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Guide my think for damage calculation

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by gowcaw97, Jan 8, 2023.

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  1. gowcaw97

    gowcaw97 Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    sorry for this. im not native for english so ill describe with japanese. so please translate someone who can it.
    and this is spell only. others, i ignored this time.

    ダメージの求め方(spellだけ) ;

    武器のWeapon Damageの値を用意する。例としてLament。
    70-90 neutral , 180-190 water
    私はwater powderをかけているので、ここでもそうする。
    3-4 neutral , 274-309 water
    これがWeapon Damageの値となる。

    Ophanimのダメージを、30winded , Divination有効 の条件で計算する。
    まずこの状態の時のSpell Multiplierは以下の通り;
    140% neutral
    60% earth
    20% water
    20% thunder
    (240% total)
    per orb.

    Weapon Damageの値をこのSpell Multiplierで属性ごとにそれぞれ乗算し、合算する。
    今回は簡略化のためWeapon Damageの値は範囲の平均値をとったものとする。
    よって 3.5 neutral , 291.5 water
    3.5 neutral ;
    4.9 neutral , 2.1 earth , 0.7 water , 0.7 thunder
    291.5 water ;
    408.1 water , 174.9 earth , 58.3 water , 58.3 thunder
    sum ;
    4.9 neutral , 177 earth , 59 thunder , 467.1 water (708 total)
    これらの値を計算で使用する。以降Base Damageの値とする。

    [Base Damage * id boost * (str+cri) * as + rawsd * (str+cri) * (Base Damage/Total Base Damage) * Total Spell Multiplier] * tome * buff * powder special
    それぞれの属性Base Damageがこの計算式で計算される。

    id boostは、skill pointで得られるDamage Bonus%、Spell Damage%、対応した属性のDamage%などの合算。
    rawsd (neutral spell damage)は、ある属性に対して、その属性のBase Damageが合計であるTotal Base Damageに占める割合に応じて作用する。
    特定の属性のsdrawは、対応した属性のBase Damageが存在する時のみ作用する。

    (str+cri)は、strengthのDamage Bonus%(earthのid boostとは別)とクリティカルのダメージ上昇効果の乗算値の和。

    asは、attack speed modification (multiplier)。Lamentはslowなので1.5。attack speed bonus idによって変わることはない。

    tome , buff , powder specialのそれぞれの複数の効果は、加算する。

    2 str (2.0% damage) , 75 dex (53.9% crit) , 130 int (75.3%) , 860 rawsd , 31 sd% , 18 ed% , 67 td% , 243 wd% , 1.32* tome , 1.9* buff (ragnarok + fortitude) , 1.3* powder speial (curse)
    4.9 neutral ; [4.9 * (1 + 0.31) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (4.9/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (15.0108315 + 22.2699186440678) * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = 121.5501577697187
    177 earth ; [177 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.31 + 0.18) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (177/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (625.010895 + 804.444) * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = 4,660.594739658
    59 thunder ; [59 * (1 + 0.539 + 0.31 + 0.67) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (59/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (347.5502085 + 268.148) * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = 2,007.4224389934
    467.1 water ; [467.1 * (1 + 0.753 + 0.31 + 2.43) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (467.1/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (4,907.76388155 + 2,122.914081355932) * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.32 = 22,922.8224302585
    total ; 29,712.38976667962 damage per orb.

    Dream, AlanGreyson and Glazer like this.
  2. Iriya__

    Iriya__ Chief of Nefuria CHAMPION

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    Here's the translated version for anyone curious, there might be some translation errors, if you see anything unnatural I apologize.

    How to calculate damage (SPELL only) ;

    Get the Weapon Damage value of the weapon. Lament as an example:
    70-90 neutral , 180-190 water
    I use water powder, so I do the same here.
    3-4 neutral , 274-309 water
    This is the Weapon Damage.

    I calculate the damage of Ophanim with 30winded and Divination enabled.
    First, the Spell Multiplier in this condition is as follows;
    140% neutral
    60% earth
    20% water
    20% thunder
    (240% total)
    per orb.

    Weapon Damage values are multiplied by this Spell Multiplier for each attribute and then added together.
    neutral is the attribute corresponding to the source of the calculation.
    For the sake of simplicity, the Weapon Damage value is assumed to be the average of a range of values.
    Therefore, 3.5 neutral , 291.5 water
    3.5 neutral ;
    4.9 neutral , 2.1 earth , 0.7 water , 0.7 thunder
    291.5 water ;
    408.1 water , 174.9 earth , 58.3 water , 58.3 thunder
    sum ;
    4.9 neutral , 177 earth , 59 thunder , 467.1 water (708 total)
    These values are used in the calculation. This is the Base Damage.

    The formula is as follows;
    [Base Damage * id boost * (str+cri) * as + rawsd * (str+cri) * (Base Damage/Total Base Damage) * Total Spell Multiplier] * tome * buff * powder special
    Each attribute Base Damage is calculated by this formula.

    id boost is the sum of Damage Bonus%, Spell Damage%, Damage% of the corresponding attribute, etc. obtained by skill points.
    sd% affects all attributes equally, while eled% affects only certain attributes.
    rawsd (neutral spell damage) acts on an attribute as a percentage of its Total Base Damage, which is the sum of the attribute's Base Damage.
    The sdraw of a particular attribute acts only when the corresponding attribute's Base Damage is present.

    (str+cri) is the sum of the Damage Bonus% of strength (apart from the id boost of earth) multiplied by the increased damage of a critical strike.
    When critical strike is triggered, the value of cri is set to 1.

    as is attack speed modification (multiplier). lament is slow, so it is 1.5. attack speed bonus id does not change it.

    Multiple effects of each of tome , buff , powder special are added up.

    After getting the other values, we move on to the actual calculations. Try with my build as an example.
    2 str (2.0% damage) , 75 dex (53.9% crit) , 130 int (75.3%) , 860 rawsd , 31 sd% , 18 ed% , 67 td% , 243 wd% , 1.32* tome , 1.9* buff (ragnarok + fortitude) , 1.3* powder speial (curse)
    4.9 neutral ; [4.9 * (1 + 0.31) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (4.9/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (15.0108315 + 22.2699186440678) * 1.32 * 1. 9 * 1.3 = 121.5501577697187
    177 earth ; [177 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.31 + 0.18) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (177/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1. 9 * 1. 3 = (625.010895 + 804.444) * 1. 9 * 1.3 = 4,660.594739658
    59 thunder ; [59 * (1 + 0.539 + 0.31 + 0.67) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (59/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1. 9 * 1. 3 = (347.5502085 + 268.148) * 1. 9 * 1.3 = 2,007.4224389934
    467.1 water ; [467.1 * (1 + 0.753 + 0.31 + 2.43) * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * 1.5 + 860 * (1 + 0.020 + 0.539) * (467.1/708) * 2.4] * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.3 = (4,907.76388155 + 2,122. 914081355932) * 1.32 * 1.9 * 1.32 = 22,922.8224302585
    total ; 29,712.38976667962 damage per orb.
    We can't calculate elemental defenses, as it hasn't been verified yet, so it's inconsistent.
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