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Archer/Hunter 2.0 Freedom Thread (Building Guide and Build Library)

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Aquila, Oct 31, 2022.

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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The thread has been updated for 2.0.3/2.0.4.

    Hey, this thread has been long in the making and well, I hope it’s worth it. I joined Wynncraft on October 31, 2016 and today marks my 6th anniversary. Unfortunately, I am also quitting Wynncraft today so this is essentially my final gift.

    Hey so that was a lie. I ended up returning to Wynncraft after 1 month of hiatus after realizing it was a lot more detrimental for me not to have any sort of fun hobby.

    Skip to the “Freedom Builds” spoiler if you do not care to read my rambles about 1.20.4 and 2.0 or explanations about why I build Freedom the way I do. Those parts are generally written for newer players interested in understanding why/how Freedom is built.

    So let’s start with the bow itself: Freedom


    Freedom is the rainbow mythic for the archer class and sits with a comfortable 994 base dps pre-powder. It has normal attack speed and various quality-of-life stats such as 13/5 mana regen, 30 agility, 20% walk speed, 1300 health, 144 spell damage raw and 144 raw main attack damage. The mana regen and normal attack speed show a pretty heavy indication towards spell-based builds. You will find it very difficult to get any remotely high dps through attack tier + raw stacking.

    Powdering Freedom:
    Freedom has four powder slots and since it is clearly a spell-oriented bow, it is a good idea to powder it either with w6t6t6w6 or f6t6t6f6 for curse and courage respectively. Curse gives a +30% multiplicative damage bonus for 4 seconds against the mob(s) which you hit with the curse arrow and courage gives yourself a +20% multiplicative damage bonus for 4 seconds. Mathematically, Curse is a 1.2x dps multiplier and Courage is a 1.13x dps multiplier. Thunder powders ensure we get the highest base dps possible with w6t6t6w6 powdering resulting in 1087 base dps and f6t6t6f6 powdering resulting in 1091 base dps. Given that we are on archer, curse charges slightly faster than courage because when casting curse, the curse arrow contributes to charging the next curse if it hits an enemy thus theoretically meaning it is better than courage as you have more curse up-time as opposed to courage. In terms of practicality, your own opinion determines whether you think curse or courage is better but for the sake of comparison and consistency in comparing builds, I will be using w6t6t6w6 for a majority of the builds (I also personally use and prefer curse).

    Note that in reality, specific builds will have ids which stack up a lot more in one elemental damage% than the other (for example, if you are using Galleon in a build which gives high water and earth damage%, there are cases where powdering w6e6e6w6 may yield more damage than w6t6t6w6). This can also depend on your in-game item rolls. Note that wynnbuilder assumes max rolls on all your ids.

    You could also powder Freedom with t6t6t6t6 and utilize chain lightning in a build with lifesteal and mana steal if you need the extra health/mana sustain.
    “Rainbow spell spam” (in this context meaning using a rainbow weapon in a spell based build - not to be confused with using an element specific weapon in a rainbow spell build) is notorious for being lacking in build and item diversity. Everyone just uses the same thing - Cumulonimbus, Libra, Vaward, Capricorn, Freedom or some variation of this. Well, I think this conception of “Rainbow spell spam” builds and more specifically, Freedom builds, is very misguided due to a lack of understanding of what the capabilities of rainbow are.
    This was an old conception of Rainbow builds in 1.20.

    What building in rainbow allows you to do is specialize in multiple elements or utilize powerful semi-low requirement pieces with other powerful semi-low req pieces that normally can’t be done in other elemental archetypes. This wasn’t as pronounced in 1.20.4 when intelligence thresholds were locked at specific numbers (68 int, 94 int, 105 int, 129 int, etc.) in order to get specific spell costs. This system alongside the usable items somewhat forced Freedom into this format:

    1.20.4 Freedom Build General Format

    Helmet: Generally the slot that provided a lot of the skill points needed to wear the build. It usually came with other stats such as damage or health sustain.

    Chestplate: Libra. Sometimes Time Rift (Rarer).

    Leggings: Vaward (Common)/Equalizer (Just Me)/Rainbow Sanctuary (Rarer)

    Boots: This was the slot that provided a majority of the mana value to the build.

    Ring Slot 1: It was usually Draoi Fair.

    Ring Slot 2: Miscellaneous

    Bracelet: It was usually Prowess. If not, it was Dragon’s Eye Bracelet (which was a terrible choice over Prowess+Draoi Fair imo but ok).

    Necklace: Miscellaneous

    As such, 1.20.4’s Freedom Relevant Item Pool looked like this:
    (Disclaimer: there might be items missing from here… I am bad)
    Blue Mask
    Far Cosmos
    Time Rift
    Rainbow Sanctuary
    Demon Tide
    Curador Boots
    Silt of the Seafloor
    Electro Mage’s Boots
    Pro Tempore
    Draoi Fair
    Moon Pool Circlet
    Diamond Hydro Ring
    Old Keeper’s Ring
    Black Catalyst
    Dragon’s Eye Bracelet
    Diamond Fusion Necklace
    Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Eyes On All

    In 2.0, this changed in many ways when intelligence was nerfed, spell costs were changed, and mana regen and mana steal ids were generally increased by x6 and x4 respectively. The fact that intelligence no longer had thresholds and spell multipliers went absolutely insane (i.e. arrow storm in 1.20 had a 600% spell multiplier with 1s duration, 2.0.4 Boltslinger arrow storm has a 960% with 0.8s duration or a 1050% spell multiplier with 0.7s duration depending on ability tree) made it so that Freedom building was more about slapping several pieces with medium mana value alongside other stats rather than following a formula and slapping any high mana value boot you wanted.

    This is what I would argue 2.0’s Freedom item pool looks like.
    (You will not see all of these items in the builds I share but these are all the relevant and usable items)
    Darksteel Full Helm
    Phoenix Prince’s Crown
    Gale’s Sight
    Blue Mask
    Future Shock Plating
    Time Rift
    Eleventh Hour
    Far Cosmos
    Equalizer <-----------
    Leictreach Makani
    Rainbow Sanctuary
    Demon Tide
    Curador Boots
    Ventus Tail
    Electro Mage’s Boots
    Silt of the Seafloor
    Wasteland Azalea
    Steamjet Walkers
    Pro Tempore
    Phage Pins
    Corkian Jet Boots
    Draoi Fair
    Diamond Hydro Ring
    Old Keeper’s Ring
    Moon Pool Circlet
    Darksteel Ring
    Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Dragon’s Eye Bracelet
    Remika’s Authority
    Back-Up Plan
    Flashfire Gauntlet
    Diamond Fusion Necklace
    Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Eyes On All
    Renda Langit
    It is advised to read the list of items in the spoilers before this one.
    Mana Value (mv): Refers to the mana an item gives per second, calculated by adding the mana regen, mana steal, and spell cost reductions/additions together.

    Example 1: Equalizer has 8/5 mana regen and 8/3 mana steal. 8/5 = 1.6 mana per second. 8/3 = 2.67 mana per second. 1.6 + 2.67 = 4.27 Mana Value.

    Example 2: Draoi Fair has -4 storm cost reduction. Spell reduction items are tricky because their mana value is dependent on the spell cycle and the rate of which spells are casted. In a storm bomb spell cycle casted at 6 cps (in other words, storm - bomb casted every 1 second). This means that storm is cast once per second and thus, Draoi Fair reduces storm cost by 4 mana every second. Math: (4 mana*1 storm) / 1 second = 4 Mana Value. How about storm storm shield casted at 5.625 cps (in other words, storm - storm - shield casted every 1.6 seconds). This means that storm is cast twice per 1.6 seconds and thus, Draoi Fair saves you 8 mana every 1.6 seconds. Math: (4 mana*2 storms) / 1.6 seconds = 5 Mana Value. Observe how Draoi Fair's mana value changes depending on the spell cycle.

