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SPOILER Is Tasim going to be in Fruma AND what I think will happen

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by imperathor02, Nov 21, 2022.

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  1. imperathor02

    imperathor02 SINGU user and Gaia enjoyer CHAMPION

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    While I always thought that Fruma woulnd't be an end game zone it appears I was wrong but this only gives more points to meeting Tasim at the gates of Fruma.

    Because it would be a great parallel to Aledar, they are both the first humans we meet in our adventure, we meet Aledar in one of the last quests that introduce an end game zone and we know that both Tasim and Aledar could survive without the player and actually become really powerful, as the last AHC stage shows us.

    So why should we meet Tasim?
    Well in the tutorial we see Tasim wielding a spear, and in AHC we see him as a full tank that when he enters in stage 2 he becomes an even more powerful being, and I believe that Tasim is a sort of paladin (not the archetype but more like the stereotipical class).

    If we believe that indeed he is a paladin he would surely want to help the poor and weak, and what place needs more help than Fruma?

    Some people might think he died in his adventure, but I think that to be unlikely, otherwise we wound't be able to fight him in AHC (if he died alone in our timeline then why did he survive in another one?).

    Now that's why I believe we are going to meet Tasim in Fruma. But I thought a bit futher, although from now on things won't have more proof backing them up, it's more like what I would like to see.

    So why would the player go to Fruma?

    I think that the quests that introduce us to Fruma could go in 2 ways, either Fruma attacks Corkus in order to retake what is rightfully their land, or we (helping Tasim) go pass the gate with brute force.

    I like to believe Fruma will attack Corkus and will be faced with a strong resistance, in the midst of chaos and battle we will meet Tasim; who will later be the one leading an attack to take revenge on Frumans.

    Of course there is always the chance that we get invited back by the royalty, after all the player does get popular around the world as Chef Hamsey tells us in Recipe For Disaster. Perphaps the royalty of Fruma might want to recruit us in their court, but I prefer to think we will enter Fruma by force.

    Inside the province we will get to know more about Tasim and possibly Aledar. We might have a special interaction with Tasim if we did AJF or not (we could talk about if fruma will come before or after AJB, i think it will happen before). Perphaps we will find the players house and village, although I think the player isn't an actual human, but that's probably another theory for another time.

    Of course we will see the destruction the tyranny has been doing to the province and why they are sending some soldiers into The Corruption War. Some SD will be about the royal family, and all of this will end with the final quests where we will have to see Tasim die (just like Aledar in AJF), he might die because he get reckless and gets killed or perphaps he gets hypnotized and we have to put an end to him, leading us to face the royalty in what's likely to be a raid.

    That's what i think is going to hapend in Fruma, let me know what you guys think and if perphaps I missed some crucial details that might change the entire province as we know it.

    Also I would like to say thanks to Calluum and Lamdakis for wasting a couple of their hours listening to me while I wrote this.
    Hansel, starx280, ThedumbOX and 5 others like this.
  2. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I always kinda assumed he went with the traditional guard path and kinda just stands outside some city all day but if he was in the trailer then I guess that makes sense
    japhes and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  4. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    The whole point of an alternate timeline is that something that happened or didn't happen in this one happened or didn't happen in that one.

    After all, you fight Aladar too. Someone who we know for a fact is 100% dead. All the alternate timeline would have to do is have Aladar and Tasim make it through SE and sacrifice the "player" or sacrifice Ephelba.

    We literally pick up Tasim's head in AJB. I don't think this is possible.
  5. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    Not Tasim's head, Lucio's head. Tasim isn't in AJB. IIRC, we never hear about Tasim again after the tutorial.
    Gogeta, Deusphage, Aya and 10 others like this.
  6. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    i like the theory but i doubt fruma would try to invade wynn
  7. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    My bad. Completely got them confused you're right.

    His appearance is plausible then.
    Elysium_ and Arbitrary like this.
  8. CashorCard

    CashorCard Apotheosis

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    It said Tasim resigned so I assume that he is living somewhere quiet. Like the air temple in the canyon of the lost.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    "resigned" can also mean that you have accepted a truth that you did not want to accept, and his title was "Tasim, the resigned" which makes more sense in this context
    Deusphage likes this.
  10. Adliana the Elf

    Adliana the Elf Skilled Adventurer

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    If they hurt my boy Tasim I will wipe the queen with their entire court from the face of this earth, promise on that!
    Elysium_, Deusphage and Arbitrary like this.
  11. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    ngl i could take the full fruman army with 3 players
    tstack epoch archer
    guardian tank
    acolyte healer maybe 2
    BrokenRealities, skatnaset and japhes like this.
  12. Hansel

