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Guide [2.0] Class Building Terminology

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Jello, Jan 2, 2023.


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  1. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    Class Building Terminology
    2.0 version

    Happy new year have a wall of text

    The UWynn Vocabulary Guide is useful, but some of the definitions were outdated.
    Therefore, a new version updated for 2.0 was made.

    • Added new sorting categories.
    • Added 2.0 terminology.
    • Adjusted definitions for certain words.
    • Removed a few words.

    Credit to @Saya for UWynn and the 1.0 Vocabulary Guide.
    Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V saves lives.​
    Also credit to Atlas Inc for proofreading.

    Abbreviations for items will not be included.

    sp - skill points.
    Can also mean "soul points", depending on the context.​

    spr - soul point regeneration.
    Note: skill point regeneration does not exist.
    ap - ability points.

    reqs - requirements.
    Typically refers to level, skill point or ability point requirements for a build.​

    reqless - no requirements.
    Typically refers to items with no skill point requirements.​

    ems - emeralds (currency).

    eb - emerald blocks (currency).

    le - liquid emeralds (currency).

    stx - stack of liquid emeralds (currency).

    raw - general term indicating a "raw" value. Examples include "raw melee", "raw spell", hpr raw", and more.
    Also used to refer to physical emeralds owned by a player, typically in the context of transactions or item values.
    prof - character profile.
    Can also mean "profession" depending on the context.
    tome - mastery tomes.
    A build is "tomed" if mastery tomes are included in its stat calculations, and "tomeless" if mastery tomes are not included.
    mats - materials. Typically refers to gathering materials used in professions.

    ings - ingredients. Typically refers to crafting ingredients used in professions.
    str - the Strength stat.

    dex - the Dexterity stat.

    int - the Intelligence stat.

    def - the Defense stat.

    agi - the Agility stat.

    mr - the Mana Regen stat. Passive mana recovery.

    ms - the Mana Steal stat. Mana recovery based on melee hits.

    ehp - effective hp. Total bulk after class base resistances and defensive skillpoints.
    Can also be affected by tomes and defensive abilities from the ability tree. Keep in mind the context.​

    hpr - the Health Regen stat. Passive health recovery.
    Affected by both Health Regen Raw ("hpr raw") and Health Regen % ("hpr%")​

    ehpr - effective hpr after factoring in class resistances and defensive skill points.

    ls - the Life Steal stat. Health recovery based on melee hits.

    els - effective lifesteal after factoring in class resistances and defensive skill points.

    eledmg - the Elemental Damage stat. Increases damage dealt with a specific element.

    eledefs - the Elemental Defence stat. Reduces damage taken from a specific element.

    sustain - the ability of a build to recover health ("hp sustain") or mana ("mana sustain")
    Note: the term "sus" is not short for "sustain". Usually.​

    esustain - effective sustain.

    ws - walk speed.

    jh - jump height.

    sd - spell damage.

    cost - spell costs. Typically used to indicate a spell cost reduction or penalty.
    Not to be confused with "cost" in terms of market price.​

    tier - attack speed tiers.
    Not to be confused with "tiers" in terms of ingredient or item tiers, which is usually indicated by the letter "t" followed by a number, for example "t3 materials".​
    glass cannon - general term for builds that sacrifice bulk for higher damage output.

    tank - general term for builds that focus on bulk, frequently at the expense of damage output.

    melee - the default attack of a class, and builds focusing on improving its effectiveness.
    Also known as Main Attack or Basic Attack.
    Melee builds are typically defined by their source of damage increase.​

    fast melee - general term for melee damage build types with faster attack speeds.
    Typically designed to achieve super fast attack speed.​

    rawstack - melee damage build types that uses a weapon with faster attack speeds and items with high raw melee damage.
    Subtype of fast melee. Some builds have a few positive attack speed tiers to achieve super fast attack speed.​

    tierstack (tstack) - melee damage build types that uses a weapon with slower attack speeds and items with positive attack speed tiers.
    Subtype of fast melee. Weapons with super slow or very slow attack speeds are usually chosen.​

    cancelstack (cstack) - melee damage build types that uses armour with high raw melee damage bonus and low negative attack speed tiers alongside items with positive attack speed tiers.
    Subtype of fast melee. Weapons with very high attack speed are chosen.
    heavy melee (hmelee/hm) - melee damage build type that uses items with massive raw melee damage bonus while sacrificing attack speed.
    Also known as "slow melee" due to the terms being interchangeable.
    Weapons with super slow attack speed are usually chosen due to the best items for this playstyle having high amounts of negative tiers.
    Works well with Quake and Chain Lightning.​
    spell - the four spells of a class, and builds focusing on improving their effectiveness.
    Also used to refer to mob spells.
    Spell builds are typically defined by their source of mana recovery.
    spellspam - spell damage build type that uses items with high mana regen, as well as spell cost reductions from intelligence and equipped items.