    Example 3: Steamjet Boots has -5 escape cost reduction. In a 6 cps storm bomb cycle, escape is casted zero times per second and so Steamjet Boots has 0 mana value. Math: (5 mana*0 escapes) / 1 second = 0 Mana Value. The point of this example is to show that spell cost reduction items which reduce spells that aren't used in your main damage cycle provide no aid to mana sustain. However, obviously you will escape sometimes during combat or during traveling and so Steamjet's -5 escape cost reduction still has practical use.

    E = Earth
    T = Thunder
    W = Water
    F = Fire
    A = Air

    Str = Strength Skill Points
    Dex = Dexterity Skill Points
    Int = Intelligence Skill Points
    Def = Defense Skill Points
    Agi = Agility Skill Points

    Effective Health Points (ehp): A metric that shows how much damage you can technically take before your health bar goes to 0 using your health points, natural class defense, defense skill points, and agility skill points (as well as any other abilities that may reduce or add mob resistance).

    Health Sustain: Blanket term referring to Heath Regen, Life Steal, and Greed Sustain (if applicable).

    CPS = Clicks Per Second, Refers to clicks on your mouse. Includes both left and right click. This is relevant because each spell is 3 clicks. Arrow Storm = LRL. Escape = LLL. Arrow Bomb = LRR. Arrow Shield = LLR.

    Mana Sustain: Blanket term that refers to mana regen and mana steal. Sometimes refers to the mana regen, mana steal, and spell cost reductions/spell costs of a build.

    Mana Loss: A metric which shows how much mana is lost from your mana bar per second if your build does not have complete mana sustain.

    Mana Gain: A metric which shows how much mana you would be gaining if your mana bar were larger (aka how much mana was wasted) if your build has over complete mana sustain.

    Mana Penalty: This term refers to the +5 mana cost you get after casting a spell repeatedly (mana penalty starts after the second repeated cast of a spell). For example, if you have an Arrow Bomb that costs 10 mana and you cast it five times, the mana costs will look like this: 10, 10, 15, 20, 25.

    Spell Cycle: Refers to the main damage cycle of your build. For example, Storm Bomb at 7.5 cps. We cycle spells instead of casting the same damage spell over and over because casting a different spell resets the mana penalty (refer to the above explanation of "Mana Penalty"). If you have a storm that costs 15 and a bomb that costs 20 and you cast Storm Bomb Storm Bomb Storm Bomb, the mana costs of the spells will look like this: 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20. The mana costs will not increase because you are casting different spells. If you have a spell cycle such as Storm Storm Shield at 5.625 cps, the mana penalty will still apply since you cast the same spell twice but it will reset afterwards. For example, if you have a storm that costs 15 and a shield that costs 20 using the above spell cycle, the mana costs will look like this: 15, 15, 25, 15, 15, 25. Note how the arrow shield costs 5 more mana. That is the mana penalty. Note how the arrow storm only costs 15. That is because the mana penalty is being reset by casting arrow shield. Notably, when referring to the cps of a spell cycle, it usually omits any clicks dedicated to main attacks (it only includes the clicks of the spells).

    Center-Piece: An armor piece which gives high mana value, typically around 10 mv. Examples of this are Dreadnought (fire), Conduit of Spirit (air), Chain Rule (earth), Electro Mage's Boots (thunder), Aquarius (water), Ophiolite (EWFA), Future Shock Plating (TFA). Note the lack of center-pieces specifically designed for Rainbow (ETWFA).

    Quality of Life (QoL): QoL stats refer to other stats that don’t really have a significant or sometimes quantifiable impact in combat. Walkspeed is an example of a QoL stat. Sometimes, this term is used to describe things like excessive health and mana sustain.
    Here is a fun activity, try and create a solid Freedom build while reading this spoiler.
    Use this site: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/#
    Use this site to search items: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/items/

    Freedom in 2.0 is uh… well… it gives you a lot of Freedom to build with *cough*. Seeing all the armor pieces and accessories may be overwhelming so what I like to do is first choose a single item that I want to base my build around. Note that armors like Morph-Stardust, Libra, and Equalizer can’t really be chosen to create a build around. While they are important items for rainbow spell builds, creating a build around these pieces does not actually help in guiding you anywhere.

    Step 1: Choosing the Root (First Defining Item) of the Build
    If you take a peak at the Builds spoiler really quick, you will notice that a lot of my builds are labeled like this: ___ Freedom. The blank space is the item I created the build around. It is the first item I chose for the build and essentially defines what the rest of the build is going to be. We can call this the root of the build.

    Step 2: Creating the Ability Tree
    After choosing your first item, you will probably want to decide on what tree you want to use. Most of the time you can choose whatever tree you want but sometimes the root forces you into a tree. For example, Revenant has high shield cost reduction which forces you into Storm Storm Shield Boltslinger. Slayer has high bomb cost reduction which forces you into anything but Storm Storm Shield Boltslinger. I think you get the pattern. The most important thing about creating the ability tree is understanding which nodes are important for your mana sustain and which nodes you want to make use of in your build. Take note of the locations of all the Cheaper __ Nodes as well as niche mana abilities such as Recycling and Mana Traps.

    Here is a slightly more in-depth look at the ability tree, some specific facts about abilities, and how to look at mana/spell cycles.
    I recommend looking at the spoiler on how to calculate "Mana Value" in the "Dictionary" spoiler before reading this. I will sometimes abbreviate "Mana Value" to mv. It is also important to understand the terms cps, mana penalty, and spell cycle (also found in Dictionary).

    There are three archetypes and thus, three main playstyles: Boltslinger, Trapper, and Sharpshooter. Trapper spell cycles are more loosey goosey so Boltslinger and Sharpshooter will only be covered here.
    Boltslinger is the close-range, high-mobility archetype. Boltslinger is arrow storm-centric with some arrow shield specializations too with various Guardian Angel nodes. Boltslinger's range is defined by arrow storm, which is a random spread of arrows in front of you, thus giving Boltslinger about 2-5 block range.

    Boltslinger's range can be increased using regular arrow shield (thus avoiding all Guardian Angel nodes). Example Tree. When a regular arrow shield is active, it will cast your arrow storm, arrow bomb, and main attack outside the shield's radius. However, if you cast arrow shield twice before expending all the charges of the first shield, your attacks will be cast from your body. If you accidentally cast shield twice, you can reset this by deselecting your weapon or expending all the charges of your arrow shield and then casting shield again. If you are to use an ability tree with regular arrow shield, it is recommended to use a build that uses 5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb or 7.5 cps Storm Bomb as a main damage cycle since you won't be getting any dps from Guardian Angels.

    Explanation of Boltslinger Spell Cycles:
    Now why have I chosen 5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield/Bomb and 7.5 cps Storm Bomb as the main spell cycles for Boltslinger? This once again has to do with Arrow Storm. Boltslinger's Arrow Storm's damage and duration is defined by 3 nodes: Nimble String, Windstorm, and Arrow Hurricane. With all of these upgrades, Arrow Storm has a 0.8s duration. Note that Arrow Storm is not stackable, meaning if you cast a second Arrow Storm while one is still active, it will cancel the first Arrow Storm. Thus, it stands to reason that you should cast an Arrow Storm every 0.8 seconds.

    5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield/Bomb:
    If you cast two storms and then a cycle spell (shield or bomb) over 1.6 seconds, that is 9 clicks over 1.6s: 9/1.6 = 5.625 cps. Now notably, this isn't a "stable" 5.625 cps cycle. 5.625 cps implies that you are clicking every 0.18s (1.6/9=0.18) but since you have to cast an arrow storm every 0.8 seconds, there is down time between the first and second arrow storms where you are not clicking at all. It would be more accurate to describe Storm Storm Shield as a cycle that is casted at an average of 5.625 cps rather than a consistent 5.625 cps. Your cps fluctuates to be lower when casting the first storm and higher when casting the second storm + arrow shield.