    Hansel A Traveler HERO

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    The player on his way to solo Fruma
    japhes likes this.
  13. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    I mean the whole fruma army could be done by an acrobat with enough mana regen to never hit the floor
    BrokenRealities, itay_ and japhes like this.
  14. imperathor02

    imperathor02 SINGU user and Gaia enjoyer CHAMPION

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    I wrote Corkus, there is no point for Fruma to invade Wynn, but they do have a reason to invade Corkus
  15. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    what reason is it
  16. imperathor02

    imperathor02 SINGU user and Gaia enjoyer CHAMPION

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    They were Fruman,and they must have some good reason to send only certain people outside their borders. Also Corkus owns a strategic zone just outside their borders + nobody see them as a province, which could lead to Corkus being alone against Fruma.
    On top of all of this the Fruman royalty might think Corkus is weak and could be easily conquerable, unlike Wynn, which has over a 1000 years of wars against a basically unbeatable foe, and Gavel, which contains some of the most powerfull magical beings in the whole planet.
    And that's where things might "spice up", because if the governaments of the province won't help Corkus, then the single heroes might do it, if all of this is true we will surely have a quest about an invasion of corkus, and we will 100% see Tasim in it, but we might be able to find old or new characters as well.
    That's why I think Fruma invading Corkus could be a possibility and a great way to introduce the province.
  17. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    it's called the province of corkus? also how is it a strategic zone it's only the side of the ocean and it's pretty far to go from corkus to any other province
    why would they want to get them back they literally just kicked the corkians out for a reason
    why would they not help corkus corkus has all the electromagic stuff

    not to mention that the corkians are pretty powerful and they wouldn't be easily taken over

    so why would fruma want to take over corkus
  18. BrokenRealities

    BrokenRealities Undefined Variable

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    Me, an acrobat with enough mana regen to never hit the floor:
    Thanks for the vote of confidence! Time to start rebuilding my self esteem I guess.
    fruma :sunglasses:
  19. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    You complete and utter imbecile. The Fruman army has acrobats with enough mana regen to never hit the floor too.
    Castti likes this.
  20. imperathor02

    imperathor02 SINGU user and Gaia enjoyer CHAMPION

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    The game calls it the province of Corkus, the quest that introduce us to it and all the info we can get from library and npc around the map tell us that they are trying to show other provinces that they are indeed an independent province just like Gavel and Wynn, thats mean that before the envoy part 1, and maybe even to the endgame, Corkus is not a province from a political scenario.

    It's a strategic zone for FRUMA, not from the whole world, when you talk about strategic zone there are many things you need to take in consideration, ofc Corkus wound't be a strategic zone for any city of Wynn, couse it's too far, but for Fruma, an unite province under a debatable governament, would allow them access to the entire ocean and/or Gavel ( for any type of reason) without having to go near some other's territory and that's what makes it a strategic zone for them.

    As far as I know they weren't kicked from Fruma, they manage to escape going north instead of east, ending up in the avo's territory and then starting to colonize, they gave themself the name Corkians and since they were uncapable of doing magic they invented electromagic.

    Couse helping Corkus means going against Fruma; Wynn province wound't do that since that would lead to less soldier for their war, Gavel could try helping but they have bigger problem, unless they literally do not care about the norther side of their province and only think about making emeralds, in which they wound't join a war couse it's not good for business.
    Other might help them however, like the doguns or the avo's, the first one because after century of repression they might help anybody who is might be repressed as well, unless they just wanna focus on the reconstruction of their species, the 2nd once ( the avos ), will 100% help, they are after all the most trusted ally of the Corkian.

    I literally wrote :"On top of all of this the Fruman royalty might think Corkus is weak and could be easily conquerable", I would like to point out the "Think", we know that Corkus has big potential, and even a couple of ally, but we do not know if Fruma knows that, and since they were isolating themself for so long they might as well not know that and try an invasion which would start their downfall.

    But let's take it from another perspective, there is surely going to be a quest that introduce us to Fruma, do you think it will be a peacefull quest at the start, then something hapend and we end up killing the empress or do you think it will be a chaotic conflict from the first second we start it?
    The player does have a reputation by the start of ajb(one of the final quest), the player is known for having defeated the cow, saved cotl, stopped the orcs wars in llveigar plains, and much much more, so Fruma might want to invite us to their court for somereason which will lead to something hapening and later we will have to kill the empress, but I do not like the idea of the player being able to destroy an entire province alone, so there needs to be support from some important place.
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