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Community Event [WINNERS ANNOUNCED] The Unofishial Quest Writing Contest!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jan 21, 2023.

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  1. Etherweaver

    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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    Just a question before I start on mine-are full reworks accepted? Think of how A Fighting Species was changed to All Roads to Piece; a similar premise with similar characters but far different in terms of theme, plot, and lore.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Yes, you are allowed to completely rework a quest to no penalty to points, like how highbread replaced The Corrupted Village.
    Etherweaver likes this.
  3. Flaming_soldier

    Flaming_soldier Well-Known Adventurer

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    This is an old quest that was deleted. Not original.
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Jackkoh, Da Homeboi and cmosier like this.
  5. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    This is an early-level quest, made to introduce different dialogue options to the player. Each time, the player is given three options: the player must determine which is the best option. When you first choose an option, the associated amount of points is added to a total, which later determines your payout. If the player chooses a 'bad' option, they must choose again, but only the amount of points from the first thing they choose (of those three) are added to the total. Here, I've ordered the options from worst to best, but in-game, that order would be random.
    Quest Book prompt:

    Talk to the frantic soldier outside his house in Ragni at [coords]
    Length: short

    Level requirement not met dialogue:

    Ah, there you are! I'm afraid you've come far too early, however — and I prefer preparing this alone. Come back when you're level 12!

    Initiating dialogue:

    You've come at last! More than a little late, really. You have to help me with my problem! It's a dire emergency!
    Symmor: You're lucky the other guy is even later than you. It's he who is the problem, you see.
    Symmor: That guy, my commanding officer, he scares me. Terrifies me! And when I'm terrified, my brain freezes up and my mouth dries out. Nothing but gobbledygrook comes out.
    Symmor: So that's your job. It's simple. Utterly. When the stress gets to me, you act as my liar — my left — my liaison. See, it's happening already!
    Symmor: Now quick, get inside! I'll handle the rest. It's only a small luncheon after all. With you here, I'm positive nothing will go wrong.

    Quest started: Sweet Steaks

    Stage 1

    As soon as the player steps inside, the doorbell rings. Symmor opens the door.

    Chavels: Well, Symmor, I made it. Navigating this town's not so hard.
    Symmor: Ah, G-General Chavels! I hope you're prepared against — I mean for an unforgettable luncheon! Don't mind, uh, [playername] here.
    Symmor: Psst! [playername]! Come with me to the kitchen!

    Stage 2

    Symmor: So far not so bad. I've baked a cake with the hopes of getting our mouths so stuffed it stifles any conversation. Let me just—

    The furnace makes a worrisome sound, and a whole lot of sugar in item form gets expelled from the front of the furnace.

    Symmor: Oh sweet Bovine above! My bake has been blasted! I should've never bought all that expensive Nivlan sugar...
    Symmor: But... what if I were to purchase the Cook's food, and disguise it as my own cooking? Oh, how neatly nefarious! How magnificently malicious! At once!

    Symmor breaks his window and jumps up onto the windowsill. At that moment, the player's camera turns and they see Chavels opening the door.

    Chavels: SYMMOR!
    Symmor: G-General! I was just-just-uh... [playername]?

    Option A [1 point]: Just trying to clean the window! Aggressively!
    Option B [2 points]: Just checking out that sad zombie outside!
    Option C [3 points]: Just practicing some parkour! Important military drill, care to join us?

    Chavels: Why is there saccharum all over your floor, Symmor?
    Symmor: Oh, that isn't... uh... what you called it, that's sugar! Sugar from the s-sweet cakes I'm making! Mmmm, sweet cakes!

    Chavels returns to the dining room and closes the door, and Symmor jumps back down.

    Symmor: Oh, rats, I can't do this! What if he comes back? No, you have to do it, [playername]! Get those cakes for me! There's no time to lose!

    Stage 3

    This stage is a minigame, similar to frogger. The player will have to cross the wide street of Ragni to the Cook (from Cook Assistant), within a time limit and while dodging the horses that drive left and right over the road. If the player gets hit, they go back to the start and the timer is reset.

    The Cook: Cakes? I'm all out. The King keeps requesting them.
    The Cook: All I've got left are some pieces of beef I made this morning. You could use the protein better than I.
    +2 Beef

    The player is teleported back to the windowsill.

