectiveness for one slot. You CAN craft without either, but you're generally just doing yourself a disfavor by doing so.

    In comparison, ingredients such as Golden Avia Feather or Borange Fluff are done much better. With avia feathers, you get 60% effectiveness and an extra charge for that one slot, a much more balanced ingredient that can be used, but also isn't really necessary for every craft. Borange gives you 60% effectiveness and a 0 durability loss, which is still really huge in a lot of cases where you're semi-tight on durability and there isn't an ingredient with the stats you're looking to improve with lower dura requirements, but again, doesn't feel like a must include in every recipe
    Ultimately, I think ingredients like Unicorn Horn and Decaying Heart should have their value gain, as that's what makes them unique, but I think the numbers are just too high and instead of being a good consideration to crafts, it feels more like a requirement. Or even as a whole, potentially reduce the ingredient effectiveness of a lot of ingredients, and instead bump up the effectiveness of the normal identifications that most ingredients provide, so that crafting recipes have the ability to be a bit more diverse without being completely inferior

    ----Second thing is Mana Regen ingredients for consumables. I personally really enjoy theorizing and making crafted consumables, but mana regen ingredients are very hard to come across outside of ice berries, which are kinda rough to solely rely on.
    Regarding war consumables, I do think that these ingredients being harder to obtain is fine and balanced. But I don't think the consumables in the game should entirely cater towards guild wars.
    For Scribing, all we have is Haleva Plant, and that's only obtainable through loot chests as a t2, which is really time consuming to farm
    For Alchemy, there's a few more options. Haleva Plan can also be used, and similarly, Fairy Powder is also a usable ingredient which can only be found in chests, also as a t2. Otherwise, you're stuck to farming rare mobs for either Fish Tails, Cat Food, Slimy Skin, (Cat Food and Slimy Skin can also be found in chests rarely as a t2), or Parasitic Abscission, which isn't ideal or efficient at all either. Glacial Anomalies are a t3 that can be used, found from either chests or from mobs in Molten Heights, and it's a painful farm. With 500+ Loot Bonus, I had three drops in 40 minutes...
    For Cooking, again, all rare mob drops. Defishious, Gilded Bark, and Cat Food, just really inefficient

    I understand that mana regen provides a lot to the player, but there's just no way that one would even consider using mana regen consumables for general use or even mildly specific things like forgery or whatever, because the amount of time spent grinding for these ingredients is just not worth what you get out of it at all, especially with how short some of the consumables end up being in the end. It just feels like such a useless identification for consumables outside of guild wars for this reason

    I'll probably add more in later comments as more thoughts come into my head, but these are the major two issues I feel strongly enough to address currently
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
    19kss likes this.
  13. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    yea it's good
  14. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Enhanced X microhips except behaviour chip, potential chip are so bad for their requirement.

    For example, enhances dynanic microchip. +35 dex req, for mere 4/3s mana steal and 50 main attack damage? Seriously? Split essence achieves basically the same thing but better, and it's level 20.

    Also half of weapon ingredients are useless because crafted melee sucks, but that needs whole new rework (customizable attack speed in next update plz)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
  15. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Please nerf deep ice core. 1 or 2 of these are already better than most items in the game, and it doesn’t help that there are still 4 slots left on the crafting grid.
    19kss and Crokee like this.
  16. SynthesisCT

    SynthesisCT Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I just request that there is a t1 ingredient for all profs that is easily farmable (I would like +4 stacks per dloot totem, but honestly 3 or more is fine). I say this because right now there is quite an unbalance in terms of ease of acquiring large amounts of effective ingredients. Scribing can get 6-8 stacks of a t1 level 86 ingredient, but most of the other crafting profs can only get 1-2 stx of a lvl +70 t1 ingredient from a dloot totem. This is also kind of an issue with certain low level profs for people that want to total level or can't get into prof worlds and have to level at a slower pace. Most of this is an issue with the new totem system and that it is hard to effectively totem an ingredient you are looking for.

    A biased example as someone who has cooked as well as helping over 10 people reach level 100 cooking would be the lack of ingredients available for the cooking profession. Most of the t1 ingredients under level 70 are acquired from mobs that only drop around 1 stack per dloot totem. A lot of people I've helped don't have champ or are in timezones without lots of prof bombs, and it really sucks requiring them to get 4x the materials and ingredients as everyone else. I get that there are new ingredient merchants for lower levels, but even then it is money that your average player would probably not like to spend when they could go and gather things at no cost.
    Sar likes this.
  17. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I’d appreciate it if mobs didn’t stop dropping them when you need them for a slaying post
  18. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    It's been a while since I did profs so most of what I remember has probably changed, but I vividly recall there being several gaps, the worst of which was the gap in scribing around level 5o which was actual hell. I also remember using those bug drops to get my alchemy from 83 to 100+ since there was nothing nearly as good in the 90 range which feels like a bit of an oversight. I think that last one was fixed though.

    Idk if it's been done yet, but having a spreadsheet with what ingredients you think should be used for progression broken down by prof and 10 level range would probably show you exactly where the gaps in progression are. If shared, it could also be a really helpful point of discussion for rebalancing ingredient rates since at least we would all be starting on the same page and could make arguments for changes to that chart and why they would be improvements instead of just pitching ideas into a void. If you want to balance progression, I feel like knowing what the intended progression is probably a good place to start but that's just my two cents.

    Also, not to get too specific but having 3* ingredients you can buy with dungeon fragments would be a really nice way to add to the dungeons giving a prof XP boost after running them. Farming ingredients in the volumes required to level, especially without bombs or DXP, is a pretty major pain. Having a pretty consistent source of good ingredients that you get while also getting a good amount of combat XP would go a long way in making the prof grind more reasonable, especially in the late game when the grind really starts to settle in.

    For the poll question, the answer from me and I'm sure others as well is technically yes but I don't make anything I can't mass produce. Adding recharging in some capacity to consumables would go a long way in making high value potions more valuable over crafting tonnes of really low quality ones with whatever I have around since I don't ever want to burn through good ingredients on something I won't have after using it a couple times.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
    Sumit and Druser like this.
  19. sam2365427621

    sam2365427621 lootrun man CHAMPION

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    mythic ingredients are a terrible idea but itd be content just saying

    i know itll never happen, but implementing them as ings that have more or less the same strength as 3 stars but give positive durability instead of negative, rather than just making them super busted in terms of stats could be a way of balancing them

    you could also make items crafted with mythic ings require more scrap to repair so they wouldn't fuck up the scrap economy
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
  20. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    Please oh please add more mana regen jeweling ingredients. We have 1 we really need more options
    EPIC67890, Monkey_Suit and Crokee like this.
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