    As for raw mana expenditure, arrow storm has a base cost of 35 mana, arrow shield has a base cost of 30 mana, and arrow bomb has a base cost of 45 mana. Due to how the ability tree is formed, it is easy to get cheaper storm I, relatively easy to get cheaper shield I and II, and quite difficult to get cheaper storm II (all of these are a -5 mana reduction to base mana costs). Cheaper Bomb I is very easy to get (-10 mana cost) while cheaper bomb II is relatively annoying to get (-5 mana cost). Most conventional Boltslinger trees will take Cheaper Storm I, and 1-2 Cheaper Shields as well as Cheaper Bomb I. Freedom will typically take both Cheaper Shields. Thus, you have a tree with 30 mana cost storm, 20 mana cost shield, and 35 mana cost bomb (before items). Under the spell cycle, 5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield, this is 30 + 30 + 20 + 5 (mana penalty) mana spent in 1.6s. Thus, this is 53.125 mana spent per second (85/1.6). Under the spell cycle, 5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb, this is 30 + 30 + 35 + 5 (mana penalty) mana spent in 1.6s. Thus, this is 62.5 mana spent per second (100/1.6). If you have Recycling+Shrapnel+Bouncy Bomb, this can be treated roughly as a flat 4.8 mana reduction to bomb spell. (0.08 mana back * 30 shrapnel * 2 = 4.8 mana reduction). Technically, the bomb projectile itself can also miss and thus count as an extra 0.08 mana back (0.16 mana back if also counting bouncy bomb missing) thus amounting to a total of 4.96 mana back... but remember this is if literally everything misses. Note that a "miss" is when bomb does not directly hit a mob, you can still hit bomb's splash damage and get the refund. Anyway, when calculating the spell cycle with this in mind, this is 30 + 30 + 35 + 5 (mana penalty) - 4.8 (Recycling+Shrapnel+Bouncy) mana spent in 1.6s. Thus, this is 59.5 mana spent per second (95.2/1.6).

    7.5 cps Storm Bomb:
    The explanation for this cycle is easier. Storm has a 0.8s duration and Bomb is being utilized as the other damage spell to reset the mana penalty. In order to cast a storm every 0.8 seconds, you must cast storm and bomb over a 0.8s period so that you can cast the next arrow storm 0.8s after the previous storm. Storm Bomb over a 0.8s period is 6 clicks over 0.8s: 6/0.8 = 7.5 cps.

    As stated above, Boltslinger ability trees tend to only get Cheaper Storm I and Cheaper Bomb I as well as Recycling, Shrapnel Bomb, and Bouncy Bomb. This results in a 30 mana cost storm and 35 mana cost bomb (before items) with 4.8 mana refund. Under the spell cycle, 7.5 cps Storm Bomb, this is 30 + 35 - 4.8 (Recycling+Shrapnel+Bouncy) mana spent in 0.8s. Thus, this is 75.25 mana spent per second (60.2/0.8).

    Boltslinger Flight:
    I have not created a video guide of this yet but my channel has loads of videos of me flying.

    Boltslinger can fly using Arrow Storm recoil. This demands that you have Nimble String+Windstorm+Arrow Hurricane and don't have Elusive. Boltslinger can fly with the cycle: Leap Storm Storm Shield/Bomb at roughly 5 average cps. Note the word, "average." You must cast the second arrow storm within the duration of the first arrow storm to gain height. Note that this is different from the conventional idea explained above of casting storms every 0.8s so that you don't cancel the previous one. After gaining height from the two storms, you will start falling and must catch yourself with the next cycle of storms. To initially get off the ground, jump + Storm Storm Shield. You can escape or add extra storms to get off the ground quicker and gain larger height. Escaping to initially get off the ground will mean you will not have it later if you want to escape while midair.

    Arrow Storm Recoil (with all three arrow storm nodes) functions like this: if you aim your cursor straight down and cast a single arrow storm, you will not move vertically. If you cast two arrow storms with the second during the duration of the first, you will move vertically. A single arrow storm does not have the capability of moving you upwards but two arrow storms do. This is because the recoil of a single arrow storm is not strong enough to over come the gravity of Minecraft. However, a single arrow storm does have the capability of moving you upwards if it is paired with any other form of upwards movement: jumping, knockback from getting hit, Escape, or Leap. The most useful of these is leap because you cannot jump in the air, you do not have a reliable way to constantly get hit by mobs while in the air, and you can only escape once before landing on the ground again.

    When you Leap, you cancel all preexisting momentum and give yourself some upwards momentum as well as momentum in the direction you are facing (with exception to facing downwards, like escape). This makes Leap perfect for resetting falling momentum and initiating the next cycle of storms.

    You can hover (stationary vertical position) in the air if you cast a storm facing downwards every 0.8 seconds. This does not require leap. Builds with the ability to use 7.5 cps Storm Bomb Boltslinger are great for hovering but you can also hover on a 5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield build if you cast the cycle normally. Leap can be used to correct your position if you are losing height gradually. If you are in version 1.13+, crouch makes you fall very slightly faster and can be used to micro-correct your position if you are gaining height gradually.

    You can also fly with Nighthawk but at faster cps.

    The Nodes That Compose Boltslinger Arrow Storm:
    As stated before, Boltslinger's Arrow Storm's damage and duration is defined by 3 nodes: Nimble String, Windstorm, and Arrow Hurricane.

    Base Arrow Storm (Arrow Storm without any of the three nodes) is a stream of 8 arrows that deal 40% of your average dps per arrow (we usually just call this "spell multiplier") thus amounting to 320% spell multiplier. An arrow is shot every 0.1s, thus meaning the total duration of Base Arrow Storm is 0.8s.

    Nimble String doubles the speed of Arrow Storm (thus, an arrow is shot every 0.05s) and adds +6 arrows per stream while reducing the spell multiplier of each arrow by 10%. Thus, Base Arrow Storm + Nimble String is 1 stream of 14 arrows that deal 30% each amounting to a 420% spell multiplier shot over a 0.7s duration.

    Windstorm adds a stream of arrows and +2 arrows per stream while reducing the spell multiplier of each arrow by 10%. Thus, Base Arrow Storm + Nimble String + Windstorm is 2 streams of 16 arrows that deal 20% each amounting to a 640% spell multiplier shot over a 0.8s duration (multiple streams are shot at the same time so it is just 16 arrows * 0.05s = 0.8s duration).

    Arrow Hurricane adds 2 more streams of arrows and reduces the spell multiplier of each arrow by 5%. Thus, Base Arrow Storm + Nimble String + Windstorm + Arrow Hurricane is 4 streams of 16 arrows that deal 15% each amounting to a 960% spell multiplier shot over a 0.8s duration.

    Now notably, this isn't actually the best Arrow Storm Boltslinger can have. If you take out Windstorm, you will have Base Arrow Storm + Nimble String + Arrow Hurricane. This turns Arrow Storm into 3 streams of 14 arrows that deal 25% each amounting to a 1050% spell multiplier shot over a 0.7s duration. This even comes with less Arrow Storm Recoil since there is less arrows, although this can be both a good and a bad thing. You cannot fly without Windstorm.

    If you take out Nimble String instead, you will have Base Arrow Storm + Windstorm + Arrow Hurricane which is 4 streams of 10 arrows that deal 25% each amounting to a 1000% spell multiplier shot over a 1s duration. This also results in weaker but more sustained arrow recoil since the arrows are shot out at 0.1s intervals instead of 0.05s.
    Sharpshooter is the medium range, high-damage archetype emphasized by nodes such as Focus, Phantom Ray, Shocking Bomb. Sharpshooter gets damage through cycling Storm and Bomb. Phantom Ray defines Sharpshooter's range as it has 16 block range. Sharpshooter can be played at long range using Twain's Arc (which has 64 block range) but note that Twain's Arc is based off of melee damage ids and Freedom is not a melee bow, thus the option to use Twain's Arc on Freedom builds is very limited.