    Stage 4

    Beef? Well, it'll have to do. Come with me.

    Symmor and the player return to the dining room, where Chavels is waiting.

    Symmor: General, I hope you're r-ready for mouth-wandering — I mean mouth-watering sweet steaks!
    Chavels: I thought we were having sweet cakes.
    Symmor: Cakes? No, I'd never, I said 'sweet steaks'. That's what I call beef.
    Chavels: You call beef 'sweet steaks'?
    Symmor: I suppose— uh, of course! It's a regional dialect.
    Chavels: What region is that?
    Symmor: Uh... [playername]? What region am I from again?

    Option A [1 point]: The ocean!
    Option B [2 points]: Western Fruma!
    Option C [3 points]: Right near Detlas!

    Chavels: Really? Well, I've visited the Suburbs, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'sweet steaks'.
    Symmor: No, not in the Surburbs, uh... under them. I learned this expression in a... cave.
    Chavels: You know, this beef tastes quite similar to the stuff the Cook makes.
    Symmor: That's loon—ludicrous! Patent-pending Symmor Beef! Old family recipe!
    Chavels: For sweet steaks?
    Symmor: Y-yes!
    Chavels: Yes, and you call these 'sweet steaks' despite the fact this beef is obviously salted.
    Symmor: That's—well—uh— I've got... [playername], with me a moment?

    Stage 5

    The player enters the kitchen with Symmor. The whole room is on fire.

    Symmor: Uh-oh.

    The player leaves the kitchen with Symmor.

    Symmor: Well, those were some good sweep—sweet steaks! A good time was had by all! Let's—let's all go now!
    Chavels: Yes, I should be— good Graken, what is happening in there?!
    Symmor: [playername]?

    Option A [1 point]: Kitchen repainting?
    Option B [2 points]: Flerisi mating ritual?
    Option C [3 points]: An attack by Bak'al?

    Chavels: An- an attack by Bak'al? At this time in history, in the middle of the day, in this part of the province, localized entirely within your kitchen?
    Symmor: Yes.
    Chavels: ...Should I get the troops?
    Symmor: ...No.

    Symmor, Chavels and the player exit the building. The Cook comes rushing towards Symmor.

    The Cook: Symmor! Your house is on fire!
    Symmor: No, no worries, it's just the Dark Beast's servant.
    Chavels: Well, Symmor, you are an odd fellow, but I must say: you sweeten a good steak.

    [3 points] Symmor:
    That... could have gone better. Probably without your help, in fact. Here's your money. I hope it just barely covers the cost of those steaks you bought.
    [4-8 points] Symmor: Hey, that wasn't too bad, all things considered. Here's what I owe you. Next time, though, I'll probably consider some more applicants before hiring.
    [9 points] That was a piece of cake! And I think he bought it! Here's the money you deserve. Now, if you don't mind, I've got a, uh, siege in my kitchen to take care of.

    Quest completed: Sweet Steaks

    + [point total * 5] Emeralds
    + 1600 xp
    Do you like it?
  6. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    law, its like i was made for this :p
    Nukewarmachine and WithTheFish like this.
  7. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    I'll spoil the vibe rq:
    Horror for the first half and then a slightly unsettling conclusion.

    I really liked how The Canary Calls did horror so this is themed to have similar moments.

    Level: 36
    Rewards: (reasonable xp) 12eb, Fabled Bracelet "Band-it"
    Level 36 fabled bracelet
    2% flat stealing
    6-12% loot bonus
    Greed Major ID
    Quest starts in Rymek by entering an out of the way ally. (Beggar is a villager, not a bandit)
    Beggar: [1/2] "Alms! Alms! Alms for a poor blind man!"
    You shouldn't be here...
    Beggar [2/2] "please kind Wynn solider, you must have some spare change for a poor blind man"
    Give the beggar money (dialogue option)
    Yes [2 eb]

