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Stop resetting Weekly streaks

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LuCoolUs, Nov 10, 2022.


What do you think about this

  1. I'd like to see the proposed change to be implemented

    13 vote(s)
  2. I think the proposed changes would be nice however I personally do not mind either

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care whatsoever

    2 vote(s)
  4. I am fine with the current way but wouldn't care if it was changed

    7 vote(s)
  5. I'd like the system to stay the way it is

    1 vote(s)
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  1. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    Stop resetting weekly streaks on guild leave. The way weekly streaks in the game currently work is that each week you finish your weekly objective in a row your streak goes up by 1. The higher your streak the better your rewards get until a streak of 3(0=1x 1=2x 2=2.5x 3+=3x). This streak can go up indefinetly and resets either when you don't finish your weekly before the weekly reset or when you leave the guild.

    The first reason seems logical as that is the definition of a streak.

    The reset when leaving the guild comes from the weekly objective also being called the guild objective. Weekly/guild objectives are closely tied to guilds as to get a weekly objective you first have to be in a guild that is level 10 or higher. Ontop of that when 5, 15 and 30 players in your guild finish their weekly objectives for the week you get some extra rewards for your guild and players.
    The reason your weekly streak resets upon leaving your guild as far as I've been told is that the streak is supposed to represent loyalty to your guild which seems logical at first.

    However I propose that this should change. Personally to me weekly objectives are more weekly objectives than guild objectives. I like the implementation to guilds however i feel like the streak mostly represents loyalty to the game in general rather than to your specific guild. For that reason I feel like your weekly streak resetting should be untied from leaving your guild and only be reset if you miss a weekly.

    I understand that alot of people will probably think now "Well who cares, a streak of 3 is built up quickly anyways" and they would be right. However what about the people with weekly streaks of maybe 20 or even higher?
    A weekly streak of 20 would already represent around 5 months of weekly devotion to the game. And since the rewards you get from your weekly aren't insane, at that point doing them is more about the prestige of the streak rather than the actual rewards usually.

    To give you a little more perspective let me give you an example:
    Imagine someone who has been streaking their weeklies for around 50 weeks. This person has no dedicated an entire year worth of weeklies without missing a single one to Wynncraft. Guild activity however tends to fluctuate. Guilds are sometimes more active than other times, sometimes 2 guilds are merged into 1 other guild and sometimes a guild community just switches to a different guild for whatever reason. Now it's just logical that this person would want to either stay with their community or move on to a more active one. Or maybe they just don't like the community anymore because it has changed to much or even they themselves changed alot. It's just logical that after around a year of being in a guild you might want to move on for a change of scenery.
    Now remember doing this would make them lose their weekly streak of 50. An entire year worth of work. And the reason they were probably grinding this streak was for prestige rather than just caring about the rewards. This fictional person now has quiet the dilemma: Do they leave the guild, to move on to a new community or to stick with their current one or do they stay in the guild because they don't want to lose the streak they have been working so long on.
    edit: being able to lose the streak you worked on because someone just decides to guild kick you also just sounds like unfortunate game design.

    This wouldn't have to be te case. It wouldn't hurt anyone to simply not reset the weekly streak as long as you join a new guild and do your next weekly objective in that one before the weekly reset however it would make life easier for a few people even if just a tiny amount.
    This whole thing obviously isn't super relevant and few people will ever care about this but it would mean alot to those and doesn't hurt anyone so I think it would be a nice thing to do.

    as you might have already guessed yes I am one of the few people who do care. I have a streak of 71 currently which is almost 1.5 years worth of dedication and what's even more important to me personally is that it's the longest possiblr streak as I've been streaking my weeklies since the day weeklies were added to the game. Personally the guild I'm in is much less active than it used to be and the community has changed entirely. Ontop of that not being able to leave the guild because it would lose my weekly streak just feels like a prison that i'd like to at least be able to escape.
    Oh and don't tell me that I'm just stupid and weird and I care to much about such a pointless thing: I am well aware of that but it's just the way my brain works
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
  2. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    I didn't read a single word of this

    L dead guild moment

    (I both agree and disagree with you btw)
    ThedumbOX and Ville like this.
  3. Erebuis

    Erebuis Defiled Cave Enjoyer :3 (-580, 27, -580) VIP+

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    Having like a 6 weekly streak rewards are the same as a 25 weekly streak reward i think so. they should defnietly give more rewards or make it easier for people to do them.
  4. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Ima be straight, I think it might be copium due to dead guild?
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    As I did state in the post a streak of 3 or higher is all the same
    wdym? I mean I did state that yes obv the reason I made this post is because I am one of the people who are probably affected most by it but that doesn't make my point invalid. The arguments still stand.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
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