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Community Event The 2.0 Content Census Results are here!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by the drink, Nov 8, 2022.

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  1. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Hello everyone!

    2 weeks ago I began a Census/Survey for the community to fill out based on their opinions of content that the CT had put out in the 2.0 update (such as quests, the new dungeon, the raid, builds, etc).
    In that time, we managed to gather roughly 300 responses! Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a response and provide feedback.

    Unfortunately, the Census is now closed, but a summary of the results can be viewed in the form here: https://forms.gle/FqejzUmptUx6hRCq9

    Please note that every variable and result has a caveat of 10% standard error, therefore extremely close results that vary between 10% of themselves are not fully concrete. Even then, many of my takeaways from the data are still very conservative estimates.

    Takeaways from the Data:

    Quests this update were given an overall rating of 7.63/10, with a variability between 6.867 and 8.393.

    Hollow Serenity has been rated the best quest of the update with 94 votes. The Canary Calls follows behind with 55 votes, and All Roads to Peace takes third place with 26 votes.
    While Hollow Serenity and The Canary Calls sit unchallenged in their positions, it could be argued that with standard error applied, The Ultimate Weapon could sit at #3, and All Roads to Peace could be placed at #4

    The Hunger of Gerts Part II has been rated the worst quest of the update at 58 votes. Aldorei’s Secret Part II follows behind at 26 votes, and The Canyon Guides/Cowfusion takes third place with 17 votes.
    The Canyon Guides and Cowfusion are tied for the 3rd spot, whilst applying standard error allows for one to argue that any of the quests from #5-#7 could be switched around.

    What is interesting is that All Roads to Peace and Aldorei’s Secret Part II are in the Top 5 for both favorite and least favorite quests, though overall favor seems to lean towards ARTP being more of a favorite, and ASP2 being a least favorite based on votes.

    On average, most of the community appears to prefer the quests added in this update to the ones we added in 1.20 (60%)

    ~80% of the community would like to see more quests similar to 2.0’s quests added in the future.

    Galleon's Graveyard:

    Galleon’s Graveyard’s remake was given an average rating of 8.05/10, with a variability between 7.245 and 8.855

    ~65% of the community likes the remake of GG more than it's original version.

    ~60% of the community likes the new dungeon more than other dungeons in the game.

    ~70% would like to see dungeons similar to the new Galleon’s Graveyard added in the future.


    The Nameless Anomaly:
    The Nameless Anomaly Raid was given an average rating of 8.27/10, with a variability between 7.443 and 9.097

    ~65% of the community likes the raid more than other raids added to the game.

    ~75% of the community would like to see more raids similar to the Nameless Anomaly added in the future.

    The Nameless Anomaly Boss was given an average rating of 7.62/10, with a variability between 6.858 and 8.382

    78% of the community would like to see more bosses with mechanics similar to that of the Nameless Boss added in the future


    Builds/Town Reworks:
    75% of the community considers the new Nesaak remake to be an improvement over its original version, with opinions leaning more towards it being a general improvement.

    80% of the community considers the new Thesead remake to be an improvement over its original version, with opinions leaning more towards it being a large/enormous improvement.

    The community appears to lean towards considering the Kandon-Beda remake to be a general improvement over its original counterpart, though many others consider it to be equal to or worse than the original version.

    75% of the community views the builds added/reworked in this update in a positive light.


    As stated before, thank you to everyone who filled out the survey and gave feedback on everything the CT has put out this update! Everything recorded will be sent off to the rest of the team to review and reflect on

    This hopefully will not be the last Census we ever do, and possibly not even the last Census for this update cycle; expect a second one with more detailed questions and content that was added in 2.0.1 to come in the future!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  2. Hatvan

    Hatvan Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'm an NPC hello
  3. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I'm actually kinda surprised that aldorei's secret 2 was only second least favorite
    Hunger of gerts 2 was also rather rushed looking and a bit lacking gameplay-wise and definetoy worse than the original, but I thought aldorei's secret 2 was a lot worse
  4. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Honestly kinda expected these results just from everyone’s reactions in general
  5. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    I am shocked at the amount of thesead love. I personally really didn't like it but if everyone else does then I'm glad!
  6. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I would like to thank my fellow All Roads to Peace representatives for getting us this far. Continue spreading the agenda.
  7. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    you might wanna do something about the guys who got all roads to peace to #5 least favorite while you're at it
    Beanie Boi, cmosier and Shots like this.
  8. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    What didn't you like about it
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