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lvl 82 shaman build help

Discussion in 'Questions' started by hitmanspotato, Jan 11, 2023.

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  1. hitmanspotato

    hitmanspotato Travelled Adventurer

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    im a lvl 82 shaman, currently playing the summoner archetype but i don't mind for a change, looking for a better alternative than champion armor, welp ! !
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    use nii set and any good pants (i uses ringlets) it does less damage than champions but id say the ehp is worth it, ive experienced it personally using it as summoner and i started taking way less damage and still dealt enough damage after switching to it, if you dont like it idk
    btw nii armor is from the first 3 forgery dungeons and i think ringlets is either on the trade market or a quest drop
    hitmanspotato likes this.
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