    Explanation of Sharpshooter Spell Cycles:
    Sharpshooter spell cycles are mostly defined by Phantom Ray. Phantom Ray has a 1.2s duration and if you cast a second Phantom Ray during the duration of the first, it will cancel the first (it is not stackable). Furthermore, the node Decimator increases Phantom Ray damage for every tick Phantom Ray damages a mob and Decimator does not carry across multiple Phantom Rays. Thus, it stands to reason that you would want to cast a Phantom Ray every 1.2s to make the most use out of Decimator. Base Arrow Storm has 35 mana cost and Base Arrow Bomb has 45 mana cost. Practically all Sharpshooter trees will get both Cheaper Storms and Cheaper Bombs (all of these nodes function as a -5 mana reduction with exception to Cheaper Bomb I which is -10 mana reduction). Phantom Ray also reduces Arrow Storm cost by 5. Thus, Sharpshooter trees result in an Arrow Storm with 20 base mana cost and an Arrow Bomb with 30 base mana cost.

    6 cps Storm Bomb:
    In reality, this should be 5 cps Storm Bomb but for the sake of clean numbers, I have made it 6. If you cast Storm Bomb over a 1.2s duration (thus casting a Phantom Ray every 1.2s), this is 6 clicks over 1.2s: 6/1.2 = 5 cps. However, builders tend to build for 6 cps Storm Bomb instead because it is a little more beginner friendly (two spells per second instead of two spells per 1.2 seconds).

    As for raw mana expenditure, this is 20 + 30 mana spent over 1s (before items). Thus, 50 mana spent per second.

    7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb:
    If you cast Storm Bomb Bomb over a 1.2s duration, this is 9 clicks over 1.2s: 9/1.2 = 7.5 cps.

    When thinking of the raw mana expenditure, it is easier to think of the cycle as Bomb Bomb Storm: 30 + 30 + 20 + 5 (mana penalty) mana spent over 1.2s. Thus, 70.83 mana spent per second (85/1.2).

    Step 3: Item Synergies
    Once you have gotten your tree, you will want to look at the elements of your root armor piece. The elemental reqs of your chosen armor piece generally determines and guides you to what other armor pieces you can use.

    There is the generic rainbow synergy of Morph Stardust, Libra, and Equalizer and this admittedly dominates a majority of the Freedom builds you will see. I refer to this synergy as the Rainbow "Template" because it is quite simple and powerful.

    Generic example aside, let's say you chose Dawnbreak as your root. Dawnbreak has relatively high TF reqs and since we are creating a spell build (Freedom is a spell bow), we can make the predominant elemental archetype to be TF or TWF. What I mean by "predominant elemental archetype" is that these are the main elements being emphasized in the rainbow build. Dawnbreak encourages the usage of items like Soulflare (5.33 mana value and 20 sp in WF), Forbearance (1 mv, 156 ls, 10 sp in TW), Ionosphere (5.66 mv, 7 dex, 247 ls), etc. Early 2.0 Dawnbreak Freedom builds featured some of these items but you won't find anything like this in the library. More commonly, you will just find Dawnbreak in the Rainbow Template Freedom build with Succession being the other defining item: Morph Stardust, Libra, Equalizer, Dawnbreak, Draoi Fair, Intensity, Succession, Stellar. Dawnbreak and Succession (Succession has high int req) define the build as predominantly TWF in this case.

    Another example is Ventus Tail. Ventus Tail has relatively low TA reqs and gives TA sp. This makes it much more flexible compared to Dawnbreak which has relatively high TF reqs. Ventus Tail can synergize with many items due to it's low requirements and 16 skill points. It can work in a TA predominant elemental archetype with items like Corsair, Detatchment and Leictreach Makani or Nuance. Alternatively, it can work in a TFA predominant elemental archetype with Future Shock Plating (Future Shock Plating Ventus Tail builds tend to be TWFA predominant due to the inclusion of Succession). It can also work in a normal Template build.

    Some examples are more obvious like Time Rift which features an extreme 120 intelligence requirement. Time Rift synergizes with very few items such as Anamnesis, Condensation, or Resurgence, all of which are high intelligence req items which give varying numbers of intelligence.

    Some synergies are not directly related to elements. Going back to Ventus Tail, the boots have Stealing% id. This means it is able to pair with Old Keeper's Ring which gives the major id, Greed. Greed heals 15% of your health every time you pick up a recently dropped emerald from mobs by either stealing % id or killing them.

    The point of this step is to identify armors and accessories which have some sort of direct synergy with your chosen root item using the elemental stats of that root item. When you find these items, you can then compare and contrast them in wynnbuilder and find what suits you the most. Typically, you will only find one synergizing item for each armor/accessory slot and if this is the case, you will want to compare it to the Rainbow "Template" which is typically: Morph Stardust, Libra, Equalizer, ___, Draoi Fair, Intensity/Ataraxy, Succession, Tenuto/Contrast.

    Step 4: Can You Even Wear The Build?
    If you cannot, look at the rainbow sp slap items: Blue Mask, Morph-Stardust, Libra, Far Cosmos, Equalizer, Vaward, Anxiolytic, Facile, Prism, Summa, Photon Forbearance, Prowess, Remika’s Authority, Back-Up Plan, Discordant, Diamond Fusion Necklace… see which ones you can fit and allows you to wear the build. If you have to get rid of an armor piece, try and replace it with an sp slap piece that does the least damage to the build.

    Step 5: Does your build work?
    1. Sustaining Mana Cycle - Use this Site: https://wynnmana.de.cool/. Low mana loss is acceptable. Generally expect around 5-10 mana loss with builds using Libra and under 5 mana loss for builds using Future Shock Plating (expect higher mana loss for spell cycles with high mana expenditure... generally anything that uses bomb spell I'm going to be real lmao)
    2. Attack Tier Dropped to Super Slow (the attack speed considered optimal for powder charging and mana steal/lifesteal - you can ignore this if you are deliberately building for a different attack speed, ie. Fast Hybrid)
    3. Adequate Health Sustain/Appropriate Ehp/Appropriate Damage? - These can all be eyeballed and gaged by your comfort level. "Adequate Health Sustain" may be lower or higher for different people depending on how much they use health potions, for example.
    If you think your build fits all those criteria, the final step is to get peer advice, either in the class_builds forum (you could straight up just post it in this thread) or in the class builder channel on discord.
    I hold all of my builds to the standard of having loosely sustainable spell cycles (expect some mana loss because trying to build fully sustaining builds is not only impractical but also pointless... I try not to go under 15 mana lost per second) as well as having proper health sustain. You will not see any absurd builds that have no health sustain which is quite common in the Class_Builds Forum, although you may see some builds which stretch the meaning of “justifiable health sustain.”

    Builds with negative remaining skill points left over will need tomes to be worn (other other items which give more sp). I limit myself to -5 Remaining Skill Points left over because there is a guild tome which gives +1 in each skill point. This is the most sp you can get from a guild tome so builds with -5 skill points can still use double mythic weapon tomes.

    Miscellaneous Tags:
    • An asterisk (*) will be put next to the builds I use the most personally.
    • An at-symbol (@) will be put next to the builds that are niche / unconventional (basically there is a lot more going on in the build than meets the eye).
    • A question mark (?) will be put next to the builds I have not played (thus giving you reason to question my commentaries on those builds).
    Good Tags:
    • A dollar sign ($) will be put next to the builds that are cheaper, note the word “cheaper” and not cheap... I'm gonna be real this basically means no mythic boots.
    • A hashtag (#) will be put next to the builds I recommend for casuals.
    • A greater-than symbol (>) will be put next to builds with 80%+ walkspeed (this is the conventional minimum walkspeed used for builds for The Nameless Anomaly Raid. Note that I've practically used all these builds in TNA regardless of the walkspeed).
    Bad Tags:
    • A tilde (~) will be put next to builds that may have difficult-to-use mana sustain (generally anything over 5 mana lost per second... this may be more subjective for Storm Bomb Boltslinger builds and Storm Bomb Bomb Sharpshooter builds).
    • An exclamation point (!) will be put next to the builds that are tome-reliant.
    • Two exclamation points (!!) will be put next to the builds that are tome-reliant and the available gear swaps to make the build wearable without tomes are not great alternatives.
    • Three exclamation points (!!!) will be put next to the builds that exceed -5 skill points (more than one tome needed).
    If you want to see the mana gain/mana loss of a build, use this site.
    Let me know of any errors.

