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I Completed HIC in under 90 hours

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Crouton_18, Jan 29, 2023.

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  1. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    Yes, you read that right. I speedran HIC. Clocking in at a final 89 hours (according to the API) I reached level 105 and completed Legendary Island, every quest, raid, miniquest, discovery, secret discovery, dungeon, and unlocked every tome slot.
    2023-01-28_23.35.17.png 2023-01-28_23.35.19.png 2023-01-28_23.35.22.png 2023-01-28_23.35.25.png 2023-01-28_23.35.07.png 2023-01-28_23.35.56.png 2023-01-28_23.35.39.png

    Stats page: here (yes, it is my alt account because I ran out of class slots on my main.)

    I started this HIC as a normal one during DXP Weekend, got up to I think level 50 or so(?)
    Then I got everything to 60 when Zeer did that 4 hour triple xp on wc10 that one time (if you were there, you were there. It was weird)
    And then I lost all motivation to prof whatsoever. This happens from time to time and it happened to me at the best time possible. I didnt play the class at all until the next dxp weekend when I suddenly got my motivation to prof back. About here was when I realized "oh hey, I've spent less than 40 hours on this class that is almost level 100... I could speedrun this"
    So you know, why not? I almost finished profs that weekend, and started on completion. Yes, it took 48 hours to get from planning my endgame set to finishing.
    Now, to those who know how long grinding rare mobs takes, that is quite fast (unfortunately)
    I already knew this because this is my 2nd time completing HIC, so I just afk'd on my main account and switch whenever rare mobs would spawn. Cheap? a little, but there are no rules against it!

    And guess who learned how to use more than 1 weapon! I have my damage weapon, less damage but more dura weapon, and the Arcane Anomaly traveling spear with 300+ dura.

    In terms of speedrun, this is a really bad one. I did all consus first of all, and didnt even intend to speedrun from the start which probably means at least 12 hours wasted.

    Anyway, this is the 3rd Warrior HIC ever and my 2nd Warrior HIC completion. I did play Paladin/Monk, but I never procced Second Chance at all so it was a bit of a waste.

    I was actually able to record LI, TCC and NoL, but I havent uploaded them yet so heh, suffer.

    (Average HIC completion time is ~160 hours btw)

    oh no! anyways

    I was gathering Pine...

    mildly disturbing Fox 2023-01-07_21.53.54.png
    (and it stayed like that too. The entire run of ToA I had a half fox)

    my inventory right before LI

    I am a child. (during the final NotG run)

    This is also an unofficial announcement for The HIC Community discord server, which me and a few other elitists have started to help HIC players by providing advice, showing safe gathering locations, recommended ingredients, and generally being a community. It is under construction currently, but I think I have level 60 gathering locations and up to level 49 recommended ingredients for both grinding and using so its not bare bones. (not sure if I can post discord links so just dm me @Crouton_18#6772 if you want to join)

    This post was of course sponsered by the Warrior Cult.

    This time I swear the next challenge is ETW Fallen HIC I promise. I'm working on it. I'm on attempt 3 already after reaching 45 and 31
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2023
    Coragon42, chryssie, Druser and 10 others like this.
  2. LorenGDE

    LorenGDE Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    congrats for the 99999999999th time!
  3. ProBot

    ProBot Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Now get 106 and 132 all profs!
  4. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    the real speedrun
    Crokee and japhes like this.
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