    Beggar: "please kind soldier, I haven't eaten in days, please!"
    His cries ring in your ear as you leave. (Game teleports you out of the ally, going back in will start the segment again)
    (Assuming yes)
    The beggars blind eyes widen as you hand him the emeralds.
    Beggar [1/1] "this is so much! Thank you kind Wynn soldier!"
    Quest started: An Eye for an Eye
    Ally is a dead end and there is no way out other than the way in.
    You feel uneasy as you leave, as if someone is watching you from the rooftops.
    If you look up a npc will quickly dissappear, leaving particles. As the npc ducks out of view, a breaking sound will be heard and some blocks will fall/dissapear revealing a vertical parkour segment. Reaching the top will show footprints leading off along the rooftops of Rymek with more parkour (and some vertical sections that can be cheesed with movement spells.) The section ends with the player dropping down to enter a boarded up building.
    Quest Updated: search the abandoned building for any trace of the spy
    Searching for the npc reveals a not very well hidden door at the back leading to a cave. Entering will reveal a decrepit barracks. The area consists of 4 halls laid out like a # symbol, bunk beds on every wall. As you leave the entrance, a very smooth transition (similar to the one in Memory Paranoia in the Study) will delete the entrance.
    The footsteps seem to lead you to the left...
    Following the footsteps will lead you to a button. Pushing that button will trigger a distant crash and you will hear an npc scream (if possible). The footsteps will also dissapear.
    It is expected the player will go and try and find where the crash came from. As they leave the button, another transition will make it dissapear.
    Quiet footsteps would also be heard, and the occasional npc will dart across the broken barracks and seemingly dissapear into the wall. After the player goes around the center of the barracks at least once, following npcs and presumably looking in each side passage, another smooth transition will reveal a broken bed, distinct in that it is off the wall (it is important the player doesn't think this is caused by the button). Behind it is a 1 block tall tunnel that you see several short npcs disappear into. Walking up will trigger a minigame of sorts.
    Quest Updated: Follow the spies
    You start to crawl in pursuit.
    The basics of the minigame are that it makes you 1 block tall. Through teleportation or something but you are 1 block tall regardless, crawling through a tunnel system. A feeling of claustrophobia should be present.
    You might pass a couple scenes of people living their normal lives, insuing that this is a spy network. Eventually you fall down into a room.
    Quest Updated: Be confronted.
    You fall into a room with a throne like thing on one end surrounded by 1 block tall npcs. Another one wearing a crown is on top of the throne.
    As you fall, some gold bars are scattered around you.
    Each child speaks with a kind of hillbilly accent. Imagine Australian if you havent read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Child: [1/2] "Gotcha!"
    A cage falls on you.
    Child: [2/2] "So, you think you can come trapsing into OUR territory and start breaking things?? Pickin' Todd got hurt just because you liked pushing buttons and now you invade our hideout? And is that our gold lyin' around your feet? You really are askin' for a fight ain't you."
    (Dialogue option) Speak up?
    [1] "You all are just children... what can you possibly do to a Wynn soldier?"
    [2] "I didn't steal this gold! You obviously threw it on the ground as I fell."
    [3] Stay silent.

    Child: [1/2] "oho, ya wanna play that game then? Why don't we teach him a lesson boys? Let 'em know not to mess wit' us."
    You are attacked by multiple child npcs, they deal % health to around 50%
    Child [2/2] "now then, you gonna listen or wha'?"
    Child [1/2] "you dare lie to us? We all saw it fall out ya pockets as ya fell. It seems ya don't know the rules about lyin'. Show 'em boys."
    You are dealt multiple blows, leaving you at roughly 50% health
    Child [2/2] "do you understand now? Don't lie to us."
    Child [1/1] "not'ing to say then? Scared are ye? I knew you Wynn soldiers were not'ing but bluster."
    Child [1/4] "So then, you got Pickin' Todd hurt, ye made that villager a target by giving him emeralds, ye trespassed on our own hideout, and you probably stole them emeralds from some old lady."
    Child [2/4] "what should be his punishment boys?"
    The racket is impossible to discern, though you hear "DEATH" more than once.
    Child [3/4] "QUIET THE LOT OF YE!"
    Child [4/4] "Pickin' Todd has sum'tin he wants to say and it's only right he gets to be pickin"
    Pickin' Todd [1/2] "hear me, ya lot. You all see me leg? How it got all bent up? I say we do as my pappy did before he and my mum got scrapped on a job."
    Pickin' Todd [2/2] "I say we do like for like. They hurt me, we hurt em. They stole from us, they gotta repay us. They put a poor blind man in a position where he could get hurt, so they gotta make 'im safe again. What says you?"
    A chorus of "Ayes" erupts from the assembled children.
    Child with a crown [1/1] "There ya have it. You have until sundown."
    Several children rush up to the cage and you black out.
    Quest Updated: Repay your debts
    You are teleported to an off map area of Rymek where you have 3 tasks as listed:
    Steal 2eb from the blind beggar
    Give 2eb to the "old lady" npc (the "Old Lady" npc is two children stacked on top of each other)
    Steal 64 gold blocks from the old lady's arch nemesis that she tells you about.