    spellsteal - spell damage build type that uses items with high mana steal, as well as spell cost reductions from intelligence and equipped items.
    Uses negative attack speed tiers to maximise mana gain per melee attack.​

    mixed mana - spell damage build that uses a combination of mana regen and mana steal for mana recovery.
    Subtype of spellsteal, and operates on a similar principle. ​

    intless (0 int) - spell damage build type that do not invest in intelligence. Not an indication of playstyle.
    Subtype of spellspam. Also known as "intless spell" or "0 int spell".
    Typically invests in spell cost reductions, though some builds may not require it.​
    hybrid - builds that utilise both spells and melee attacks, and builds focusing on improving their effectiveness.
    Builds with a strong focus on both are sometimes referred to as "true hybrid".
    Hybrid builds are typically defined by their attack speed.​

    fast hybrid - hybrid damage builds with faster attack speeds.

    slow hybrid - hybrid damage builds with slower attack speeds.

    heavy hybrid - hybrid damage builds with super slow attack speed and massive raw melee damage bonus.
    Subtype of slow hybrid. Usually has negative attack speed tiers.​
    heavy spell - spell damage build type that uses items with massive spell damage bonuses while sacrificing mana recovery and spell cost reductions.
    An unsupported playstyle as of currently.​

    heavy poison - build type that uses items with high poison damage.
    An unsupported playstyle as of currently. Usually has negative attack speed tiers.​
    powder special (specials) - the special ability unlocked by adding 2 t4+ powders of the same element on an item.
    Weapon specials are active and charge based on melee hits, while armour specials are passive.​

    quake - earth weapon powder special.
    Creates a short range AOE hit. Considered a melee attack.​

    chain lightning (chain) - thunder weapon powder special.
    Creates a medium range attack that hits multiple opponents. Considered a melee attack.​

    curse - water weapon powder special.
    Increases damage taken by an enemy for a period of time.​

    courage - fire weapon powder special.
    Increases damage dealt by all nearby players for a period of time.​

    wind prison - air weapon powder special.
    Greatly increases damage dealt by a single attack.​
    rage - earth armour powder special.
    Grants extra earth damage based on lost HP.​

    killstreak - thunder armour powder special.
    Grants extra thunder damage based on amount of enemy kills.​

    concentration (conc) - water armour powder special.
    Grants extra water damage based on mana used.​

    endurance (endu) - fire armour powder special.
    Grants extra fire damage based on hits taken.​

    dodge - air armour powder special.
    Grants extra air damage based on time spent in close proximity to an enemy without being hit.​
    sfast - super fast.

    vfast - very fast.

    vslow - very slow.

    sslow - super slow.
    spell cycle - casting order of spells used in spell builds.
    Spell builds are typically designed to cycle through a sequence of spells to maximise damage output.
    costs - spell costs, or how much mana is used per spell cast.
    Affected by the intelligence stat and items that increase or decrease spell cost.​

    mana value (mv) - the amount of effective mana sustain provided by an item per second.
    Number is relative to the spell cycle of a build.​
    base damage - the damage number listed on a weapon.

    base dps - spell base dps of a weapon after factoring in attack speed.
    Spell damage calculations are based on this number.​

    prepowder base - spell base dps before weapon powders are factored in.

    postpowder base - spell base dps after weapon powders are factored in.

    mult - multipliers.
    Typically used in terms of damage multipliers on spells or from the ability tree.​

    Bonus Sections
    The ETWFA letter combinations are used to indicate the specific skill point requirements or element combination of a build or item.

    The classification uses the ETWFA order as it is the order used by the skill point menu.

    • Letters are added based on if they have skill point requirements in the element.
    • Use all capital letters or all lowercase.
    • Adding letters is recommended but optional for high skill point investment in one element without skill point requirements.
    • ETWFA builds, or builds using all five elements, are referred to as "rainbow".
    The numerical prefixes are used to indicate the amount of different skill point requirements required by a build or item. Note that items with skill point requirements in all 5 elements, as well as builds utilising them, are called "rainbow" instead.

