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Guide Making Mooshroom XP Potions (Money-Making Method)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by cheese2Uman, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    I have spent a good amount of time selling potions and food on the trade market, and found that my Mooshroom XP Pots are by far the most popular. Since I will be off winter break soon and won't have much time to play Wynncraft for a while, I would like to pass on my knowledge of XP potion-making so the people of Wynncraft have affordable XP potions available to use for leveling up.

    A profession level of at least 80 in farming, fishing, and alchemism is required for this method. A profession level of at least 105 in farming and fishing is optimal so tier 12 gathering tools can be used.

    Process Flow:
    There are three main processes required in the Mooshroom XP potion-making process. These include gathering mooshroom ears, gathering rice, and gathering bass.

    Location: Go to the hill around 870, 62, -1370 near the abandoned mines in Wynn. There are several spots around there where large groups of mooshrooms spawn. If more mooshroom-spawning spots are desired, you can run in a loop around the Black Road area, where several more mooshroom-spawning areas can be found.

    Procedure: Basically just kill groups of mooshrooms as they spawn. A high amount of loot bonus is recommended to increase the drop rates of mooshroom ears.

    Using a build with 281 loot bonus, I was able to obtain the following drops in 30 minutes:
    • Mooshroom Ears: 2.5 stacks (needed for XP potions)
    • Red Mushrooms: 21 stacks (sold for 2 emeralds each on the TM for a total of 42 eb)
    • Brown Mushrooms: 11 stacks (sold for 2 emeralds each on the TM for a total of 22 eb)
    • Toxic Spores: 2.25 stacks (sold for 6 emeralds each on the TM for a total of 13.5 eb)
    • Emeralds: ~16 eb
    Total Yield: ~5 stacks of mooshroom ears per hour and a bonus ~2.9 le per hour.

    • The drop yields from this method can be significantly increased by using more loot bonus, particularly if one has a discoverer.
    • The bonus emeralds earned can also be increased if you are able to sell the extra ingredients for more (I priced mine on the lower side so they would sell faster).

    Location: Go to the Burning Farm in the Canyon of the Lost around 56, 43, -4794 in Gavel. There are enough rice nodes there that you don't need to worry about the 1 minute gathering node respawn timer.

    Procedure: Farm rice grains. For optimal gathering, use a tier 12 gathering scythe. Wearing armor with walk speed ids decreases the time spent walking between gathering nodes. A consumable with at least 15% gathering speed can decrease rice gathering time with a tier 12 scythe from 3 ticks (~3 seconds) to 2 ticks (~2 seconds). I consider using gathering speed worth it as it practically takes a third off of your gathering time.

    • Without gathering speed, I was able to obtain ~5 stacks of rice in 15 minutes (and then my tool broke).
    • With 15% gathering speed, I was able to obtain ~5 stacks of rice in 10 minutes (and then my tool broke).
    • Additionally, every ~15-minute gathering session I encountered a corrupted underworld crypt key guardian, and it seems the keys sell for ~18 eb on the trade market.

    Total Yield: ~30 stacks of rice per hour (with Gspeed) with about an 8 eb net gain in bonus emeralds (+72 eb for ~4 underworld crypt keys per hour, -1 le per hour for Gspeed consumables)

    Gspeed Consumables: Here is a link to a Gspeed consumable granting 15% gathering speed for about 2 hours over 3 charges that I have priced at ~2 le: https://wynndata.tk/cr/329825081. I have not optimized the method of obtaining these consumables fully at this time, but the basic rundown involves gathering Koi in the Dernel Jungle at -804, 18, -395 around the fountain of youth. The rare mobs Kobalscale Moth and Bladestorm Idol spawn pretty frequently around the fountain of youth, so you can kill these rare mobs while gathering Koi to obtain the tangy nectar and lithoflesh needed for the Gspeed consumables. You will also find Undergrowth Ruins and Galleon's Graveyard key guardians there, and can sell the keys for some extra emerald blocks. Koi Oil and Millet Grain can be used to make level 60 Mooshroom XP potions, which are also quite popular. I like to gather millet grains at the farm around -1385, 43, -4543 in the Fleris Trail territory in Gavel.
    As a substitute for tier 2 dernic materials for crafting the Gspeed consumables, you can use tier 3 rice and bass, which grants almost the same duration. I believe tier 3 level 80 materials can be obtained from the Nexus of Light Raid, and I have found people selling them for pretty cheap on the trade market from time-to-time. If I see tier 3 rice or bass selling for less than 3 emerald blocks a piece, I will usually buy them.

    Location: Go to the shore near Relos in Corkus around -1659, 34, -2053. There are enough bass nodes that you don't have to worry about the 1-minute gathering node respawn timer.

    Procedure: Everything in regards to farming rice grains applies to farming bass oil.

    Total Yield: ~30 stacks of bass oil per hour (with Gspeed) with a loss of about 1 le per hour from using the Gspeed consumables.

    Results: With 12 hours gathering mooshroom ears, 1 hour and 40 minutes of gathering bass oil, and 3 hours and 20 minutes gathering rice, you can make approximately 640 Mooshroom XP potions. About 81% of these potions will use tier 1 materials, and I have been selling these for 16 emerald blocks on average (the average is 45% XP bonus lasting ~8 minutes per charge). 10% of potions would be crafted with tier 2 materials, which last about 1.5 times longer and could be sold for ~24 eb. Finally, 1% of potions could be crafted with tier 3 materials, lasting about 1.7 times as long and selling for ~28 eb. A link showing how to craft a Mooshroom XP potion can be found here: https://wynndata.tk/cr/242554559.
    Selling all of these potions would amount to 169.2 le in 17 hours or ~10 le per hour.

    Total Profits:
    • 10 le per hour from selling XP potions
    • ~2.1 bonus le per hour
    Total: ~12.1 le per hour

    Final Notes:
    • The largest limiting factor in the profitability of this method is the amount of time it takes to obtain mooshroom ears. The profitability could be significantly improved by using crafted loot bonus armor and a discoverer to increase loot bonus past 281.
    • An alternative to using mooshroom ears is to use bright petals and craft XP food using the following recipe: https://www.wynndata.tk/cr/738372310. Bright petals are a tier 0 ingredient dropped by sakura tree mobs that spawn pretty frequently in the flower forest within the Realm of Light. I have been able to sell this XP food at the same price as my mooshroom XP potions. The food provides about half the XP the potion does, but lasts about twice as long. Personally, I value the higher XP bonus of the potion, as I might not always want to grind for the full 18 minutes the XP food lasts for.
    • You could likely sell the tier 1 XP potions for more, perhaps 24 eb or even 32 eb per potion, significantly increasing profits. I just sell my potions for 16 eb a piece because they sell quickly and I enjoy offering XP potions at an affordable price.

    Closing Remarks: I hope this guide inspires some of you to provide affordable XP consumables to the community! I have been seeing lots of people selling XP potions made with Lucky Spider's Eggs for several le, but have not been seeing many affordable XP potions such as the Mooshroom XP potions that the average Wynncraft enjoyer can afford to use throughout a typical playthrough.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
  2. djkitt3

    djkitt3 Well-Known Adventurer

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    (10 char)
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  3. xct

    xct Perseverance CHAMPION

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    only 105 is needed for max tools
    starx280 and cheese2Uman like this.
  4. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    You are correct. That is updated now.
    starx280 and xct like this.
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