    Before you are let loose, text flashes across the screen
    You have been given a leg injury
    -50% walk speed
    -15% max hp

    (This would be dealt as damage perpetually keeping you at 85% hp, not as a -hp debuff)

    Steal from the blind beggar would be a minigame where you avoid making any noise.
    Give money to the "Old Lady" npc would be straightforward.
    "Old Lady" [1/4] "oh hello dearie, whats that behind your back? Are those some emeralds-- owww- oh, uh, i mean, do you have a gift for an old lady?"
    The old lady seems to be dancing in place as she receives your gift.
    (This is there because the children are presumably off balance)
    "Old Lady" [2/4] "why thank you dearie, you know, since you are so very nice, maybe you could help an old lady with her problems?"
    "Old Lady" [3/4] "you see, my neighbor has been bragging all month about his winnings in the Cinfras casino. Could you perhaps go and bring him down a peg or two?"
    "Old Lady" [3/4] "oh thank you very much, I knew such a strong and capable soldier could help such an old and frail lady. His house is at [coords]"
    As you leave, snickering can be heard.
    The coords lead to the Mayor's house where you break in and steal the gold blocks. (Not going through that step by step, those are all mechanics we've seen before)
    After redeeming yourself, you return to the hideout.
    Child with a crown [1/5] "well, would ya look at that. The cowardly Wynn soldier has returned with the gold! Whatcha say you hand that over to the boys over there and take a seat."
    Child with a crown [2/5] "it wasnt a nice thing, you sneakin' into our hideout and such, but this is your last bit of warnin' before we let ya go."
    Child with a crown [3/5] "my name is King Hank and we are what I call the collective. We do spyin' for the big gangs here in Rymek, and we don't like snitches."
    King Hank [4/5] "if you wanna keep on our good side, and not get your stuff nicked, then you gotta swear by oath that you won't go tellin' nobody."
    It doesnt seem you would be safe to ignore this.
    (There are children with weapons surrounding the player)
    King Hank [5/5] "good then. Off you go, and remember, the collective is in your walls!"

    Quest Completed:
    An Eye for an Eye
    + Full heal
    + Band-it
    + 12eb
    + XP
    Wow that took a long time to write. I dont imagine this quest would be very long, but i prefer short simple quests that can be cheesed with skill rather than sat through. This is very much a social Quest rather than a combat one but I kinda like that.
    This was originally intended to be a "The Mercenary" rework but the name didn't fit and at that point it wasn't worth it.
    Now that i think about it, this has a lot of parallels to The Canary Calls, but oh well. Its inspired by several other things too.
    i think it could be fun first time as well as quick to do a second time around.
    As for lore... Rymek children spies idk. It alludes to them being orphans, which makes sense, and just seems like it would fit in Rymek.
    P.S. some things are over emphasized because this is text and not ingame.

    Also, I'll add how I think this relates to the theme since it might not be exactly clear:
    Rymek is a bandit town, so obvious lawlessness based off setting
    The children are spies for gangs
    You are required to steal twice
    You break the children's rules a few times
    "An eye for an eye" is a general rule
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
    Namakobushi and WithTheFish like this.
  8. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    would it be allowed if i collaborated with my friend on a quest and submitted it here?
    we'd split the le if he wants to
    i don't think this'll be allowed, but i'm asking just because
    Endistic likes this.
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Collaborations aren’t allowed, I’m sorry. Will specify that on the main post.
  10. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    reserved for my ofishial quest in the works

    Quest Name: Spoiler
    Starting NPC: idrk tbh
    Rewards: fucking everything

    Stage 1
    > go figure

    Talk to NPC to continue

    NPC: wow congratz u did it

    you ig: yea i did
    So uh... Ternaves has a prison just east of it, so I decided to do something with it. Also, remember Prison Story? That one quest that got removed in 1.17? This thing called the Resistance that was there for a reason not specified? Also, say hi to some former friends of yours to return from the dead. (not literally)
    Dialogue isn't the best, but eh
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
    Nythiar and WithTheFish like this.
  11. NecrowmancerLeam