    Suggestions for improve formatting or descriptions would be appreciated.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    damn they dropped a new cbt
  3. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    who calls main attack "auto attack" though
  4. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    Must've missed that one when copying and pasting, removed
  5. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    I have never been this eager for a cbt
    PlasmaWarrior, FAZu and Madkurre like this.
  6. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    I know I personally call it auto attack, it’s a bleed over from games like LoL, dota, etc.

    It feels better to me than melee because archer, shaman, mages attacks are ranged, so “melee” feels like a misnomer
  7. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    When most "melee attacks" aren't melee attacks
    The only real reason why it's named that way is because of the raw melee and melee % stats

    There's lots of terms for it, such as Regular Attack, Normal Attack, Basic Attack, Main Attack, Auto Attack, etc, though most of them are interchangeable
    It works as long as people can understand each other
    Druser and hppeng like this.
  8. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    you missed that ehp nowadays also includes tome base defense boosts
    tiers can also refer to powders, materials, ingredients and pouches. (and probably many more)
    ETWFA is only referred to as rainbow if the weapon actually deals rainbow damage. If you spec into each skill point but in the end use for example a purely fire weapon it is referred to as penta elemental
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
  9. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    It may be an old thing but NEVER EVER include tomes in your build (unless otherwise specified)
  10. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    it isn't always done but certainly happens. Besides that the base def on tomes is fairly static as most people just use 4 fabled armour II tomes.
    Besides that weither or not it is done isn't the point ehp does include tomes and you cannot argue against that as it is literally included in the ingame calculation for ehp
  11. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    They do, huh. Added a footnote mentioning tomes.

    In fact, I'll have to add the definition for tomes as well. Good point.

    Not really too related to class building, but yeah that'd be a good addition. I'll add it as a footnote.

    I should mention prof terms too huh

    Obsolete classification imo. The terms "duo/tri/quad/penta" are mostly numerical indicators on how many elements a build has. The line's blurred enough for the distinction to not really matter anymore. "Penta elemental" builds are commonly referred to as "rainbow" anyway, so the definition of the terms have changed a bit.

    Besides, the deciding factor on whether a build is rainbow or not is the item requirements, not the elemental damage dealt.

    While there's normally a bunch of nuances regarding whether a build is "rainbow", the simplified version should be accurate for general build descriptions, and is easier to understand for people without prior knowledge.

    Compare tome to tome and tomeless to tomeless is the current understanding, both works

    Normally you compare tomeless since whether you want to use Everlasting or Sorcerers or Weightless basically boils down to personal preference
    Also because they're a pain to add on every build
  12. _Qira

    _Qira Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    good thread
  13. Axuaxi

    Axuaxi Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ty fella thumbsupper
  14. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    How dare you not mention mythic armoury tomes. They are very much viable and give a really good ehp boost. Also people actually use Weightless tomes? also Destructive tomes in meele builds are just as common.
  15. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    Tome enthusiast spotted

    Mythic tomes yes, weightless tomes yes, destructive tomes yes, but there's no real need for an exhaustive list of tomes in a glossary is there

    I'll add a section with common class building resources
  16. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    yeh no there's absolutely no need for that I agree just wanted to say it
  17. Wackolo

    Wackolo the converger CHAMPION

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    Not to be confused with Penta !
    key indicators:
    -> Uses mon-rainbow weapons
    -> Large skill point spread (Prowess, DFusion, Libra etc.)
    -> Very versatile in class building and powder application​

    edit: i didnt see the other conversation lol
  18. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Not sure why wynndata is here considering it is outdated. Unless you mean for ingredients which even then doesn’t work great.
  19. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    Class builders try to come up with a consistent definition for penta builds challenge (impossible)

    Wynndata is still useful for quickly looking up how to obtain certain items assuming they haven't been changed. The wiki is better if they have an entry for the item, but it's less consistent. As for ingredients, it's still somewhat useful due to its in-built atlas having sorting options.

    Other than that, yes, it's outdated. Perhaps if someone could update some databases...
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    ThedumbOX, luckeyLuuk and DungeonBee like this.
  20. Jello

    Jello Well-Known Adventurer

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    Bump + Wynnbuilder now has ingredient search so Wynndata is just for obtain methods now
    Cleaned up formatting a bit
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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