    Builds will be split into multiple categories:
    All of these builds have the main damage cycle Storm - Storm - Shield over a 1.6s duration (5.625 cps) in mind.

    The mana loss for Storm - Storm - Bomb over a 1.6s duration (5.625 cps) will also be listed. I will be counting Shrapnel Bomb + Bouncy Bomb as a flat 4.8 mana cost reduction to bomb: 30 shrapnel * 2 (bouncy bomb releases shrapnel) * 0.08 (recycling mana on miss) = 4.8 mana.

    My Boltslinger tree is fairly controversial because it lacks Elusive, Windy/Stormy Feet, and Frenzy. Thunder and Fire Mastery can be taken out for Windy/Stormy (I do this sometimes). Just know that if you are making your own ability tree to use with these builds, in order to keep the mana loss the same, you must get Cheaper Arrow Storm I, Cheaper Arrow Shield I, and Cheaper Arrow Shield II.

    Mixed Mana Builds:
    Build Link
    Video Footage
    Note: Switch Stellar with Diamond Fusion Necklace and dump the remaining skill points into Intelligence if you lack tomes for +5 skill points. Tenuto and Abrasion are also options for the necklace slot.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 9.27 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 12.99 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I recommend Template Dawnbreak Freedom or Template Curador Boots Freedom over Template Stardew Freedom due to both being cheaper and both providing more survivability with similar damage... at least with Dawnbreak.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 7.87 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 11.04 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I call this build the "sound barrier" because it is difficult to build higher damage with similar mana and health sustain.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 6.59 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 9.84 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: There are 39 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping it all into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that but you can also dump into other things if you want. I recommend using Curador Boots over Epilogue or Capricorn if you're able to get your hands on a good one. I also recommend the build underneath this one (Future Shock Plating Curador Boots Freedom) for a more comfortable experience in regards to mana sustain.

    Mana Loss With 99 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 7.14 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 99 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 9.77 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 12.94 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 16.66 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Facile if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build above (Template Curador Boots Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 3.29 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.01 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 12.8 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: There are 39 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping it all into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that but you can also dump into other things if you want. I also recommend the build underneath this one (Future Shock Plating Ventus Tail Freedom) for a more comfortable experience in regards to mana sustain.

    The main power of this build is how it can switch it's second ring slot between Intensity and Old Keeper's Ring depending on circumstance and need. Old Keeper's Ring gives the Major ID: Greed, which lets you heal 15% of your health bar for picking up emeralds recently dropped by mobs either by Stealing % id or from killing them. It is a super powerful healing tool that is very useful against swarms.

    Mana Loss With 99 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 7.14 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 99 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 9.77 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 12.94 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 16.66 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Facile if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build above (Template Ventus Tail Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Tome issue aside, the main power of this build is how it can switch it's second ring slot between Intensity and Old Keeper's Ring depending on circumstance and need. Old Keeper's Ring gives the Major ID: Greed, which lets you heal 15% of your health bar for picking up emeralds recently dropped by mobs either by Stealing % id or from killing them. It is a super powerful healing tool that is very useful against swarms.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 3.29 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.01 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 12.8 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: There are 13 extra skill points.

    Mana Loss With 90 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 6.77 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 90 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 9.62 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 77 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 8.62 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 77 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 11.82 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Video Footage - Uses old pre-2.0.3 ability tree.
    Note: This build uses a specific ability tree that can't really be changed. The point of the tree is to make bomb spell more useful and provide lots of mana back (Recycling + Bouncy Bomb + Shrapnel + Mana Traps + More Traps) when it is casted by Pandemonium's Major ID. The main damage cycle is still Storm Storm Shield at 5.625 cps.

    Pandemonium has the Major ID, Madness, which casts a random attack every 3 seconds. This can be one of your four spells or a main attack. Pandemonium cannot actually recast escape or shield so it is a 1/5 chance to cast storm, 1/5 chance to cast bomb, 1/5 chance to cast main attack, and 2/5 chance to cast nothing. Main attacks casted by Pandemonium do not charge powder specials, or proc mana steal and life steal.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 9.56 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 15.6 Mana / Sec
    Non-Mixed Mana (Mana Regen Dominant) Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: There are 33 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping it all into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that but you can also dump into other things if you want.

    Mana Loss With 93 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 8.24 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 93 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 11.01 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 13.27 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 16.99 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: There are 40 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping most of it into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that. Find the proper skill point distribution for you.

    Mana Loss With 100 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 5.36 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 100 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.96 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 11.27 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 14.99 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: There are 43 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping most of it into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that. Find the proper skill point distribution for you.

    Mana Loss With 103 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 9.46 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 103 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 11.99 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 15.74 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 19.46 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Swap Photon for Summa or Facile if you lack a tome.

    Alternatively, switch Tenuto for Diamond Fusion Necklace and Photon for Intensity (if you want more damage) if you do not intend to use main attack at all (Tenuto's purpose is tier drop). You will also have better mana sustain if you dump the remaining 10 skill points into intelligence.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 4.49 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 8.21 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Swap Photon for Summa or Facile if you lack a tome. This will cause the walkspeed to be under 80% but it shouldn't matter too much if you take frenzy in your tree.

    Alternatively, switch Tenuto for Diamond Fusion Necklace and Photon for Intensity (if you want more damage) if you do not intend to use main attack at all (Tenuto's purpose is tier drop). You will also have better mana sustain if you dump the remaining 10 skill points into intelligence.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 5.02 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 8.74 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: There are 15 extra skill points. Personally, I like to dump it into defense so I can dual wield Ignis which has 105 defense req. You can do whatever you want with the sp.

    Use Cumulonimbus instead of Darksteel Full Helm if you want more walkspeed and damage and do not intend to use main attack at all. Darksteel Full Helm's purpose is tier drop.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 5.44 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 8.28 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 20.80 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: Time Rift has the major id, Sorcery, which has a 30% chance of recasting spells and main attacks at no extra mana cost. Recasted main attacks do not charge powder specials, mana steal or lifesteal. Time Rift cannot recast Escape, Arrow Shield, or Powder Specials. Time Rift can be treated as a 1.3x dps multiplier with some caveats.

    The build has Slow Attack Speed instead of the conventional Super Slow Attack Speed.

    This is an old 1.20 build originally made as the non-crafted version of a triple crafted Time Rift Freedom build I had made. It was powerful in 2.0 back when Arrow Shield could be recasted by Time Rift and Guardian Angels could be stacked.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Shield): 9.85 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 12.04 Mana / Sec

    Add 0.33 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    All of these builds have the main damage cycle Storm - Bomb over a 0.8s duration (7.5 cps) in mind. I will be counting Shrapnel Bomb + Bouncy Bomb as a flat 4.8 mana cost reduction to bomb: 30 shrapnel * 2 (bouncy bomb releases shrapnel) * 0.08 (recycling mana on miss) = 4.8 mana.

    The mana loss/gain for Storm - Storm - Bomb over a 1.6s duration (5.625 cps) will also be listed. You can switch to this cycle when low on mana.

    I like to use a tree that takes regular arrow shield instead of Guardian Angels when using Storm Bomb Boltslinger. This is because keeping a regular shield active will cause arrow storm, arrow bomb, and main attacks to cast outside the shield radius, thus giving you more range. This only works if you cast shield once. If you cast shield more than once without expending all the shield charges, spells will cast from your body again. If you want to use your own tree, make sure to get at least Cheaper Arrow Bomb I, Cheaper Arrow Storm I, Bouncy Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, and Recycling to keep the mana loss the same.

    Mixed Mana Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Photon or Summa if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build below (Cumulonimbus Future Shock Plating Curador Boots Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.01 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 12.8 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Ataraxy may be hard to find (you need one with exactly 5/3 mana steal, +5% bomb cost, and -3 attack tiers for Super Slow Attack Speed) so a cheaper alternative is Agave (find one with -3 or -4 attack tiers).