    NecrowmancerLeam Eye of Eternity CHAMPION

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    im bored may as well make one (reserving while i makee this on a google doc and also figure out how tf to sspoiler tag)
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    you can spoiler tag by putting your text within
    [SPOILER] text goes here [/SPOILER]
    and if you want to give your spoiler a name, you can do
    [SPOILER="name"] text goes here [/SPOILER]
  13. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer CT Manager QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    omw to post the first fruma quest to win the competition
  14. Shiny_Bridge

    Shiny_Bridge I don’t mind pings :)

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    I may or may not be able to enter but if I can I'm reserving this spot!
  15. KingQwerty

    KingQwerty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    not sure if im gonna make one but reserving
    nothing for now also testing spoiler
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2023
  16. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Thanks to the generous donation of Tealy, an extra 64LE has been added to the prize pool!
  17. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    eh might make one (reserving)
  18. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    You Fool.
  19. QKhanh2308

    QKhanh2308 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hans: Hey! I met you before, right? I remember you, you saved my neighbor, Referick from the elf Dullahan!
    Hans: Perfect timing you have, the situation have been worse recently!
    Hans: More and more villagers got the Referick treatment, the military tried to take that elf down, and they too disappeared!
    Hans: All your hard work, but our Refe...

    His eyes disappeared...
    Did Dullahan take him away in front of you?
    Maybe it's time to visit Dullahan.

    >>Go to Dullahan's castle

    It will be a mini-dungeon this time, each block of dialogue will play after a challenge.
    You arrived.

    Shortly after your visit, her magic barrier starts to reveal some... vulnerabilities.

    Her magic fades more and more, her annoying visits cedes entirely.

    She's gone, isn't she?

    The source of the decay...
    With her attitude she might as well jump down the sky islands, same results.
    I'm not that surprised.
    So much for life full of rainbows and flowers.

    After the magic barrier shatters, my hunger consumes me.
    I need more souls, be more powerful.
    Now, time for you to join my ranks.

    Every mob in the fight are lost souls from villagers, they have low HP but killing them gives you 'guilt' as you're killing innocents. At 10 guilts you will fail the fight. Your main objective is to escape the castle.

    You can't just kill innocent villagers like that! will display when you kill a villager.

    >>Escape the castle

    Dullahan did say Lari visits him from time to time...
    Maybe there's something that can help you in her base.

    >>Go to Lari's base.

    There will be a few things you can interact with.

    The track record of the first parasite. Doesn't look like Lari's writing.

    Lari's diary. Would be rude to take a look.

    A receipt from a alchemist shop in Fruma. They want her to go get the potion 3 weeks from the day she orders it.
    It has been 3 months... Might as well help her.

    Travel to Recil and pick up Lari's order

    N'gouph: A Ragni soldier? What are you doing here?
    N'gouph: A receipt? From that fairy lady?
    N'gouph: Here. 20 Liquid Emeralds. Another 12 for 9 weeks overdue.
    N'gouph: She didn't pay you beforehand? Not my problem!

    >>Find a way to get the potion by talk to others operating the brewery

    Ahn: That potion takes a lot to preserve, 12 Liquid Emeralds is quite expensive however...
    Ramt: N'gouph has never been this cocky before, wonder what got into him...
    Tucer: The elf girl didn't come? N'gouph really adores her, what a pity.

    Nothing to do here, maybe explaining the situation to N'gouph will help a bit.

    >>Explain Lari's situation to N'gouph.

    N'gouph: My beautiful, beautiful girl!
    N'gouph: *sob* She's... how could she...
    N'gouph: You! You can save her, right? RIGHT?
    N'gouph: This potion is on me. Please, please bring her back.
    N'gouph: Please give her this too, it's... her receipt.

    [+1 N'gouph's Love Letter]
    [+1 Light Potion]

    N'gouph: This potion have immense Light energy, the only element that can pack a punch against Darkness.
    N'gouph: Against a corrupted creature, this will reverse the effects of Darkness by pushing it out of the host.
    N'gouph: However, the inner fight will render that entity helpless for a while.
    N'gouph: Now go, bring her back for me.

    >>Go back to Dullahan's castle.

