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Guild ✮✮ |Nefarious Ravens|Lvl 90|Warring Guild & Community

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ikasy_, Oct 25, 2022.

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  1. Ikasy_

    Ikasy_ Official Dilck Spokesperson CHAMPION

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    Nefarious Ravens stand as protectors of the Dilck, carrying on the convictions of the first Fruman discoverer. We dedicate ourselves to protecting the Dilck, spreading its word, and otherwise, vibing. The sub guild, Nefarious Dilcks, are excavators and creators of the Dilck sanctuaries, across the desert and beyond.


    Nefarious Ravens, or NFR, is a chilled, friendly community for all players. With a player base from across the world, an all-inclusive community, and a drive to learn and improve with each move we make. Formed March 10th, 2020 by Demensed and led by SpeedyA, we are an independent guild and remain a force to reckon with across the map, protecting our claims, assisting our allies, and nurturing the new generation of capable warriors. We finished Season 4 in 1st place

    Whether you’re a weathered warrior or exploring your first class, our ranks are open and ready for you. We take warrers and new warrers ready to learn.


    These members form the cornerstone of NFR. From defending territories, assisting new players and keeping the community safe, they are the first port of contact if you have any questions, concerns or simply wish to find out more about NFR.

    Owner & Leader

    These players form the highest command within the guild, each with specific tasks to support the guild as a whole. They form the most experienced players of the guild. Bolded players form Government, who manage, organise, and brainstorm ideas that attempt to benefit guild members. Priding ourselves on transparency and horizontal leadership, we proactively fight against old guard syndrome.
    ༄ MrRussetPotato
    ༄ Ikasy_
    ༄ Orphion_

    However, our members don’t stop there. A full list can be found here


    NFR are currently recruiting players combat lvl 90+, age 14+, however exceptional applications outside these parameters will be considered.
    We do expect playtime of between 5-10 hours per week minimum, with absences of over 1 week resulting in removal from the guild to allow space for new players. Exceptions in applications and playtime are made with notice.
    Discord is a requirement, but no expectation to speak in voice calls.

    Question 1
    What is your Minecraft username?
    Question 2
    How old are you?
    Question 3
    What's your time zone? (or region/country)
    Question 4
    What's the class and level of your main character?
    Question 5
    What's your estimated playtime per day/week?
    Question 6
    Why would you like to join Nefarious Ravens?
    Question 7
    How would you contribute to Nefarious Ravens?
    Question 8
    What do you expect Nefarious Ravens to do for you?
    Question 9
    What previous guild affiliations do you have? Why did you leave?\nRespond with N/A if this isn't applicable.
    Question 10
    What experience do you have with warring / are you interested in warring?

    Please note only Government monitor applications. Most are covered in 24 hours, however there may be a delay of up to 1 week in responses. Applying does not guarantee acceptance.


    The Dilck is our famous mascot - you can find them on almost any NFR member’s island. The Dilck is a kind, birdlike creature, never seeking destruction or evil - a bright soul, amongst the corruption. The people of the desert knew of their existence and praised them, but in 1135BP (before portal) the Emperor of the time called for the extinction of these gentle souls, wishing to be the only praised being of his empire. Those who survived retreated underground, but the protectors of the Dilcks opened their islands for safety - a haven for these beings to live in peace. In return, the Dilck will offer their powers - luck in generating le, strength in times of war, and a soul point count never below 10.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    PartyAnimal0513 likes this.
  2. Ikasy_

    Ikasy_ Official Dilck Spokesperson CHAMPION

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    Best guild ngl
  3. Ikasy_

    Ikasy_ Official Dilck Spokesperson CHAMPION

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    Bump10char for best guild
  4. Zuko

    Zuko Skilled Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    Question 1
    Question 2
    Question 3
    Question 4
    Assassin, 102
    Question 5
    6 hrs
    Question 6
    I want a guild to help me catch up after a year of inactivity and get back into all aspects of this game
    Question 7
    If the war meta has changed I'll have to update that but I'm able to war and am open to learning deccing
    Question 8
    Help me out getting back into it and also just having a chill and fun community as it was before
    Question 9
    i was in NFR ~a year ago
    Question 10
    I warred a bit and have a build, the war meta might have changed with archetypes and all so I might need to relearn that.
  5. atchziens

    atchziens atch :> CHAMPION

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    Question 1
    Question 2
    Question 3
    MST (UTC-7:00)
    Question 4
    Level 105 Archer
    Question 5
    1-3 hours a day
    Question 6
    Have been looking for a good guild and have missed warring.
    Question 7
    I enjoy helping others with quests, forgery runs, and raids.
    Question 8
    Mostly just having a community is what I’m looking for.
    Question 9
    I was in TBGM and left due to some personal issues with other members (can explain privately), alongside the guild CoWS which became inactive.
    Question 10
    I helped with wars in a guild I was previously in and am interested in continuing to do so in a new guild.
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