    Photon can be swapped for Draoi Fair and Dragon's Eye Bracelet can be swapped for Succession (these swaps have to be done together) for more mana sustain and health regen at the cost of 10% walkspeed, thus putting the build at 78% walkspeed (2% under 80%). If you have a tree which takes Frenzy, this should not matter.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 5.89 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 8.66 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Photon or Summa if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build below (Future Shock Plating Ventus Tail Dragon's Eye Bracelet Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.01 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 12.8 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Ataraxy may be hard to find (you need one with exactly 5/3 mana steal, +5% bomb cost, and -3 attack tiers for Super Slow Attack Speed) so a cheaper alternative is Agave (find one with -3 or -4 attack tiers).

    Photon can be swapped for Stratus for slightly more walkspeed and mana sustain at the cost of requiring a tome, and putting more reliance on mana-steal.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 7.78 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 11.87 Mana / Sec
    Non-Mixed Mana (Mana Regen Dominant) Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: Use Cumulonimbus instead of Darksteel Full Helm if you want more walkspeed and damage and do not intend to use main attack at all. Darksteel Full Helm's purpose is tier drop.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 8.21 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 14.63 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: Photon can be swapped for Summa if you lack tomes for the -5 sp. Alternatively, Facile can be swapped for Prism if you lack tomes.

    Facile can be swapped for Summa if you want more mana sustain.

    Use Cumulonimbus instead of Darksteel Full Helm if you want more walkspeed and damage and do not intend to use main attack at all. Darksteel Full Helm's purpose is tier drop.

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 8.28 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 10.15 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Intensity for Photon or Summa if you lack tomes for the -4 skill points. Aquamarine can be swapped for Capsid Frame for more mana sustain and health sustain at the cost of 7.2k ehp and marginally less damage (this swap will leave the build with -1 skill points instead which still requires a tome).

    Mana Loss (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 5.08 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 12.60 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (With Capsid Frame 5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 3.68 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (With Capsid Frame 7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 11.20 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Video Footage
    Note: Switch Intensity for Photon or Summa if you lack tomes for the -5 skill points. I would recommend the build above this for more casual play. The main advantage this build has over Aquamarine Resurgence Freedom is mana sustain and the ability to dual wield Spring.

    Mana Gain (5.625 cps Storm Storm Bomb): 0.54 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 5.06 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Nighthawk Builds (Mixed Mana):
    Nighthawk builds have the main damage cycle Storm - Bomb over a 0.67s duration (9 cps) in mind. I will be counting Shrapnel Bomb + Bouncy Bomb as a flat 4.8 mana cost reduction to bomb: 30 shrapnel * 2 (bouncy bomb releases shrapnel) * 0.08 (recycling mana on miss) = 4.8 mana.

    Nighthawk has the Major ID: Hawkeye, which turns Arrow Storm into a condensed non-random stream of 5 bundles of arrows. Basically, it condenses Arrow Storm and makes it shoot out faster with less recoil resulting in roughly 24 block range (as opposed to roughly 2-5 on normal Boltslinger) but it cuts the damage of Arrow Storm in half.

    I use a tree which uses Double Shots (I would take Power Shots but I need Double Shots to meet Boltslinger Req on Arrow Hurricane. You can use your own ability tree but make sure to get at least Cheaper Arrow Bomb I, Cheaper Arrow Storm I, Bouncy Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, and Recycling to keep the mana loss the same.
    Build Link
    Note: This build has Slow Attack Speed. Slow Attack Speed is actually fine and technically optimal for Nighthawk builds because Slow Attack Speed is an attack every 0.67 seconds and 9 cps Storm Bomb is a cycle every 0.67 seconds. Thus, you can do Storm Bomb Melee at 10.5 cps to cast Storm Bomb at 9 cps.

    Succession can be swapped for Atlas or Diamond Hydro Ring can be swapped with Agave for Super Slow Attack Speed (do not do both swaps, just choose one).

    Mana Loss: 10.26 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (With Atlas): 11.19 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (With Agave): 13.86 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: This is the only time I will showcase Crafted usage in this thread. I like to use Condensation as a Boots swap when I do not want to waste durability on the Crafted Boots. Evidently, this makes the mana sustain much worse and also changes the attack speed from Super Slow to Slow. Refer to the (Nighthawk) Condensation Freedom spoiler above to see why Slow Attack Speed is fine for Nighthawk builds.

    Frankly, I would just recommend using (Nighthawk) Condensation Freedom if you are interested in trying out Nighthawk because it is much cheaper. The Crafted Boots require tier 3 dernic materials because of the ingredient, Portal Rift. Dernic mats are very expensive since they do not drop from raids and are time consuming to gather.

    The advantage of this build over Condensation Freedom is that it has Super Slow Attack Speed instead of Slow Attack Speed and thus is easier to play with.

    Mana Loss: 7.44 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I would personally recommend powdering Freedom with t6t6t6t6 instead of w6t6t6w6 because Chain Lightning procs lifesteal and mana steal and you are going to need all the mana you can get with this build.

    (Nighthawk) Galleon Freedom has the capability to switch to a normal 7.5 cps Storm Bomb Boltslinger build in instances where more AoE is preferred or the combat space is small. Nighthawk can be switched for Aquamarine or Pisces. The swap will result in a build with Very Slow Attack Speed which is manageable with some practice.

    Another swap which can be made is to switch Moon Pool Circlet for Old Keeper's Ring for scenarios where great healing is needed. Old Keeper's Ring gives the Major ID: Greed, which lets you heal 15% of your health bar for picking up emeralds recently dropped by mobs either by Stealing % id or from killing them. It is a super powerful healing tool that is very useful against swarms.

    Mana Loss (With Nighthawk and Moon Pool Circlet 9 cps Storm Bomb): 15.29 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (With Aquamarine and Old Keeper's Ring 7.5 cps Storm Bomb): 10.05 Mana / Sec
    All of these builds have the main damage cycle Storm - Bomb over a 1s duration (6 cps) in mind.

    If you want to use your own Sharpshooter ability tree, I recommend getting all cheaper arrow storm and cheaper arrow bomb nodes so that the mana loss stays the same.
    For The Nameless Anomaly, Sharpshooter can rely on Rocket Jump if the build doesn't have 80%+ walkspeed to kite Greg. Escaping ocassionally is also an option.

    Mixed Mana Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Stellar with Diamond Fusion Necklace and dump the remaining skill points into Intelligence if you lack tomes for +5 skill points.

    Mana Loss: 7.14 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I recommend Template Dawnbreak Freedom over this build due do damage being similar while Dawnbreak providing extra lifesteal and Stellar providing more walkspeed.

    Mana Loss: 5.75 Mana / Sec
    Build Link

    Mana Loss: 4.46 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I recommend dumping the 39 extra sp into intelligence.

    Mana Loss With 99 Int: 5.02 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int: 10.81 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Facile if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build above (Template Curador Boots Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 0.41 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 14.18 Mana / Sec
    Build Link

    Note: I recommend dumping the 39 extra sp into intelligence.

    The main power of this build is how it can switch it's second ring slot between Intensity and Old Keeper's Ring depending on circumstance and need. Old Keeper's Ring gives the Major ID: Greed, which lets you heal 15% of your health bar for picking up emeralds recently dropped by mobs either by Stealing % id or from killing them. Greed is powerful but it has some problems on Sharpshooter which has to walk towards emeralds to heal compared to Boltslinger which picks up emeralds immediately while killing mobs.

    Mana Loss With 99 Int: 5.02 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int: 10.81 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Switch Succession to Misalignment or Intensity to Facile if you lack tomes. I would recommend using the build above (Template Ventus Tail Freedom) if you do not have tomes.

    Tome issue aside, the main power of this build is how it can switch it's second ring slot between Intensity and Old Keeper's Ring depending on circumstance and need. Old Keeper's Ring gives the Major ID: Greed, which lets you heal 15% of your health bar for picking up emeralds recently dropped by mobs either by Stealing % id or from killing them. Greed is powerful but it has some problems on Sharpshooter which has to walk towards emeralds to heal compared to Boltslinger which picks up emeralds immediately while killing mobs.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 0.41 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 14.18 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I recommend dumping the 13 extra sp into intelligence.