    You. Again.
    I'm tired of having visitors willy-nilly going in and out of my castle.
    I have absorbed enough souls. This time I will take you on myself.

    The fight is normal, but Dullahan have strong regeneration that can heal all of his health if it falls below 10% for more than 1 second. He will be vulnerable and immobile in this 1 second.

    Dullahan: I have the souls to repair me, your efforts are futile.

    You can't really make him drink this potion if he keeps fighting you like this. Unless, you find a vulnerability...

    Force Dullahan to drink the potion

    Right-click him with the potion while he's under 10% HP will feed him the potion

    Dullahan: What's that? What's happening? áơåîæüēáơåîæüē

    Dullahan collapses, and with it, the souls fly back to their owner.
    You hear something outside the castle...

    Gelibord Citizen: The beast is vulnerable, capture him and kill him! Everyone follow me!
    Not this again...
    You must protect the castle.

    >>Protect the castle against the angry mob

    You can't keep this up any longer...

    A cutscene plays. Purified Dullahan casts a spell to barricade the castle, as Gelibord citizens run in terror, they have missed their chance.

    Dullahan: Where is she? I will find her, she can't fight alone.
    Dullahan: Dern? The opposite of the realm of light?
    Dullahan: ...can I even get there?
    Dullahan: Doesn't matter. I will find a way. I must go back to Aldorei, there will be some sort of elvish magic there that can help me.
    Dullahan: The castle is yours, with the valuables in it. It's owner was quite rich when I take over.
    Dullahan: Can I get the remainings of the potion to study it?
    [-1 Light Potion]
    Dullahan: And... what is this? It goes along with the potion? Must be important then, can I take that as well?
    [-1 N'gouph's Love Letter]
    Dullahan: I will examine the content when I get home. Hopefully my house is not confiscated after that many years... elves are immortal after all.

    +600,000 Experience
    +4096 Emeralds
    +Fast travel from Gelibord to Aldorei
    Min lv: 110 (This quest is in Fruma)
    Catch up with Hans in Gelibord at
    [-1096, 42, -5384]
    Requires Quest: The Realm of Light V
    Speak to the Headmaster of Grookwarts
    Headmaster: Welcome back to Grookwarts, <playername>.
    Headmaster: We have eyes and ears everywhere, and we know you have entered the realm engulfed by Darkness.
    Headmaster: Lucio, one of our top students, went with you. Sadly, he... well, you know what happened.
    Headmaster: Anyways, his conciousness went back Grookwarts and told us about you. You... you have survived darkness.
    Headmaster: That means we can start experimenting on the law of this element.
    Headmaster: Follow me.

    The headmaster and a few teachers walk to the door.
    The door to the Dern Beast in Grookwarts opens.

    Headmaster: The Dern Beast... It's not in the cage?
    Headmaster: Where is it?
    Headmaster: WHERE IS IT, CERID?
    Cerid: I... don't know.
    Cerid: But even if it breaks the cage, it can't escape. We have weakened it, rig.... AAAAAAAA
    Cerid gets attacked by the beast from behind
    Headmaster: <playername>, do something!

    The beast is immune to all damage and it's health is hidden. It has every movement spell to get close to you. The fight last for 30 seconds until...

    Headmaster: <magic language>

    The explosion knocks you away from the beast, and leaves you with half a heart left. You are knocked unconcious.

    Headmaster: Hello, are you there?
    Headmaster: Finally, you're awake.
    Headmaster: What happened? Well, after I cast the spell, the beast remains invulnerable, but you are knocked very far away.
    Headmaster: After that, the beast starts to show some vulnerabilities.
    Headmaster: The only conclusion we can get to is the beast siphoned power from you.
    Headmaster: It can feel the power of Dern in your skin, because you have been there. How fascinating.
    Headmaster: Cerid got a little bit better, but still seriously wounded. Nothing life-threatening though.
    Headmaster: Now, to the bad news. Because the beast is unstoppable while you're near it, you can't participate in this experiment.
    Headmaster: Sorry for bringing you all the way here for nothing, please, have these as a token of appreciation.
    +2048 emeralds
    +500,000 Experience
    Min lv: 104
    Duration: Short
    You got another letter from Grookwarts, asking for your assistance on the Darkness Element.
    Requires Quest: A Journey Beyond
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023
  20. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    how is this in fruma what
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