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Resource Pack The Panic Zealot Pack V2 (Time to Panic)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by ThePurpleEmerald, Dec 28, 2022.

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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    If you're seeing this message from discord I did it to hide the quote just click on me

    Second discord break hi there how's your day

    "It's better to Panic as a Zealot than Zealot as a Panic"
    - Shimmer Cosmonia, 1??? AP (Probably)

    Ok hi hello hello hi there everyone remember when I did the thing
    This thing here below here couple months ago
    No I still don't have an obsession

    Ok so

    Anyways uh so here you go more stuff

    Ok so changelog:

    === General ===
    - Most particles (Notably class spells) are all a shade of red. SEE THE ELDRITCH ENERGY WITH YOUR FANATIC EYES AND LET IT FLOW THROUGH YOU
    - All prof gemstones are now Panic Zealot's gem.
    - Oh right Easy Mode is removed so good luck telling everything apart for now at least I don't have time to make an updated one
    - All fire is now red hot Eldritch flares (And shorter to account for Archer's fire trail)

    === Warrior ===
    - All spears have changed model. A mysterious individual was jealous at the universe's favouritism of allowing only Shamans to wield such a powerful and incredible object to use in combat, which led to them stealing it. Carving the bottom of Panic Zealot to a sharpened point and impaling the top of its helmet with a headless spear handle, the Eldritch Energy within it flowed across its length, empowering the entire weapon with the power of Panic Zealot.
    - Mantle of the Bovemists now borrows the strength from Panic Zealot's very own core. Dernic gems now orbit around the player.
    - Bak'al's Grasp summons the all-seeing, albeit relatively dormant sight of the Panic Zealot's Eldritch prowess. Use the rage and blind fury gained from harm to fuel the eyes' strength and ignite their true potential to empower your attacks. Fallen's Skulls are now Panic Zealot's eye.
    === Mage ===
    - All wands have changed model. A fanatical member of the Panic Zealot cult who was more proficient in mage spells wanted to harness the power of Panic Zealot in the form of a staff. taking the Relik to use in the manufacturing of the weapon, the mage placed the artifact onto an empty staff holder, infusing Panic Zealot with magic fit for a mage. While the original weapon at the staff's tip is no longer safe enough to hold, the pole it rests on is more than enough to harness such power.
    - Meteor now launches a manifestation of Panic Zealot's all-powerful presence. A giant, red-hot flaring Panic Zealot helmet flies towards your enemies.
    - Ice Snake now calls upon the Eldritch Energies stored within the pulsing Relik on the staff, unleashing dormant flares of similar signatures from the very earth below. Tall columns of red flames unleashes from the ground in front of the player.

    === Archer ===
    - All bows have changed model. A magic-wielding hunter who stole Panic Zealot fashioned it into a weapon they could use, bending and contorting the Relik's wings into a shape of a bow while channelling the red Eldritch Energy on two of their ends to form a string. A small tunnel was hollowed through the Panic Zealot's body, starting from the bottom of the handle to the top of the head for the magic within it to be pulled and fired. (Credits to @SpellSpammer for the arrow texture!)
    - Fire Creep: See above.
    - Guardian Angels now call upon Panic Zealot's powers of illusion, just like creating clones of itself during battle it manifests copies of the very weapon the player wields. Panic Zealot bows accompany the player above them.
    - Basaltic Trap now utilizes the anxiety-inducing constructs of Panic Zealot, although with the instability of the twisted and mutilated bow compared to the Relik's finely-crafted form, the magic used for its former purpose appears to behave differently, now gathering up all of its energy before unleashing it all at once at a devastating burst of flares. The player summons Panic Zealot's Snares as traps.

    === Assassin ===
    - All daggers have changed model. A researcher carved an opening on the helmet of Panic Zealot and ignited the already-fierce core within as part of their study on the Relik's nature, causing endless eternal flames of Eldritch energy to constantly spew out of every orifice, the sheer force of the flares tearing through anything in sight.

    === Shaman ===
    - All changes mentioned in V1 of the Panic Zealot Pack.
    - Masks of the Panic Zealot: Some of those who dedicate themselves fully to Panic Zealot perform rituals and rites, crafting ornate masks that match the one who they worship. Infused with the energy they manipulate and harness through said rituals, they provide and empower the wearer with many unnatural abilities. The player can switch between three forms of Panic Zealot helmets to aid them in battle.

    Okay that's all probably if I ever come back to this and allow Panic Fanatics to reach their full potential and let them see the world for what it truly is... expect to encounter terrifying, transformed foes...

    Foes not so Bright and not so Nameless...

    === Credits ===
    @SpellSpammer for the archer arrow texture
    @Selvut283 and @Lex! for creating something too great beyond mortal comprehension to appreciate and conceive at its whole. The inner workings of the Panic Zealot will, to mere Earthling souls, forever and always be a cosmic enigma.

    If you ask me about the name, mask or lower part of the skin I will literally bean you from Wynncraft

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  2. I_have_friend

    I_have_friend Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Holy shit it looks amazing
    starx280 likes this.
  3. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    actually super cool
    starx280 likes this.
  4. SpellSpammer

    SpellSpammer marked should mark the back of an enemy VIP

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    starx280 likes this.
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Quick patch made to account for new models in the latest Festival, if you downloaded the pack before this please get the new one! Minor issues include newer models not having an actual model and instead being a full mess of Xs. Should be fixed with this one, though.
    Mardeknius and starx280 like this.
  6. xct

    xct Perseverance CHAMPION

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    This is so cool. I love the particle reskins and panic spear skin so much!
    starx280 likes this.
  7. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    After noticing the jarring size between the different Panic Zealot items, I have resized and re-molded all of the weapons to have the same-sized Panic Zealot!
    Obviously I had to shorten and thicken some of them so it doesn't look awkward in the player's hand but otherwise everything should look normal!
    Except the Dagger the size of Panic Zealot Dagger rivals the Paladin's Greatsword

    <Anyways re-download the pack if you are using it, it's kind of a significant model change pack-wide>

    Now the Panic Zealot sizes actually make sense! The previous ones were really weird
    It's almost as if Panic Zealot has the capability of shrinking itself to fit on the player's hand!


  8. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    panic zealot mythic box when
    starx280 likes this.
  9. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Late reply but you gave me an excellent idea
    Mardeknius and starx280 like this.
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