    Mana Loss With 90 Int: 4.65 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 77 Int: 6.50 Mana / Sec
    Non-Mixed Mana (Mana Regen Dominant) Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: I recommend dumping the 33 extra sp into intelligence.

    Mana Loss With 93 Int: 6.11 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int: 11.14 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: I dumped the 18 extra sp into intelligence. Succession can be changed for Diamond Hydro Bracelet as a cheaper alternative with more mana sustain, although note that this loses health sustain and makes the mana sustain more mixed instead of mana regen dominant.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 3.86 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 15.875 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: There are 43 extra skill points. I would recommend dumping most of it into intelligence since the build kinda has abyssmal mana sustain without doing that. Find the proper skill point distribution for you.

    Mana Loss With 103 Int: 7.33 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss With 60 Int: 13.61 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Swap Photon for Summa or Facile if you lack a tome.

    Alternatively, switch Tenuto for Diamond Fusion Necklace and Photon for Intensity (if you want more damage) if you do not intend to use main attack at all (Tenuto's purpose is tier drop). You will also have better mana sustain if you dump the remaining 10 skill points into intelligence.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 1.61 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 15.38 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Swap Photon for Summa or Facile if you lack a tome. This will cause the walkspeed to be under 80% but it shouldn't matter too much if you take frenzy in your tree.

    Alternatively, switch Tenuto for Diamond Fusion Necklace and Photon for Intensity (if you want more damage) if you do not intend to use main attack at all (Tenuto's purpose is tier drop). You will also have better mana sustain if you dump the remaining 10 skill points into intelligence.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 2.14 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 15.92 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: There are 15 extra skill points. Personally, I like to dump it into defense so I can dual wield Ignis which has 105 defense req. You can do whatever you want with the sp.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 3.31 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 18.54 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    Build Link
    Note: Make sure your Agave has -3 or -4 tiers for Super Slow Attack Speed. Ataraxy is technically more optimal than Agave but it is also a lot harder to get as you need one with good mana steal, -3 attack tiers, and only +5% bomb cost. Consequently, this also makes the build rely a bit more on mana steal.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 4.6 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 16.16 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.
    All of these builds have the main damage cycle Storm - Bomb - Bomb over a 1.2s duration (7.5 cps) in mind. Note that while the mana loss of these builds may appear awful, you can always transition to a storm - bomb cycle over a 1-1.2s duration (5-6 cps) when low on mana.

    If you want to use your own Sharpshooter ability tree, I recommend getting all cheaper arrow storm and cheaper arrow bomb nodes so that the mana loss stays the same.
    For The Nameless Anomaly, Sharpshooter can rely on Rocket Jump if the build doesn't have 80%+ walkspeed to kite Greg. Escaping ocassionally is also an option.

    Mixed Mana Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: Ataraxy may be hard to find (you need one with exactly 5/3 mana steal, +5% bomb cost, and -3 attack tiers for Super Slow Attack Speed) so a cheaper alternative is Agave (find one with -3 or -4 attack tiers).

    Photon can be swapped for Stratus for slightly more walkspeed and mana sustain at the cost of requiring a tome, and putting more reliance on mana-steal.

    Mana Gain (6 cps Storm Bomb): 1.34 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 9.74 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Ataraxy may be hard to find (you need one with exactly 5/3 mana steal, +5% bomb cost, and -3 attack tiers for Super Slow Attack Speed) so a cheaper alternative is Agave (find one with -3 or -4 attack tiers).

    Photon can be swapped for Stratus for slightly more walkspeed and mana sustain at the cost of putting more reliance on mana-steal.

    Mana Gain (6 cps Storm Bomb): 2.71 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 7.35 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: Photon can be swapped for Stratus for slightly more walkspeed and mana sustain at the cost of making the mana sustain more mana steal reliant.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 0.72 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 10.93 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: I dumped the remaining sp into intelligence.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 1.22 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 10.23 Mana / Sec
    Build Link
    Note: The ability tree is a little different and specific to this build. Double Shots is taken instead of Power Shots and Homing Shots is taken instead of Ivyroot Mamba.

    This is the Sharpshooter build I use the most. This is an unconventional "fast-hybrid" build meaning that the attack speed is Fast instead of Super Slow. Fast attack speed is actually technically optimal for Sharpshooter (and also Boltslinger) because it is an attack every 0.4s. Phantom Ray has a 1.2s duration and the 7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb cycle means that you cast the 3 spells every 1.2s. Thus, with Fast attack speed you can do: Storm Melee Bomb Melee Bomb Melee.

    Fast attack speed does line up weirdly with 6 cps Storm Bomb but you can just do this cycle over two seconds: Storm Melee Bomb Melee Melee Storm Melee Bomb Melee

    This build can be made more casual friendly by swapping Succession to Atlas which brings the attack speed from Fast to Super Slow.

    Alternatively, you could ignore mana-steal and play without using main attack on this build but I highly advise against that.

    Stratus can be swapped for Summa if you lack a tome for the -2 skill points.

    Mana Loss (6 cps Storm Bomb): 1.70 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 12.88 Mana / Sec
    Non-Mixed Mana (Mana Regen Dominant) Builds:
    Build Link
    Note: Photon can be swapped for Summa if you lack tomes for the -5 sp. Alternatively, Facile can be swapped for Prism if you lack tomes.

    Facile can be swapped for Summa if you want more mana sustain.

    Use Cumulonimbus instead of Darksteel Full Helm if you want more walkspeed and damage and do not intend to use main attack at all. Darksteel Full Helm's purpose is tier drop.

    Mana Gain (6 cps Storm Bomb): 2.17 Mana / Sec
    Mana Loss (7.5 cps Storm Bomb Bomb): 7.07 Mana / Sec

    Add 2.67 Mana / Sec to the Mana Loss to see the Mana Loss Without Mana-Steal.

    Honestly I don't like spell trapper. Maybe one day this will have some builds. If you were looking for a spell trapper build, take one of the builds out of Sharpshooter (Storm Bomb) and use a trapper tree. I would recommend using a build with over 80% walkspeed if you are to use it in The Nameless Anomaly because Trapper ironically cannot make use of Rocket Jump very well for kiting due to Bouncy Bomb.
    All of these builds will have some sort of Spell - Melee "Hybrid" aspect. This is different from regular spell builds which may have tier drop or a specified attack speed to make use of main attacks.

    Build Link
    Video Footage - This is with a pre 2.0.3 ability tree.
    Note: The build requires three skill point tomes. The build is also more of a joke than a serious build but it turns out to work great as an anti-TNA-pfinder build (it can work with any party composition and safely win assuming the party can get to the boss). Chain Lightning is great for extra AoE which Heavy Melee likes. The point of the ability tree is to give Twain's Arc builds something different than Crepuscular Ray and Minefield works decently as an alternative. You play this build by first setting up a Minefield, and then transitioning to using Twain's Arc. For some combat, such as Void Matter Defense (TNA), you can ignore the Twain's Arc aspect and simply play Trapper with strong Chain Lightnings.

    Of course, you could also just use a normal Heavy Melee Twain's Arc build with this tree instead of using Freedom which isn't a Heavy Melee oriented bow. Look at Plague builds for proper Heavy Melee stuff.

