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Community Event 2.0 Content Census

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by the drink, Oct 22, 2022.

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  1. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I didn't think to mention this in the form but newer quests rely too heavily on cutscenes and there isn't enough gameplay. Like Hollow Serenity is nice but there's too many cutscenes, and they're just thrown at your face with maybe a minute of gameplay in between.
    It's like RoL 3 and *shudders* that's a horrible quest to play more than once.

    It'd be nice if we could get some of that lore through gameplay or something instead of lore dumps and repetitive cinematics.
  2. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    imma like copy and paste my response to the unpopular opinions thread abt quest dialogue system(and then some)
    also my unpopular opinion is that the dialogue system is kinda overused/why the hell u use it here/bro u had a missed oppurtunity in some new quests, the first instance of this i can think of is the new generals order quest(side note i have not done all the new quests). nothing changes if u choose a different option at the end of the quest, u could have made 2 different bosses or something. Like u fight lecade or his copy depending on the options u picked but nooo u literally do nOTHIgngnnn! but at the same time making 2 seperate bosses is more work but like at the same time using the dialogue system in that part of the quest is probably more work too!
    Having to choose between these two pieces of dialogue that ultimately end up doing nothing except altering like 2 lines of dialogue(even though i am a very cool lore enjoyer i still am kinda annoyed at this)
    Honestly the only reasonable reason i can make up to pass the ct a bone for this dialogue usage is that they wanted to make the player confused that there was an oppurtunity for a funni confusion trope or something where they wanted to make the player confused and choose who is correct(damm thats a bad explanation). Ofc if the ct just wanted to make the player confused ig this worked out but like they could have added a boss fight where u fight both lecades but they have the same health and are both neutral mobs so that it is very confusing :)(and when u attack one of them every once in a while they play a dialogue or smth to signal which guy u attacking)
    idk i just didnt like this part of the quest

    Also the thanos depository quest, u literally cant progress unless u choose yes at the beginning. Sure u could say that it gives the plaeyr the chance to not start the quest but like u could have done that without the new dialogue system too. Just let the player start the quest and if they dont wanna do it then they can walk away :/ Kinda useless use of dialogue system(forcing it into places that dont need it)

    in some cases the new dialogue system is pretty cool tho, like in the new fanatstic voyage we get bread entusianst(without the dialogue system this guy probably wouldnt exist), and it breathes more life into the world. Also the new rodoroc shit is very cool too i love it(only the dogun walk is broken for me tho D:).

    in hollow serenity the new dialogue system is very epik sauce because the way its used feels natural and doesnt really waste your time with extra bits of lore/dialogue most people dont like. instead of having to push some buttons in some order for the chest in the beginning of the quest, u can just use the dialogue system which feels great in the situation. later on in the quest, when u gotta go to the village, u have all sorts of dialogue options and little tid bits that really breathe life into the npcs if u choose those dialogue options. And if u dont want to read random shit about npcs u only see once, then u can just choose the obvious 'correct' choice of asking about garavan(this text should be pink if its not already imo)
    i could say the same about fantastic voyage that i just said for holllow serenity but like bruh im not gunna do that

    cowfusion is okkk(imo) with its drale dialogue bc the dialogues for the quest are pretty funni and very different depending on what option you choose. However, if you arent an avid dialogue enjoyer who is fine spending extra time for random content, these slightly altered pieces of dialogue might be very annoying and time consuming because you are just going to get sent to the same location at the end(da pit!) side note choosing the cow dialogue option for the first time and getting sent to the pit felt like I was going to a secret, hidden, and fanci place. very cool :D

    idk what else to add here
    PercyTW likes this.
  3. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    bump! there's approximately 1 week left to submit a response
  4. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    bump! only 3 days left until the Census closes!
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I mean, I wouldn't say it's worse than the original. But at the same time I agree that it feels unfinished and abrupt.
    Castti likes this.
  6. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    I mean, I found the original unmemorable aside from it being a little bit pretentious, but I'd take a boring quest over one that feels completely pointless and unfinished.
    As an aside, I think Wynncraft should be a bit better about not releasing unfinished content. Sometimes it is good about that and pushes content in need of finishing back, but HotG2 and AS2 are probably the worse cases in my relatively short time as a Wynncraft player of seeing and playing content that isn't really finished. I don't know if the issue is deadlines that are too strict (and not enough of communication between the CT and Admins) or less-than-perfect quality control.
    Sunstar likes this.
  7. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What part about Aldorei’s Secret Part 2 feels unfinished? The criticisms I commonly hear are that it takes away importance from the province of Wynn and that it doesn’t connect well with Part I.
  8. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Aside from the numerous amount of spelling/grammar mistakes, the guy you are travelling around with makes so many guesses that aren't well supported by anything (An elder is missing? There MUST have been a dispute, also Cinfras MUST have known about this, and a report about it MUST be in that tower). Although gameplay wise it is finished, the plot and writing don't feel like they were well thought through at all.
    PercyTW, Namakobushi and Dr Zed like this.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i think they are mainly referring to The Hunger of Gerts part 2 in saying "unfinished and abrupt" but Aldorei's Secret part 2 has unfinished dialogue which comes as a consequence for how the CT handled dialogue in 2.0. From what I heard, any GM who didn't want to write their own dialogue instead turned to Selvut to do it, who got burnt out. This goes for a lot of quests, a notable example being The Hunger of Gerts part 1 in which the Gerts all speak fluent english. Maybe the CT should make a writing team or something, there are a lot of people in this community who are good at that
  10. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Not necessarily if they just don't wanna write their own dialogue, more that Selvut's the official dialogue checker/writer for the most part and everything has to go through him. Some GMs write their own dialogue and Selvut only has to make minor changes/checks to make sure there's nothing wrong but regardless everything goes through him.
    and Imaxe's first language isn't English, which is why Aldorei dialogue seems off.

    Also there's only 1-2 more days left to submit a Census Response! we're almost at 300 responses
  11. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    I would submit a response if I had done any of the 2.0 content besides the spells and TNA.
  12. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    will these results be public
    WithTheFish likes this.
  13. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Yes, I’ll make a separate thread that’ll consolidate the results with takeaways and standard error/deviation added on top
    Castti likes this.
  14. damocleas

    damocleas Tired VIP+

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    Gave my feedback, really enjoyed the update overall and hope any of my responses can be helpful :)
  15. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    I think maybe many if the problems with polish on quests (dialogue) is bad structure and roles in the GM area? Forgive me if I’m wrong (I probably am) but I feel like the GM role is very widespread with not enough specificity in regards to all the parts of being a GM (lore, dialogue, quests, mobs as well as coordination with builders and other parts of the staff team) and thus there is a lot of inconsistencies between quests?

    I have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about lmfao
    Stag2001 likes this.
  16. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    The 2.0 Content Census has now been officially closed! Thank you to everyone who responded.
    This will be hopefully the first of many Censuses to come in the future, and likely not the last one performed in this update.

    A separate thread will be posted in the near future with the results consolidated and made ready for presentation.
    CatFan105 and wxhlf like this.
  17. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Whelp in that case time to make a thread for an overly long quest survey coming soon (tm).
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