    And that is the whole thread! This thread will be updated as things happen as long as I have some interest in Wynncraft.
    Edits Log
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Now nobody can complain about not having a freedom build
    Mardeknius, FelixTape, Melkor and 3 others like this.
  3. Duckyfarms

    Duckyfarms Well-Known Adventurer

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    sad to see a freedom user go. gl in college
    FelixTape, Melkor and Aquila like this.
  4. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    o7 freedum soldier
    u inspired me to try and solo deaht at level 40 with etw archer(i mean its still ongoing so u know how that went)
    Aquila likes this.
  5. ster

    ster Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    freedom fell off.. yb ontop
  6. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    This is everything that I'll ever need for my Freedom. I've watched almost every freedom run videos you've posted and I love it all. Thank you my fellow Freedom enjoyer. I wish you a great life and I hope maybe you can return back someday.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
    Aquila likes this.
  7. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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    if this gets ??? likes (@Namakobushi decides) i will make a freedom build generator
    AlanGreyson and TinyCookieJar like this.
  8. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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    i will attempt to make it during study hall tmrw
  9. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    b-but i don't have a freedom
  10. enderchen2580

    enderchen2580 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I just bought a freedom today, freedom is such a newbie friendly mythic. Easy to build, decent damage and ehp, and the price is also not too expensive(when compared to other mythic bows).

    Btw I think time rift have such a cool major ID, is there a time rift build for freedom?
    AlanGreyson and RenZenthio like this.
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I was notified that hppeng builder got updated and it appears the tree of your build completely disappeared. Could you update the tree please?

    Eh Time Rift Freedom runs into the problem of failing to have sufficient mana sustain. If you attempt to build mana sustain, you will run into the problem of lacking health sustain, lacking ehp, lacking damage (which then brings into question the point of using Time Rift at all), or multiple of these problems at once.

    Using my standard Boltslinger tree, this build would probably be good:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sparkweaver
    > Time Rift
    > Equalizer
    > Resurgence
    > Draoi Fair
    > Facile
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    A cheap iteration would be something like this:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sparkweaver
    > Time Rift
    > Equalizer
    > Curador Boots
    > Draoi Fair
    > Ataraxy
    > Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    Note the inflated stats with tomes.
    Both have mana loss under 5 mana per second. Namakobushi's builds have significantly worse mana sustain but are better in damage per spell.
    Namakobushi and enderchen2580 like this.
  12. enderchen2580

    enderchen2580 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Soulflare
    > Rainbow Sanctuary
    > Capricorn
    > Summa
    > Draoi Fair
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Freedom [f6t6t6f6]
    (need a cosmic tome or 2 other tomes)

    I also want to contribue to the thread, so here is my tanky(49.2k ehp) boltslinger build for tna (I use windy+stromy feet instead of air mastery+cheaper storm to not get killed by watched).
    the webside said (https://wynnmana.de.cool/) in a 3cps storm storm shield cycle, mana loss is -1.62 sec, I don't really sure though.
    can switch Summa to Facile for more hpr and damage, mana loss will be fine since most tna buff give mana sustain.
    (I am not that good at making builds, so any way to improve this build is welcome)

    11/6 Edit: I just find another build with similar ehp, better damage/mana sustain, and doesn't need any tome(health sustain is a bit worse though)
    Intensity is so good at making freedom deal damage
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Soulflare
    > Vaward
    > Capricorn
    > Draoi Fair
    > Intensity
    > Remikas' Authority
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Freedom [f6t6t6f6]
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I must say that I am a little skeptical to accept this build to the tree. While I understand that you stated a storm escape cycle, something that I didn't really go over in the thread is where storm escape is generally acceptable. We accept storm escape on boltslinger because of escape's cheaper base cost (which allows for building in other stats rather than mana if a storm bomb cycle were used), boltslinger's lack of cheaper storm upgrades (limited access to cheaper storm 2 and no access to phantom ray), and because escape gets fierce stomp + geyser stomp and escape artist which yields damage that is somewhat lower than refined gunpowder, shrapanel bomb arrow but allows for the tree to obtain panoptes which somewhat makes up for the lower damage. Boltslinger also gets frenzy, windy + stormy feet (I don't personally take it on bolt but it's there), and leap + better leap. All of these help with counteracting the backwards movement you get from escape spell if you happen to fail to flat escape or properly time a leap momentum cancel.

    Storm escape is much more questionable on sharpshooter where you do not get any of the aforementioned abilities to counteract escape's backwards velocity, escape deals no damage but taking fierce stomp and escape artist would result in killing focus (and also creating a tree like that is just not feasible), and sharpshooter has access to all the storm cost reductions which heavily favors building in storm bomb. There is also the practicality of using a storm escape sharpshooter build as compared to a storm escape bolt build. Once again, the aforementioned abilities make storm escape much more practical to use on boltslinger. You must also consider that escape's backwards momentum makes it very difficult to properly shoot the next phantom ray given phantom ray's 16 block range. If assessing your build under the sharpshooter standard 6 cps storm bomb, the mana loss is quite huge.

    I'm mentioning this last since this build was posted before the change happened but an ID roll change happened regarding spell reduction ids (both raw and %) and so Anxio's max raw spell rolls are now 4 each instead of 2, thus making this build (and also a few of my builds) impractical. The obvious change would be to go to Equalizer I guess.

    Ah I haven't actually used the mana site before and am unaware of what it is capable of doing. It is correct in stating that this build can sustain 3 cps storm storm shield with a mana loss of -1.62 seconds but note that when I referred to using a storm storm shield cycle, I meant 3 cps in the first second and 6 cps in the second second (I believe I attempt to explain that somewhere in the build library spoiler). Basically, you only cast storm in the first second and then both storm and shield in the second second, thus meaning the build goes from 3 cps to 6 cps. The mana loss actually goes to -12.13 mana per second but I still may consider adding it since 3 cps storm storm shield is still playable, just not as effective as 3-6 cps storm storm shield. I would have to add a new spoiler or disclaimer about it so I'm still on the fence.
  14. enderchen2580

    enderchen2580 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sorry for my misunderstood about the meaning of the 3-6 storm storm shield cycle. I am not good with building anyway, just thought Rainbow Sanctuary is cool and try to make it work (then found out that Intensity is just way better).
    And this update really killed Anxiolytic now it only gain 2.2 mana/sec with 6cps storm escape even with perfect roll, make it basicly become a free Vaward (with strict sp requirment). Hope these +cost item can get buff in the future.
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Yeah I still have no idea whether I am going to put these in the library. It’s very common for people to not care about the mana sustain of the build if they see that the spells either cost low mana or the mana regen looks high. I’m considering putting a subsection in the library with the submissions of others that do not meet the mana requirement I set to a significant degree.
  16. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    you, my friend, are a connoisseur
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Guys, new Rainbow Bracelet! It’s great, outdates a couple of my current builds in the library.
    I made a Custom Item for it so builds can be made for it before it gets added to the api.
    Some Stardew example builds (both builds have roughly 4.5 mana loss).
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Ionosphere
    > Libra
    > Equalizer
    > Stardew
    > Draoi Fair
    > Intensity
    > Succession
    > Tenuto
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    Outdates 50k Phantom Stardew Freedom

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cumulonimbus
    > Libra
    > Equalizer
    > Stardew
    > Draoi Fair
    > Ataraxy
    > Succession
    > Contrast
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    Competes with Stable Stardew Freedom (better mana sustain, better ws, better damage). Outdates 50k Phantom Stardew Freedom

    Succession is like the middle man of Atlas and Diamond Hydro Bracelet. Atlas has 1.67 mv, 170ish ls, and tier drop. Succession has 2.6 mv, 130 hpr, 85 raw (7.82% spell damage on wttw powdering). Diamond Hydro Bracelet has 4 mv, 7 int, 8% spell, 12% water damage (but you have to deal with 100 int req).
    Namakobushi likes this.
  18. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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  19. enderchen2580

    enderchen2580 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Libra
    > Vaward
    > Capricorn
    > Draoi Fair
    > CR-19i9S9i9S9c9c9W91
    > Succession
    > Contrast
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    I tried to make another build with Succession and 1 crafted ring. Which have decent EHP(over 44000 without tome) and damage, 5.03 mana loss/sec(when using 3-6 cps storm storm shield cycle), and not bad health sustain(I personly use 2 everlasting tome to get a little more regan). Most inportantly, most of its sustain come from regan, which means it is very friendly for beginner, and normal attack speed won't matter that much.

    Most PVP build are used in hunted mode, and should use only untradeable or mythic gear, or you will lose your item when killed.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  20. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Nope, I’m more looking for a build for dueling
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